Whitby Free Press, 17 Jul 1974, p. 7

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KALNINS £AAâ.JhM0~ E lection Post- Mortem, WeIl, it's ail over. The Trudeaumnaniacs arc back in power and l'mi stli icking my wounds. 1 goofed. Bu t, il does flot mean that I have chianged rny minci about the Liberal Party of Canada and their il-contrived doijiestie policies. The July 8 election resuits came tonany of us as a big surprise. The vote for the Trudeau Government was a vote for the inflation. It was also a vote for other social juls: the endless government liandouts, the lack of initiative for work, the continuously high income f'ax and personal property taxes, but above ail the inability to cope with the inflationary trends. The Liberal program which is still a no-no as far as l'ni concerned, apparentiy appealed to the Mr. Average voter whose only concern is a few fast bucks in his kitty and the usual "what else can 1 get from Mr. Trudeau" while 1we is the Prime Minister of Canada. The more serlous voter who saw the folly of endicss handouts and« the rejection of tfli arrful effecis of the spiralling inflation, deflinitely was slighited during this election. His quest for common sense and the ability to fighit inflation was ignored at the polis. In other wvords, the, people who felt tlîat sometlîing niust bc donc to stop in- flation and costiy handouts wvere ovcrpowered by those irresponsibie Canadians who believe titat Canada can sur- vive ai empty promises and poorly organized welfare programs. I'mi appalled with the election outcome. Thc latter shows that the majority of Canadians do flot understand the economic probiems of this country nor do they under- stand what causes inflation. It is unthinkable that prices can be brought under con trol while unrealistic wage setutic ments go unchecked. For instance, hospital nurses are asking for a 60 per cent wage hike. Just imagine this - a whopping 60 per cent! Let's suppose that plumbers. carpenters, phofographers - you name if - vilI foilow suit! Where's it ail going to end? In bankruptcy - that's where. Common sense dictates that Waiges and prices are cioseiy tied in with the presenit economic structure. If wages go Up (and they tend fo go up rather slowiy), then prices wiii go up too because the reasoning behind ail this is quite simple: if you make more money, then you can afford to pay a higher price for today's commodities. Thus if be- comes an endless and futile monetary race to nowhere. With some regret 1 must say that the average voter has fully demonstrated his lack of understanding (or to put it bluntly - sfupidity) by giving a four year mandate to a man who has publicly deciared that he's unabie f0 fight inflation. As a resuit of this vote for economic hardships, 1 prediet that in two or three years from now the whoie country wiii be knee-deep in depression. Slowiy but surely it is coming already. Well, we ail have to iearn -some things the hard way. The continuous inflation will be the hardest lesson ever. So, WELCOME INFLATION and good-bye WAGE AND PRICE CONTROLS! I CHALK LAKE PARK Scenie wooded Picnic grounds b, Canoeing, beach, tables. Off No. 12 I Myrtle through Ashburn, turn left Thunderbird Golf Course and follow Caîl 1655-3487. )eside Chalk Lake. -Iighway, turn left at 1 st sideroad past signs for one mile. Greenwood Conservation Areai Greenwood Conservation Area is 752 acres of rolling countryside with înany op- porfunities for sunirer rcc- reation. Fislîing, swinirning and hikinig arc just a fcw of tlic things f0 do - or just relax and sunbathe. Froin the -nature trail, vis- itors canl sec signs of flic rnany aniniais and birds that inhabit flic Arca. The trees along flic trail arc labelled tQ hcîp visitors identify the various varicties. There arc barbeque facil- ities and hot and cold snacks are offered af flic refresh- nient booth. Greenwood has group camping by permit. Tlhe Area, jusf a short drive northwesf of Whitby, is five miles norfh of the Village of Pickerinîg, off Westncy Road. If is open seven days What Does Summer Mean f0 You?7 Sumnier is a speciai finie for A of us. For the cify dweiler, if's hiot pavement, cool drinks anîd vacation fime. For flic farmer, if is a. finie of work, of hoping for ram - or hoping flic ramn wiil stop. For childrcn if is tlic very essence of child- hood. For one group of Canad- ians it is a finie of crisis. Evcry suinmer the Red Cross Biood Transfusion Service runs short of bîood. The normal needs go on and there is usualiy an increase in tlic accident rate; this demand for biood and biood pro- ducts increases. For the volunfeers of Red Cross who recruit donors, summer is a t ime of bruised telephone- diailing fingers as fhey step- up their efforts. Summer is a fime when a greaf many people leave home; they move to cottages, they go on camping trips, motor trips, boat trips and airpiane trips. Sometimes they simp- ly go to a neighbour's back- yard pool. There is no one home to answer the telephone when the blood donor re- cruitment volunteer cails. Please share the joys of suImmer. Before yon leave WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDA'Y, JULY 17, 1974, PAGE 7 lor 04N harwoodl, Ajax Plaza,ý Ajax, Ontario 942-661il PoilA Béplai <WureIa 419 Borock Stree( Nolh, Whltby, Ontario Telephon. 416) 668-2508 SUNDAY SERVICES WORSH IP SERVICE - il amn. EVENING SERVICE - 6:52 p. NURSERY PROVIDED FOR ALL SERVICES TUESDAV: Pioneer Girls and 6:15 p.m. Christian Service Brigade to 7:45 p.rn Bible Study and Prayer Meeting 8:We p.r MINISTER 0F OUTREACU REV. RALPH DUNN DRIVE-IN EVENING SERVICE JULY 7th, l4th, 2lst, 28th and Aug. 4th. Corne as you are and sit in your car. PLACE .T.he A & P parking lot, on Brock St. N., Whitby. TIME..6.52 p.m. Gospel Music and message, BIBLE SCHOOL - 9:45 &.m. BUS SERVICE PRGVIDED IVOICEOF FAITH-cabie 6 Ilt 3dSun*y each monthI I a week trôm 10: 00 a.m. f0 sundown and is one of a number of Conservation Ar. cas operated by The Metro- politan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. For further information, contact, Metro Region Con- servation at 630-9780.

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