Whitby Free Press, 24 Jul 1974, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNES DAY, JULY 24, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS Free Press-- Emiuorium FOR SALE - 8 year oid bay showv Pony and saddle. i2 Hiands. Good xvth chlild- ren. ENGLISH AND WEST- [-RN TRAINED. CAN JUMP. S250.00. Phono 668-2203 betore 9 P.11. t.Imp. FOR SALE - Economy Camrper. 1967 VW Camnper ini excellent dlean condition, propain. Must soul, $ 1,195. ore os t ute r. CUal116(-) ip- FOR SA LE e.- lectrie lawmî mnoxvr :and grass catcher, excellent comditîin, S65.00. Inglis G as Dryer, excollent condition, S98.00. Ampli- fier in miahu(,ganty cabine t, excellenlt coniditionl. 545.00. Frido. ,ood xvorking ordem, 250.Please eall (42-4656 any tniealler 6 p.nî. FSALE *FOR SALE -50 -8 foot ofonce posts, $SI .2-5 ieh., 50 board feet. Chierrywood, 50 i cents a foot. Cali 723-1220. e mp. FOR SALE - Alouette 14 horsopowor snowmobiie in brand new condition, wiii inicludo seat covor, lheimet, and miitts. Cost, niew, $800.. wiii soit for $400. Cali 668-6744. emp. - FOR SALE -I Starite deep weii punmp with 2-0 gallon tank, gaugos and fit- tings. S80.00. Cail 942- 2569, onp. FO R SALE crib, $20., nesh piay'pen, $SI5., baby carr-ier, $8,0. Cail 668-C09-3. ...... ».. ...... m p. FOR SALE un me 7-picoe Dining room sot ( iight uak). Cst950).00. Seiiing prico 32.00. Aiso 3-pieco EaIsv wa slhe rse t, uncEjLs spi mu- latlor %vaslier. one Easy dryer. unie Easy I roner. 1rice S25 ('iCall 6. mi FOR BALE l3ack reg- i\crd lirouilibic d poodie. ai.'or Snuïls~a d ail shots. Slt.Desk lamo. s -. 5 0, Baskctixdl. S2)1 sîtchien iglitt îixt tire, 'S3.00, Ladies 5tiie' ut 51) ('ican plsi iîc \i îe stcS. ' 0) 3ttrur tiaps,. s300 i tii i t01, sti atic il, '". i ail o 1s- 4225. FOR SALE 21"tfour plate Jaco bseni iaxvn muuxwe r. Onix2 easold. S65.00. ilmp. FOR SALIE .38 Iver Revolver, antique. S60.00. ('ail 65i-3505. emnp. FOR SA[LE 6(6 Pontiac ('unvo rti ble. powver brakes, powxer sleeritig. atlornaltie, b)ticket seats, lo% iliago. S600. or Lest uffor. ('al, aftor 6 p.mi., 655-3090. emnp. FOR SALE -- 5 speed boy's bicycle, wedge shapod frame. High risc hamdiebars, equipped with headIighit, tail light and generator. One year oid - good condition. Asking $50. Cali 668-7134. emp. FOR SALE - Trim Gyhi Exerciser with instruction book. New condition. $50. Cail 655-4245. cmp. FOR SALE - 2 small toy poodies - 1 white female, 3 yrs., 1 black maie, 1 yr. purebred - papers - good house pet for children. $ I125. each. Must soul - moving to apartrnenî. Phone 668-74921. cmrn. I I I -I I emnmp. FOR S AýLEL tires with riinîs. S 5" tres. S 1iO.( FOR SALE - Bi3scai\ ie. 4 door Sx V8 illotoi,. ititotfla tus itisîlx . As .s Jcn c uphuard du ech. SoIt ver v re (all 655-35_34. FOR SAL E vdce. alinînsi brand tires. Askîno 535- FOR SA LI; 5"S Boit Nlassil-e Niai. wiii sdi toi 560. Proj).ection Sereeni. c(Iliîtim. 'S1i5. 37 27. FOR SALE--4, Super X tires Bliîed). Suze: 180. total S40.00. Modi Mooiitish Patron in green background. wood (mmcx). Hait S25. Cali 668-8527. FOR SALE - 19i Parisionmie V8, 327 power brakos, power Limie coioured wit vimiyl top. Good cc S400-00. Phorne 6 aller 6 P.11,. FOR SALE - Ult ci-i Sound Systerr or rec-roomn. 3 port lions, vinyi covered,tu control paniel, switcli on amp., 2 garrard ti tion luritables. empire lune arms, ridges. 15" JB Lansi caker mu1)Limted iii cabinet. New cosi xviii take S700. or bc ('aIl 668-9746. 1 FOR SALE- 148 ply tire. spairo, nov uisod. S30.00. Ca 3:30 p.m. at 668-74A FOR SALE--Fi washier - working coi S45.00. 601 Claremnce Whitby. omp. 2Dodigc I 1)5Cmli) ,edami. 238 tic, radii . necv ci. ors, S1.50 1 cemp. 1' boys bic. icw. -'0" I 0.Cail [mii LI me" hine toi )at $125., D)e-Luixe ExcellentI M'il68- o miip. Micholin' (SteelI 1 5-NAS lem Art: i Framre, Teak- price-I ernp. 6'~6 Grand 7engmne, sîeering.I th black ondition. 568-5105 cmp. tra-t-nod- f'or Di .able sec- upc-dock lies, bog- ramscrip- 2 audio I I I Il GE cart - FOR SALE - modern iig. Sp- chesterfild amnd chair, mrushi- thea Ire room colour, like mîew, asking $ 1,00., $100. R.C.A. b/w 2-1"T.V., est offer. 1 fluor modol, in good cond. omp. Seflîîg -want to buy colour Radiail Arcadiami Beaumnont. Just ,v, nover spent uvor $200 uni repairs. ail after good motor, ownod and 3. omp.I driven by lady umly. lave ....-M roccipts for repairs. Askimîg rigidaireI $350. Cail 668-4435. mditiomi. I Cp. 1 'Dr. in CALL 668-6111 FOR SALE Coopor' I Goulie Pads, used once. in lgood condition., 27" high, $45.00. Aiso, Cooper face Imusk, also in good condition, $8,00. Call 655-321.1, j eJiip, 1 . - -CLASSIFJED ADVERTISING' LEAR TO RIVEPAINTING &DEÇORATINC TRAiTR RIES1 Painting and decorating RACTO TRALERSfroc estiniates. , No obli- CTrain with the experts CTuition fee tax deductible CJob assistance guaranteed Weekend training also avaîlable Now, SPecillSummer, tultion Fees For application and interview write: National Trractor irailer Training School, 738-3618 Box 445, Bobcaygeon, Ontario. Toronto Phone 493-6068 \VANT TO RENT 2 bedruomu apartnient in a building near- dowimîuwvn Whitby t'(r ciller Atig. Ist or Sept. ist. PIcaise eaul 725 --.3 0-591. .Atu7 1777 7717 -Philîps Stelmeu x vith .4 bmiiti in duel- toile spekei. kCelient Con- dîtîuî, S200.25', Xsîie Iluse B & W 1i.V.. 3.0 A ntique ;graimaphunle, 4' eet hl IgI. ('rankîusn. 25 Mr besi ut fer. C J (Xii o".S, BACK HOEING DriveŽs Done - Gravel, Sanci Swîfrironiq Pools Cut dowvn irees StUrnps ReMoved Tear dowri Buildings Clean up of any knld '725-8i4 1I FOR SALEI- Dinette set. uval table, 4 chairs, neariy new, 550.00, single bed, S35., Philco B & W T.V. and sîereo w1olpuenî set. good cond- ition, $200. Austin jeep wiîh sriow Iow, $SI1. I00. Cali 668-81 25. em. STORES FOR RENT WHITBY MICHAEL BOULEVARD 11,000 sq. feet, convenjent centre among mew i1,500 home sub-division. Ail uses. Cloverlawn Investments Ltd. yping at home. 668-8426. ga tion. Evcryotnes ini the groove -the big cloan-up. Cali Scotty 668-26()2. SPECIAL SAVINGS Contents of Model Homes. Chesterfields, lamps, dînet- te suites, veivet paintings, rugs, Ali in Showroom con- dition. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. E. Oshawa 728-3473 BA BYSITTîNG i xviii babysit ( nf'ants or schuol bidren ) in ii 'ho me daysj and wxiii serve goud icais. Localcd in West Lyvnde. with a nice fenced mni backyardi. (al0591). july3 t FODR SAif' S îmîs, shcppard &i tîk. 'xceks oid. \lie 5 2. !11ales S5.Phoo hoîseeon o aît4( i ni. ,S<2 L E 3G A-L F. ALAN LAWSON C.A. TR USTEE IN BANKRUPTCY 15 Ca/borne Street Kiast Oshaiva, Ontario LJG ]MI1 Telephioine: (416) 723-3800 FOR SALE - 196() Triumphi Spitfire. Good condition but needs sonne ropair. Cail 985-2583 after 6 p.m. Juiy 31/74 JOE VA]LYEAR & SON DECORATORS Paper Hanging a speciaity.1 Serving Whitby and surround- ing areas for over 20 years. Let experience be your guide. 668-8426 mmi 1 e BAI3YSITTING I xiii babysit in ny homo. Presehioolers preferrcd.* West Lynde area. Cuit 668-2987. July 24/74 FOR SALE - crib amîd mattross, play pen, baby seut and back carrier. Cal] 579-3564. iuly 24/74 s I ý ý mm FOR SALE 1970 Dat- sun, cortificato, radiais. radio, tape dock, 28 rnpg. $900. CaIi 668-9978 after 6 p.m. JuIy 24/74 CARPENTRY Hiome Repairs and Improvo- moents. Ceranli wali tiliiîg anid fluoor tili'ng. Cali 668-4686. ONE & ONE THIRD ACRES On Trent 3 bedroom cottage furnished, broadlooined, guest cottage, boat house, 12 boats, motors, 2 car garage. Cail 423-2601. July 24/74 KARATE Black Boit Studios. Coni- piote, formai progranis for mon, wornen and chiidron. Private instruction by app- oin t n t a t yur convoniencel I lours -i 1.rn. Io 9 l.m. 78 Sinmcoo Street North Phoneo--571)-0362 Foskett Roofing & Re-roofing Eavestroughing Aluminum Soff it Facer Trougli & Siding Whitby 668m5906 PICKERING 1111E DTO S49.,O(+O() \ltnsl sd. oi bdrioonms. Iwo sîurev . finisiied [c-roumn, piatio. and a tctcedi yard. N xext ras. iteen G roeen &.,A ssocia tes btd. , Reai t or Cali141)1-3 180) *màmmm mmý AVAILABLE 0 5 yeor t.rm a Open Mortgag.s a No poym.fi for thre. months 0 No bonus.. a No credif checks *b No inquiry f rom netghbours " Confidei c rrong.menfs mod in your home " sorrow os low os $1,600 *Foet erVice Mortages Bought and Sotd cou M. .WMu *~112 1 (TereMi ) i 3ê8 v ZfSe Say- -Ridues NOTICEL TO READERS Advortisc IRLE in the FRELE PRESS ILMPORIUM, pay ONLY 'vhen you sel!! There xviilot bc any chargo to ad- vertisers in the FREE PRIE-SS 1E-MPORIUM unless thc item advertised is sold. Whcn the advcrtiséd item is sold, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated be- low. Ail advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month il* flot sold RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 2% of the balance over $400-00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised tur $50. 00- commision due $2.50 (minimum commission is $1.00) Private advertising only! Please notify us if you t'ind a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediately when item is sold so that we may delete it from folIowin-J issues. Services, help wanted, clothing, real estate and personat message type, ads can only be handled on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, caîl 668-6111 MAIL ALL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. BOX 2016, WFIITBY 2nd &3rd MORTGAGE MONEY m T.V. REPAIRS SPECIAL Juiy and August OnIy Service Cal Black and White - $5,00 Colour - $8.00 723-0065 CAREER AVAILABLE, If you're interosted ini a clhaiienging position;onie that requires yoû to think with, inVon tivonless, thoen wo've got tho position foi- you. i ts in an ,advertising dept. where yoln ilicot tHeos flo calien- ginig ofil poople ....... Mr. Rotailor. If' you tliink y.ou can coinimuicato witih Mr. Re- tailor. niake an aippointOient lu soc me, Robin A. Lyon, Advortising Conisul tantt,'ÀWhit- by Firco Pross. Cail 668-61i11 . 1

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