PAG BIRD 'S EYE' VIEW --JAf OUA il -.There's More As 1 trudged nluîg filie ditch MOîI oacs \'Ilïlîltîgpaîl 1 thoiigbt tru myseltlma1111ttuis a lel e n tuhicihetiil i jîîslu l t ruck was resi ing onit IllevergI1ýwkbaI>t> 'n 1w 1"11 andttIwouS holing il fl101 enailling îwo tuiles hom'te.N îo i li î'lît uvo lu tellIllie abouttt iio ImItIt\ki\ tiî \ a l l cornvinced fie, Jusî about Ille limew h it ' e ,O '>sIiî iti1w sItîeo i>'st wveek 1 \vas t hiuikitig t hm e tfthit >O>l¾ l ' xli sa id thtif i' i eeWlt(014d me> ýi xx >uhhîî't hasedUvo li> at aIl but foi- about twwesK 'esx istue sl Ille CZII eligille uix u11,eeik>lhI0tew eaî It il~î ssOj tlk ndIlîueii ill a googotîîi ie I1ks it, ed hc Blieo i Il is lime1, bet 00 hig p1,01 l l.î1hae tuss' îul>"eî' x iI>î ei iI'll>' lu miv seIîses. i SO lI reniei ber Ilhle d.îy Ide>'îded 10 play flîoky frunt work and dcl igh ted tihai t..'îeim îaking i lie decision lu do su. I1ivas goinig lu eap back mb ho led t'or aioîhier few lîuurs sleep. As 1 ivas mid-air in a trei'endous Tarzan special 1 suddenly rememribered i now own a waterbed and leaping is defùiîely a nu-no. niiless. ut' course. yuu're a sîrou swimmner. h arn neitlier Nurex'ev nor Mark Spitt su iniid leap 1I had lu alter course. The t-iuaI resuilt was a paîiint'nly wrenchied ankle and Mien h gutIolu xvrk flie nexî day îhîey wanîed lu know wliy I was lirnping Mvien 1I had been hionte witi a îouch of' ftie fli. 1I had ru tell the iîl vas fout and mou tI fln. Su. as I1xvas sayin- bef'Ore tlic editur interrupted mie. fice bad luck bit lasi Thursdax' Mien inîmber t'ive cylinder oni miy t ruck engine qunitr fui nu apparen t reamin oIhîci tban suibu-rdiiatîin. 1ivas mn [urun to>aIt ilictme su 1 limiped homne draiggîig a botrruw%%ed t rader belhind. h lai t'xvav honte a -t railer tire be.Ne>w iinîmiedîi ely you tink. "Ahia. flie dunmy didn't have a Wpî!'~ rungo. 1 did have a Spare but il %vas tli. Nlv lire pnmp i)would only gel il up lu 13 3 îurnds and il needed 00. Becanse parts out mv car engine werc iiToronto beinig rebitiil t Ixvas furced lu drive [lie truck (ihe tex t day svitli tlic ttilt power of' only f'ive cylinders. About 35 liorse- puxver 1 liiink, but tley're very siaillimures. lut Tor ontJo, MIt a business Clien t in flic t ruck (lie %vas really îimpressed) 1 guI stopped by flic police xvhuo claimed (ihe licence plates xvere stoleîî. We spcn i more Ilian an it lor unn fie side of flie ruad lavîig a lit île picn îc \xvii le the polîice depa rti îeiit tried tolu igure ou t il' I sîîuld be deported and w icli coun try niigli t accepi 1nie. I îuld tîîeni hwas borru in Canada bu t ithy scu lTed ai tia t idea. Said il %v'as an insult Io luieCou nitry. 1 A t'er discoveriîig tuai 1 %vas only renîotely related tu flie Boston Striangler (unt îy 'rea t an t 's side) îhecy le[t file go vi lli a xaruî:îg about hinporl ing' junk inîit Turun Jo and h made il to flie buildinîg Ixvas hieaded for onlyru ti,îd flieir elevators didiî't work. h said a bad vord in [ lie lubby. By the finie Satturda,.y rolled arotind I tîgu red iîy lnck lhad lu chîange and I was absolu îeIy rigli i. hI twîirse.I gashied nîy lef*i hîaud and I was su iîad ih lihaîîd semed afraid lu bleed ltur a momient. I spcn i ilici esi ut' thie day muuîîiiblîiîg tu îîysel ' ahu iebd anîd c> ii enîpla tintg suîide by tliruwing îîyselt' iîicu the path îof anouiîrnislîim iigGm starupede bu t as tlîey were scarce I jti kepi plu"iginîg aîunîg Lillil Suiîday wtîen i ie finaI lîîxv xvas rtuiîing otit uOf gas onflie way lburne ltroniîScuba classes in )haa l'hIl have ru en d tIiis col mmiii iî>s bemi tse 1 amii ge lii î .Thîe Kiîîsuîîeî (lu b ut'Ajax anîîiotiîced ibis week tliev wili douîte tickets tt senîior cilizeîîs anîdthie îîedy l'oîr Ajax Homîîe Weekcîîd. Tick- ets ivill be availahile for ilie Caîîadizîr (ystic Fibrosis Druili anîd Bge C's(h aîi- piuîîslips on Saturday eveti- iîîg J.1 c1 e 1" (Ii a t <1: t)() 1).i. anîd :lso thie I)tiîkcvi3sb: 'g:îale ou Silidjy iîîcI 611it ,11uSe e r cel sîiog 'i tle c i t)4 2-284: l)s Si ifhi a i 942-260î7. -tir JoeI)kuJ ail 1)42-1 90X. YO UR FORES TS. YOUR FUTURE 1T'S GOTALLTHE FEATURES YOU'D EXPECT IN AHIGH PRICED SPORTS CAFý EXCEPT THE HIGH PRICE.II 'l'lie IMai 1I 8 Spori t 'iIV iuli(rt 4 R1ick-gi1i n i , uIi ,Iîd' iîd'i îs- ei wi vel d f r iv,1 4v( The t)iggest sffIing c'ar ir i Erope, Mairlan Auto L td. 25 Grenfoli St. lOshw by the Corporation of the Town of Whitby f or Approval of a By-Iaw Imposing a Sewer Rate Th (oulgîiluf the Corporation of the Town uf Whitby inicnds to apply lu the Ontario Municipal Board for approval tu charge the wvhule uftihe cust l'or *thie construc- tion ut' ai addition lu the ('urhet Creek Polluion Control Plan[ ai an estimate(1 cost of S492,000.00) as a sewer rate for a p)crîod of I15 years upon lands tliat wviIl or miay derive a bencfit thcrefrorn. Il is proposed tu raise the wholc ut' the annual paymients by an annual rate estiîuaied at i1.45 milîs. The following is an cxample of the annual charge on anl average dwelling prope rty liavving anl asscssmien t of'S 5.000.00: S7.25 -annually t'ur a periud uf' 15 years big a total of' S 108.75 (a) l'le area upon which such sewcr rate is lu bie levied is described ini Schedffle "A" att- achied lu and forming part uft ti s fnotice. (b) Tiiere will bc nu exemptions granted. Any ratepayer mnay, within '-I days after thie first publica- tion of' this notice, send by prepaid post to the Clerk of the Town of Whirtby, at anl address given below, a notice in writing sîaîing his objection lu sticl approval or lu flie imîposit ion offlhie speciat rate. The Ontario Municipal Board înay approve ufthie said special rate pursuant lu tuie Stalutes and nîay approve of thc said works, but before duing SO il mnay appoint a tinie nd place l'or a public hecaring Mien any objections wiII be cunsidered, but notice of snclb hearing will be given only to thuose persons whu hlave given notice oft objection as pruvided l'or abuve. S('IWDULlS "A" COMMENCING ai a point il the southi-wesî angle of thie lTown o)fWhiitby as it existed on thie 31si day ofDecernber. 1 967. whierc it initersects theie orîhi shore uf*1Lake Ontîario. TIFN(Enîirthcrly along (tie West limiit uf the Townl of Whli by as il ex iste(l un (lie .")I si d1ay utf lcceiîber, 1907, lu ils poinit s ini luwnsllip Lut _3 1, Concessîin 2. 'I 11-N('U ca parallel lu I)n,îdal.s Si reci f(NIo. 2 Iliglivay) lu ai point 660) teeî West f(uciaeStreet. 'lIN(Lnorîli parallel lu (Cuchrane St reet lu a point 200) lcet norîli of Rossland Ruaid. 'Eht I NEcah arallel tlu Rosshaîîd Road lu Ithe cast ihii tof, lime 'Fuwisip tt' Wlîilby as itcx isted otIfictie3 Ist day ut' I)ecembel)r.I1967. "IN(Lsouttîualîîng the asi imit ut' thec Tuwîishîipi o' \Vl i tby as il ex isîed un tue -3 I st day of' December, h1967, lu, Lake Ontar'io. h'1NC we'(' vsieîly zilîuîi the noî'tm iîîiî of' Liake Onitario t thie place îof' begilliiiiîL('. DAJ'I: aI Ithe 'Tuwn tifVlithîy îhîis -")Ii cday of* May. Wii. Il. Xalace.,\M.' CL LIIR K "ltieCo(rpurationit' hie Tuxvn ohIWhitb)y, 405 h)ndas Si rect \Vest. \Wl1iî ý lx'. Oii i1 KentuebyStie Chicet HAMBURGERS STEAK o.n a BUN SOFT hCE CREAM SOFT DRINKS LYNDE VALLEY TAKE-OUT We Cater To Parties MICHAEL BLVD. PLAZA 668-7511 ?.~~zg U4 k 8} Ptrt e CAL I PEU 579-2504 4 x ' 'DI1A.VVE .T. tI Wa.ONT. Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Drum Corps Champi*onshilps I ao op.cmeiglrmCnd nin cluding De La Salle Oaklands (above). Competition t akes place Saturday, June 1 5 at 6 p.rn., Ajax High Sehool *grounds. Corps. are also ini parade Saturday at I p.m. IProceeds for Cystie Fibrosis. Alaix t Home Weekend junel1415-16 WH-ITBY ...Iroquois Park Arena SUNDAY, JUNE 16 - 8:00 p. ARCHIE i "TH ESTOMPEROULDIE (North American Champion) YJS. ANGELOMOC <(Former Hamiton T-Cat) BEAST VS. LIIS MARTINEZ Wolf eman vs. ROSSATANI1 Lady Wrestlers Plus MIDGILýTS ini Action. Admission $ 1.50,$!2.50. 53.50 Wait ALUMINUM, FIBREGLASS FISHING BOATS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS MATERIALS USED BOATS Whiltby Marine Hwy. 12 at Myrtie Station 6554117 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -I G E 6, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1974, WIIITI3Y FREE PRESS