PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, MAY Bth, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS famtily page *Whiotby 'Y' con't f rom page 1 tion based on previous year's vironrnental Health Services operations but in mid-April Branchi of the Ontario De- a letter was received by the partment the pool was re- Y confirrning that the require- designed and rebuilt using ments outlined must be com- thje previous pool as a base. pleted previous to openîng The pool is 100 feet long, the pool for the 1974 season. 50 feet wide with a maximum The Y therefore had no depth of six feet. It is alternative but to cancel out soundly constructed with an their request to CLOCA for additional six inches of con- pool operations at Heber crete laid ovcr the old pool Down Conservation Park as base and walls 12" thick of they did not wish, under steel reinforccd concrete. The any circumistances, to con- plans were approved in corn- travene the rulings of the pliance with the require- Dcpartmient--of Health. The ments of Ontario Regulation Y recognized that regulations 113/71 for a "Class 1 pool" change and under the new and tic depa rtmient's app- basis the Y could not poss- royal given under Section ibly cope financially. 5 (2) of the Regulation. This wvas regretted very In 1971 the Y lîad the much as the swimi program pool filters aggregate replac- had been a tremendous asset cd. flilters rcpaired, new drain- for the Whitby and district age systemn installed and over children and was needed due S 2,000 expended in repairs to the shortage of swimn fac- and maintenance. The -total ilities'in Whitby however the Y expenditures during the new program planned should years of Y Day Camp are more than compensate. estimated at approximately The Conservation Author- S$10.000 for the pool im- F ty will now go ahead with provements& maintenance. :heir plans to demolish the In 1972 the approved re- :)ool ini order to remove any novation was completed and lotential hazard. The Y will the pool was again used by -nake arrangements to dis- the Y Day Camp for the pose of the patio slabs, pip- entire summer without any i ng, fittings, fencing, etc. that problems of operations and fias been built into the pool the same in 1973 with appro- irea in order to retrieve some val for operations being f their investment in the granted each time and with :)0ool. frequent inspections by the In 1972_ the Whitby Y re- Regional Health Unit. -iovated the old swim pool at The Y Day Camp used the Heber Down Conserva- the old pooî for four years Jon Park through a Fe deral and the new pool for two LIP Grant. With the con- years and at al Urnes oper- F urrence of CLOCA and with ated the pool under proper lans approved by the En- Tennils Lessons At Peel Park standards, including approv- ed chiorination and lifeguard standards. The Y Staff have instructed many hundreds of Whitby area children Who attended the Day Camp. The newly renovated pool was a real asset and mucli appreci- ated by the children during the hot summer days. One hundred and forty campers plus leaders attended daily at the 1973 programi conduc- ted in 4 two-week programs. In every respect the Y endeavoured to operate the pool ini accordance with ap- proved regulations and it has been so stated in a letter frorn the Durharn Regional Fiealtli Unit on Mardi 11l 1974 as lollows: 'Routine inspections were carried out liy the Depart- nment since the conîpletiori of Uic alterations. Based on the resLIlts of tlese inspections it appears fltt the pool lias beeîî operated iii a general satisfactory niannier." PN However all is flot lost for Y Day Camp '74. Arrange- ments have been made for' swimrning each day at the Whitby Outdoor Pool in Kins- men's Park through the Whitby Recreation Depart- ment. Two overnite camp- ing periods per week have been arranged through the Conservation Authority, per- mission has been granted for the use of the Heber Down Park this summer and a spec- il Day Camp programn has been arranged to include add- cd campcrafts, crafts, orien. teering and specidl events to make this years Y Day Camp an outstaiiding program. Now folders will be cir- culated slîortly covering the Whitby YMCA's extensive new summer program whiclî will include Day Camp, Sports Canîp. Tennis Camp, Play Camîp, and Creative Arts Camip. It will bc an active, enjoyable suimer for nîany Whitby Area children. THIS WEEK * * ' Ottawa Uî VMCTS ONTARIO CITIES INDIAN LIEUT .GOV. Prime Minister Trudeau spent two and a haîf days mneeting people in five Ontario centres. The Prime Minister attend- ed a public receptioli in H-amilton; he visited at the Bloorview Children's Hospital and attended a luncheon at a Rotary Club in Toronto; he participated in a question and answer session with high school students in Wood- stock; and in Sarnia, he met with a Scout group and attended a Liberal Party re- ception. Prime Minister Trudeau annouriced that Ralph Stein- hauer, farmer and Indian leader, has been namned Lieutenant-Governor of Al- berta - the first Indian ever appointed lieu tenant-govern- or ir Canada. A Summer Garden Party "Summertime and the Livin' is Easy". Visions of briglit sun- filled afternoons, easy enter- taining, happy people and 'lovely to look at' clothes. Let us set a scene for our Summer Garden Party - You are invited! Corne to Sheridan Mal - Pickering Wed. May 8 -7 p.m. Thurs. May 9 - 3:30 - 6:45 p.m. Friday May 10- 3:30 - 6:45 p.m. Corne to Sheridan Mal -Mississýag Wed.- May 15 - 7 p.rn. "SIGGY" Eberhardt Certi(:ý'e4 PAINTIr DECOT FOR FREE ESTIMATES Just Cal 942-1452 Thurs. May 16 - 3:30 - 6:45 p.m. Friday- May 17 - 3:30 - 6:45 p.m. Corne on 'over and pick up some tips on how to barbeque a turkey - or toss a Caesar Salad!, Corne on over and sec the great array of fashions the Sheridan Mail Merchants have for you this summer! Corne on over and be our guest at "A SUMMER GARDEN PARTY", sponsor- ed by the Sheridan Mal Merchants' Association, cre- ated and produced by IDA BURNS & ASSOCIATES INC. is please to announce a NEW BUSINESS r to serve you l4G and BTE ZATING BTE ALSO MAINTENANCE SERVICES Chimney Cleaning Lawn Care Tree Pruning Minor Repairs Window Cleaning The Whitby Recreation :)epartment has announced he organization of tennis essons for the coming sum- ner at the Peel Park Tennis i'ourts. Interest and enthus- asm in tennis is reaching iew peaks in Whitby and Wur concern is to expose as nany people as possible. Mr. lrv Skinner, former :oach and numnber one rank- !d player in the Barbados, is teading the list of instructors mnd with a qualified staff he lessons should prove very ,eneficial to both beginner -nd expert. Classes are scheduled thr- )Ughout the week with sess- ions for children, ladies and adults. '"Optimisnî" is the work being used to describe the atmnosphere surrounding the program. Many citizens have been requesting tennis in the past and now with the facility at Peel Park al systems are go. Registration lias been set for Thursday, May 9, 1974 at the Whitby Municipal Building Council Chambers between the hours of 5:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. For more information please telephone the Whitby Recreation Department at 668-5803. 'Boy Scouts OPaper Drive Recycle your waste (pap- r that is) and help Scouting. 'he Whitby District Cubs nd Scouts and Venturers I pick up your old news- rint on the second Saturday f each and every month -xcept July and August). lease tie your papers in -asonably small bundles and ,ave them outside. for us to pick up. Collection wil start at 9:00 a.m, 50 please help us by leaving the papers out before this hour, or better still, leave them out Friday night. We need your help to help ourselves. Whitby Scouts have been picking up papers for 25 yeai Ã. letr tolhe* box 206.whs