Whitby Free Press, 3 Jul 1974, p. 7

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ATTENTION Property Owners of the Town of Whiltby NOTICE 0F APPLICATION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOA RD BY THE CORPORATION 0F TFIE TOWN 0F WI-ITBY FOR APPROVAL. 0F A BY-LAW TO REGULATE LAND USE PASSED PURSUANT TO SECTION 350OF THE PLANNING ACT TAKE NOTICE tha t thc Council of' thecCorporation of thec Town of Whithy initends Io appîy to The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of'Section 35 of The Planning Act for approval of' By-Ia'w No. 61I-74 passed on the 27th day of May, 1974. A copy of thc By- Iaw is f'urnished herewith. A note giving an explanation of' the purpose and efftecu cf* the By-law and stauinig the lands afI'ected thereby is aIse furnishied hercwithi. Any persen interested may. within fourteen (14) days afuter the date of this notice, send by registered mail te deliver te uhe Cîerk of' the Trown ol Whitby notice ot his objection to approval of' the saîd By-Iaw together wîtîî a statemient et the grounids of such objection. The Ontario Muiipai.-l Board mnay appreve et' the said By-law but befeore doing se i t may ap)poin t a time and place when anly objection to the By-law wiII be considcred. No- tice of any hecaring uhiat may be held wilI be given offly te persons who have f'iîed an objection and wîio have Ieft, with or dclivered to the Clerk undersigned, the address te whichi Notice et'Hearîing is te be sent. The last date f'or fiîing objections wiII be the IOuh day ol'JuIy. 1974. Dated at tîhe Town c Whitby this 26ôuh dav of Jonc. 1974. Wmi.fil. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Clerk 405 Dundas Street West, WVîitby. Ontario. The Corporation of the Town of Whitby By-Law No. 61-74 Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 1784 WHLRLAS uhe Municipal Ceuncil ofI the Corporation of thîe Town of- Whiuby deemns it advisable te ancnd By-law Ne. 1784. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED AND IT 15 H-EREBY ENACTED as a By-Iaw cf the Corporationi of the Town of' Whlitby by' the Council uhereof'as folîows: I. THAT Section 2 of By-law No. 1 784 is amiended by adding the following subsection: (zzb) "'RlDING STABLES" nicans lands or buildings used for uhe pUrpose of kecping, trainfing and cxercising of* saddle herses inctuding the use of such establishnenit (iii) (a) Horse racetracks providing that the lot area is at ]ease 10 acres. (b) The provisions cf Section 4 (d) of By-law No. I1784 sIîalI not apply to section 3 cf this By-Iaw. 4. This By-law shaîl corne mue force on the date it is passed by the Council cf the Town cf Whitby, subject to approval cf uhe.On tarie Municipal Boa rd. BY-LAW READ A FIRST TIME THIS 13T1-l DAY 0F MAY, A.D., 1974 BY-LAW READ A SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSEDTHIS 27TH DAY 0F MAY, A.D., 1974. Wm. H. Wallace CLERK D.G. Newmani MAYOR ru KALNINS ON.. Election '74 The election camipaign is about to expire in a couiple ef' days. The political leaders are headfing back to tlheir con- stituencies. The voter is aIl set to cast his ballot. And, the nation is anxiously wvaiting the election results. For the last Iwo wceks, I have closelv lollowed all th ree major polit ical leaders- Stan field . Lewis and Triideau. They hiave been addrcssîin ostly thecir owni paris' support- ers ini various parts of the couint ry. I n etler words. thecy tiey have been camipaigning aniong their own people . tilus avoiding possible disorders or conitinuous lheckling. I say. thiat 's ne way t e condutc t a polit ical cani paign. Besides, the twe main polit icians, Trudeau and Lewis. have said very -lit tIc about thie nost vital cainpaignl issue ff today - he inf liatien. AI uhough 1 agree wiîh Lewis thiat big corporations have excess prof*its and prices f'or our- every- day commeidities arc way toe hiigh. uthe NDP leader lias fa-iled te cutfIme how lic il tends te tîgh t the inf lat ion au homne. ht is easy te clamîp down oni big businesses, but wi theut big businesses there won't be a solîndi( Canadiain eco'l'l. ie probleni is. of* course. uhat many big cor- porations are net Catiad ian-ownied and it sinmply mneans uhiat thcy' (whien prcsstîred ueo ofuen by political leaders) can pull ou t otf Canada, thius leaving the so.called Canadian ccononmy in shaînbles. Whiat l'ni sayig is thlis: every large conmpany shouîd bc encouraged to have a fair shiare of' profits, se that the mioncy can be reinvestcd lber further econoical expansion. Whiat we rcally nced is sonie economnical guidelines. And, if guidelines do net work, as it lias been demionstratcd in the pasu, utie only answcr is siff wagc and price conu roIs. I'mî glad Suaielicd is ready te insuitute stich cont roIs despibe an opposition freinuhe Trudeau Govcrrinent. More spec- if*ically. the Liberal Party of Caniada wanbs ne part et' any kind cf'cen troIs. Trudeau lias been saying over and ever again thiat the inflation, otîr numiber oncecny. cannot be foughu wîih the Stanfield policies. Ini effect, lhc's saying, "Look fellas. inflation is here te suay. Whiy bolier figli ing it'?- Stichi attitude is almiosu criminal. Just because inîaîy ouhier ceuni- tries have a relatively liigli inflation rate, it does not nec- cssarîly mnean that (Canada should have ontite. As I have MOST CAR SALESMEN WILLTELLYOIJ THIS DOESN'LT EXIS T A SPORTSCAR WITH ROOM FOR FOUR ADUITS, The Fiat 124 Sport Coupe. \ R ed 1i es a t 6500 rpm. Ilower- assisted disc brakes on ail 4 * wheels. Standard 5-speed gearbox. And room for four 180-lb. nien wvith baggage. If you find thîs hard te believ.-, just take three big friends for a test drive. MARIAN AUTO 25 Grenfeil Street, OshawaI ý728-517 EXPLANATORY NOTE tUlanation oletuh Pupse and Effectof By-law No. 61-74 Thie purpese anîd eft'tcof By-law No. 61I-74 is to chiange By-lawv Ne. I784 te make further clarification cf uthe nîcaning. aînd te regulate the use cf "racetracks" ini a zone designaucd Agricultural (A). This is acb)ieved by amnetding Sectioni I I (a) (iv) by dclcting the werd "race- tracks", aiid by adding' thereto the words "riding stables", aîid furulier by addiîîg te Section 2, a ncw Subsecuion being Subsection (zzb) "Riding Stables" and by ainending Section Il (A) subsecuion (a) by adding thoreto Paragraph (iii) dealing with Herse Racetracks. AIl material fled concerning this application is en file and open for public * nspection iii the Planning Deparinient located ut the Broeklin efficer, I4Church Strecu, Brooklin, Ontario. "The mere tact that you are here points te a need for super- vision," said Provincial Court Judge C.W. Guest as he placed John A. Mondria, 16, of 1504 Dufferin St.. Whitby on three months probation. He is to report to the Probation Officer once a week, keep the peace and be of good behaviour. If Mr. Mondria tollows the regulations of the Probation there vvill be a condîtionat dis- charge at the conclusion of the probationary term. The vouth pleaded guîlty te the charge of theft. He had been seen by the Store Security staff removing an S8.98- stereo tape from the dispiay area of the Woolco Store,,VVhitby, and button it under his jacket. He had $10.00 in' his possession at the t ime. Thane Philip Heneberg, 19, of 1010 Dundas St. E., WhitbY vvas tined $100 or seven days in jail on the charge of driving whiie his ability was impaired by aicohol. On the charge of refusing to give a breath sample for the breathalyzer he was f ined $50 or seven days n jail. He was given 20 days in which te pay his fine. Mr. Heneberg pleaded guilty to both charges. Constable Catoul noticed a car eastbound on Dundas Street E. driving with no tights on. it was weaving across the centre ine into the path of the oncoming traffic. The car turned inte the driveway et 1010 Dundas Street East, where he was stopped by the Off icer. He said he was net aware that refusing te, give a breath sample was against the law. "Treating Bail Retorm as a big joke the Court takes a dimn view of this attitude. The same vvaywvith house breaking; it is not a joke," said Provincial Court Judge C.W. Guest. He sentenced Barry A. Fairservice, 20, of Woodhouse Crescent, Ajax, te one year in jail on the break, enter and theft charge. On the charge et failing te appear in Court while on baul he was sentenced te îwo months in jail and on an assautt charge he was sentenced te 30 days in jail. These sentences are te run concurrent te the one year jait sentence making a total term eof one year in jail. Mr. Fairservice had pieaded guilty te ail charges. On January first at 2:30 a.m. -reaily stiti New Year.'s Eve-', Mr. Fairservice weni te a f riends apartment at 304 Mary St., W., Whiîbv. When there was ne aniswer te his knock he -kicked in the door'. Mr. Fairservice was standing in the living room of the apart- ment when his friend awakenied by the disturbance was checking on the cause. Atter Mr. Fairservice lett, the firend noticedi that a radio and tapes valued at a total et $50 wvere missing from a table. The accused vvho had began drin king on December 22, said he was s0 intoxicated he didn't knowv what he was deing. On January 16th he gel mbt an argument with the staff at the--, Guys and oIls Pool Roomn, Whitby. As a resuir of the argument a fight developed. When he wvas released on his ewn bail Mr. Fairser- vice was working in the area. He failed te appear in Court in Whitby on March 1 9th te answer the charges, due ici "the tact he wvas at his Uncle's funeral in Halitax, Nova Scotia." "It was certainby a brutal and revolting assauit te say the least,- Provincial Court Judge C.WV. Guest, ot Pickering said, as he tined Donald Mclnnis, 18, et 12 Cedar St., Ajax $200 or 30 days in lait. The vouth asked for and vvas granted 30 days in which te pay the fine. He hiad pleaded guitty te assault causing bodily harm. The Police had been called te the Ajax Plaza on June 8th toe investigate a ftîght. They ebserved a 17 year-etd youth sitting on a bench nuear the Bus Stop. He vvas "bleeding protuselv" from facial and head cuts. The victim was taken te the Ajax-Pickering Hospital where it was found he had a broken nase, possible tractured cheek bone and required five stitches te close a wound at the side of his head and one stîtch te close a cut on the nose. Mr. Mclnnis told the Police that there were others in the area and another person had ran out trom behînd him. The accused youîh vwas 0o1 hîs way toward the victim te speak te him when the other persan "ran eut from behind me' and smacked the victim in the face. The victim -tell te his knees." Lights f or Taunton Tenders f or, Psych. The I lotionrahle XVillIiaîî Newmian , M inister et' Ilie En- vir-nelîuct and M .P.P. l'or On- tario) Sou tIi.ý said recen ly tliau t ra t"ic Iigli ts\vil I bc intîua lIed a t Tauntton Road and l-fili- way 12 by July -31, 1974. The design work necessary te allow the temperary wid- ening of the pavement lias been compîeted by udie Min- istry cf Transportation and Commnunications anîd arrange- mntts have beojn made te do this work aîid ulen te instaîl the signaIs. Tlhe Honourable William Newman also said uliat ten- ders hiave been advcrtised by the IMiîistry of Govcrniment Services for modifications tc the existiîîg heauing and vent- ilatiîig sysuerris of the first tloor arcu of thie Nursing' Schiooi,' Whitby Psychiatric H-osp)ital. Tlie work wilI iniclude new drywaîl builkheads, îîowccn- crete areaway for frcsh air intake and soi-ne now ight Ilx titres. The cornpletioni dates for those projects are estimated te be thrcee ninths after the awarding oethle couîtracts. Tenîders have aIse been advertised l'or- root'ing and shecet metal werk to Cottage No. 2 at the Hospital, with- an estimated completion date cf July 3 1st, 1974. 'I WVHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUL Y 3rd, 1974, PAGE 7 foin ted eut ho fore, Canada can bc turned into a self- support ing luit itn. We hiave enough goods for our 22 million inhahi tanus. AIl we nced is a bigger and bcuter iiidust rial complex. TIhis couIld be easily adi icvcd, if ('an- adians tilîcmIsclvcs*WOtld stop stashing money away in saIvinIgS aCcetItIII lt saninvest lîcir dollars ini uset'ul on ter-- prises. l'mi told uliat Caîadians have close te 20 billion dollars put away ini savings accoun us -'jusi sit ting there anîd being eaten away by tuat big nionster called INFLATION. lb is hiardl te change t10 lîc huan nature, but somne cf the linancial pelicies can bc changcd. Robert Stanfield, in mly opinlion, baMs Set th1C coLntry ini motion --te a brighitcî'and betIl berttt ire. Only lie necds that last-minute îîtslî. I say a change is far betuer thian ne change lit aIl. COURT REPO-RT a -,*- 7/

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