Whitby Free Press, 18 Sep 1974, p. 7

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COURT *REPORT Jury Sessions for Durham 'in The General Sessions for the Judicial District of Dur- ham commenced at the Ad- ministration of Justice Build- ing Rossland Road, Whitby on Monday. According to Court Officiais the heavy work load will keep the two District Judges busy from now until the middle of December just hearing crimin- ai and narcotic cases. There are 22 criminal cases scheduled for one Court Room and 18 narcotic cases scheduled for the other Court room which means that the Administration of Justice Building will Lie a busy place for the next few months. The Suprerne Court Sessions begin at the Admin- istration of Justice Building IIf you are NEW-TO-TOWN or have just moved into a new home WE LCOME SERVICE wouid like to cail on you with 'housewarming gîfts' and information about your new location. The Hostess wiIl be glad to arrange your wubscription to the WHITBY FREE PRESS. Cail Ler mornings at 655-37901 Progress on Septemnber 23rd and will be in Session until the end of October, at least that is the hope of the Officiais. This means that for the next few weeks the three Court Rooms at the Administration' of Justice Building are booked. The regular weekly Provincial Courts and other Court mat- ters will have been relocated for the timne being. It is not certain where the Provincial Court sittings wîll be held, usually the Provincial Court Judges preside in the Council Chambers of the Whitby Library and Municipal Build- ing on Dundas Street, West when the three Court Rooms are occupîed with the Higher Court proceedings. Unique Housing Developmient H. Kassinger Constuuctior Lirnited, recently mnade a pre- sentation to Oshawa counicil a proposed developmnent situ- ated west of Wilson Road between Rossland and Taun- ton Road in East Witby, now Oshawa. The proposaI made to the city of Oshawa l'or an amcend- ment to the boning by-laws is to permnit whiat M'r. Kass- inger calîs '"an integrated socio-Ccoiiotliic 1îotising de- velopimen t". One of the changes pro- posed %vas that a lot docs nul have to bc 50 tcet by 1 20 fect. Mr. Kassinger believes it is better tu have a smnall lot xih a decent house for a famnily, than to inprison a famnily in an apartmment. lnaflic land proposed to bc used for the 500 new single famnily dwellings, H. Kassing- er Construction Limited lias TOWN 0F WHITBY 1974 AFTER 1INTERIM TAX NOTICE FOURTH INSTALMENT he fou rth instalment of taxes for 1974 is due and, payable September 30, 1974. If payment is not reoeived by the due date, penalty at the rate of 1% per month wiIl be charged on the overdue balance. Taxes may be paid at any Whitby bank without bank collection charge or at the Whitby Municipal Office, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. R.A. CLARINGBOLD, Deputy Treasurer, Town of Whitby. I I M I DID YOU KNOW? designed and prescrved I19.2 acres (or 24.5%) of green area and parkland. Only 4 acres are required iinder the plan- ning Act, but Mr. Kassinger fecîs thiat preservation of op- en space is important for a good developmcent. His nmost important inno- vation lias to be Lis financing system whiich will allow a family in the S15,200.00 to S20,000.00 incomne group to purchase a hiomie by' sîmply Z 1 1974 INTERNATIONAL PLOWING MATCH FARM MACHINERY DEMONSTRATUON SEPT. 24-28 W. T. CRAIG REID FARM GEORGETOWN HALTON COUNTY WORLDS LARGEST PIOWING MATCH & EXHIBIT 0F FARM EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES OVER 300 EXHIBITS ON 100 ACRES OVER $20000 IN PRIZES FOR 300 COMPETITORS AND THE CANADIAN PLOWING CHAMPIONSHIP Cotoct Ontaio,îcPIcnmen s Asociait.. cc a Agîîîuliural i <eien ch Ontario Mîniiîy of Agrculture and Food Poîionieni Buidngs TORONIQO n tafiaM7A 1A9 (416) 965-1091 deferrîng the payrnent of approximately 70% of the lot pricc for 45 years. The property is particular- ly scenic and his house designs can only Lelp to en- hance the beauty of the site consisting of 81.5 acres in the township of East Whitby. THE GOOD WORD froin the J3ible* Receive My instruction, and not silver; and knowl- edge rat her thon choice goId. For wisdom is better thon rubies; and ail things that nia y be desired are not to be compared to it. Proverbs 8:710,711 WHIBY REEPRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1974, PAGE 7 And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to gwve you urn inherîtance among ail them which are sanctified. 1 have coveted no man's silver, or gold, or apporel. Yea, ye yourselves know, that these hands have minis- tered unto my neéessities, and ta themn that were with me 1 have shewed you ait things, how that sa Iabouring ye ou ght ta support the weak, and to rernember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed ta give thon ta receive. The corporation of the Town of Whiltby "TESTIMONIAL EVENING FOR HARRY W. JERMYN" The Council of the Town of Whitby will be hosting a Testimonial Evening in recognition of Harry W. Jermyn for having served the people of Vflitby in mnany capacities, including Mayor and Provincial Court Judge. The function wiIl be held at Heyden- shore Pavillon Friday, October l8th, 1974 starting at 6:30 p.m. Dinner will be served, following which, entertainment wiII be provided by Kay Turner of the T.V. programme, ""The Pig & Whis- tie. Tickets are available from the office of the Town Clerk for $7.50 per person. Vvm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T Clerk, Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street Wiest, Whitby, Ontario Ask for tilis louder f rom our representative, MR. E. LOMELAND who wiIl be at: The Carousel Inn 70 Station Road, Ajax FRiE CONNECTION ai MDNTH"S IRE[ YI[WING FOR1 A LIMITEI) TIME ONLY .... CALL NOW- 579-2232! 'irl 'xl c Ifa ara . tr'î.gî' f r 1,;: 1il iit! l ' i l ) t m cii 1 .,efrît i,îîiîî Li flu a lUoLhcp I .ilia, , golf i rî'î~ ~ 'e dltv , mi %ýur F.lý rt-ievýr! Pne Rdge CahIe TV Limited- OshawaOiari Paul's Message to the Eiders... IDB busIne boans anvwhere --i t anada -m1co 0 aw vy Z o n 1f and fgCf leo _11«PW le" osuo0 g W4 swap.a lZ_ w1 09 10Cafiada U - îsuqls*IU'i ' -w'.- -- 22 King Street West, Oshawa (416) 5 76-6800 VVHITBY FREE 1

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