Whitby Free Press, 29 May 1974, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS Chris Igel, left, and Kathy Igel of 414 Johin St., Whitby, are aînong the first Whitby residents to be visited by Ed Broadbent N.D.P.. M.P. Oshawa-Whitby Who started his canpaigning in Whitby last Wednesday. -FrceePress Photo Words from West Lynde by Norm Meali*ng When spring hit the subdivision there was so much activity that one was left wondering whether ail and sundry had taken leave of their senses. Granted winter had dragged on interminably, but it was as if there were but 24 hours in which to do al those chores miade nec- essary by ownership of a new home. Yard after yard of topsoil was dumped, bag after bag of fertilizer was spread, and wheel-barrel after wheel-barrel of fil vas carted away to the creek. Amidst ail this activity, another new subdivision phien- omena was quietly taking shape. In backyard after back- yard, the men of the househiolds appeared clutcliing their tape measures in one hand, and their property diagramis in the other. Very soon the sound of the post-hole digger would bc heard, and the ritual* olfcncing onc's propcrty would bc in full swing. This ritual, associatcd as it is with new subdivisions like ours. is another of the new subdiv- ision activities which potentially can cither bind together or tear apart neighbourly relationships. The rnost potentially division aspect of fency-building lies in the negotiation stage. The first set of negotiations usually involves property lines. Unless you can agree at the outset that you are measuring from common starting points you are in really big trouble. Around our place (Voice of the County Town) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn; auso servlng Ajax and Pickering. Serving total of approximately25,OOO readers: Publluhed ewry,,Woesday by Whitby Fr00 PressI mc. Bruno Harilaid, toresdent Located at: Free Press Building 121 Brock Street North, Whitby MAIL: Box 206, Whitby PHONL: ffl,600 or 668-61 il TORONTO LINE: 282-1004 MAIM PERMIT NO. 2941 Editor/Gen. Manager - Mlike Burgess Assistant Editor - Jim Quail Classified Ads. - Kathy Martin Graphe Arts - Marie Rutter The old saying of, "The truth will out' be ready to drop on Whitby taxpayers wil Ontario gomerment dlaims of cheaper or and better deployment of manpower w( convince us that regional gomerment was the path to follow. When the average Whitby taxpayer gi a property ta;x increase of 12 to 13% or a' he'll be wondering, and probably out loud, ened to ail the Ontario goverment jazz abou Although Whitby didn't lose any geog and our boundaries stayed the same, we d 'The tru'th wiII1 out' appears to very capable manpower and we appear to have lost ýth full force. any hope of getting more provincial grants. )erating costs In fact, we almost suspect the- Ontario government ere made to of regional shuffling to attain just that - a means only sensible whereby they could cut down on grants, or rnaybe we, the Whitby taxpayers, misunderstood when we heard how ,ets hit with regional government would save money. We thought bout $80.00, they meant saving Whitby money - not Ontario govern- Swhy he list- ment money. t regionalism. When the next tax bill rolls around will you really ravhical area be humming, "is there aWny other place you'd rather be?" lid lose some CANADA DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE Health of Animais Branch F R E E Notice to ail Dog and Cat Owners of Free Anti-rabies Vaccination Clinics Anti-rabies vaccination clinics for'ail dogs and cats will be held at the times and places listed below. This service is offered free of charge by the above division, Canada Department of Agriculture in co-operation with municipal councilý, the Medical Officer of Health and ail owners are urgcd to prescrnt thecir dogs and cats for the vaccination. 10 - 5 p.rn. 10 - 12 a.m. 2- 5 p.m-. 2- 5Sp.m. 10- 12 a.m. 2- 5 p. m. 2- 7 p.ni. May219-- ColumibusTFwp. Garage May 30 Claremonit Community Hall Eastwoodlands Fire Hall June 3 Brooklin Community Hall June 5 Pickering Fire Hall Baylcy Street Pickering Rink House June 6 Ajax Ouïdoor Swînnîing Pool Change louse, Opp. Municipal Office East Entrance NOTE: Any of the above clinics rnay be attended. Dogs should be on a leash and accomipanied by an adult. Cats should bc broughit in sacks. Alil dogs should be presented if not vaccinated within the past 6 months. These clinics are not connected with dog liccncing. of a fourth. When the fourthi appeared, lie surveycd the stakes, judged thcmn to accurate. and then announced tliat Ir, didn't vant a fence. Thle fence is now built. and the one who didn't want the fenice. and who, itncidentaliy. ddin't pay, is IIow completcly fenced. Once the first set of negotiations is conipleted, the real testy stage begins. You and your neighbours have to decide what kind of fenice you want. If you are like nie, and come to West Lynde fromn one of' the 1960 era sub- divisions in Scarborough, you probably have an abborencc of chain-link. Our first house, whichi we bought in 1968, had a chiain-link fence, and an abundance of mature shrubs because for privacy with chain-link you need a great deal of shrubbery. Therefore, after four ye*ars of pruning, and cutting every conceivable species of shrubs, and after four years of cutting grass while risking thorns, needles, and what have you, 1 wanted a wood fence. In my case, my neighbour on the left wanted wood and my neighbour on the right was moving s0 I had wood on two sides without trouble. The two chaps back of me had obtained a supply of split rail fencing at no cost and since the price was right, and it was a forin of wood, 1 saw no reason to object. Other people 1 know, however, have been fiar less fortunate than 1, and have ended uip with ludicrous combinations of fcncinig. The real trick in fence negotiations, however, is to neyer lose your cool, and bc preparcd to completcly fence your own propcrty by yourself if ail cisc fails. We ail know of people who have stoppcd speaking to their ncighibours, or who have buiît 'spite' fences or who have attempted to invoke bylaws, ail over fences. And the problemns ail begin during the "what kind of fence will we have" negotiation stage. If you can survive the negotiation stage of fencing, the rest is really clear sailing. Every man will do his best to build a fence if he has a measure of committment to it. He will hammer and saw and dig and paint until the job is donc, and wiIl do so with relative cheerfulness. J UST NOTES: Two wecks ago, the Frec Press editorial spoke of the need for new Whitby communities like ours to become part of Whitby, and not remain aloof. This is a point of view I share, and support. This column is an attempt at just that, but to succeed, it needs your help. Why not drop me a line c/o Evans Court and let me know what's go- ing on. Or better still, drop me a fine and tell me what you think of the column. Ifor buýsiness or pleasure . Oshawa Flying club <Gov't approved school for both commercial and piMpilot training ltLosson: $5.00 and this ad OSHAWA AIRPORT ~~~~P ..TY~2 .N728-1626 Notice of Applicaion by th e Corporation' of the Town of Whiltby For approval of a by-law imposing a sewer rate The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval to charge the whole of the cost for the construc- tion of a sanitary sewer on Coîborne Street from Peel Street easterly to the Blair Street Pumnping Station.located oni the east side of* Blair Street and continuing easterly and 'north easterly on easemnent and connecting to the northwest Corbett Sub-Trunk Sanitary Sewer at a point approximately 800 feet' north of Dundas Street East and 500 feet east of the Canadian Pacific Railway tracks at an estimnated cost of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) as a sewer rate for a period of ten years upon the lands that wilI or may derive a benefit therefrom as described in Schedule "A" of this notice. 1It is proposed to raise the whole of the annual paymnents by an animal rate estimnated at 1. 16 milîs. The following is an examiple of thec annual charge for an average dwelling property havinig an assessrnent of S5,000.00: S5.80 annually for a period of 10 years being a total of S58.0 The area uiponi which suich sewer rate is to be levîed is described in Schiedule "A" and attached to and forming part of this notice. Thiere will be no exemptions granted. Any ratepayer mnay within 1-1 days after the first public- ation of this notice s end by prepaid post to the Clerk of the Town of Whitby at the address given below a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval of the im- position of the special sewer rate. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said special rate pursuant to the statutes, but before doing so it mnay appoint a time and place for public hearing when any objection will be considered, but notice of such hearing wilI be given only to those persons who have given notice of objection as provided for above. Dated at the Town of Whiitby this 29th day of May, -A.D., 1974. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., CLERK, Town of Wlitby, 405 Dundas Street West, Wiîtby, Ontario. SCHEDULE "A" Commencing at a point at the southwest angle of the Town of Whitby as it cxisted on the 3l1st day of December, 1967, where it intersects with the north shore of Lake Ontario. Thence northerly along the west limit of the Town of Whitby as it existed on the 3lst day of December, 1967 to its north point in Lot 3 1, Concession 2; Thence east parailel to Dundas Street (No. 2 Highway) to a point 660 feet west of Cochrane Street; Thence north parallel to Cochrane Street to a point 200 feet north of Rossland Road; Thence east parallel to Rossland Road to' the east limit of the Township of Whitby as it exîsted on the 31st day of December, 1967; Thence south along the east limît of the Township of Whitby as it existed on the 3lst day of December, 1967, where it intersects with the north shore of Lake Ontario; Thence westerly along the north limit of. Lake Ontario to the place of beginning. 1 1 0 A

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