PAGE' 12, WEDNESDAY, JU LY 3rd, 1974, WHITBY F REE PRESS GOOD GAS MILEAGE TIP NUMBER1 1 q- am q» ÇM m mm- M am « q o umM- - <« pý - lIe 7R?;NSIr Operated by Gray Coach Lines WHITBY AGENCY Wi*lson's Sports Centre (Gord Nieuwendyk m Agent) QUICK STARTS Gasoline can be conserved and engine and tire life prolonged by avoiding unnecessarily rap)id acceleration away from lights and stop signs. mrom: Public Relations Dept., *' General Motors of Canada Limlted, Oshawa, Ontario. lips from O.S.L. The Ontario Saftî Lea- gue emphasizes the need for, pleasure boaters to realize that weathier îs the main hazard whieh must bc con- sidered at al l imes except when boating in cunfincd waters such as srnall lakes and rivers. Even large craft have corne tu grief in hecavy \vaves because a hatch of' cabin door hias been lei't open allowing the vessel t itI up with water anid founder bc- fore the operator realized the danger. Sînal open bouts are even more vuinerable but the danger is also moqre ob- vious. ht is unexpected and sudden storrns which present the greatest hazard to smraller C ra ft. The Ontario Satety Lea- gue advises aIl pleasure boat operators to check the wea- ther before starting on any extensive trip, be sure you have an adequate nutuber of lifejackets aboard that are in good condition. and if heavy winds or waves are encountered, put the litè- jackets on before the danger becomes acute. Research proves that practicalty ail vie- tims of boating accidents were not wearing lifejackets when the fa tal1 accident occured. The Ontario Safety Lea- gue has issued a warning to ail motorists regarding the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning and summer driv- ing. Recently in California, one child was killed and a second blinded by exhaust fumes sucked into a station wagon through an open tail- gate window. The same type of hazard is present when packing the car trunk so fuli that the tid cannot be prop- erly closed and tocked. In - 'both cases, the open rear window and the partly clos- ed trunk lid, exhaust fumes can be sucked mbt the pass- enger section. LJnless ade- quate ventilation is provid- ed, the cotorless, odorless, Stasteless, non-irritating gas can do ils deadly work. Vehicles that have been examîined after a carbon mon- oxide fatality have al so shown that a point of entry for exhaust fumes had been found in holes in the floor w-of the passenger compari- ment, fender panels or holes welt. Rust is a major factor, states the League, causfing a combina lion of exhausi sys- tem defecîs plus lioles ini dhe body. In a few cases. gas had been drawn into thie passenger conîipartmnent by air coriditîoning' units. In older vehiicles andi Ioorty ina intîined vehicles. fihe tait pipe of the exhausi sysîcmr mnay have rusted off or fatten off : and not been reptaced. In sorte cases. the origmnal tait pipe maN, bc too short or posîîiotied so that thie exiting the pipe stîike adjacen t vehicular compon- ent inîaking exhaust fumes accuniutate under the vehicle. Ilow cati you tell if car- bon mionoxide is present? Pite Ontario Safcîy League lists the tollowïi> symlptoilns: tightness across the torehead, followed by throbbing tem- pIes, headache, weariness, weakness, dizzîncss, nausea, loss of miuscular control and increased pulse and respira- tion. If thc concentration of carbon mnonoxide in the air is great enough., it is Possible bto ati ncofl5sCIOUS Nwithout any varitin gat aîl. Carbon ionoxide lias a 'pecîaI etlect at nighit. If yoti're driving ai nighrt and the da rkncss sceems blac ker titan usuat. ifl[lie glare of* oncomiing lig is scons brighl- ter than usual, thicre's a good chance carbon mionox ide can be the cause. N'on are nol conipletely defenseless a gainst this killer. Hiere are some ways lu pre- vent *a carbon nionuxide accident: exhaust systemns shoutd be checked regutarty, especially for blown out gas- kets. louse mnanifolds, leaking exhiausi pipe connections, holes in the miu ftlir. If it's neccssary f'or you tobc 1wn a garage or eniclu;scd 106 Coiborne St. East 668m3746 HOURS: NOTE: SAVE MONEN': spýace wih lyour rnoirfmn- ning. be sure the duors are openl and you have cross ventti liation. If you're parking for mure than a few minutes and yuu're goîng to bc su îing in the car du ring this time, shut off thie engîne or at least open the windows. Parents in the front seat of a station wagon should keep a watchfut eye on chitdren Monday thru Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 6:30 a.m. - 6p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 9p.m.: 6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. CLOSED AIl Highway No. 2 trips now operate via Coîborne Street in both directions. travel tickets are also availabte. MM ý « m m ý ý ý ý ý ý M - %vhi love to ride in thte ear section behind thie back seat whlere the gas cati accurnulale. Neyer drive %vith att your windows ctosed-- make sure you have adectuate cross- ventila ti on. 11n slow-moving. closety spaced traffic or whilc travel- ing through tunnels. keep air-intakes closed. Neyer over-pack the trunk so that you are torced to tic dowtî the trutîk lid. If' you get slcepy while v ou 'rc driving. stop atl once, get oui and breathie some f'reslt air. Tlien dr-ive with the winidowvs openi. As witti so many other hazards of' drivitîg. an ounce of preveniion is worth a poîmnd ut' cure. You cati do a loit to preven t a carbon nionoxide accident. in the trunk or spare tire 'M I I I I I I I *1 4 i 4 f I I I I i I I J Joyce Bowerman ONTARIO RiDING Canada needs a new government'- a government with the dedication and de- cision to deal q uickly and effectively with ou r many major problems. Today we face serious inflation, housing shortages, abuses of unemployment in- surance and runaway growth of govern- ment. Cost of living has gone out of control and there is a crushing burden of personal taxation on our people. Canada needs a new look at Ottawa. Here in Ontario Riding we have the op- portunity ta do something about it by electing Joyce Bowerman to a place in the Conservative governmerit of Bob Stanf ield. Î4