PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1974, WHITBY FRET PRESS ulf ( U~ A w Now thiat the warni wea- thier is back it's parade tinme agini. lTle Whitby and Bru- oklin Scouts.,('ubs. Brîwi es to Coch rane anîd lunîied ou t etc. lieid a paîrade last SSundax ýeînimasse'. Mayor Des New- aiternomion 01 1u das S t. \V. mani, inIihis regai robles. stood Reader writ TO: WEIST LYNI)L COM- i laving 11)11owed von r ac- tivities etc., very ciosel, I admire vour en tlitisiasin w~d drive and fturue :iiis. I low- ever, as a long t iîîe reside nt of Wlîil k'. 1 ca îio t Linder- stand why vou chiose blî ve lie re, tlîen pvi ceed to o trn youir own 'Town'. tidt voLitr e I torts be ber ber put 10 iISe in lti titieringte iact iv- aties (ex\cellenIii1 nighît add I Wf oui Towvi atlîcr than t ry .0 Dear Sir: Tliere wvas an accOuir i c- eîîtly , re: the Boy Scouts enga".!ng ini a îeflorestat ioii projeci. Very conirnendahle' Severai weeks ago tiere was a \vaste paper pickup. Botlh projects rînrenunieratîve, i understand, as f'ar as the ScoLuts were concernied. The waste paper angle ini- terests me. 1 don'r know the amount of newspaper that cornes mbt Whitby each day but would guess a ton or more. If the Scouts and Guides could colleet this, with waste paper selling at $45.00 per ton, it could be an important source of rev- enue, far ahead of selling apples, cookies, etc. Collection would reduce the amount of garbage to be picked up and disposed of in over-flowing dumps. It would be of more immed- iate beneflit than planting trees which will flot have much esthetic or commercial to ex -e (i lti lic a te tisi anid ititu e Wîîît111' tn.x u cliildîcît1 \Ve lîav c a 1îecreaiîî IlBoarid oit (oîîîcil anid local clubs w~otiid wei- cne unewe lienibe îs. \\liîti b\ aie kit& '\Vî fortiliiî l trieili1îîess. luit il s oit cituoe iî it \ ý- vîI i al c \'a 11 aî llt' It beinti, apart t b imoi W î v. h icli wout d Fie ,ad 1as Il',,a retlectuuuî 'on tueio -I t tîe valuîe tori 5 i w201' as Orne tflite Nitro boittuglis is u igu iitevItr ouilw. alie Pal -0-la k. P:pei (onveî. tors, is buildinig tere and not doubt ley wiil be in terested in a local. i 'l- ited, source of' srpply. R.JJ Morrisori Dear Sur: On behaîf of the Brookiîn United Chui>ch Womnen, would you be so kind as to publish the following item of interest, to residents of our area, in your newspaper. "Garage Sale is to be held at the Brooklin United Church, Christian Edutdation Bulding and on the grounds at 10 a.m. on May 4th, 1974': Thank you very much for your co-operation. Yours truly, Shela Maarse Brooklin, Ontario THE WIIITBY FREÉ PRESS (Voice of the County Town) Honwm.twpoper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn; aloosrvng Ajax end Pickering. Servlng totalof upprox imat-.125.000O readerrs Pubflshd e y.wyW.iiSubv by Whtby Frm Prou lInc. Bruno Harilad, President Located et: Free Prets Building 121 Brock Stveet North, Whitby ~MAIL: Box 206, Whitby !'PHONE: 668,00 or 668-6111 TORONTO LIN E: 282-1004 MAHJNG PERMIT NO. 2941 Editor/Gen. Manager - %ike Burgess Assistant Editor - Jim <2uail Classifîed Ads. - Kathy Martin Graphie Arts - MaeIe Rutter I ici C who is îîsuialiy avaî!abie 10 îalk 10, a Recreation Di- recthin wlîo \elcolllcs rîev ideats. mîemîbers of ( otinil aire ai wav s av ail atlC o te iPublic and as 1 allreadv nmen- medciibs who ~ dwei- Pool Chemical 100B Lupin Dr. Blair Park Plaza 668-9421 668-7272 4,000 NEW GRAIN CARS The Minister responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board, Otto Lang, announced that the federal goverrîment has ordered. 4,000 hopper cars at a cost of more than $ 100 million to help establish a first-class grain-moving ope- ration in Canada. Mr. Lang said this latest move is in keeping with a commitment made by Prime Minister Trudeau and by Transport Minister Jean Mar- chand last summer in Calgary at the Western Economic Op- portunities Conference. The wil also repairing returned vice. federal governiment pay haîf the cost of 2,400 boxcars to be to Western grain ser- FISHING REDUCTION Canada wîll ask the Go- verfment of the Soviet Union to cut hack its fishing opera- tions in the Gulf of Alaska to prevent further depletion of already low halîbut stocks. "Thle already Fisheries halibut stocks are in a sorry state," Minister Jack Davis in fronit of' tfliceMnilici pal nlice pe rsoiîai t ouch on tilic Buildinig titrougliont the duir- part of' ie towvn. atioi of' fitle parade to add ail r Feelre ssP t o " r 1ruly. coic yowi \Vly nîî i lius C. ( 'olinsis. ra 1lie r tlani.tii i il iii0i-Î 5Anies St. se gregate yotirseives. M 1ii1by. World Red Cross Day Wednesday, May 8 Ni1 'NSth is a '.eîsseca Ir W iidRed(l'sii, Ilii 121i 'o tîil li s ý, .1) ilî t li t ou r15 Il i i t tii 1 i lem\î L)îiît.[lite îtuuîiîiel oithili R'ed ( usjtu îîut iii *-- savelit*e la icil v. ti a u>î 1 tce Itn tt1111 î 1111 silice 19'47. I i a is 11 cKit it (10 aJdi1a ItlRed (î uSt I cilb esî 1a blPSItIed lt1s, i, m ui 1îis -ttt ul l(C 'i i- adiari Red Cross Sociel is î olte of,<ta lioitl()ai so ciel les in the woi id whiciî cal iies tîîll resprînsîbîlîuv ai the i eq t esb t ili1e G ove rIilten il bt I lite na t tonal blood pi ' gr ainti ie. pi tUtti11 tt il bui ra I'isi()îIl sesce, il Ps seconid l to ile. iî îS uItCteîî used as 11 kc Cl.ui(ioss Woodol uro- RZed Cross rec ri s vol- li i ii\ )1ootid donors. 1) ro- th50 Ile blood donations a ndi di sIi ibu tes biood and blot d prou dis Io) lospitai5 said. "The blame lies with the foreign fishîng fleets, especial- ly that of the Soviet Union.*~ Continued concentrated fishing in the area will ad- versely affect the catches of Canadian fishermen when the season opens May 1 7. GALLUP POLL The latest Gallup Poil con- ducted at the beginning of March shows both the Lit,- erals and the NDP parties with the same popular support obtained in 1972, while the pro while the Progressive Conser- vatives and other parties are within one percentage point of their election standing. Election April 1972 1974 Liberals 39 39 PC 35 34 NDP 18 18 Other 8 9 JAPANESE PM TO VISIT Prime Minister Kekuei Tanaka of Japan has accepted an invitation to visit Canada. Take 1 . Save in the old fashioned way We may be old fashioned. but we believe in paying i nterest - a generous 4 on regular savings accounts with chequing privileges. Higher interest on long term savings, too. So put your money where it earns good pay - in a savîings account - at Victoria and Grey. Mernber Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation VICTO7RIAn GREY o ;à .4 Lamne D. Reid Manager 308 DUNDAS W. WHITBY notice that:' The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends t0 apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the reconstruction of Thickson Road including granular base, ditches, hot mix asphaît from the south limit of Victoria Street (South Service Road), southerly a distance of approximately 3,825 feet at an estimated cost of $ 220,000.00 and that the sum of $ 100,000.00 shail be raised by sale of debentures payable on the general rate over a period flot exceeding 10 years. 2. Application will be made to the Ontario Municipal Board for an Order to Dispense with the Assent of the Electors to the undertaking of the said works. Any ratepayer may within 21 days after alter the first publication of this notice send by post pre-paid to the Clerk of the Town of Whitby, at the address giveh below, a notice in writing stating his objection bo such approval and the grounds of such objection. 3. The Ontario Municipal Board mayorder pursuanti to the statutes that the assent of the electors shall flot be required and may approve of the said works but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearingwhen any objection will be considered. Dated at the Town of Whitby this 1 st day of May, A.D., 1974. Wm. li. Wallace, A.M.C.T., CLERK, Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West5 Whitby, Ontario., THIS WEEK - from Ottawa Notice of Application Bv the Corporation 0f the Town of Whitby To dispense with a vote of the Electors respecting the reconstruction of Tliickson Road South in the Town of Wi tby. 7, aïb