PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS TRAVEýL Boonoonloonoos? Cani you imagine rclaxing beforc dinner by lying back in a canoe as a skilled boatrnan guides your crafi up river,. aided by the lighit fromi glinrnering torches? Cati yout imagine a restaurant with no roof' except for palmn branches and a bar wherc ail you wishi to drink is inciludced with the price of dinner? A restauirant where dinner consists of ail you cani cat of sornc of the mnosi dieliciotns tood in thc world, followed by exciting cniertainrncnt, and where the bill is neyer pre sented to you? This ail cornes truc one night evcry week froni April I15 to mid-December, in Ocho Rios and Runaway Bay, Jam- aica. wlhere this dinner on the White River is part of' the special Boonoonoonoos Vacation World package. Boonoonoonoos is a' Jamnaican word that means good, pleasant, fun, beautifuil, and a few other îliings, andis the name for the island counbry's imaginative programmie to attract visi tors this summier and rail. For S 117.50 per per- son, based on double occupancy, visitors enjoy seven nigits and eight days at thieir choice' fromIn 1Iclading Jamaican hotels in the Ocho Rios -Runaway Bay area, transfers froni airport to ho tel and back, shopping discount coupon book, a welcomning rumi drink at their biote!, a boule of Tia Maria Jamnaican i.qpcur, a glass-boutoîi "boat ridei Jarnaicai Nighit-Unî -the'Wie River, discounts on golf at the Runawvay Bay and Upton Golf' and Country Clubs,' nighîtly entertainient and dancing at hotels, and native floorsbows. Two different mnca! packages are otfered. ln the snialler hotels, whichi are GoldenFlaCu Caribbeani, 1libiscus, Lodge. MantaIent Inn, and Berkeley Beachi, 1h11 breakfasts arc included in the basic prices, along with the White River dinner and one other dinner. For S30 per person, ail other dinners mnay be added tb the package. Ini the Larger hiotels, wvhich are Jamaica Hiltoni, Jamnaica Playboy, Tower Isle, Ruinaway Bay, Eaton Hall, and Shaw Park Beach, a S69 supplemnent buys aIl breakfasts and dinners. Guests who take advantage of the mca! plans cani cat in any of the hbtels in their group. In an interview, Huigh Maitland-Watker, mianaging di- rector of the Shaw Park Beach I lote! and a leadîng miember or the local hotel association, said:' "This, programme Mvil mean (liat visibors have a chance to participate ini a widic range of niew experinces that îbcy could neyer enjoy %vi thout coming bo Jamnaica. During eachi day utf their stav, îbey will have thc upp- ortuntiiv bt participate ini soi-e actîvity, frornl kite 1lying to rlîrowuîg boops bu 'vin a frcc boule of rum. Buit everything is carefully planxîcd by the hurtels and tourist board to provide a sense oft frecdom lu ithe visitur. Peuple cati Corne and go as îhey ish. witiluuî heing forced initu a rigid iinerary. Also, becauise of' te large numnber of pari icipat- ing- hotels, people 'vil! mnccl new friends froim a imucb %vider range or accunmmodat ion. Tiis thîle t irsi t hue this level of co-operai ion lias heen achieved hy lho el keepet s Jarnaica. and I ani sure that the visi to'rs w !j enjuv thleir holidavs imnîiienselv Ontarlo Place The Prilde and" Joy Where iri the world caîî Young and old vicw imovies on a screen mncasuring 60 by 80 feet? Wbere cati the young "&gel lost" iii an elaborate îbrce-ticr funland? Whiere can you enjoy the pleasures ot 10 liccnced restaurants serving a varieîy of,German, Chinese, Italian and Canadian food. or go shopping in a boutique area offering Eskîimo and Indian artifacts? The answer to Ihese questions is 10 be found on a 96-acre cultural and leisure complex located on thc three man-made isiands in Lake Ontario. Knownas Ontario Place, Toronto's pride and joy lastsummer opened uts gaies to almost threc million visîbors from across Canada, Europe and te United States. The spherical, domed motion picture iheater - called the Cinesphere - is considered to be among the mosi advan- ceci ever built. Seating 800 persons, the theater features te world's largest Indoor curved sereen. The 1974 season, which begins May 18 and continues îtrough September 3, is showing VOLCANO, a dramaîic actuality of the volcanic eruption which occurred in lceîand in January, 1973. Screenings will begin ai I11:00 a.m. and run hourly until 9:00 p.m. There are also three Experiential Theatres ai Ontario Place. Housed in modemn steel and glass structures. these iheaiers wilI feature OTTAWA - MORE THAN A CITY and KALEIDOSCOPE from 10:30 until 9:00 A new, excîing, multi-media experience will openi in Augusi from 4:00 p.m. t101I1:00Op.m. daily. The Forum is Ontario Placc's outdoor anphitheýatre. Accommodaîing 8,000 peuple - 1,000 under tlie translu- cent vinyl canopy, and 6,000 scated on thie surrounding grassy slopes - the Forum spotligit is shared cqualîy by celebrities from sympliony orchestras, opera and ballet companies, and by stars fromite rock, pop, jazz and country music fields. Styled after tbc classic Grock theater-in-îbie-round, thc Forumn presen is a wide array of talent each evening ibrougliout te sunîmner and cery weekend fromi Labor Day to October. Perhaps the mosb imposing structure on thc site is tlhe Ontario Place Pavilion. Suspendcd I1O5 feet above te lake, this five-moduled steel and glass building contains nearly I COURTICE-ALLIN I.D.A. SHORT'S I.D.A. PHARMACY 11 7 Brock Sre .Wib 668-2394 65 Baldwin Street Brooklin 655-3301 250,000 cubic feet of exhibit theaiers and restaurant space. Tite reception arca features a Weîcome Wall and a compuîerized rnap whicb infomr lte visitor about Ontario Place. The "Iland Ports" comrplex contains three licenced restaurants and offers banquet caîering facilities. If youtre betwcen lte, ages of. four and 14, Chiidren's Village, is witcre lte. action is., Advenîurcs abound in this two-acre-pîayground, fealuring sucli dazzlcrs as the Earth Box Crawl, Soda, Founiain Mountain and' Foami Swamp. Therc's'a gapîig lion's.jaw to explore for cavities and a crazy caterpiller sitop, a, rubber forest and a giant tramip- oline. Most of te area is covered by a brigiti orange cani- opy., Lasî year, more titan 5,000 chilidrcn a day "got losi" in'îhe Village,-te only onie of ils kind ini the world. Tite latesi addition to the Village is simiply cailed Waîer Play, wh icit nagni fies te gi(>rîes of' thc waîer pisiol, thc garden itose, and the oid swînîîning fitole. Up Io 400 soaking, spiashing youngsters at once cani enjoy Water Plà y's Tarzanl-typc rope swings, watcrfalls and water cannons, then cati parade happiiy iioibthe nmoutit of a giganîic "beastie" whiclî was ithougîitltifuly buil t tbdouble as a warnî air drying roomi. During lte summrrer, Yachtsmen frmon as far away as Florida berti ttieir crafi al the Marina aI Ontario Place. With a capaciiy of 320 boats, ranging up Io 60 lcet in length, tite Marina facilities include sltowers, rcsb roomns, tele- pliones and restaurants. Open from May I1I Io October 20, reservations for space should be made early and in wrîtîng. For "a,,clivists", there's a miniature I 8-hole golf course Io practice on, anîd pedal boats eati be rented froîîî docks on West Island near Loon Lagoon. Sirtce its first wecks of operat 'ion in 197 1, Ontario Place lias riscn tb becoîne onte of Canada's fastest-growing bou rist a ttractions. Space-age structurres, experiential titea- ters, live .entertainment, restauranîts, boutiques, marina, spectacular films, Children's Village, and picnic areas pro- No va Scotia62 Nova Scotia's diverse at- tractions present the summer vacationer with a delectable array of travel options. His choices begin before he leaves home - as he decides on his means of traspotaton.Nova Scotia is one of the few destinations he- can reach. by'plane, car ferry, bus, train, his own- car, or a combination of these. Once he arrives, he faces yet another interesting choice of activities and attractions from one 'end of the 350 mile long, province to the other. He may want to indulge in a sea-orîented vacation - - sunning and swimming on miles of ,ocean beaches that are almost deserted through the week; reriîing a saiîboat and exploring the thousands of islands protecting the coastline; or matching wits and stamninaý wiîh. a giant bluefin tuna or a gamney striped bass. Perhaps lie merely wants to explore 'a new and still unspolied ]and, following coastal roads from rocky headland to cozy inlet, stop- ping to talk to the people he meets in the countless îowns and villages dotîng the coastline. Or he may want to give lis golf clubs the best work- out they have had in years, on courses witose scenie sur- roundings make il difficuit to concentrate on lis game. He may want t10 learn more about the province's history and its impact on the development of Canada and America. * If he's forgotten the niceties of friendly and court- cous relationships, he'll be rerminded of' thein wien he meets Nova Scotians who arc prôud to share thieir prov- ince xiîi him and treat hirn ini a disarininglv hospitable nianner. 9* 0e vide a wide range of activiuies for people of ail ages. General admission for adults is $1.50, juniors( 13 to 17) $ 1.00, and chiIdren ( 124 and under, accompanied) are admiîted frec. Ontario senior citizens are also admitted free. (Tliese prices are subjeet to change). For additional information, contact the Ontario Place Corporation, 8 York Street, Toronto, Ontario M5J 1R2, or the Canadian Government Office of Tourism, 1 50 Kent Street, Ottawa K lA OH6. 2nd &3rd MORYGAGE M0NEY AVAILAIBLE *open Mogage *Nb o amt *1.,onths >MN.bonuus * No éredit checks " No inq.iiry from moighbous " Confidential rranogements " your hom " Sormwos l@wo S1,60 *Fse rvlc. Mortages Bought and Sold cou Mr. WUt 942-2611 (L.ed> «IR 4M avvBt oy duos