Whitby Free Press, 17 Jul 1974, p. 3

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BIRD ' EYE 4 ~VIE W Murder & Mayhem Anybody who has ever been awakened by what sceens like a wild pack of noisy kids trapped indoors on a rainy summer mnorning knows wvhat I mnean by thoughts uf' murder and mayhem going through their rninds. I was once a kid rnyself (contrary to popular belief) and 1 always thouglit of Sundays as a day when the world was yours to explore. On a lazy summiner rnurning shallow creeks beckon-ed with litres of slow nîoving catfish anI vacant felds, became the scene of forts built with straw,' old wood and a piece of canvias scof fed from somiebodv's tool shed. It was with these thoughts of bygone summer days that 1 casualîy picked up the TV guide last Sunday and wunder- ed if it turned to ran, vhat there was to watch on television. If You watched TV last weekend I don't have ho tell you what a surprise 1 gon. Uni îlot a prude and seldum am I shocked but when I looked over the day's roster of pro- grams for last Stinday I had to admit it hiad beeni a long time since 1 had seen such a collection of rmurder and mayhem. If you're a church goer then you would bareîy be hume from church and settled down from lunch when McCloud came on at 2 p.m. as McCloud's chief is accused of mnuider in Hawaii. The Chief gets a good working over by the heavies and McCîoud also gets the odd thumping as the plot twists to overtures of the Chief being- accused of assault on a young lady years previous to his present situa- Carnival Preview Continued from P.2 A go-kart race will bc held at Fainily Kartways, on Hwy. 12 south of Brookjir at 3 p.m. Aug. 3 with tro- phies for the winners. En-' trants may register an hour before the irace. About 1,000 to 2,000 people turned out for the races held at the carnival two years ago. ROLLER SKATING Roller skating, which is making a comeback across the country. wvill be une of the new attractions at this year's County Town Carnival. Ken Barber. co-ordinator of roller skating f'or the Whitby Recreation Depart- ment, will present skating demonstrations at the Iro- quois Park Arena every hour on the hour starting at 6 p.rn. on July 28. Following the demonstra. tions which last about 1 5 minutes, the audience will be invited to take part. Roller skating has not been an att- raction in Whitby for several years, but is now being re- introduced by the recreation department. ROCK ING CHAIRS Senior citizens of Whitby over the age of 60 will have an opportunity to "Rock ar- ound the Clock in the Whitby County Town Caro- ival's first annual rockinîg chair marathon. Chairs wilI be at the Iro- quois Park Arena where the event will begin at 9 a.m. Monday Aug. 5, and continue for 12 hours. The rockers won't be board during the long hours, for they will be entertained during the after- noron with the Whitby Minis. teriai Association's Gospel singing show, and in the evening there is a presen tation of trophies, followed by the fireworks display. Breaks will occur during the last five minutes of every hour, and friends mnay stand 2 by wi th food and drink. The n winners will be those who 1 rock the longest. Competitors will supply their own rockers, which will be picked upby truck before the marathon and returned afterwards. Arrangements will be made by phone Aug. 21. Prizes for the great rock- ing chair marathon are a permanent trophy and replica for the winner, and gifi cert- ificates as second and third prizes. Registration forms are av- ailable at theetire hall and must be returned thiere by Aug. I., the last date for entries. For furîher inform- ation caîl 6554462. FLOWER SHOW The County Town Flower Show by the Brooklin Hort- icultural Society, which hias been a popular event at the County Town Carnival, wiil be held again this year in the counicil chambers, Aug. 4. Entries wiII be rcceived from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., with judging from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. From 3 p.m. to 8 p.m., the show will be open to the public. Forty-five classes are open this year, fine for tlower ar- rangements, tour lfor )lan ts, and the rei.inder for speci- men flowers. Any resident of the Durham Region is el- igible to enter, and inay have his or her entry accepted at the door. A large number of people who were not mnem- bers of the Brooklin Society participated last year, with 158 en tries from 30exhibi tors. The Brooklin Horticultural Society, in addition to its flower show, will have a booth in the Chamber of Commerce Trade Fair, and a float in the carnival parade. HORSE SHOW Horse enthusiasts are in- vited to- enter the Whitby County Town Carnival Horse Show at the farm of Peter Van Hemmen. tion of being charged with the- murder-of another Young lady who he went to a'motel with to watch television. Happily, the Chief djdn't murder anyone- except maybethe script but there was stili a lot'of violencefor an early Sunday afternoon. With murder and killing stili fresh, channel 2 alred a Hemingway story at 3:30 about American expatriates in post-World War 1 Europe. 1 suspected the worst was yet to corne as 1 neared prime-time television but Walt Disney came through with flying colours as 1 settled down to Watch Chip Wn Dale fight it out with Donald Duck as to who gets custody of a tree. Sure, there was the odd battie but the violence doesn't-seemn inhumane on a Walt Disney cartoon of this type because the victirns soon rally round and the scuffle continues. Global mnust think Sunday is like any other day tlfough because their Journal focuissed on the violence in Northern Ireland with interviews of memrbers of two rival factions The probl cm in lreland sceems rather complicated and a lot of' people hiave died so far but on Sunday l'rn not aboutto rnent.aliy attemrpt to solve or even get involved i 1reland. The biggest problern I waîit 10 solve on a Sunday is how to get the barbecue to stay lit so 1 can burn somcthing f'or supper. Shows yotu how deep rny religion goes -- on Sunday I still offer a burin sacrifice- but it's LIsually whaî's Ieft of a roast. Whitby Regional Councillo)r Gerry Emin and his wife Betty (nec Post) of*Ashiburn, check on their ncw arrivai Paul Andrcw Jonathoni. Paul wvas born iuly 4 at the Osh- awa General Hospital, and weighis inat 8 lbs. 1) ozs. MIrs. Emin and lier niew s011 caine home Surnday and are ,doig well. Gerrv says he's Make your wilI work Everyone should Iliake a wîill Your ldwyer wilI draîw it up to suit your indiv'îduail wishes. Then the e\perienced specialists at Victoria and Grey TrUSt will take it f*rom there and 1Make surIe as YOUr tru-LSteC -- thiat your intentionis are fulfilled both efliciently and synmpathetically. Talk it over today with Victoria and Grey. Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation i [MGREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1699 Lorne D. Reid wMuueer 308 DUNDAS W. -WHITBY 1 on "cîoud nine", and 50 are his other children, Julie and Michael. Photo by Mike Burgess ~aturdsy WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUt.Y 17, 1974, PAGE 3 Even the Beachcombers got iito. the violence as Relic's father (old Da) showed up and irùfidiately proved his love for his son by trying to beat the can off him. McCloud got a rerun at 8-30 while Mannix went underground with a bunchof freedorn fighters and on channel 7 Jim Brown and Gene Hackman showed what fun it is to break from prison. Because the whole thing turned into a riot it's not likely any lit tie kiddies would pick up somne tips on breaking out of the house and it's for sure they won't need help on how to start a riot. Channel 19 believes in a quiet Sunday as they talked about The Great War at 9 p.m. but the whoJe day was topped off by channel 9 at 1IO,p.m. as they dragged out al the horrers and death of World War Il with a special on the Russian-German war starring those two loveable rascals - Hitler and Stalin. The entîre episode of Sunday television did just" as 1 predicted it mighit and that was to'encite me tQ violence. I had an irresistable urge to put my foot through the tele- vision screen but at* the last minute I realized it would only solve my situation. Lawrence Welk or Bd Sullivan neyer did turn me on but if we can get themn back on Sunday television it might be worth taking a chance on the bubble machine getting out of hand. Knowing today's television it might be a hopeless cause I- can just hear Ed Sullivan saying, "Alright, let's bring on the Boston Strangler." Custom Repaîrs... PURSES -S 2. 00 o ff Regular Prices froin..a 59).00 (0 S20-00 Sandai Sale Clearance on ('hiildrits coloured Beachi Sandals 2017( off 2~off ailounr Nturses Shoes Ladies Coloured Beachi Sandas - 20/ off Mens Summner -Sandals Reg. S 16.95 Sale Price - 20%1o ôf Ladies and Mens Foani insoles 35% (AÏ Ladies and Mens reg. shoes up to 20%i off. Also an Exquislte Canacîan'Line. 121 BROCK ST. N. WHITBYÎ &U&. - Thon Friday 9-8734 9-.. g..cm PIZZAZZIP 106 Byron St. Se" Whitby 668-649 FREE DELIVERY For a limîted time we coupon. 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