Whitby Free Press, 10 Apr 1974, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS omen' aqrf Tony Roland m-the Chef of the Year, Recommends A 'Veau And A Chicken Recipe Spanish bonti Tony Roland,, Executive Chef ai Toronto's Westbury Hotel, is one of the few chefs in Canada whîo lis achieved truly international fame. So lîighly is lie regarded by his colleagues tIiat in 1973 they seîected him to become Toronto's "Chef of The Year".* Despite the pressure of his duties in Toronto, Tony Roldami stili finds uie 1 compete agaimîsi Ite bcst chefs livinîg today. Receîîlly lie co-captaiiîed tlie Caiiadianic am of chefs whicb won ciglil gold ridtais, t'ive silver cups, and two silver trays while conîpetitig ini the lIterniatioinal Culinary Olympics heîd lu Franikfurt. For the liousc'vife. vhîo would like to surprise and delight her faniily or guests witb ami casy-to-prcpare gourmet dinner, Chef Tony today rccommends two speciai recipes. Ouie calîs l'or Mignon of Veal Tenderloin Au Mar sala aîîd the other is f'or Le Coq A La Biere. Neither is difficult ho do and both are delicious. In each case, ingredients giveii slould bc amîple io serve four people. Migiiomi of Veal Tenîderloin Au Marsala 8 slices of veal, 2- ozs cadi filet, rolled iii four 2 -oz clarifled butter 2 oz Marsala wiîîe i teaspoon cîîopped parslcy 1 cup boiling 'vater 2 teaspoons Bovril beef Bouillim cordial I tablespoon ýsalîcd butter I level tablespoon flouir SaIt and pepper METHOI):' Start, withlî 8, sîjes,.of veal, 2, oz cadi filet, which have been seasoned with sait anîd pepper aîîd sprinkîed with flour. Ini a sauteuse pan, put 2 oz of clarlflced butter and cook the veal until lighlty browîî. Theni put aside but1 Thec next keep the ridai 'arni. step 15 t0 add tic Marsala winc b uice sauteuse Dan and reduce in liaIt'. Then add 2 Icaspoolis The Whitby Ministerial Association invites you to attend 10:30 a. m. 10: 30 am. 10:-30 a. m. 10:3A) a. m. 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12 noon t0 3 p. m. 3: 00 p. m. 3: 00 p.nm. 7:30 p. m. 7ap. m. J., bO pm. FRIDAY, APRIL l2th W/il/b vPcii tacostal JVhiîby Pen tecostal c/mure/i mfui .on Serî'c-c corni- Vhiîb v Pen iccostal Ghurc-- Cbnz- milnion Service St. John s Anglican ('lurc - an hour : AMedit'ation on i/he Cross St. Mlark s United C/zurch Gomd Friday Servic-e Herbon Chiristian Rejôrrnied Ch/urc-h - Goôd Frida.v Service A/I Saint s Anglican chiurcz- threc services ini con tinuiiy Si. John tlic L'îange/ist Roman Gatholie chu rc/- Good Friday Service St. John s Aiîglican Church -- Fam- i/y Service St. John the Evangelist Romian Catholic Church - Stations ()f the Cross Petite-ostal Church - Fuim-"The Power offHis Resurrection" Emmanufel' Ieformed' Church- Cantata'* by the Choir "The .Resurrection"' of Bovril beef bouillon cordial dissolved in 1 cup of boiling water. Reduce ho make a thick sauce by atdding a roux preparcd by blendinig 1 level tablespoon, flour withi 1 tablespoon of salted butter. Pour the sauce over the veai and sprinkle with chioppcd parslcy. Chef Tony recommends thfat this gourmiet mneul be garnislied with ' 4 lb cooked grcen tnoodles and 'h lb of fresh cooked spinach leaves witli butter. Le Coq A La Biere' 21A-3 lb ohieken eut mbit 8 parts 1 dozen îiushroom caps 1 dozen small pearl onioins 1 small bottle of beer 1 cup boilinig water 2 teaspoons Bovril beef bouillon cordial 1 tablespoon butter I level tablespoon flour SaIt and pepper Additional butter and flour METHOD: Start witli 8 chicken pieces seasoned with sait pepper and coated with flour. In a skillet, saute cikuiin lighitly browned butter. Then remnove inca t. and the the To the skillet. add 1 dozen smnall peari onions and 1 dozen musbi'oom caps, cookiiig until brown. You should theîî drain the butter out of the pan,' put the chicken' back imto the skillet, and add 1 small bottle of beer. Reduce to haîf. The fianl sîcp is to add 2 teaspoons of Bovril beef bouillon cordial dissolved in 1 cup of boiling water. Reduce 10 mnake a thick sauce by addiîîg a roux pre- pared by blending 1 level tablespoon flour with 1 table-, spoon of butter. Bake iin a prehceated 450 degree oveiî for 20 minutes. Chef Tony suggcsts that you serve Le Coq A La Biere over buttered noodies. Shaping u p for fitness & Fun' At the Salon of Josef iln Ajaox He's cnthusiastic, fricnidly, and darkly hanidsoînc, and his naine is Josef'. We found hini a wcek-anid-a-half ago, chatting affably with ithe bustling workmien as lie SIJI) crvised lasi-inu lLte toucheCs01n the rentovationis of' his new Salon. lî's called the Saloni of Josef, naturally enough. and it opened April 3rd, oni the. premises of the former Ajax Figure and Fitness Saloni ai 104 liarwood Avenue. Josef Murkl likes woinen. Thait's obyjous, because lie lias dedicatcd thceIlasi flive years of bis ifeé to beautit*y- ing womien in one way or another. Bornl in Auîria., Josel' came to Canada tive years ago and inimediaîelv Lauticlîed on a career iin the beauty, business. Foll()wînil up ou bis success as a hall salon proprietor. hie purchas- cd the Ajax Figure and Fit- ness Salonand h 110w open- ing i t. compleiely renovated and redesigned both iu iii tel. ior appoiu imeuits and(]opera- t ion concept. "This 1s 1101 our ordiniary highi pressure gyilunastin."" lie says. ýThe diffèrence bere is thai we*re in Ajax. We're a smnaller town, and we service the surrounding area of'srnall conimuiies. We doiu't bc- lieve luinlte bard-seli tactics of* other gymis and reducing salons. Here, we stress, the personal approachi. Lach WL)- nman wbo cornesilulie re, comes in witb a problenm. Anîd we deal 'vitbi the probleni on a pcrsoiîal level. 1I mean. slhe doesti't just corne iii here for fl1c fun of' it (altbougb i i is fun). Slie coîîîcs because sbc's iîîîercstcd in bierself' as a person: ini lier physical well.beîig. Aîîd tlba's whiai wc're biere l'or. To improve lier physical well-being. Thiere's a big dîffèreuce in itie iiîeuîbership approacli ai Josci"s. ioo. Unlike otlier gymis, spas. and reducing sa- Ion,,ibere are no10 lihpress tire tactics 10 get fie voiiu to joil'for several yeairs. Usuial iiinberslîîp ai Salon of ioset's is l'or a onie vear period, ai a fract ion ol'fie cost of- bigger. nmore ac'gress- ive gyiîasiuinîs. lFor thiat relati velv sînaîl ye arly iuîcmiber-slî ip t'ee.ilie %voiani is lrce 10 couic 10 Ilie saloni 6 days a week. Thie liours are I10 inic meiîorniug tifntil 10 ai nigc"lî: 10 to : ou Saturdays. This disperses the uwuînbershli over a (2. hou r openi tinie. So ftic salon îs neyer crowded. Because thie saloni %vas liouglit Iroîiî a previous operation. tiiere are still a few mien withi old inciiîbcrslîips iii force. Tliese mein use tlie gymîl. fo)r the tinie being only, 1'uesday anid Thursday niglits. and Satur- TODAYS HEALTH Junk foods waste more than money by David Woods 1 While consumption of 'real'foods1 like milk and vegetables is decreas-1 ing, Canadians are îurning more1 and more to convenience foods wîbh little or no nubrient value. Some nutritionisîs call ibese junk foods. Recently, there have been cails for a ban on adverîising theni.1 What (ire junk foods? They're the ones with 'empiy' calories - calories that add weight but con- tribute no nourishment. Auîong themn are: soft drinks, some cereals, most candy and cookies, and gelatin desserts. There are many others. The only way 10 flnd out what's in the food you're buying 15 10 read the label on the package. Ingredi- ents are lisîed in order of their amnount in the food; in the case of most commercial jelly mixes, for example, sugar is Iisted firsi because that's mostly what they are. There are moves afoot, in both Canada and the United States, to list nutrients on food labels. AIl of us eat junk foods, partly because they're the Most convenient snacks, but also because we don't always know, or care, which items are nutrillous. For instance, ham- burgers, hot dogs and pizza - often considered nutritionalîy vaîueless - are lu fact 'quite -good sources of protein and other nutrients. Similarly, the belief is widespread that chocolate bars andcandy can provide a quick energy lift. But nutritionisis point oui that if you're hungry you need real food - not filler - and that milk or nuis make better snacks. Oiher acceptable, nuîtritiois snack s include peanuts, cheese and crackers, muffins, frcsh fruit in season or raw vegetables, milk, fruit juices. The best bel is lu snack on nt.' sugar items such as the above, sinc. sugar precipitaites an inîmediate acid atîack on thie teeîh, ieading to dccay. Among the findings of the recent Nutrition Canada survey were that about half (4 ail Canadians are over- weight. Since the number of calories consumred by those who are over- weighl and of normal weight hardly difTers, the survey concluded ihat whal causes faîness is lack of fltness -luitte or no aciivity. But anoîher factor is undoubtedly the consumption of empty calories, or junk foods. Teenagers and oid people especially are inclined to this eaîing patern-the elderly because they don't want to take the lime to prepare more nuîritious food, and the teenagers because ordering milk puis them out of siep wiih the gang when the rest are drinking soft' drinks. The only answer, says the On- tario Ministry of Heaîth's senior day uîorniîîgs. How evcr, wMien these mnaIe mciberships ruiî oui, flic saloni 'ilI be cotîverîed Io xvorneiîonly". The iicwly renovaied l'ac- ilities 'vilI OlferComîplete gymi- nasitiniîeLluipiueut, rcduciug, sliapiiig. and ioning equip- ment1, individual changing roins (lIportant for a sense of' privacy), slbowers, an iii- vitiîîg Grecian sauina, and a hecalth-minded juice bar for iiiirsîy ladies to quench tlîeir ibirsi afiter workiug off the pounds anîd juches. Th ere 'viii eveîî bc au adjacent l3cauiy Saloii so thiat 'vomen cai walk out looking as good as thecy feel. Members, inci- deîiîally, get special ,rcduc- lions in flic lîce ot' a wasli anîd set. 'l'lie gyi i s stafl'ed wvîîli iwo 1'ully trained programmîre direciors, miaking* sure the woiiîan does the proper ex- mrises. ini the correct prog- ressioni. Josef' stresses again thie person:il involverneut with niemibers. Every wouiaii gets a comiplc te figure amialysis upoii joiiîing. 1-ron îlîis ajialysis. a programmne is de- sigîîed just for lier, totally persoiîalized Io) lier îîeeds. Suie 15 îot siiply hiaided a card anîd sent ou lier wvay a- rounid tic gymi. Exercise anîd coîiditioniiig prograînînes cati eveîî be dcsigned 10 mcci thie îîeeds ot posi-caý,rdiac pat- icnts, \voineii witi bad backs. or otlier niedical prolîlenîs. 'We doii't puslî dicis biere." Josel' tells us. "We advise Ladies whio lave a 'veiglît lirobleni to go on a diet for, consultant in nutrition, Marilyn Winarski, is knowîedge, and a bit of resolve. As she puis il: "Invest in yourself - buy nutrition." To do this, you'1l need 10 know what's in the food you eat. Next lime you're at the soft drink counter or shopping in a supermarket, look aI the labels. And another encouragement ho your investment: junk foods are no less expensive than real foods. And they give you precious littIe except flab in return for your money. David Woods is a former editor of Canadian Family Phmysician maga- zine. He has served on thme medical stafi of four medical publications, and written for several ôthers lI Canada and internationally. the tlirst two rnonths of the programme, iin conjunction witli the beginning sets of' exorcises. We offer a choice of Iliree die t plans, ail doctor- approved. These diets, coin- bined witli the niew activity and r-nobility of' exercising, are a winning combination, and within the first two we- cks, resuit in noticeable im- provemen ts for mnost women-" The fitness programme at the Salon of Josef is scient- ifically plauuied. The exer. ciscs are "graduated", begiin- ing with very easy exercises 10 get a 'voman used 10 usinab her muscles again, thon are gradually iucreased and work- cd up 10 the point where they are truly conditioning and toning ruovernents. Josef s future plans include offerîng facial massage iin tbe Beauty Salon. and addiug a whirlpool bath iu tbe gymn arca sometime in 1974. Josef was miost cxcited about the' opcning night's Open House. An opcuing nîgi gala took place, beginu- îing ai 6 o'clock, aud the evening .s festivities includcd a prolèssional Fashiion Shiow, ai which former Miss Toron to, Pat Mazurek presen ted faish- ions froin Sea Qucen Swirn- 'vear., Charil Collection. Sam Frankel Furs Ltd., and Platex. A Max Factor represeutative was ai the opening to dein- onsirate the newcsi beauty aids wiih tie aid of' Marje Burgess of' the Wbiitby Free Press. J osef hiiiîscîf lhosted the evcnling. lî's biard not to be awarc of' onc's self thiese days, thanks to people like Josef. Womcen of Ajax and 'the surrouinding areas now have a special place to come to trinii off inches and pounids. to enhance their well being, 10o lcoiliciter, and look beotter, in wel-appoii ted surround- iugs, ini the comipanity of oiher 'vomen witbi the saine ideas inu nîiud. $ J>\ ($3. 1< " - I .mmi QwM 1 q Mr Ai&

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