PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3rd, 1974, WHITBY FREL PRESS TSiE WHITBY WELDING 3 RAE. R. JONES im Raaphonst 2 Kerr Kingston1 Shut-out - Bobby Clonkie WhityMinor Soccer Assoc. W0,,ýLCO ..DEPT-. Carîrielu Scal'fidi Frank Princiot ta Paul \tande rkulli Frank leraci KOKE CAR WASII Franîk lgnazziîî l David Wesicolt TRIO T.V. Roddy Collins Jerry Winkel COUNTRY STYLE DONUTS, Jacque Vanderluit KINSMEN CLUB David Craig 7 TRIO T.V. Roddy Collins SQUIRTS 7 CANADIAN TIRE O Situ -Ou t David I1-aL 0 WlHITE INSU RAN('E iobîn Allen 'Ferry Slachlow Robert Frobilichi 2BROOK-IN CONCRETE I JefI' Juhnlstoune 4 GlE:DI)EýS CA RPENTRY KOKE CAR WASH- 1 David Wesicot e spo Also an EXquisite SCanadian Line. Classies done better. Lacing mbt change. Slipping into action. Buekling intoneatness. Rugged. Sleek. Aware. Ram nHampers o Basebali Clubs Rain iay be a welcorne sigit 1 travellers in desert regions but the players, coachies and executivo of the Whiîby Minor Basebaîl Assoc. have biad enougb vrain tu last îhemi oscvcral seasons. Thle terrible wcatîher of' the past imonthi lias disrupîed scbiedufles forib le W.M.B.A. flouse Leagues, Wiiby clubs in ie Lasterii Ontario Basebaîl Assoc.. and iblis pasî weekend %asbied oi t Ournlarnlents for the Legion- aires and ie Big Macs. 1A coni binati on ut soinc veird scbiedul ingby the E.O .B.A. and t1w ai roclous weatlier biad kepi [lie Legionaires froin 1playing a bioine gaine for nearly a inonthi. owcver they were able to gel mieo action twice on ibecir hiome field at Peel Park tibis pasi %veck. l'le Legîonaires gui thecir first of' a Ipair of victories, 5 dumping Lindsay 6 - 1 with lcfty Rick Dunphy picking up di te win witi somne relief hielp froru fellow sou thpaw Mike Welling. Dunpbiy tîrew five innings of no bit basebaîl jgiving up a pair ot walks. Larry Cliizen and Jolin Wall led tl1e Legionaires ati hie plaie eacbi corning througbi witli a pair of' safeties, wvhile Greg Puchialski. Muirray McCorkeîl, Mike Weîling. Greg Ricb aud Rick Dunphiy rownded out1 the iitti ng. . I Aga inst Belleville, Mike Welling gui thc wiin in relief of starter Larry ('hîzen witb ithe pitcbing duo holding the Trainmnen to tb ree b ils. Ini ibis une Ille Legiunaires carne uip i nine buts t put togeiber ibeir 7 - 4 triuniph witb Larry ('bize; leading tlie way withb a double ind a single. Munrray McCorkell wbo lbas a bot bat so lar tbis seaisen had a pair ot' singles wvbile G reg Pucbalski, Dave Ciebanskie, G reg Rîih . ike Well ing and John WallI bad singles. Tbe -Letgionaîes wcre enîered lunithe Koul-Aid Tournainenl on Mont ral tosec t e sini action cou rtes\' ol' he tou rna- nient sponsors Genceral Foods. Rained outi on Satu rd.ty. i lie alla'i r as resclieduled tu Sunday and xvhen ram ai aain to(i-ced caucella tion . the event wvas wiped outi for '74. Thbis week ilie Legionaires are bigl,lor a weihrci break xvhien ilbey plIay iini lie Griea1er NlcarîFIls Tou ruanii t. aI su unle et'the imesi presi igiou s ln On tarie and won 1w Idie I1972 edit ion of* Ilie \Vli i ly club. Tbe Legionaîres imie iTboruld iii ibeir lOrlsi gauieeoftii rs eveni. The M ýcDo11a.ld Resîau rau t Big Maics juuîiped iiito ai 7 - 0 leadin luitue irsi inning of îlîeir gamne againsi Ajax Mercury - Etrni turc and added two runs iiicdioftfice sixtb - seventh aind eigbîb inningsfraI3 - 0 lead and a finaI score in the gaine callcd ai the end of eigh t. The Big Macs got a stand- out oiic bit pitcbîig chore fromn rigbt-hanider Mark Mac- Donald wbo also dispîayed fine control in yielding only îwo walks, wbile sbriking out teon. The Big Macs eombined for eleben bits off tîîree Ajax hurlers with Judy Turner Ieading the way withi three singles. Dave McWhirter belted a double and a single and John Heffer, John Parroit, Mark MacDonald, Tim Twining and Carn Murkar added singles. The Big Macs were also disappointed in having a tourna- ment washed out. They were enbered in the 2l1st Sîratford Minor Basebail Assoc. Ban'tam., tourney, une of Ontario's oldest. When ramn forced cniacellation on Saturday it was resclîeduled bu Sunday but sborm warnings for midwestern Ontario prompbed officiais bu cancel on Sunday Mien it was apparent the event couîd flot be played. This weekend bbc Big Macs wîll be in Belleville for the Golden Bat Tourna- ment which attracts sume of Ontario's top bantam clubs. EASTERN ONTARIO BASEBALL ASSOCIATION Wednesday, July 3 - Oshawa at Whibby Canadian Tire - E.A. Fairman - 6:15 - Midgeb Thursday, July 4 - Thurlow at Whitby Legionaires - Peel Park - 6: 15 - Pee-Wee -Tuesday July 9 - Aja. at Whiitby Legiona ires - Peel Park - 615 5-Pee-Wee Custom Repairs SUMMER CLEARANCE STILL GOING Up to 20% Off lim-Sternfor bMou, FINE QUALITY - ITALIAN IMPORTED SHOES EXCEL PLUMBING Tom Scheefer John ScheII Robert Longmuir Mark Vesters MCDONALDS WM. 0 Randy Streef Stuart Broli Ron Magruire KING WEST GARDEN Les Sinden Richard Daley Frank Todd INTER DISTRICT BANTAMS WHITBY LEGION 7 Ron Weirsmar 2 Fred Prinzen 2 David Soo 2 Bob Roche 1 Shut-out - Bernie Kloke BAY RIDGES LEGION ONTARIO CUP THOROLD EAG LES 4 WHITBY LEGION This Legion Team is currentîy in second place in their league. having only lost onîe garne and îhaî vas tu the ieami in firsi place. Ail other league gamnes have been won on shu i-oui pertuormiances by Bernie Kioke. In the Ontario Cup the Opposition îook advantage ol'a lapse uf concentration by the Whîtby teai and rat tled ini 3 goals in the sp.4ce of 5 miînutes. Su ended anuiher atiempi to win ani Ontario Chanpionship. LOCAL22 ARMSTRONG HOMIES Ranidy Woodcock David Maneney BANTAMS 3 4-SEVENS REALTY 4 CIIRIS CATE RING Shutt-ot-- Jeff Snoddeni BROOKLYN LEGION Randy Jeff'rey Peter Diverstein Robby Frendu-Cumnbo Mike Brookes Jim Stackow LASCO STEEL Mark Vandermieulen Jim Reid CROXALL Robert Brol Henry J. Verrydi 9 LASCO STEEIL Tony Carswell 3 Mark Vandernmeulen JUNIOR (GIRLS I TCH ELL B ROTH ERS 0 5 LOCAL 22~1 4 Rick Reinsmna 1 Johin Pedietti MOSQUITOES 2 MERCANTILE Shut-out- David Lyîîde SINCLAIR SUNOCO Jue Palacca Glen Vanderley Peter Cule STOKELY VAN KEMP I John Brackeriberry Shlut-out --Jiru Forbes LONGMUIR BUILDERS 4 Barry Powers 2 Mike Kennelîy1 Rober Lonigmuir 1 SINCLAIR SUNOCO 9 Doug Wiersma I Ri'cky Wills 2 Peter Visser I Jue Palacka1 Rusty WiIls 2 Peter Cole 2 Shut-out - David Hopkins WHITBY LIONS Wayne Oderkirk Mike Cachia -Jamie Cane Graeme Smith ATOMS WOOLCO DEPT. STORE 10 lan Porter 3 Carmelo Scarfuba1 Glen Cain I SPaul Vanderkolff 3 Frank leraci .2 4 IIARI LAIt) STARS 1 Wayne ('rosson K IXA N IS HIARI LAID STARS Mark Wesicnbuefer David Blactuiere KIWANIS CLUB 6 GORD NIEUWENDYK 3 Greg Borchuk KING WEST GARDEN Richard Daley Les Siiuden Kelly Johnson Jodi Arius Nlîcbelle Pmnbleiro. PICKERING FLYEIRS iocbiy Koenders GUS BROWN MIOTORS Shecila NMulcahly Llizabeti Verrydi MNIiN S PREF'S S 3 PIC'KERING R.R. Jo-Auine Spek 5 KIWANIS CLUB 4 Sandcra Allain 1JORI)ISON 'A RTY Sandrai Stevenson1 HOLE-IN-ONE us foîtuîu ew prot'essieuials eve r sec inuucli less an i ini- aieiîr. But Jijo [Clsieud. li. R.I liroklii, coilucky Last flîursdaiy ai ('uînîiv t aie Golf t'Club anid on (ibe I 4î liold did ibie înigliîy' dccclini une ielI sti r&ke wi iii th liebl1) KEEP IN THE SWIM WITH WATER SAFETY et a No. 7 ioni. Jinicalîs lihliscît a 'duîti' anîd AiodSle Fie Press iliai lls \vas -oeegood Sliot iii a mîillionî.a luck\ si roke." l)espite lus goîod ltîck Jlimu si ilI wvouîd up 20)ov s1lo~otiniiin 84. Learn the rules of boating safety wlth Red Cross. Aiv.',%- wear your PFD (Personal Flota- lion Device) when you go in a boat. Ask your Red Cross Water Satety Service about courses in small craft safety. Know how to care for your boat. Make sure the hu'il is sound and you have an anchor and a paddle on board at al l imes. 121 BROOK ST. N. aserch.g WvHrTBy HGIJRS U»341 Mon. -ThurL 9-6 Friday 9-9 Saturdoy 9-6 PICKERING PANTHE*RS master charge