Whitby Free Press, 15 May 1974, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS I 'I ICALNINS ON.. How to Start A'Rumor Wlhat the world needs now is more rumiours and more gossip columnists. Definiteiy, hiere in Cainada, we don't have eniough of both. lni also speakinig of thic clairvoyanit writers who could activate the old reliable rumnour iiil. The other day 1 went through sone 50 odd Canadiani publications- newspapers and magazines - and only three had what I'd consider a mnild gossip colU-mn or ai bcst a chit-chat about people and events. Since the late Dorothy Kiligalen, once Broadway's best chatter-box, lias been for- gotten and the disguised Susan Ford frorn the old Teiy days hias semi-ïetired - so 'm told, but jon't take rny, 'oid it's only a rumour- the gossip coluninist!;f ield is now widc open to anyone who lias something of interest to whisper. Oh yes, we have Sylvia Train and Simon Ford, but they're only beginners. Mind you, with gossip like anything cisc, you have to satyour car-eer right at the hottom. The best place to de- velop your talents along these lines is a daily newspaper. But, rnonthly magazines are also good investiments for the refined art of' gossip or rumiour. whîchi ever waY vot iprelèri to call it. 0f' laie. I have considereti stairtîi a iZOSSi plurnn11ii, but 1 couldn't finti anybody to gossip about. 1 h )wevCF. 1iliho- uight tlie other day of startîng- a rumiour milliWi itb ihý.1 wvent to fmv very r rusted fricnid George ait te local puib andi whispered into his tender car: 11lev, George, did ou hiear that Jackie is .-But, ai ibis precise monocut George ct fie off. -Of* cou rse. 1i kow ail >bou i1i aCk ie* o' ' cuS' hie.toid mie in a sotto voice. 'Everyb ody kkuow',ý litai he's been seen xvîîh ihis other -irl." Othier Girl" Whiat other girl? '"Oh yes!" George t riumiphed. "'Corne a lit île closer, l'il tell you somnething. buti you ru usi promise nie ilot tb tell this to arwvone." 1 was ail cars. -You kilo)w*'. George con t- iniued,"this is only a rumiour'. Weil, f'olks, it 's really easy Cond«itioi There mas an increase iin the numnber of' clients reg- isîered for emiployrnent dur- ing thie mon îh of April. Thtis was attributed to the consid- erable number of secondary and post secondary students registering for summiner eni- ploymient. Separate "Canada Manpower Centres For Stri- dents" were opened in Osh- awa and Ajax during the latter part of the n onthi. Total client registrations in- cluding students, for April consisted of 2,821I male and 2.670 i'emiale clients. Automobile and allied iii- dust ries con tinuied tu have enîiployees on lyo' while several o liter inanuttac tiring hins were in the p)rocess of« uiegutiaîiig lnew union coui- tracts. 'l'hese sonîcwhai un- seut iet intiusr rial conditions resulited in sonie curtailrent tiI atditional luiriurzs iii tîte înidust ual sector ot t[le lo cal ('tursi rlic ti 1031 JL iv i t\ tut- creasct i rnderaiel~ vittai iiiti ai tîorie rs receiveti f.. or c..nst ruction r radesmnen anti lahou re rs. T 'obacco grower s coru ii- eniceirecrtiiitig workers t'or A.VAN DERMEER swered" questions. Why is he going alone'? Has Prime Min- ister's narriage gone on the rocks? Does PET have a girl- friend or a mnistress somnewhcre in Europe'? Su, the rumour is born. Andi noxv, the f*inal rurnoureti itemn: people say that yo'- tirs truly is about to take a bride. Of course, Alex has flatly denied uic rurnour. Got the idea? spray pain ters, elctrical re- pairmen, T. . repairmnen, welders, engine lathe opera- tors, maciniists, toolmnakers, draughtsmen, ,sailespersons, cooks, domcstics and farin liai]ds. IF YOD HAVEN'T BOUGHTA PORSCHE 914 YET9 YOU'RE IN LUCK THE FIAT X1/9 18 HEE ms-mApriI plan ting in May, experiencirîg sonie difficulty ini locating suitable hielp. Vacancies for landscape labourers increcaseti during the morîth with a numnber of emiployers taking ativantage of industrial train- ing programs to, meet demnanti for qualified workers. Clerical and sales workers remnained in fair demand, with the majority of orders being filleti fronm local supply. Vacancies in the service occupations increaseti stead- ily, predorninently in dom- estic occupations such as babysit ters. biousc.keepers & dayworkers. A total of' 480 persons wvere placeti in empioymen i dU rinig tie nmonilb. 'The nia- j(>rity ut* placements were matie inii tIr colîsi roc ton & transportation induILstries as %vell as wiliolesale anti retail r rade estahbl îslimen ts anti per- sonal service industries. Soute shiort ages ut* qu aI i- 1lied workers cou tinîtidiin carpentics. brickilayers. pain- ters, aluiimi 1sIîiurg instal- fers. lantiscape LaIoLUrers. ri-- littlsierers. niotor 'eh icle nme- cItanuics andit body -e pairmnen, 25 G ronfeil1 St 728-5179 I Oshawa NURSERlES M -YVITB- PICKERING TOWNLINE ROCK GARDEN PLANTS. PERENNIALS *FUSHIAS GERAN IUMS BEGON lAS i* tot BOXED ANNUALS OPEN DAILY MON -SUN 10 a.m. TILL DUSK C Hwy 2. Hwy401 A. Vonermee Aiax Baseline Whitby '~ ~ Y ~ to spread a rumour. And, once you have a goot iluour on hanti, il you neeti is an outiet or a carrier. That's where the gossip colun cornes in handy. 1 can sec ly tirst gos- sip columin sta-,rting o>11 somiething like thiis: "thie Canadian Press reports trorn Ottawa tuat Pierre Elliot Trudeau is go- ing A LONE on his skiing trip to St. Moritz". This one ti- ny innocent sentence can conjure up a numuber of' "unan Local Employment M M I I a -- a 'lht' Fiat X 1/9;in(l thec Porsche on1e difference that should drive 91-1 are x'ervf muc h alike. But If vou crazy. 'Thle X1/9 WOui1d've y-U jUst boughit a!)1-., here 15s i y),týou* le'Ss. A lot less. The biggest selling car in Europe. Marion Auto LIt d.

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