Whitby Free Press, 3 Jul 1974, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3rd, 197.4, WHAITBY FREE PRESS 8/IRD 'S VEYE -/IM CI/AIL sea Tales /\clally [lite lieudlilîe s icorrct blcaise Itle stoties I hieard ove r [ie wee ken veiii e ii' t teal Iy sea tale s bu t a tiet yarîîs thal were sputî around Ille docks of* freshlîot lakes andtilmusi outtheivinuul ai ,J.fîilnihere. Il' yoti spelnd auxtlinte aruid Ilhe docks ur a nliali ia Y()('ll aIlavs fîîd 1an uld sait %Vlîolbas hecit on um ealIltle va te r ntI o t I i l'e antdt lie ret uc tbe rs wb e n ced ail s tup hoats were Ille cal 's vukiwwî i iavîig- spellit a uifle limue arind a tua1i nia klaievI 've secuiel Pret îvpecuiliar îtings iii',sell aii uid il yuu keep a shaîp car vou can always Icarui. i have lu [te alînaled al Iil[e wav 50 ile Il'îshe ýiimci gt alfi c fisit . 'l'ev h ave app a re ntily deve lopcd aInesv inue tii d vh icllil iVo lv's Il lutld qatit hes of' becr and a hual îhat batciv hlolt.s il ail. 1 %va clied a gi oup depart uver Ille weekcîîd anidiiese i h tee guy s lad mo re lier i lia muîh ey cou id carry. lIn fac t t liv hîad I l ake îtvu trips to Ilthe dock lu evevi gel it lu uIl [tuai. AI cltai cameîc sume fislî ing gcar anid a couler. Parkway Boit Can Phone Toll-f ree The Ontlariu govetiii nieîni lias Set ip a toll-t*roc long- distatnce uciepiiotu hiookup f'or Lise by peuple seekitîg informatlion abouit[lite Park- way Boit, te Hauiiit on- lu- OsIlawVa îuuiiti-Lise con -idor systoin. Utîder lte atraieuv t peuple wiîo arc loiig-distaiîce ranîge cati tec îîetîeîd lu the Parkway Bolitplituiiiig group iii Tortoni[t4 dialîîîg 0 anîd askin-î thc upc ra ittr lktr Zeruitîh 0 5000. The operatur wilI put Ilite caili trotglufrece uf clianrec. For petople itiiiiu ith- ronîio lItcal-calIing arca. 1no specialiteiepîitoie art auge- vielits arc required fttr a ie cuiitectiott. Tiucy siîpiy diai the plannîing grotp's local nutîi[er, 965-32~43. The freo ioiig-dislattce tel- opluotteservice wvii nake II casier for people itu Parkwajy Bol t aroas bu obtaitu iiiforni- at ion about (lhe iaid-use plai'unug area liîg iitroduc- cd by (lie Ont. goverttieiîl. The Parkway Beit Systei is a dividituo-l me spitte I*or- new and pjrescvil cilics oi' the Ontîario lakesittre inIilite Torontto region. it's iii two secti its: 1arkway lBelt West troîi SI arklaminti IHamiillt- Duidas; anîd Parkwiy' Bell Last frutti Narkhzun lu Oshtawa. Mowing Lawns 110%xv t iîtcusa iawviaind elii-înitîc tuusltroiis. hurps anîd bare spts is covcred iii Johnî BradsIiuaw's Laviu anud Gardon (Guide. wiiicli is avail- abîle t hometruiegrdeituer s. frce. j.uot h rin wis tone ut ('aitada's laui uîîcli isi s anîd is svell kittîwvl Itîrtiglt luis radio anud televisîttî proi- grainîs. Ilie prepared ilite year- rounid gîtide l'or Caitadiatu Inîdust ries Limiîed anid it is available 1froc Ironi('I L lawii anîd gardent pruducts dealers. - ccordiîi.1o Mn. Braci Regional Municipality1 of Durham TENDER FIN - 1 FOR FUEL QIL siiaw lucre is iuow tot nîuw 'a lawn îîroperly'. "Grass irtakes ils foo)d iii tue loaf. ('Lt t nosi uo' te blatte away anîdlte trass sviiI starve. Woods wîill bake uver vîîîr iawit." ".Set the initwer blades ali lwu iiclîs, ;nd itnovw ici ilitegraiss reacîtes i rec intches. movv regulanly. lcaving ilite short clippitigs otithte Iawni." MVr. Br;îdshawv lias tiese suggestionîs for- olîiuîiîaîing( miushirutîts, burnps arnd haro s potPs. 'Mushromis. Lift sud anud look [tir rot liîg wotid-- dead troc mots. 1*tîr exaiîplc. Aer- aie area. souk iltolu ix inc[h depth'ianid troat witli a f'itiigicide." "Batups. Doîi't rtîll buîîî- iiS i Compac1îiiîts theîîustl. ifut Tener wil cte rceived by I tho std anîd sctoop ou t oxcess the ders Dwill ntuni s0il. Replace stîd anid watcr 2h Cerk' DT epanet uvit.l tollows arec[test leveled 2 p.m1 ST,19 W o deayou t by adding an inîclhof July-4 o r t1e7 for Tnde.fIste riîizcd tt)psoil per mo tIi No. 2 anid Bunker Fuîel OiIsI u lt sracîslee fo r the 1 974-75 Heabing ' Bare spots utîder rocs soason. cai moai 100 irucli shado I*r the grass. or, viotonoLugli Tender forms and eciîvoîopes l food. First try fcditug 'CIL rnay ho secured froni t'le Troc Food' onîce a îîîonîlî. If office of the undersigned. lafterc two moîîths the grass Lowest tir any Tender nul docsîî't rcspoîîd, ro.sccd thet necessarily accopted. Ianea with sliadc-adapted D.P. Tlîurgarlaîîd, 1gra ss. ' Manager of Punchasing "Bare spiots invsi sn aroas. Regionial Municipaliiy 0A enly dig out grass-plants Durhm, romthe lawnî edgc, rougli D05u luan Road East, lpsoi] iii haro spot atid Whitby, Ontario. plant une grass plantb per t~~ - sIquare inch. Water weII whlielt ILIssuilO was loaded svwilli ice [tecalîse lwo gliys could liardly nuatuage il. 1 didîi'î atullu(,oinieri'ipî [ty askitug st>i 1tisIi ii suivie i*gtir-iitg outituy uwianud Caîne loIle contcltisionî litaI wliîa tluey wvere goilng lu du was 1iollu le Ilite vaîer wilit ail itis beer, gel the ltisît druvik, ilin ittakiitg il pwii'lv 1()lu ltsl scoop lte iîuc[tie lit île ra naisotlu' Ilite waier. I was I)letly proîtd ud' tutysîl l'futi ligîi tig ýIl ot it wlliîty ut\li gîcy lualler atnd Surteetiuilttaiiy iutslaiet Ile lisiietitien mrieîd wiliîetiliîiy lebtîîer b tutti;an i lew l'lite jîttuitgîys svcîe Sueau ttit uey eItt ltitttllY Stagger out() iSltu)t. Nw'Iile tni)tîît iiivisitittfg a ltleii suilltk w'iîi î 'teîelfi lItaI lus wi'e lias att aveisitnotiîtt thttt'ks, l"4tw l'vti tte'/t lîcaîd utillis ptîttcîtili tulalv tiyslli lîtit Il st'IrI114liffl evety tlitme Ile blady tucai a lttî k 411ti"leî' Itt' i ti $tlt My liieiud tild tie ii' tit l utte sv;~iii i 1wtîîleuitiidtii luis as &I lte v îepiti>îlittit tunel' t' luit ti- ilhIte it11hwile 11.ad1tîsI gîuîlt luIte caluuim t i t il iîî0l îiit livi iîîtlt.s andi as titîy evtlotiti lti.tthe' t att iit t, ilhelM ielp mtiîdei'k, Il Nvas sI int ir lî~ iti i i l t i n t ut ti) f' i i' I Il li ii h fl#t te siiecialul s %vIîitM/010e watiittî as ltluit iw wl î> vle li th Sic I ii tItplL'siiîe blias Wl'iiltlitie k wws lîtl anda Al 'gaies CîiMist'îm' lîtL'ils ~tew'îl uitdtck';ni ,niii initt a ir ae tast sit lo 'un ttia iî pîtlitai wamti emîîîîecîed, 1 illv .'lt)thîtd site iiadv a pi acolîsiiiaie antîti l ît tvetttttaird litlle'dol igîtt iIaitt' p tI ti s attd o ileitli ti îfyiiig u'tiatasiieitil iîesV'ht ;ntdlItetlîtisiîaltid suc tl>1 Ille'lasi eekeîîdlitai otit Iis jiattictilat day miteiti unly fcll in once buit thrco timos. i was thinkitng b mnyseif IjitP i usi cusl lier htisband a fortuine to keep her clothed. Atnothcr frieid jîold me of ani incident hoe hoard about Mien ;j f(airly large cabin cruiser ptilîod inito the dock onc dlay. l'liîe iosC of this craft lhad a guard rail arowvid the [n ii 1 bt h (ie rail was a good 18incihes above the dock. On Ilite how outh 1e[boa t sat a lady with bler legs dangliiigou t lvtiiut auîdl as thle [tua t camne in lu dock shie was going lu jurtnp ()1l, utîIoltle dock and sectire Ille linoes. Shie was corrplecly n nawa fras ite isalt n()ite slippery tnuse ofthI1e botuawilth licysîrt iapectIvl up aîttd tver hIe chrome îaiîing. Aill P'nI a îlîelie i usluaiid, re,,,liziig lie was coimaîTg ifflio lite >iulwk loi) tiickiy. ptlIlleb[taiii reverse avid bit tite Ijtlie MJ$ý- vt ;înltîIl was ,ajlarge boat wiîh a ,lpowertLîl o:tiijotw il uj>jted ;Ilïttl iîtslatttly anld sîartcd iin reverse. i 1h i/l ,,v,î u u iii reverse [titI rallier slid lotV1/idu twîiî' t ie[tat SItecauiglîtl ersoîf (itily fitq ie;t /o ; ;t;;nýweie lav(IIitlittp o(vetl Itle [tuw rail £and ýIW' V/' "tîtti upV/tijI, tl-" t k aclîcd iverIlite [tbms'lier amnis lit'iiii' et lite l"îw lailattd bier 1[tody daîîglitug dowiî the A Y. site y If)t lui)(A'ish Ildle large voluniie ut' air site lit tkit li dusu eat'd i l[u oits ml îlier blou1se lu Pijl) and il si'eîts siteW sîtwcariiip a lira. Whi b ler ioî[ttiiti *tilutwa olu)eMw'Y itle was yeilitig anud whiy tîvi' ttî.iia , putI cti>wded wtîi iîpea ltsal ut'a stddcnl, lie lttiî, a tt t'. î,î)(k-ilIilits wite, tait back [lu tle wlicel. and I hik( ked11 te hJ()i atttl ('lip iid pi u-ceeded t llte upcen waýIc, wîiî lits jwitel'ill stuck P)lulte [tuw like a l'igLIrclîeitd. YOW 1suie ieai a ltu1ata(ijâes ,around a nmarina. 0

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