Whitby Free Press, 26 Jun 1974, p. 8

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PAGE 8, VEDNESDAY. JUNE 26th, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRES Whitby & Oshawa Join To Hol' d Third Annu al, Midge1 t Bail. Tourney' One of the highlights of the summer sports calendar wilI take place on July 13 - 14 when the Whitby Minor- Basebal Assoc. andthe Oshawa- Legion Basebaîl Assoc. join forces tO, co-host their third annual Mîdget Basebal Toumament w'hich wilI bing to the area some ,ofOntario's best'rnidget clubs. -First held in 1972, the tourney has be- corne established as one of the province's best and this year thetournament comnmittee headed up by Jimn Lut ton of Oshawa and Gord Hanna of Whitby had twice as many applications as could be accepted for the six teen spots avail- * ~~able. The first event held in 72,-*às won by Scarboro, and Hamilton Mahoney took thethodours last §eason. In the premier affair the Whitby Canadian Tire club proved tç) be the dark horse of the series battling their way into the final before losing out'to Scarborough. Hamilton met Thorold in last year's championsliip contest which followed some outstanding basebaîl in prelirninary gaines. This year gaines will be played ai Oshawa's Kinsmnn Stadiunîi, E.A. Fairmnan and at Cedar Pairk in Ajax, begyinnl- ing Saturday morning, witlî tic Grand Chamnpionship final slated for Sunday afternoon at 5 p.mi. Clubs en tered this year are the host clubs, Oshawa and Xhiîby and Stoney Creek, Kingston, Hamil ton Mahoney. Agiticotirt. Hcron Park. Listowel, Kingsway, Oakville, Kingsvillc, FHamilton Tinm Horton, Scarboro, Birchinount and Thorold. Eigh teeni gaines will bc requîred to declare a winner and area basebal fans wiIl be assurcd of somne cxciting moments and top notch basebaîl on tice vay to the tournatiient crowvn. Al gaines exccpt th li chapîinsliip event wiIl be seven inning affairs with the final going nine innings. The first and second rounds, eachi of eighit gaines wvill bc played on Sat.. witlh a four gane third round on Sunday whîch reduces the field to four clubs for the Final and Consolation games. Whitby Minor Soccer Assoc. SENIOR GIRLS EAST END MEAT MARK ET Patricia Brouwer Francis Doleweerd OWASKO VOLKSWAGEN Fiona Macgregor 2 ST. ANDREWS I tPICK ERING CATS I IAnigelaBoettclher I Suýffer 2nd Loss The McDonalds Restaurant'Big Macs journeyedý to Peterborough on Saturday for E.O.B.A. action and the Whitby Bantarn club came home with a 4 - 3 defeat, only their second loss of the season. On Sunday they edged Cobourg in a corne from belîind nînth înnîng, finish for a 5 - 4 victory in ome of the best games of the local basebaîl season. In the Liftlock city the Big Macs were out in front going into the seventh when Peterborough camne up with three runs to take the lead 4 - 3. Until that point, Cam Murkar, the Big Macs lefthander, had hcld the Peterboroughi club to a lone hit but they jumpcd on hini for five safeties, which, coupled with some loose defensive play, put Peter- borough on the road 10 victory. Until tlîeir sevciîtl inniîîg outburst tlîe lone Peterborough tally was unearned. Tlîe Big Macs thireaiened iii the top of the ninth wlien their Iead-off batter got on and reachced third witlî only One out. but the Big Macs failed 10 score wvhat would hiave been the tying run. 1-it ting tor McDonalds werc Brett lioffmian with a triple and two singles, Fred Petryshyn. Jody Turner, Greg Ttîshinghiain, Mark MacDonald, and Tini Twviîing had singles. On Sunday Cobourg Legion wvent out in front 2 - 0 iin the first inn îng. tihe Big Macs ticd il 2 - 2 iin tie third and thien boîli clubs baîtlcd thirough tfive scoreless innings until thie top of' ilie ninth whien Cobourg îook a 4 - 2 lead, and il Iooked as i f tie Big Macs inighit lose anothier. Ii ithe bot tomi of t11w nijih howevcr thc Big Macs battled back. iody Turner scored twô runs and thien Breit Hloff- mani executed a perfect bunt 10 squeeze lionie Ian Gillis with tie winîiing mun. Dave McWlirter came rip ith a big win f'or Whiîby holding Cobourg to six hits and got ilie weII deserved victory going al ldie way. Johnt Parroît led MOSQIJITOES GORD) NIEUWENDYK 4 STOKELY VAN KEMPO0 Scott Lintner 3 Norm Pizzolato1 Shut-out - Gary McCoy WHIITBY LIONS Warren Sith Mike Cacia SINCLAIR SUNOCO Joe Palacka STOKELY VAN KEMP Steve Jordison IIARI LAIt) STARS David Blaqluiere JUNIOR GIRLS GUS BROJWNMOTORS Shiela Mulcahiy KIWANIS April Ainsworth Sandra Allain MITCHELLBROS. Margaret Vanderluit Sharon Veenstra IPICKERING FLYERS IJackie Koenders 3PICKF RING PANTIl1. 2 JORDISON CARTY I Ann Brackeiiberry ATOMS WOOLCO DEPT. STORE 5 l>aul Vanderkol fi'3 Sh Uct-OU-t J cff DeRfnney McDONALI)S W.M. Bohby McArthur Stuart Brol Bert Smîith 2 CROXALL 1 Bobby Brol 1 MERCANTILE 1 Scott Wlliams 2 LONGMUIR BUILD. 2 Barry Powers Tim Verrydt 2 KIWANIS 2 Ron Raaphnurst CIiarlie Connor COUNTRY STYLE DON UTS Custom Repairs SU.MMER CLEARANCE SALE UP to 20% Off Summer Shoes WHITBY 121 BROCK ST. N. Mon. - Thurs. "9- 6' 7- s Sat.9m6 the Macs with a double and single, while Ian Gillis with two singles, Fred Petryshyn, Jody Turner, Brett.Hoffman and Jarnie Roche each with one safety were the other Big Mac hitters. The Canadian Tire Midgeîs used the same script for a corne fromn behind 7 - 6 win over Peterborough on Saturday beinid another top-rate pitchhing chore by Dave Allen who struck out the last fine batters lie faced. Kevin Roche supplied the punch drive in the winning mni, while Mike Rowley liad a big day with three sinigles. Timi Brown, Kevin, Roche anid Brian Kehoe eachi had a pair. In Exhibition action carlier the Tiremen dropped Oshawa 9 - 8. EASTERN ONTARIO BASEBA LL ASSOCIATION Wed. Juie 1-6 - Cobourg at Whitby Canadian Tire - Midget - E.A. Fairman -- 6:1I5 Thurs. June 27 - Belleville at Whitby Legionaires - Pee-Wee- Peel Park - 6:1 5 Tues. July 2- Cobourg at Whitby Legionaires - Pee-Wee - l'eel Park - 6:15 Wed. JuIy 3- Oshawa at Whitby Canadian Tire - Midget - E.A. Fairman - 6:15 S*ixteen Teams i*n Pee Wee Tourney> Sixteen centres between in- addition 10 the ost Windsor and Belleville will Cobourg Legion Pirates, two- bc represented at Cobourg time winîîers of the event, 2 Saturday, June 29 Mien play the 1973 champions, Bramp- begins in tlie oîîe-day Kool- ton Whitney Warriors *wil Aid Pee Wee Basebaîl Tourn- a]lso compete. aitent. New entries this year in- clude St. Cathiarines VMF, Eveittual winncrs of, Ithe Oakville Bot Construction, 2 olie-ganie kîîoc kout lturlia- Midland Legîin, Brantford Mceit Iravel to Montreal Aug- Lockingtoîi Sports and Kit- 1 ~cliener Sou 1hi. 1 ust 3 10 sec dhe Expos play Otller centres represented' tie New York Mets. ar-e the Hamilton Mahoîiey Thie sixihi animal tourna- Bears, Elm-grove Red Caps. menti for boys I14 and uinder Belleville UAW. Lindsay Col- is sP)oi1soCed by General oir Your World, aiid Legion Foods, Liîniied and organized icains from Trenton, Wind- 0 by t1e Coboi-g Minor Base- sor, Wiîby, Peterborough & bali Association. Aj ax. 4 RAE R. JONES 2 Ricky Wood 668-7341, BANTAM_ ARMSTRONG HOMES 4 Austin Galca - 2 Robbie Martin 2 Shut-Out - Jeff Snodden CHRIS CATERING Rob McCallion Dennis McCallum Shut-out - an Bell 4-SEVENS REALTY Mîke Pasowisty Henry Goverde Jeff Wells Kevin Lititner Mark Hoogkamp BROOK LIN LEGION LOCAL 222 LASCO STEEL David Baker Jim Reid The world's greatest spoçt spectacu'lar is presently tak- ing place in West Germany. From the 16 teams of the 0 first round the eight qualif- iers for the second round are East Germany, West Ger- many, Yugoslavia, Brazil, the Netherlands, Sweden, Poland, (who haven't lost a game), 3 and Agnia Soccer is the wurld's most popular sport played vigor- 2 ouisly in A countries includ- ing Canada. Hotbeds of Canada are in Vancouver and the Toronto mctro area where Whitby is onie of tlîe strong- est participants. The Minor level in Whîby sports is play- ed by approximatply 500 boys and 200 girls. Girls soccer, relatively unknown, has "leapfrogged". One of our, Senior Girls tearns is presently the leader of a soccer circuit which includes St. Andrews Soccer Club in Scarboroughi who have been playing organized soccer for the last 5 years. If the popuîlarity of Soccer continues to grow at this rate, a tearn from Canada participating in tic next World Cup Series is, a possibility. World Cup Soccer 1 -Am Frie 9M9

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