PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY., JULY 3rd, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS 1 dir- The Disease Inf lation Can Be Cured lîif7aiix à a lwor/d îvide prohieni; ià /lit, crv 'ont, ars froni ,man * v sourc-es. I liloi ((Il bc, frea tc'c/(mol<, /ikt' eharit v. the freafrneif heginis cilhome, ' iri'begiis t, hoine. " During ai i iedical cris/s. it'/ere c'pc/L'mc 's f/î rca(e/i the h/or/ci, Docforsamil A led/cal iA uth1iridee lon t xi bcc'k and crj' '/of/ing ('ci/i hcdone. Ih is a R I'Vrd >ýçIL' sita(i4n. lliev roll up f/j<>/j sleeics anîd bej4in n spdisre, IaI Caniuada, orMro/ic-e, or il!uîiiic'/pilau/1*'v won 'f 1w strîîkb. i/w epidemnîl .The people arc> placeci uiidcr rigici 'o/lifrois. Tisi/ vrîfcer rûiic'nihcrs wlicn an epfideindc stîwk ci ('c)/flIIitfl. fTiec clcreî wc'rc fiùrh/icîî (o )go f(c fîzeafres an îî.ici O/iihiiiti' plaývs. Jiiereuwas a ca/I jk'r i/nî- minin-:cioii anîd long hunes of people heing îacciiîalcd, People iwere quarauinîedii iicr lhomes cîid aci/f Pub//c gaf/wer/ugs, sports teî'cî (s, aci/ici cvcia (frac ii<)si/N rc Jo)rbidideli. ir'ev precaurioni possib/ce, or ini otlic'r îords cic/i o frol possible wis useci ci ici li discasc',cip f/Wr/aL/)lc/ic, %vas brouegh ii ader coîifrol. ihi mui' c'ci5c'Sifi as />ce'/ R/glu now flitlurclissufi'rinc,' fioin; ic llNccisc' proc/uc'fx. fii finland/ /11(0 prci- 'fi.iuIl ilidlc'ac'/îîu/g cildc rei flif iruif amic gi bulc uarc ui up/ai fhbnus f<) bu lsc'l Brookln Couple Celebrate 4Oth Weddi-ng Anniversary A 1*îîîî ily' party , a t tîjeir home, waîs held in honour of* Mr. and M rs. ('yril anid Marg- aret Wick of' 4 Coronation Road, Irouklin Io celebrate their 4Oth VVdding Anni- versary. Relatives trom 13rooki in, Oshiaw,Scatrhcroaîid Wlitby attended. The couple were wed inne 3th. 193Ã4 a/ St.Alban's Anglican Ch urch, Toron to. Thcy have resided in Brouklin luOr 25 yeais. Dear Mr. Burgess: We would like to congrat- ulate you on the exception- ally 1-ine quality ol the photo- graph taken of' the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital by Mr. Kim Gardiner t'romn his para- chute which appeared in the June I 9th issue of' the Whitby Free Press. The event really causcd a sensation hiere and we were sorry that we didn't have staff pholographer Wailter Belsito on die groiunds Io take a picture of your man in action. With ail good wishies, Yours sincerely, M. Ruth Brodie Public Relations Officcr Whitby Psychiatric Hospital Whitby Margaret Wick received a bouqune t tru ('y rit oft he saine type uf flowers as thecir original xedding houqueti (roses and cortlowers). Mr. and Mrs. Wîck receîv- cd a n unmer o(I congra tunla- tory cards and giftil inding a garden t')IIiuiO ainaîd ian tînihiella l'or tîjeir paitici talle. N1r. and Mvrs. Wick are îvell kîîcwn iii ilie B: ucîkliîî area l'o r tlieir devu ted wurk ltOi, the l3rro kliîî Ilui i ictlitiii'al Society. i y fin. bcisv'/>ci/ 0I/' f i> lc/tO/I' //îî'î'wîî i'tl 1if croini /t lu tf, llc'ru art' soi//c' ivîsiifc//its iwotn/ruîgî /iu h /f' e'xf)/i)ii fiiqoff//tlii 1lti/iý l c // /lt(c /ni /,j i/ )t-pcuiti 'fti'(' Ic/'f/ills/t't igil i/i (~t /ii v ~> f6u /îuîîtîipitiSii//) li lt/f fi fiW'ifi iii Il/tliiii//i cof c '/it'lc'iis, îî'iî h fa/- Ii u f/î/t'îe)u w(wl4'uý ' (i// cf/ f(i y NIN i/iit' fr ;ihlI /fic i( Âciilit /i/tiI / 1VPi illnftc'i f'/1I i 'ut 1 s îais(n e'r q le,i l /i iîi< wil t ti/il ne gg /1i )rIl it- 'f/vn li c'il/()i i/ui/ci' fhoi' //n.i/u i Il, lntî'ýif hrl/t, gr'aiin, "'r cV laf u t/ nitI u/A i/ I l I î ' ii ' i/i ' /c') f i'it it ' m I iiiius a (f/()(-'S fe> ir utliîîc i/fl iiti/'/I<'fttf 'i tîtî t i>t i l '/ (1 ai/'scif)"î /iiui w lrn fc/ /'ii flit' /iîl f/()lt'ie f/n/c', t'Xif)c'/i î/ipciup i /c/rc'ci/gaine, (iuiîi/c'g/aciiit/>ropsif/id ctcf am~< /lc'i/i4 u/c'îIpi'c'cihi'f/c itifr/l/u ici"'i /ii f)i/g car f/i onIt lil/c.f/t/s î'iiggrcail (;rcii/ f)tli<c' //intt n"/ ii/i/c îîiî' rcacl ît'/a'ntiial i 'cri'ti' iJ Boys & Gilrls Il I Want to earn extra Money & win prizes'? Carriers Needed in LU<OOKLIN AS1iBL'RN\J \\PI( KL.*RINGJ A\D SONML WHITBY *\RI. \S, IF YUl.' ARL INT RITI;)l DU I\-RI(,P \14l RSC\LL 668-6111 WE'fRE STILL THE ONE AND LONELYI1 Other newspapers claim to be the biggest and the best and the fastest growing BUT we're stili the 1 and Lonely newspaper specifically serving the people of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn. INe have a dedicated staff who, at every opport- unity, try their best at providing their community with truth and informative reporting always letting the best interest of this Community fait foremost into their thoughts before wriÉing one word on paper. We're proud of our staff, just as we are proud of our community newspaper and needless-to-say, the commun ity it serves..with local people pro- viding local news..and that'S what counts in a Community newspaper. Faith Replis! Cluwr* 419 Brock Street North Whitty, Ontario Te/ephone (416) 668-2508 SUNDAY SERVICES BIBLE SCHOOL - 9:45 a.m. WORSH IP SERVICE - 11 a.m. EVENING SERVICE - 6:52 p.m. BUS SERVICE PROVIDED NURSERY PRO VIDE!) FOR ALL SERVICES VOICE 0F FAITH -Cbe6 IS t3 & lrd Sunday each month TUESDAY:. Pioneer Girls and 6:*15 p.m. Christian Service Brigade to 7:45 p.m Bible Study and Prayer Meeting 8:00 p.m MINISTER 0F OUTREACH REV. RALPH DUNN DRI VE-IN EVENING SERVICE JULY 7th, I4th, 2I1st, 28th and Aug. 4th. Corne as you are and sit in your car. PLACE.The A & P parking lot, on Brock St. N., Whitby. TIME..6.52 p.rn. Gospel Music and message. Jidy 7th........lisey House of Song (cvening service onfIy) ollier halce gc>ods.' 111/latfion is cciused hi, grain/ he/uîg leji /0 rot i/n fre/ghî cars pcirked ounrci/lway s/diîgs. Ilf/s eaused hy the bîîrniîîg hf o/ ecaîis /0 ereal'e a Jà lsg shorfage fo keep pr/ces up. hil cases 1/1w fliese exanîples, îvlîcli are presenf iin bofh ycuiandcleas feri C'anacla, pr/ce coi i r015 arecu ecessar 1' f0 cl/iiafc' ie ar/iW/cial cause of iuîjihoi. Strict cou trois arct' ic'c'vssafriini lie satninciîner flic' Mcd/ccil /Autori/es ilt' ' r/cf coi/trois Ioc'//iî/iîace c'p/letn/cs caiicicur/ail flie o r ' f'offdscase. Al, pc'olA lc'cd1is irecanciiiSart tlie> reatinif cgaist lltfui Ici do,, bv ceiiiaticlini orkcih/e c'ontroIs on pric-es anîd f)iIIf//ig fi/c/ î/an cic'k ito proclucîioii ich iinfuîrîî reduc'cs s/uc4'ages nciicrc'afcs jobs. Exc'rcisc' îour r/g/il 10 de *nzand unifrot~ agciiî/ htdiseusec' iiliioii riglît liere aflionme hi' î'/ÃŽltfIig /11/11'8111 fJr Mfl/t'iid/clcîe ol vour choice. Election Report LIBERALS IN THE LEAD The most recent Gallup Poil on party standings shows the Liberals to be leading in the current election campaign. 1 The Poil, conducted June 13-15, increased the Liberal stand- ing by 2 per-cent, the Progressive Conservative by 1 per cent and lecreased the NDP popular vote by 3 per cent from three weeks ear1ier. The comparative figures for June 22 and June 5. are as foilows: June 22 June 5 Lib. 42% 40% P.C. 34% 33% NDP 18% 21% Other 6% 6% It is to note that the undecided figure dropped from 33 per cent to 14 per cent. NEW CONSUMER PROTECTION INITIATIVES Prime Minister Trudeau unveiled new consumer policy to pro- vide Canadians with the utmost in protection and equity ini the field of consumer credit: - leg a l n g h t to p a y -o ff re sid e n tia l m o t a e i h u p n l y during the first five years -otae ihu eat - loan-însurance plan to help establish credit for low-income, steadily-employed wage earners - full and complete disclosure of the effective rate of interest in ail interest-bearing transactions - federal registration and licensing of ail money-lenders. JOHN DIEFENBAKER ON PRICE AND WAGE CONTROLS Former Progressive Conservative leader John Diefenbaker said in Kensington, Prince Edward Island Iast week that he would not institute an immediate wage freeze as advocated by Robert Stan- field. He stated that he would wait until wages had risen to levels comparable with those attained by prices. A Canadian Press report said Dief's statement left Conserva- tive officiais in Ottawa virtually speechless. 200-MILE OFFSHORE FISHING LIMIT Speaking in Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Prime *Minister Trudeau said that Canada will dlaim exclusive fishing ri.ghts up to 200 miles offshore whether or flot other countries agree. The Law of the Sea Conferçnce presently under-way in Caracas, Venezuela is attempting to reach agreement on fisheries limits through negotiation. "We must protect the rights of our'fishermen at home as well as conserving fish stock for the rest of the world," Mr. Trudeau said. I1 THE WHITBY FREE PRESS (Voice of the Cou nty Town) i icnnelu'.n piper or WiitI by B1rookliri, Mvrtle iand A ish)buri alIs serviwAjax arnd PickeringC, Serving over 26,0t)0)readers. Publishecl everv Wecldnesdlay by Wîitby Free Press lue. Briîrîo ll;irilaidl. Iresidernt. Lucated ai the 'trie Press 1ilding 121 I3ruik St.Northi SUBSCRIPTION (BY MAIL) $10.00OYEARLy MAIL: Box 206, Whitby MAILING PHONE: 668-6111 PERMIT-NO. TORONTO LIN E: 282-1004 24 EDITOR/GENERAL MANAGER - Mike Burgess ASSISTANT EDITOR - Jim Quail CLASSIFIED ADS - Kathv Martin G3RAPHIC ARTS- Marie Burgess ADVERTISING- Robin Lyon I