Whitby Free Press, 3 Jul 1974, p. 9

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Words f rom West Lynde by Norm Mealing As 1 write titis cotrnn, I arn ponderitig the best '-ay b comrplete a door t0 door cativass on behal fflte catîdidlate and party of rny choice in thte forthcorning tèderal election. Canvassing peu p le iin their own homes is sotîîething i don't do well, or easily. I don' t know wh y but 1 cani'i gel over the feeling that I ani intruding upon peo-ple so titerein lies iny itangup. Titis colurnin is, in a sense, anî ntrusion upori people be- cause more often titan not I remnark about te lack of participation and involvemnent on the part if the majority of peuple in comnmunîy aclivities. Frorn thc nuimber of people wito corne forward iin advancc of any eveni 10 itelp, 1 can only conclude ltat comirnuily events are nol somnething tha t ttc majoriîy want su ltaI a colum-n witich reports on these evenîs and castigates tituse who neititer hielp îîor participate must bc vicwcd as an intrusion. Over tlre past six mnonths, there have been a number of activities sponsored and lieîd by thc W.L.C.A. I January, a îîîeeting wvas hceld lu raîify the constitution and byîaws of lte Association. Ratification requircd ii quorum of' 50 inemrbers, buit only 44 showcd up. Thc constitution wvas raîified anyway. In laIe Mareit,-the first executive wvas elcctedl by V/ off. the mnnbership. In May. a nmcetinig to set up a lhockey leagute vas lield -- itit Icss thatn 30 menn showing uii. Famnily Fun Day invoîved nu more tihan 30 peuple as wurkcers alîitotgt aboutt 200 mcin. %vomen. anidciiil(Irrin en- joycd ttcectfforts ut' ttc '30. Ttc Jonc e1 3 1h general mneet ing drcw 44 people lu disctiss a nîtoîher utf veî y impuria t.1 issuies. The nmusi popular events tudate liave hecit utc dances, andlte imosi successitiul zactivi vty udate lias heeti ite b iio.ho)li u ol ilod bho -iutow i liit tan Associa lion. Thc conclosioti. tiieictuOre.tat I draw lfront Iiîs is tîtat ulsi t'fthle res>ideiî IS ut' \West I \,1tt vtew Iltetcoînottn ilZtssue iatiion aSsoni1 e tlîlim2 wt e il u s rea11t l\dticeriii temi. 1I ay bho t tîili d raw i nesuita et i ci tS it iil util soniebudy prove nie \V1,01n12i wtil stick wiîi il. SCHOOL SURVEY The su rvey mei itioned a C1 ev'.'eks agu iniiiis cul tot Il is apparently 10 bc eonidLieîed uver ittc ite\ t litile v.h le. Thev wiII bc sirvcvingaI lite ituntes In ouir suhd iv iston and hope lu gaiter aIl sorts ut i ntorinatiun, itiosi t .lii is prubably nccded. Thev %vilI ho ovvie veïry itome t i dcîcriinc ttc îypcS ut' coIuIL i n vac t vit ios lita t iiiglit ibh houîsed in tceîicw school. whicli is pi oball valid. Tc\y are also going lu ask witat ttc utaleo lle c tuuseitud"s occuîpation is wihi-ithr e lik f tu. Inc doit t knuw wty. Mly iinftormatioin 1tc SU rvey i ulti itdiea telc îc or îlot te question to separate sltoul suiPporters about oitce aga in it is ou r priv- ilege i >.>cuitside r cadi par tics atîd i. heltue guitîg lu Vote M ui lv x \'oîîîl- hliiuplî\ \ilI liai- a Li al gua tcal pl itn \ 0111. kccîmiul. As I sec il iles 1r 1 : Cw lltiiWs I w n d i e lo 1,111d Ii I llei ('ilîtdl 1ei voIl for Ils sappt ccialloil liut Ilite tlicdiidtalis IlIte inosl imti lait tutf dscreation ,îîtd iltaît cdi individual lias t iiaherigîltis w icI imut h o teeted. Ereedorn wit securiîy. I is rigi of* cioice Io uper- aie lîk business with ýas littice as possible guve rî miii iiiinter- l*ercnice. Governmnent nuli iu rto busintess but Iu give guide, lines Cur aIl con)icetr ed. A pa}y as you go pii chîeck t lic dc hi spit .tl. cil[ (,)n n gove rfîlt tut ilid - ing. ('ut itiltittn 1w' tedLC- ille, inltiiesu rates. Wltatever is lîvsicdllv îpos- sible, îîcedl*titI, iuuîallv i il anid desirabl hic lîuld he inlade fttîanicially possible. Rev. R.11 Jamecs. let r to the B.it* box 20 ,eib switching is still 10 be asked. So ltat iijne of us will know outtil we ,ire'stirveyed. For a lot ot reasons, 1 personaily ho pe that the question is tiot an iîîtcgral part of the survey. i n te first instance, il inîterfères with 1thet'ree choice of' Roman ,iiCathioiics 10 support ci ter lte public or lte sepaxra te el emen tary scliooi S. Secondiy, il is bound Io bce misinîterpreîcd towevcr well- inten tioned il maiy be. Finiaîly, lirum a p)lanningp point of, view, il is senseless. Alnyune Who switc tes wili probably do so out of' coilvenience. Ltnd whien the sepairate sch'ool is buiit iin the saine general irea. llîey'lI swit y igh t back. Tliere are lots of examipies of'titis is ScarbIor-oigit, and the City of Toronto. * * ** * ** * ** * ** ** * * * ** * * **,* * ,* he******* As See Ut, by Rev.. R. H. James Whitby Free- Methodist Churc WHAT THE PRESS SAY ABOUT ED BROADBENT 1) '"Broadbent is une politîcian I know, wlho can put' miailers in a broad perspective .. respect lte nan's abil ity, talent and lhoncsty." This Week. Mardli 20111, 1974 (2) "Ed Broaditent 1tough. untlappable, and exîremecly knuwledgcahle on imajior issues titat bite deep mbit this communi ty's econoimîc life. lie can look back on a guod P)erformiance record in the 'ederal area". Oshazwai Times, August 1 3. 1973 (3) "'Fortliriglit anîd brave- speaks outtoft deep convic- tion." Vancouver Suni, September il. i973 (4) No M.P. works hiarder f'or hiis constiluenis [lis local counselling service for peuple whio need help does a brisk business." Oshtawa Timies, Marcli 30, 1974 Re-Elect FOR A RIDE TO THE POLLS OR FURTI-ER INFO8AMATION Whitby Office 100 Dunclas St. W. 668-7797 Authorized by Oshawa-Whitby NDP On Juýly 8 il ~ç 4 'I WHIT'BY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3rd, 1974, PAGE 9 Thc summ-er is now u p on uis although you can't prove it frorn the wcathcr. The Association wili go inito iow gpar with offly two items lcft unresolved. Tl1c future of Central Park lias ncver becni fully discussed, and it is niot iikely that it will be. Thtis is too bad. The question of the cornrnunity centre remainis for consideratioti by the rnembership in the fali so think about it. Also, think about tlie Association itself. Is it necessary and do yoLI want it. If so, resolve to support il corne Sept- ember. If not, let the people invotved know so that they woni't have lu workhard doing sometlting that no one wants. Reniiemiber to vote on July 8tIi! LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS 0F THE ESTATE OF ETHEL MAUD HIAMILTON LATE 0F FAIRVIEW LODGE, IN THE TOWN 0F -WHITBY, IN THE REGIONAL MUN- ICIPALITY 0F DURHAM, WHO DIED 'ON THE -3OTH. DAY 0F IMAY. 1974. TAKE NOTICE that ail persons haviing aimrs agafinst ibis Estate arc required tu scnid to the unidcrnamied their nainies and particulars uft' heir éiaimts on or beibre the 3 IsI day ofiJuly, I1974, aftcr which date the Estate will bc distributed hiaving regar-d onfly tb 1he daimns of' wh ich Ite EXecLitrix thil lias notice. Nigel Schillinig 12 1 Bruck Sitrect -Norith WHITBY. OnfliÎri Sol icitl o i orthe I " a te. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN il IL LS AiF[0ELOIZNERAYIDNt) DSTRONM. deceascd. Ail persunis lîving c1aimns againsi lIte Estate of LORNE RAYMOD OSTROM, deceased vho (lied oni or about the 25111 day uf F1-ebrtuary, 1973 arc requcsted Iu senid the parlicLi lars to tht n dersigned by the 28 tii day of Auguisi 1974. alfier wvh jet date te asseis wil be disîributed lhavîii regarild un Iy tlu he c lafins ltled. DATED a t Toron to titis 2Xuh day ut' Jtune, 1974. I3y METCALFE. I3LAINEY & BURNS. .347 Bay Strècî. Toron to, On tarin. Solicitors f'or the Adiniisîrator. m

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