Whitby Free Press, 19 Jun 1974, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS family page *e'e 1ee**e@e Brooklin Byie Hi! 1 hate to start on a sour note BUT the comrplaints re- garding "pet pollution" are stili roilling in. A. nd flot just concerning dogs cither. One vegetable gardener lias littie hope of seeing anything for his efforts, as cats keep digging up ail his prospective crop. As cats owners are flot required by law to keep their animais unider restraint, unlike dog owners, I'm not sure what the answer is to this problem. Tho' one lady may be showing us the way - she keeps lier cat on a long leash when lie is out in lier garden. Per- haps if we ail showed similar consideration towards our neighbours feelings and didn't wait for laws that make us take such'steps, maybe the world would be a better place to live in. This goes for other "nuisance" areas - excess noise, garbage etc., as well as for pets. Councillor Gerry Emm called withi a reassuring message for the "poor road condition protesters". [t seems that the wet Spring that we had caused delays in the works prograimme, but he has hopes that there will be littîe cause to complain very shortly. The United Churcli Women in, Brooklin held their annual meeting on June 'I0th. The main event was the presentation of a ceramic bowl to Mrs. Margaret Mundy, who is leaving Brooklin with Rev. Mundy at the end of the summer. They are going to British Columbia, and I'm sure that readers will join with me in wishing them both well in their new home. The presentation was made by the U.C.W. president, Mrs. Verna Hodson, white Mrs. Vîvian Eccles read a poem «xpressing the regard that the U.C.W. have for the work done by Mrs. Mundy. Also from the U.C.W. is the news that they are holding a Strawberry Social at the church hall, on Monday June 24th. [t starîs at 6:30 p.m. If you are interesting in attend- ing such a delicious event, then caîl Mrs. Hodson at 655-3358. Not only do the ladies hold social events, but they are also busy with îwo very worthwhîle projects -- and you may be able to help them. Throughout the summier they are holding a Jack Frost projeet, which entails knitting its, hats etc. for Canadian Indian children. Any vol- unteers who can offer their talents. lime or yarn- or ail three-- caîl 655-4469. Do you shop at Dominion stores? Then pcrhaps you cart help in another way. Dominion tapes are being collected to buy a digitalis machine. Thiis projeet is being run by ahl the U.C.W. groups in thie'Oshiawa- Whiitby area. Most people know of the shortage, the cost and the need for these machiines, and whatever hospital gets tliis equipment il will be put 10 very good use. Cal Mrs. Flelen Raeman at 655-3970, if you have any tapes toý give. The Brooklin Horticultural Society held thieir annual Iris Show oni the 1 2thi of June - Miss Alice Dodd's exhibit being chiosen Best of Show. Now somieone else may take the hionours at their annual'Rose Show. lt's being held at the' United Church hall in Brooklin, on the 26th of June. On the same niglit Mr. J.C. Boyd wiIl talk on the sensible use of pesticides. Anothier good evening for the garden love rs. What with Strawberry Socials and Rose Shows one really gets the idea that it is summer - even if the weather doesn't. agree! Stili next time 1 talk with y*ou itmnay have improve.d. At any rate the chiîdren will be out of school. And if their abounding energy makes you feel limp, then don't forget that both' the Recreation Dept. and the Y.M.C.A. are hiolding summer recreation programmes both in and for the chidren of the North Ward. If you want more'inform- ation then cali the Recreation Dept. at 668-5803; Y.M.C.A. at 668-6868. Any mother who Iost a chuld's sweater on June I st at the Brooklin Spring Fair, cail Mrs. Crawford at 655-4287. She found one that is yet to be claimed. Weil that's it for another week. Caîl 655-3750 if you have any news that you would like to share with the rest of the North Ward. LIZ. Junior Fire De partment TO STUDENTS 0F WHITBY PUBLIC AND SEPARATE SCHOOLS The Whitby Fire Department will be conducting a Junior Fire Department this summer, for the purpose of- educating and training boys or girls Il, 12, 13, and 14 years of age, on the proper actions in case of fire, and fire prevenion me thods. This prograni will be eonducted in two sessions, the first session from July 2nd to July l2th, and the second session from July lSth to July 26th, from 9:15 a.m. until 12:.00 noon each day. There is no fee for this program, and a Beaver shirt with Whitby Junior Fire Department on it wilI be presented to each child that completes the two week course. This should be a very interesting program, so please do not delay submnitting your application, as each i 6th Anniversary Services HeId at Meadowcrest Church "'How would you like 10 have youir nanie changed?"* This wvas the opening thouglit as Rev. David lrwin of Brant- 114CLIP 1119THI COUPON (offer Expires June 22, 74) That's'right, for $20.00 you can enjoy 20 Visits at one of Ontlario's most exclusive figure and fitness Salons. You are given a complete, individualized figure analysis. From this analysis a personalized programme is drawn up. Designed for You and only You! Designed to give you the fastest results possible, so you will look and feel your best for the upcoming summer season. Visît The Salon of Josef and see how much we can offer you for only $20.00. ONLY4 DAYS LEFT .104 Hiarwood, Ajax Plaza, Ajax, Ontario. 942-6611I ford broughit a stirring ann- iversary message to the congregation of Mcadowcrest Baptist CChurc i in Brooklin on Sunday miorning, June 16. They were challenged to be like Barnabas of the carly churcli who hiad his namne changed because hie encouraged his fcllow church nmembers in thecir Christian lives. An equally challenging message was delivercd by Rev. lrwin during the evening ser- vice aftcr which the congreg- ation had a happy time of fellowshiip music and refreshnent. The Olney family of Kit- chenier were the happy musical messengers of the day. Thieir musical packages included a variety of vocal combinations as well as sev- eral instrumental numbers, aIl displaying exceptional tal- ent', used, for God's glory. CEILING GRID A simple way to lower a high celling Is offered by suspended grid systems, consisting of metal rails suspended from the ceiliflg by hangers supportiflg pan- els of polystyrene, plastie- surf aced fiber glass or com- pressed and fissured wood fibers. _____ FOIL RUST Squares of alumlinum bui under furniture feet will proteet newly shampooed carpet from rustinz. ý_ONEY - WANTED $500. 10 $50,000. ITERMS - 2 to 6 months1 Equal monthly re-payment. Revolving basis available. Effective rate - 20 to 26%7c. Selection of quality paper. _______668-6888 group will have a limited num ber of students. FILL OUT TO-DAY AND RETURN TO THE WHITBY FIRE DEPARTMENT (JUNIOR FIRE DEPARTMENT) - 201 BROCK ST. SOUTH, WHITBY, ONTARIO. NAME__ ADDRESS_ PHONE NO. AGE *__ BOY -GIRL SCHOOL 1 st Session 2nd Sesson___ A different vacation idea for Canadians can be found in India. Houseboats can be rented on Dal Lake at Srinagar, Kashmir, for as little as $15.00 per day per couple. This price includes a com- pletely furnished boat, f ood, maids and cook. Climate in Kashmir during the summer months of lune, July and August is ideal. Houseboat in Kash m ir Indian vacation idea K ASHMIR, India - As Canadian travellers be- come more sophisticated from year to year, many sum mer vacation ideas sceem old bat. A trip to Europe, the cottage, or camping can actudlly be- come commonplace after a while. The question of how to spend those summer vacation hours in a different manner becomes more perplexing. India certainly bas one ans- wer to the problem, and flot an expensive one at that. How about a houseboat in Kashmir for as low as $15.00 per day per couple? This price includes a completely furnished boat, food, maids and cook! Which is pretty difficult to equal. And for unbelievably beau-' tiful landscape. Kashmir is hard 10 beat during lune, July and August. This Indian state, slightly smaller than Great million inhabitants, is in the heart of Asia. Few people real- ize it is further north than Tibet. The climate in Kashmir dur- ing the summer months is ideal. Today, there are a variety of races, national costumes and traditions in Kashmir. For the overworked Canadian, Kashmir can be exactly the right tonic. The Dal Lake, near the capital city of Srinagar, is a major attraction. This is where the houseboat reigns supreme. The houseboat was inve»ted near the end of the last century because of a Maharajah's edict prohibiting land ownership. So, people took to the water, and brought the houseboat into being. Today, the houseboat bas turned into a haven for tourists. Evening cocktails on the upper deck, with a sunset over the towering Himalayas,is a moment not to be forgotten. Foskett Roofing & Re-roofing Eavestroughing Aluminum S offit Facer Trough& Siding W h -

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