Whitby Free Press, 22 May 1974, p. 3

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TV TIMES, -~CBC-TV -news will presenit a series of hiaif-hiotîr special, reports onl the public hecarings of the Flouse iudiciary Cornnittee inquiring into the possible impeachment of President Nixon. The hearings arc likely to begin Tuesday, May 28 in Washington, but mnay begin as early as May 2 I. In cither case, CBC-TV Waishington correspondent Don McNeill will host the special programis Tuesday to Thurs- day inclusive froni 11:40 p.mn. to 12: 10 a.m. to ail CBC stations and aivailable to privatcly owned affiliated stations of the CBC. McNcill will have guests from tinme to timie t() add perspective to coverage of the hearings. A srics -of EqueCstrianIl Grand Prix events xvill get Linder way on CBC-TV, Sunday, June 2. The first event cornes lromn the Harnil ton Hunt Club, with Tomn McKee aind Gord A tkinson explaining the action. lI f an aill-Cainadîai se ries. ýWorld Ciîp Soccer lias niow been schieduled on the CBC network. C'BC-TV hias aqie h rights to seven gaines fromn the 19~70 series. The first progranm is slated to go on-air o11 SatUrday, JUneC 8 Lt 2 1p.rn. The twVo-hIour program Wvill feaitUre highligh ts of'I1970 play. Witl the departure of Michael Kanie (for hecalth reaisons) froni The Collaborators series. producer Rene Bonniiere is working overtîine to M~lI in Ite gap. Monitreal actor Donald Pilonri*s schedufled to star in The Bakery, the cpi- sodes in the new series, with Mr. Pilonri i the fourth. - 0f AIl People. Ro ss McLearn's CBC-TV series that uises the creative talen ts of both well-known and emierging young 1-lim-miakers, debuts Monday. June 3 at 10 p.rn. The first offering is two short 1 5-minute studies by director Tony Douglas, on interesting Canadians - Jack Cohen, a Tor- onto junk store proprietor, and Bruce McBride, a bîind expert on snakes. Other films on following Mondays are directed by Clay Borris, Rob Burton, Don Shebib, Gerry Richardson and Bill Fruet. - As noted earîier this week, Claude Jutras met with John Hirsch, head of CBC-TV drama, to consider the possibility of his directing'a TV hour drama on film for telecast next season. Jutras, bes4 known for his Mon Oncle Antoine, and Kamouraska (both Canadian Film Award-winners), ýhad one of his early features seen on the CBC English TV network in the mid-sixties; it was A Tout Prendre, telecast twice on the Festival series. This sumrner (Sunday, August 4) his Mon Oncle Antoine will have its rirst Englishi network television exposure - in prime time. Mon Oncle Antoine lias been shown previously on the French TV network, as have many of bis other films. NOTICEJ - Finaniice' M iîister Johnii Turnier, NDP ýfinancil critic Max Saltsinani. lezidilng ÇanLîdian econolîlisîs and Li cros 's- Section of citizelis Lre amiong tliose whio comnt eîîon the current inflationary wave and hiow best 10 coîlîbLît it. 0on a speciLil CBC Newsîîîagazinc report on inflation 10 be telecList Thursday. May 23 ai 10:30 p.n. This Ncwsnmag- azîine look ilinIîfltion followsLa Take 30 st udy of anoilher topical issue of' concern, ithe housing crisis. 10 îbc telecLlst May 23 Lit 10 pa.i. - Tlîe fouir mLjor federal political pLarties' îîlatforni planks 01n agriculture will be the subject of a CBC-TV special 0.P.P. - Hilstory 0f the Force l'lic evolution of'te "Onutario Provinicial Police Force" begaîî witîî the First PLîrliLîîuent of Upper Canuadai, con- vened ai Niaigira-oi-lie-Laýke 0on the I 7th of' Septeîiîbcr, 1792.* It twLi during Iiis Session tîlLt provision was first nîade to form Ii "police systeîîu" iin Upper CailLida (Province of, Onutario). Thle province wvas dividcd imb Townîships and Couintics witlî tîe Couities id(itiinally groLîped inî 1 Districts, Lis, for inistaince, tlie District of London: the District of Niagara. Ilu was inII iiese vLriOuIs Districts uluat the First Parliaiuct ordered GLiols Land Courîhiouses buiît. On tlie 3 Isi day of MLay, I1793, « te Second Session of' Parliaiîient niet theî turîluer provision wvas îîuadc for the nominaLtion and appoinuinelit ycarly of' a stîfficiently dis- creet and proper person 10 serve 111 the Office of Hligli Couinty ConstLable iineclih Provinîcial District. Also, 10 iiorninate aîîd appoint sufficient nuinber of persons to serve in tîîe Office of Constable in every Parisîî, Townshuip, repu ted Township or place. Thuis perpetuated the Engîislî Common Law requirenient that evcry free, fit and proper person be hiable to service as a Constable, that al] persons miglut enjoy the badge of free citizenship. The yearly service of untrained, unpaid citizens was superseded by the empîoyment of paid police following the institution of Town and City Police Departments in the middle eighteen hundreds. The year 1867 marks Confederation. To this point you have the salarîed City and Town Police, and Rural or Provincial Police, the latter unpaid in the main except by the F'ree system. Ten IMARANO SHOESI Farniîy F ootwear Custom Repairs Fine Qluality - ITALIAN IMPORTED SHOES with an Exquisite Canadian line Ladies Handbags HOU RS Mon. - Thurs. Friday Saturday 9-6 9-9 9-6 MARANO SHOES 121 Brock Street N. Whitby 668-7341 A ONTARIO HOUSING years passed and a major reform 1~ --i WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, MAY 22,,1974, PAGE 3 SunîmiierUountry Canada* on Stunday, June 9. It will be ain hour in lengtli beginning at .*1 p.î-n.* rather than the, regular 1:30 p.mn. Party spokesmen wiIl include Minister of Agriculture Eugene Whaleîî. It promiises to be a stimi- ulating debate. moderated by CBC Ottawa farîni commen- tator George Price. Ron Neilywill hiost the live studio program tîtled Platformi - Agriculture Part I and 2, pro- duced by Tomi Molyneux, CBC Toronîto.. * Thîe one lîour period will be Splitînmb two hialves - the fl'rst being telecast on alI CBC stations and somne affiliates, thie secoiid on Ilie full network. took place, for by [lie "Constaîble Act" R.S.O. Chapter 82, I1877, tlie îîecessi(y of giving certLain Constables ju- risd ici ion 11tloughout the provinîce as a wholelbecamie rccognized. Witli the opening Up of' the province and. (lie resulting rapid growth in population Land iîîdustry, il soon becLîl-n evident that the tLîsk of' lLw enforcenient inIllte province could no longer be entrustcd 1IoLa scatterecl group- 0f men rcstricted ini tleir atithoriîy by geographical boundaries. lIn July, 1875, the first salaried "ProviniciLal ConstLable" was appoiîîted to act Lis "Detective for Ilie Governinen t of' Ontario". He was John Wilson MURRAY, wîio later received lus pernîaîîeîîî Lppoiiitnent 0on MLrcli 161h, 1877, uinder the provisions of tle ConstLable Act. MURRAY, wlîo. before this Lad acquired provincewide renowîî Ls Helad of' Detectives for the Canîadaî Soutliern Railroad,' was uiider thie direct chLarge of' the Attorney Gencral oi Ile provinice, Sir Oliver MOWAT. He was given Ilie uiîprecedcîiîed authority to "pursue anîd apprclîend criminals wlierevcr tliey soughu refuge." During his 3 I years as a law ciiforce. nient oflicer f'or the Gomerment of Onîtario, lie accom- plisîued this with singular success. Many of lus îioteworthy cases h1ave been recorded in luis book "Meinoirs of a Great Detective". The new Constables Act ernpowered County Judges to appoint, between sessions of the courts; additional constable who, though not permanently employed, would be authorized Io carry out their duties in any part of the province. The Lieu tenan t-G ove rnor of the province was also given authority to appoint constables for any judicial, temporary or territorial District. ofOntario not attached to a county. This method of policing the province considered ade- quate for the era, continued into the first years of this century. CONTINUED NEXT WEEK special Guest Speaker For Free Methodist The Rossland Road Free will be in charge by the Metluodist ChLîrch, Whiuby, Young People, also memnber-- wilI be privileged 10 have a ýhip service. guesu speaker fronu the The Shanuyman's Associa- Shantymans Associationu of tion have an interesting mes- Canada Sunday May 26 at sage of their work amnongst I1 a.mn. The 7 p.m. service Shantymen in the northern Dan ce$ 9-bo aPart ze s CALE.Llu\I X'7I.- 579-2504 41)\\'-1 -. 7. bush lands, mniners, seamen on the east and west coasi and specîii areas of out of the way outposts. They are hôlding their annual Convention in Toronto Monday and Tuesday when delegates from Vancouver to St. Johns Nfld. wiIl attend. For further information phone 725-1280. CORPORATION An Agency of the Province of Ontario CORRIDOR VENTILATIO GEORGINA O.H. I1, WHITB O.H.2, BOWMANVILLE O.H.l1 Reference No. T.S. Il1I Tenders will be received foi the above until 12:00 noon E.D.S.T. June Il, 1974 b theOntario Housing Corpor ation, 10 1 Bloor Street West Toronto, Ontario, MSS 1 P8 c/o the Chief 'Purchasin Officer, I1i]th floor, fron whom details and specific ations may be obtained oî telephone 966-3600, exten sion 294, quoting referec num ber as above. Thie lowes or ufiy tender not necessaril accepted. 0A PUBLIC MEETING REGARDING THE SUBDIV- ISION AND REZONING APPLICATION FOR PART 0F LOT 25, CONCESSION I The Administrative Committee of the Councîl wilI be holding a public meeting on Thursday, May 3th, 1974 at 8. 00 p.ni. in the Ontario Ladies College at 401 Reynolds Street on the proposed plan of subdivision. This meeting is called for the purpose of obtaining the participation and comments of the inhabitants of this area in determining a solution to the problems affecting the zoniîîg and residential subdivision of the following la nd s: Bounded by the Ontario Ladies College to the norîh; Blair Street right of way to tlie east; Burns Street right of way 10 the south and the C.N.R. spur line to the west. Yot iare invited to attend this meeting to express your views about ilie development of' this area and to discuss the mnat ters whicli wilI be presented at the meeting. AIl mnaterial is on file and' open for public inspection at the Town of Whitby Planning Department, 14 Church St:eet, Brooklin, Ontario. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., CLERK Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. ALUMINUM, FIBREGLASS FISHING BOATS i FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS MATERIALS USED BOATS WIitby Marn Hwy. 12 at Myrtle Station 6541 17 77. '1ý -7-=, 777,1

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