Whitby Free Press, 7 Aug 1974, p. 2

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,- w- PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS Tîze latest case of 't/uci little guy trying to huwl< t/w corporation '10 appear inu lVliIby' borders on tlue ricliculoues. A fcilow ini tue corridor arca, Meadowv Road Io be exact, mvauils to buiid a grccîîlouise. le anid bis ivije arc "amid luorticui/tuiralis ts." But t/uc buidinîg ispecctoi', Mi'. Tripp, îvon 't giiwluim -a building pernmit, anîd won't te/iluhinu wbk îlot excepf 1"non- designa ted use." Whiclî rca/iy docsuî t nucan a darnî îliîug. Dcsignated uses are zonings such as RI, R2 etc. Whuo bas ever lucard of an arca zoîued greubouses? What tue building inspector sliould have said is that a greenhouse is nou inciden tai 10 the use ol'* land for a sinugle fami/y dwclling. Whcrcas a pool (cvcîu eovered), garage, garden shed, possibly a solariii,','ire. The fellow wan ting tc 1 the gi'cen/uousc. Richard Kors tanio, does not wan tî - ntob business selingloîvers, a/l he wants to, do is pwrsuc bis life-long drearn of havîng his own greenhouse and expiiiditug bis "large anid extenlsive collection of rare and tropical bouise p/an ts. " Now if Mr. Korstanje had bent tue tru (b a liu'î/e and applied for a 'patio eniclosure bi' gardcîu shed or solariuim, ibis woudd have keen acceptable, but lue îvas houlest and told the building inspector w/zati le wanted 10 do. Mr'. Korsianje is on a lot 7S *'x 200' îvitb a cedar lîedgc J'Thel i*ttie guy'À vs. coniplefel)» L'lc<si/ig lus backyard, 'so flie on/y part f 1he grectnhouise (liati wouid l> isible wiouldbc the roof. Mi'. Korsianje enivies To(rot f0 'sA 1/an Gardens and hopcs somneday to have a mue/ inaler, less expensive, version ailfis home. What we eau t fathomi is flic injustice being perpefrated here not jus f by rejùising Ibis manî a buffiling permnit, but by uîot tc/iing 1dmi why or otiier ways lie can apply and achieve thc same end. DocI ors arc gel îing building permif s scerningly wifhouf any difficuity.one /ust got a permit t0 huild a swinu- rning pool and cliangehouse va/ued ai $ 7, 000., another got the 0K to build an $1 1,000. extension to his sin.gie fainily dwelling. But Korstan/ec anl' raise lus fropical flowei's, ai ieast not under a glass roof (it it's ca/led a greenhouse)..or so the building inspector itîdicates. Now about this 'nion-designiafed use' garbage..we cau 't he/p but wonder how maîîy of thé greenhouses, con- servatories, so/ariums, sun rooms, patio enclosures, (caul tucm what you wiii),wc sec about fown are acfua//y in areas wlîere their use is designafed.we don 'f know of any: Apparent/y a swirnming poo/ is a ' permitted recrea- tional useC ', but if a persotils hobby (his recreationi. is rais- fing fowers 1lha t s apparen ttiîo t perm i tted. the corporation As you cti sec, flhc more wùc delÎ/o lu f0 lb 15'litcguy vs. th c orporai<>n' situat ion ..l.ite more unhelievab/y ridieu/ouis if gels. Ilf tn'f bc flic noise problemn..Mr. Korsianle doesnl' have any noisy flowcrs, nor does hc p/an on gettiflg any. Seriousiy, Kors fan/e even ojjércd Io sign a stafement sayilg lie was flot planning on going ito business.if Ihaf was the building inspector's worry. But ail to no avait. Il appears the on/y answer Mr'. Korstati/.e i s going (o, get from oui' Whiîby building inspector is "non-designated use." If* a 'cop' tickets you, ai leasi he tel/s yJûu what you did wrong. If the fire inspectors, or the depariment ofHealth have a complaint, ai leasi they wii/ te/i you whai it is and how you can recfify the situation. Il w'ou/d seem to us thaf ANY civie emp/oyee païd oui of faxpayers money O WES' any and ail taxpayers more trne, considera lion and respect (han this taxpayer received. A nd if a civic empioyee cant' do any betier than throw ouf a stock phrase such as "non-designated -use" (which as we pointed out car/ici' doesn't mean a thing) without giving the taxpayer a REASONABLE answer..he, or she'shou/d be replaced by somebody who can. Carnival RaIIy by Mike Burgess Whitby's aniual County Town ('arniva; is getting te bc, more se eaclh year, te Whîby as the Mardi Gras is te New Orleans, and the Carnival is to Trinidad. W4e kicked off' thiîîgs wvi th the ('arival Qutecn Conîcest (rny wifé was a judge). t'ollowed by a visit te Wlîitby Arts, Carnival rides, lrock St. Mail, the Parade, Counicilters Soccer Gaine. Pyjamia Dance and Parade (I gel te 1w a judge that imie), On t. Ladies ('eltege. îýid iany, nany more events tlîa t jusi won 't cene te mmid ai îh k miornen t. Bu t eueiltha's fot easity tergot Icilisthie animnal niice car rally. yep! entered that tee. Weil. in ret respec t.Il'in sure tl at 1 got t aiked l te i t. Abouit threc years ago, 1 was rallying a Iactory spensor- ed car whien, believe-it-e)r-tnt on a straigh t read, we retied it tirec fimies. Shiortiy thiereafler 1 gave uip racîng for a miore scdate hobby sucli as phiotegrapiy , whiclm edes-esv is net quite as risky. Weil once bitîcri by the speed bug t iet myseit'. eh about a yea r and a hiait' age , agaift gel tatked ile cii Ici ng thie Canadian Winte r Raitv. W e uoind uip, again aftetr 11) rec coinplele revetu tiens. hianging tepside dewn iiin the iiiiddle eof a trailtin tie heon-docks et' Or taw ai. Ne deuibt abouit it, thiat was it! Neî eiîiy did i s\vcar offtlthecurse, but 1 even gave iaya liait iiîy ral>' equipmcfllt A fierail, hiow cau the presiden t (t a me toi spor t clu b get aniv respect wtîcîî evcrybody 's caliîg Ih un 'u1psîide-de)vvn Mike'? Weil that brings us up te tast wcck wlien ciickcîiîcaricd Mlike \vas a.ppreaclicd te go on Ibis 'Novice' rallv. Now wliîn peoe ientuion 'novice irali es'toie 1c itucr- aiiv wit t, biecauise knew ing the cvii sadistic iiimids et' inos raiiy ergai/.c rs 1 K NOW th at wiiat 'lIlIl--Y eal novice aed 1 cal novice..weli te draw a pairalci, sendîiîîg a truc novice on a 'novice ratly' is ike scndiiîg the baby eut te run against Des Newnîaiî in an elcclion. Anud yeu kuow, anid t know, ihait no mai ter hiow cii te thie baby ks... terc just isfi't anly competitiemi. But the only trouble svas thatItheie lttw wlho sas doing thie asking was Niget Schllting, and lie's mny iawyer. It's like when yeur batik manager niakes a lit île request yeu srnile and say "giaîdty" efore yeu oeve n tind out wliat lie wants. Buit belore îny dear t'riend ge ts ail the biarne for twîsting imy arni and cliaining mne intole is biaiig ('liev truck ,,1 rintst wil li sortie retuclatîce idmîit tîat a tiiltle voice inside mne was l ping b linl ou t..butI oniy just a lit tic. At'ter _ail, 1 reasoned te inyseit', Mr. Schliling's pret ty LtnoMccd a ftheFe C P o u dng T wn 121 Brock St. Norti rMAIL: Box 206, Whiîby MAILING PHONE: 66"6111 PERMIT NO. 'TORONTO LINE; 282-1004 2941 EDITOR/GENERAL MANAGER - Mike Burgess wit'e has a baby on the way, se he's not gcing te do any- thing toc drastic (like smashing up) that rnighit upset her. And even if he did, weII I haven't taken any holidays yet, and îlîimîgs are pretty slow..so what harrn couid a few rcstfut weeks in thie hospital do?! With this iogic urgîing me on, I gracefully picked up an emtry fermianamd lappily signed my life away prcmisiîîig net te sue aniybody shouid aniythiig lhappen, regardlcss et' whoe iegligeuice cauised ny demise etc. Sumîday mernig i arrived at I requeis Park stilI snoring sligitly witlî orly eue oeye comp)letety open thinkig te myseit "lie wonl be there". After ail everybody knews thaI aitltuiese Lawyers amnd Dectors omly work froua t pin. to 4 pin. and tîever gel tot t fbcd before tlîcy have te. But Ibis guy is differouît! î-le svas already lucre waitiiîg eagerly. Aiîd carly too! Fertuuîatcly as 1 gel eut eof the car (thue top was up) terremîtial sboers caseaded down waking me rip, arid wetttig ne dewni. "No you cau'î go horme aiid change! l'il iieyer sece you again," hoe said. Ycp! Ne two ways about it, he's a smart t'ellow. So I staycd and registered. An aîgpi n w ADVERTISEN WEEKLY cal:e 668-6l11AI dollars, he made sure it was MY two dollars, 1 was comn- rnitted te this "novice rally". Ten.twenty-nine time-eut, stop T-right, twe tenths stop T-right again. What kind of hospital? What kind of radisiies? and se it went. ""Buit we only have te average 36 miles per heur," 1 said, "how coi-ne you're doing 50 when there's a corner coming up?"" This was whier we were in the sticks somewhere i1erth ef' Aslhburn. Don't ask me whiere, l'm just the navi- gater.and besides I had my eyes shut. "WelI, I wanîte obc carly in case ypu miss any questions and 1 have te ge back," hie said. Logical îsn't lie? But what he didn'î realize was the l'aster lie went, the longer l'd have my eyes closed and the more questions l'd miss. And then we would have to back îrack more often, and lie would have to drive faster stilt, and 1 would miss eveni more. Anyway gettirug back te the st(>ry.we didn't smash uip, anîd wound up third, two points out cf first place. 1 guiess Nigel isn't tee bad a driver after ail! Guarantee Ilnve:trnent Certif icates yields 12M57~ when cumulated over f ive years Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation WCnfDmRL4 [flGEY -T#qU$- COMPANY SINCE 1@09 Lorne D. Reî'd Maàgo 308 DUNDAS W. WHITBY

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