BURGESS GIRL. 0F THE WEEK Blond hiaired beauty Willi ieyes wvas one of the attractive models found modeling fasionis t the Holiday Inn this afternoon f'or the visiting firefighiters' wives (sce page 7). Whien WiIi's flot modeîling. she is cither gracing a GM office, or soaking up the suinshine (and we're nul tellirig where!). - Photo by Mike Burgess REQUIRED FOR OSHAWA AREA OFFICE CLERK-- A(COUNTANT Duties: To supervise area offlice clerk, to prepare nmonthly sales data and various reports for head office, do credit inquiries and assist arca manager. 1Qual ifications: bo 20, hib, o.or 104 harwood, Ajax Plaza, Ajx nario 942-61 "là Fun in the Sun'* Whitby Rec. Dept.e Once 'again the Whitby Recreation Department will be offering a full slate of swimming and playground programs this sumimer in the Whitby area. The theme we are to follow is "Fun in the Sun". This should provide the framework within which each participant co-ordinates fun with a good dlean learn- ing experience. AIready, the wheels are inmotion ,to rmake this year bigger and better than ever. AIl staff have been carefully selected for their qualifica- tions, ability to communicate and their willingness to share their skills. The facility sites are pre- sently being prepared and wiIl be in prime shape when July 2nd arrives. lî's a good opportunity for every young- ster to have fun, learn, and meet new friends on a com- mon ground - so plan to be there. Must bc familiar with reporting procedures. professional accounting but not essential. accounitinig and Einrolmnent iin a course is desired Salary: Commnensurate with experience and ability Reply: In writing by June I th to: llarnden & King Construction Ltd. P.O. Box 5 19, Cobourg, Ontario 2nd &3rd MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE 0 5 y.or termn 0 open Mortgogsl 0 No paymet for thre. morths 0 No bonus.. 0 Sb credit checks 0 No inquiry f rom n.tghbours 0 Confidentido rrongements mode in your bomne 0 soru'ow os low os $1,6wO *FastuerMSc cu Mr. WUks 942-2611 (Lu«.d) 699-1 121 <1.r..W) 1308 B.yly St. Boy Rideau WH ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, J UNE 5, 1974, PAGE il GEMINI (May 21 - une 20) This is one of your favourite'times of year Gemini, you feel close -to it. Communications arejemphasiz- ed at the beginning of the week, you could hear from old friends you haven't been in touch with for ages. CANCER (lune 21 - July 22) Home -and property interests are stressed during this 4 - week period. Be careful flot to be rushed into any deals you don't feel confident about. 'Practice self- discipline - curb annoying social or work habits. LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22) Although you may be wearying of public exposuire, your popularity continues. As this may be the last opportunity for some time for you to enjoy your freedom, a trip to the mounitains, or- some equally quiet place is in order' VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) The time has corne for you to reap the rewards of ail your efforts. You may have to be cautious in the area of putting on weight in the next little while - try to be diet - conscious. ILIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) i This is a good week for your social life - friends are very co - operative. You feel very wanted and needed, make sure you return the affection bestowed upon you. Everything faits into it's proper perspective. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)' This week is a time for reflection as you enter a more contemplative phase. People may surprise you by offering unexpected friendship. Caution could be in order, however, there may be an alterior motive. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) Emphasis shifts from your career to your friends and social and domestie life. Corne to an important decision on the weekend, you will be in a reflective mood. Know your limitations, but don't allow yourself to be constantly criticized. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) This week starts in high gear, with the emphasis placed on career. A long time hobby could' turn into a lucerative side - line. There will be a public gatbering at the end of the week which may cause you to rub shoulders with important individuals. AQUARJUS (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) Close relationships are highlighted at the beginning of the week as are competitors and the public. Keep domestic affairs as harmonious as possible. Rely upon your own fair appraisal of the situation. PISCES (Feb. 19 - March 20 ) T'he 2St4zh isla sini;ficant day, this is whe-n vyouevaluate for bu'ý!ness or pleasure ~I I Oshawa Flying Club I <lov't aPProved school for both commercial and I ~private pilot trainingI lst Lesson: $&00 and this ad OSHAWA AIRPORT DUÇLQUIR- N «28-1626 '1