Whitby Free Press, 31 Jul 1974, p. 7

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MONDAY, AUGUST Sth, 1974 9:00 a. m. Tennis Tournarnent Finals (see Sat. 9 a.m. and ail day for details.) Peel Park Tennis Courts. 8:00 a. m. Minor Lacrosse Bantam Tournament for to 9 p.m. Family Kartway Trophy Peel Park Lacrosse Box 9:00 a.m. Rocking Chair Marathon. Open to ail ito 9 p.m. Senior Citizens (Iroquois Park Arena (12 hr. limit). 9:30 a.m. Minor Soccer Tournament Finals - Squirts Peel Park. 10: 00 a.m. Invitational Lawn Bowling Tournament for Whitby Chamber of Commerce Trophy Bowling Greens, Brock St. S.ý Information -Albert Knibb 668-3169. 10:30 a.m. Minor Soccer Tournament Finals - Junior Girls. Peel Park 11: 30 a.m. Minor Soccer Toumament Finals - Atoms Peel Park 12 noon to Malta Food Specialties, Display and Welcome 10:30 p.m. Centre Iroquois Park Arena 12 noon to Lions 8%IIrLi.n Night - evening entertainment 1:00 a.m. - Bavarian Band - Continental Food Iroquois Park - Tent 12 noon to 11: 30 p.m. Happyland Carnival Rides and Ginies Iroquois Park, 12 noon to Lions Train about Town 1:00 arn. Transportation between downtown Whitby Carnival Round-Up "Whitby Salutes Iroquois Park" is the theme of ihis ycar's County Town Carnival, and for the first timne, this ncw recreation complex ai Victoria and Henry Sts. wili be the scene of scores of events and activities associa- ted with the carnivai. The niexi tve days are crammed with fun and excite- ment as ail roads lead to Iroquois Park with its spac- ious new arena and extensive grounds that can accommo- date touscs fpopie. The County i on Singers wiIl open Thursday's program with a Bon Voyage Concert before they make their his- toric trip to Ausîria. The concert, which includes the actu Alnqrnibers to be sung in Austria, ýflWgin -at îhc-r arena at8: 15p D... The cî-r 7ide is will be running at Iroquois Park through Monday, and on Thursday and Friday nights there will be a mernber's art exhibit at the neighbouring Whitby Arts Station., The 1Lon Bvaran Gar- den wiil be open from noon to 1 a.m. in a giant tent north of the arena Friday, Satur- day and Monday, and flic Lions will bc operaiing a train service beiwcen Iro- quois Park and downtown Witby. The Malta Social Club will have a special pavillon witii crafts and food specialtles open in thc arcna staiting, at 7 p.m., whiic starting at 4 p.m. thc Kiwvanî is(tib ili bc having ils beef b1arbeque and dance at Heydenshorc Pavilion. The Whitby Le-ioni will have a dress-up sofibaîl gamne in Centennial Park ai 8 p.mi. followcd by a (lance at the Legion Hall an hour later. Also, the Whitby Ministerial Association will be present- ing ils gospel singing show with the Switzer Brothers sîarting ai 7 p.m. in the arena. Saturday opens with the giant Carnival Parade which begins at 10 a.m. and follows Dundas St. from Pine St. to Henry and south on Henry St. to the Iroqui Park Arena. At 9 aMte--owniown shopping mail wili open on Brock St., from Dundas to Coiborne St. Tennis tourna- ments wdl begin in Peel Park, and Peel and Cen tennial Parks wii be the scene of basebail tournamnents. At 10 a.m. the tavy Lea- gue of Whitby opens il baz- aar in the Coiborne Street afternoon at the Bavarian Garden, the Malta pavilion will be open, and the Legion will be holding opn house. Frorn1 T .. toi p.mn. thc swim mnccl wiil be under way ai the Kinsmen Park pool, and at 2 p.m. there will be a children's pet show ai thc arena. Also ai 2 p.mi. the Whitby and Oshawa coun- cils wiil face off for a soccer game ai Peel Park. and the Kinsmen will be offering log sawing, horseshoe pitcing & football throwing coniesis at Kinsmen Park. The witzer Brothers and a veniriloquisi will be per- forming ait tc arena, starting ai 2 p.m. and again starîing at 7 p.m., while a go-kart race wîll be under way ai Family Kartways, on Hwy. 12 south of Brooklin, ai 3 p. m. The Kiwanis Club will be hosting a dance ai Heydenshore Pavilion at 9 p.m., while ai the sanie lime there will be a western dance ai the Knights of Columbus Hall, and a pyjama dance by thc firefighters association ai the CentennialBuilding. Sundaây's events open ai 8 arn. with the Rotary Pani- cake Breakfast ai Heyden- shore Park, a soap box derby ai the Durlain Region Court House at 10 a.m., a public churchi service ai Heydcni- shore Park ai 9:30 a.m. ,nd a novice car rally at i O an ai the Iroquois Park parking lot. Froini 10 a.în. bo 5 p.m.ý ilee viil be ,i lhoîse show at thec Peter \"ail I leinîînerl larin on Rosslauîd Rd. and the Yacht Cluib will be openi aIl1 dIV. Thec Counity TownFlvr Show, sponsdjred by the Brookin Horticultural Soc- iety will open lu the public ai 3 p.mn. in flic town hall, while tle Whitby Arts Festival and Malta pavilion will be open in the afernoon. Bicycle races will be held in the morning and afternoon ai the A and P Parking lot, sponsored by the YMCA, and Joy '74 reopens in the afiernoon ai the arena, cul- rninaiing in a special service with the Rev. David Mainse from the TV prograni Cross- roads ai 8:15 p.m. FromW 2 .m. M4 p.m. the 'town of Whitby wili hold a special reception ai the Ontario Ladies' Coilege, and ai 7:30 p.m. there will be a square dance ai the Green Street parkingjl.. Mon u. 5is the lasi day of 'lie carnivai, with and Bavarian Garden will be in operalion during the-after- noon an evn Joy '7 wapsupits pro- gramnsfromn7 p.m. to 10Opan., at xvhich tirne there will also be a special trophy presenta- lion ai the arena. Thc final event of the carnival will be a fireworks display sponsored by Lake Ontario Steel Co. and put on soutli ot iroquois Park by the Whitby Fire De par tme nt. Progr»nsre avaable at the Chamiber of Commerce Office, 117 Green St. and frorn the Legion information booth which will be located uptown throughou Lt the carnivai. Speciai visitors for this year's carnival wvill be mnem- bers of the Ford Wagon Train trailer club who wiIl be cami- ping at Heydenshore Park. OLC Reception Residents of Whiitby and the Durham Region will have an opportunhty to tour the historic Ontario Ladies' Col- lege during the Counity Town Carnival. In Honour of thc college's centennial thisycar, île Town wiil be holding a reception on île iawn in front of île college fromn 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday Aug. 4 and tours will be conducied through île building. Thc Ontario Ladies' Col- lege xvas built at Trafalgar Casîle in i1859 for Nelson Gilbert Reynolds. shcniff of Ontario County. Itxvas vis- lied by Prince Arthur and Sir Johin A. Macdonald in 1 869 and iiI1874 was pur- chiased by the Metihodist Chutrcli tor use as a Ladies' ('o lge. Dr. Egerton Ryerson, thc founder of Ontanio's educa- tional systern laid the corner stone for Ryerson Hall ai the college in 1 877, and the Massey family assisted in the building of Frances Hlall in 1895, which is named after one of the Massey daugliters. Thc college buili lis own indoor gymnasiuim and swim- ining pool in 1913 and în 1956 a chapel was addcd. Studenîs froni ail over thc world including thc Caril- bean, Hong Kong andi Taiwan attended the college this year. There are about 117 students, somte of who are boarders and others arc day studenîs. Thc college is recognized as ani architectural landmnark in the province and was fea- turcd in the Ancestral Roof". a xvell known book on O0n11- ario larchitecture. Wh*itby Yacht Club Mainirs anid'laiitcr alike artc inviied tlu aiîc'd the Wiîibhy ynichtIIIîîbS up- cil blouse dunitIni(lle ('uînty' oil oxnCainivai. ' l'ic club xiile uc pen Ifor piublic vicxving mui 9 a.nî., to 6 p.ifl. Sunday Ai>g.4, to give Wlîitby area resi dents n wp porlunity bu sec the ec Club fluse whiîch xvas operncd i n Itine. New ianidscaping bias beeu donc oniii e rron nds a nd 11n0lrc n1î1orings loi.iix>ts ad- ded tlîis yeur i.l'le 1huais xxii be ý'dresscd" xvili>flags for thc occasion. TlIce Yachit Clubh is rea- clicd by drivîrîg down te road lu the Wli i by Psyclb- iat rie i luspital and ttîrning Icit ien yotu reacli îhe lake. Dress-up Baseball gamnes, dances and o pen house, are ail part of thc Whiiby B ranchi of the Royal Canadian Le- gion's contribution 10 the Couniy Town Carnival in addition to thc Carniival Qucen Contesi. Two dress-up basebail ga- mes will le held Aug. 2 ai 8 pni. in Centennial Park wiîh îlte Leg'on members dressed in lufa skiris taking on a regular teamn from the town basebaîl league. The Whitby Recreation Association, aiso dressed up 2:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. For those who want to work off their frustration during the County Town Carnival, the Whitby Jaycees are offering a car smashing derby. Old wrecked cars will be set up in Iroquois Park and a small fee charged for taking a swing at thern with a sIc dge- Car rally enîhusiasis are inviîed to participate in the County Town Carnival nov- ice car rally Sun"day Aug. 4 ai 10 Oa.m. The 60 mile rally, which takes approximately two hrs. will stant and finish aitIch Iroquois Park Arena parking hammer. Ail proceeds will go to' the Jaycees' D'Hillier Park project and other com- munity projects. The car smashing derby wili be open for swinging, Friday Aug. 2 from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.rn. and Saturday Aug. 3 from i p.m. to 10:30 p.m. lot. Numerous prizes are off- cred by the sponsors, the British Empire Motor Club. Entry forms arc available ai the Chamber of Commerce office, 117 Green St., Whitby, or ai thc raily. A smail entry fee will le charged. IBasebal Tourney Thc Eastern Ontario Base- Carnival, in Peel and Cen- baIl Association Pec Wee tennial Parks. Clampionship Tournamient Game times are schedulcd wili be held Saîurday Aug. 3 ai 9 a.m., il a.m, 2 p.m. as part of the Counly Town and 5 p.m., with the final being ai 5 p.m. in Peel Park. Swim' Meet TFic Whitby Recre:îlion Departinent and île Wlitby Yfl ('CA are teain irg up agaînt ibis year l'or the (olunty ITown Carni ixai s\Vîni mIee. ('ltdren six t 15 're hivited li reiitey forth mlcci. xxhîl xiibefield ai île Kitiicu 'i ar k pool Atig. 3' ait i put (o;ipe-iiius xviiiSi i ainsi the cloc k. xiii cd rnb- bons axvazded lu iliose xxho equal île lime posîed or exceed that timie. Ahl en- trants must le able îo swimi île full distance ut' the course. Regî,,stratloni forns are av- ailable noxv :11the YMCA oltfice ati îe ('en>tenniai Build- tule, atlit t tee Y camips. aitcreci Cal ion deparîmtleii oit ice i lu tue ire lhall-and ai tilc iowu playorii nd pi grains. Entrants arc urged lu ieiistereal. Brock St. Mail Whitby xviii bave ilis oxvn The fire deparîment will 'fonge Strcet Malil on Brock le on hand ai 2 p.m. for a Stret tibis sormer tor the 45 minute demionsîration of Couiîy Town Carîîival. on ils acrial ladder truck, and Saiurday. Aug. 3. tîcre will le picnic tables The mail will le open set u p in thc streci. froni 9 a.m. to 9 p.in. on Tlicnia il is expecied to Brock St. betwcen Dundas le bigger and better than the and Coiborne. witli sidcwalk rrsi downtown mail hield ai sales, rock bands, refreshemni lasi year's carnival. stands and ethniec(lances. in wlo knows wlat, xiii take on one of the local teamns. Thc gaines will le for five innings. Dances and open house wili le thc activities ai île Legion Hall on Byron St. Aug 2 from 6 p.m. to nid- nigl î, and Aug. 3 and * 5 from noon t1 midniglt. TIe Legion wiil staff îhe information buoth for île Carnivai ai an uptown loca- tion, and wfll host île tmo- ply prèsentation ai the Arena Aug. 5 ai 7:30 p.m. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31,1974, PAGE 7 and Iroquois Park 1:00 p.nl. Minor Soccer Tournarnent Finals - Mosquitos Peel Park Senior Girls Minor Bantams 7:00 p.m. "Joy '74" - The Good News and Singing to 10 p.m. Group and a film presentation Iroquois Park 7:30 p.m. » Trophy Presentation Service (for ail Carnival activities) Iroquois Park 8:00 p.m. Dance and Open Ilouse, Royal Canadian Legion. Legion Hall, Byron Street South. 10:00 p.M. Grand Finale Fireworks Display courtesy of Lake Ontario Steel Co. Iroquois Park Cair Smashing9 Nov'ice Car Rally 0 Whitby Legion

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