WHI TBY F REE PR ESS, E DN ESDAY, JU LY 24, 1974, PAG E 15 KALNINS ON.. Canada's First Porno Moviehouse (Copyright 1974) Finaliy, Canada's first "legitillte" P01110 'uVie bouIse lias opened ils doors ho thouisands of' Caniadians wbu have beau waiting for tItis to happo. And, i was flie first Toronto based journalist invited lu view the 60-minute liard cura pornographie movie. The Inovie house callcd "Cinerna Blue Film CIlub"iîs conveniently iocated on Yonge Street ini Toronto, alîi-ost next door to the Yonge Street Mission. A btue-cotored filer describes the new porno Iîotse as "an adLilt thieatre, exhibiting sex in a frank and candid, m-anter".' It also ex- plains that "our phiiosophy is, ail humati sexualiiy is beautiful". But, the Metro Toronto Police Moraiity Squad docs flot seem t0 agrea with that particular phitosophy. In fact, they have raided the place three limes in the past couple of weeks and more raids are expected to follow. lu each case, 1 was told, the moratity squad officers have confis- cated the porno reels and sorne inovie projectors as watt. The owners have been charged with showing obscene matariat in a public place. While waiting l'or te trial, t11e show goes on. And, 1 can tait you, it is a prethy sizzting show. Nothing is taft to the imagination. Sex acts are shown at close range in numerous positions. lt's as if une would be watching sexual acîivity in his own bedroorn. The prica charged by the management is titrea dollars par person, but some cushorners were chiarged more. After the show, 1 was introduced to a man nanied Chiuck. App- arently, hae is behind this pruject wth two other Americari- born citizens. Chuck, a native of Ohio, says lie is confident the porno house wilt be ablee b "stay open" despite con- tinuous pressures from courts and civic leaders. The reason for his optimism is tuat Chuck's customers mtlst become bona fide members of "Adutt Filum Club". The prospective member is asked 10 sign au application forin which statas that "Adult Film Club" is a private adutt club for the pur- pose of distributing, exhibiting and viewing adutt books, magazines, and movies that deat with sexuat miatters and nudit y in frank and candid maniner. A person must be 1 8 yearsà of age in order'to join titis' 211d - Ron Raaplîorst Whiitby --92% 3rd - Paul Luclîka-- Whitby - 90% t5 years and uinder "B" Ctass 3 t 3rd - -Ingrid Koîarek --Witby 86% for period of July 24«- 31 LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22) Your tuck wvill be high this vveek, and if you've to details, there may be a promotion in the air. club. Tiîis weck, tie cluib's nienmbersip h las jumped tliree-f'old. At ie last coun t, Cliuck's pornio club hiad more thian 500 mcm nbcrs, nmost of' thaienrom hdie Toroffl 1 area. Il* ail goas watt, says Cbutck, (lie operlt ion witt .bce expanded. "Aithe1 prceCft t ime wc are only shlowing 8-mm11 silen t miovies", Chiuck explalus "but iii die uecarest flu tre we înay go I 6-nin, iîîctudiing sou nd'.ý Accordiuig to Chiuck and biis Ixutruer George, thie Metro Pltice ara îry ing "very liaird" to biarrass ie Ciîiciia iBluc Filmi Club, "But, we liave enioui h ouy to keep thiis operation ative lorionitîit0cone", says Cliuck. mic rcsults uf'tibis venture will be seau sonmtinie next montlb wben Cbnitck atid bis business partnîers witl tell ilîcir side ut' tbe story ini tie Otl City Hlaitcourhromi. Unitil iben - the lirst pono )slow will go on. 1974 Music Fest'ival Winners Local winners in tibe 1974 Canadian Music Festival of' the Caniadian Conservatory uf'Music are: ACCORDION SOLOS "C" DIVISION 1 2 years and under "C"'Class t19 3rd -- Ron Raaphorst - Whitby - 88% 13 years and under "C" Class 23 VI RGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) Be forwarned - you could be taken ýadvantage of financially, Confusion is in the air this week, particularly in the area of romance. LIB6RA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) -Don't let your actions and words be misconstructed- particular- y if you'll be in the public qye. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) Don't jump to the wrong conclusion this week. You should be able to accpmplish many of your goals by the end of the yea r. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) Don't make any large purchases until you're sure that you're financially stable. CA PRI1CO RN (Dec. 22 - Ja n. 19) Vou need to take sonne time off work, in order for you to reevaluate your goals. AQIUARIUS (Jan. 20- Feb. 18) You can't decide whether you want to stay in the rat-race or get away f rom it ail. Your mate will be very vague. PISCES (Feb. 19 - March 20) Don't worry about your bleak-looking f inancial position - you're due for a breakthrough shortly. ARI1ES (March 20 - April1 19) Your thoughts will be somewhere else this week; although if you persued your social life you would find that you could get ahead. TAURUS (April 20 - May 20) There is a lot of activity and excitement; everything happens very quickly. Someone with a sympathetic nature will give you a boost. GEMINI (May 21 - June 20) Certain people you have a lot in common with may share a very relaxing time with Vou. This visit will help your outlook on life. CANCER (June 21 - July 22) Collect your thoughts this week; spend time in the sun. may have a visit from close relatives. You SALIE 4 e;pin REALT LD We urgentty require listingS on farm. commercial. and esidential propertis't; For further information on these and other proper- ties calt 668-7777 or Toronto uine, 282-1004. $65.900. 4 Bedroom side splt levet, fully broadloomed. L-shaped iving-dining 'room.. Watkout ho garden [rom Famity room that has log burning fireplace.* Garage lias entrance to bouse. Custom bitit kitchen. Vendor bas bougit. 121 S58,500. 4 Bedroomn,- 2 storey home. Fulty broad- loomned. Combination tiving-dining room, t % baths. Walk out to patio and garden from large kitchen. Owner bas bought - needs quick sale. BROCK STREET NO.RTH WHUTBY 668-7777 ALUMINUM, FIBREGLASS FISHING BOATS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS MATERIALS UED BOATS Whiltby Marine Hwy. 12 at Myrtie Station 6554117 MOLIPL( tisTNG uNIaI * r x '~1 y fi H f paid attention