PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS Carnival Queen Contestants, JOAN LANGILLE, 16, is a grade 1l student at Anderson. Her hobbies include art (sket. chiing, painting, etc.), camp- ing, and sewing. Slie plans on going to college after completing highi schiool and taking cartooning (commer- cial art). Joan says if she won the contest "l'd prob- ably take my boyfriend with nie" to the Bahiamas. RITA PHELAN, 17, will be going to grade 12 in Sept. She plans oh taking an ani- mal technology course after segraduates. Her hobbies include horseback riding, (en- joys animais) and snow ski- ing. Says if she won the contest "I'd die", but says she would take her sister with her on the trip to the Bahamas. MAUREEN FITZGERALD, 1 7, is a grade I12 student at Denis O'Connor High School presently working as a play- ground leader for the Whitby Rec. Department. Her hob- bies are horseback riding and camping. Sfic plans on taking a course on horsemanship after she graduates and plans someday on owning her own ranch. WENDY WILLAN, 19, is pre- sently working as a lifeguard at a local park. She will be going to Wlfred Laurier Un- iversity in Waterloo where she plans on studying social work. Wendy enjoys swim- ming, playing the piano, and showing dogs. SIie says if she won the contest she'd "probably give the tickets to my mom and dad". LYNIVLAWFORD, DONNA LU KE, 19, an Osh- DEBBIE FOSK(E'T, 19,a awai bmnk ernployee,. unfort- .lust minute enîry on Tuesday, uniately didn't have tinie 10 was unable to be contacîcd bc interviewcd by the Erec ebforc press lime. Press or to have lier pictuire t ak en.