Whitby Free Press, 18 Sep 1974, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS SPoRTS Gaurrod Road Minor Lacrosse 1 il thc second play-off gaine of tic Giml's Division of Garrard Road Minor La- crosse Association Local'-222 and Bibeau Const. played lu a 2 -2 tic. Karen Mloîîey led Local 222 scoring, followcd by goals for Bibeau Const. by Lorrie Mclntyre and Sherry Taylor. Paulette Noblc's goal tied the gaine for Local 222. Along witlî 5 goals frini the first gaine, Local 2222 won the total goal series witlî a score of 7 - 2 to win Girls League Championship. In Durham Regional La- crosse League Play-off during the past week G.R.M.L.A. Novice teains came out on top to win the Championship. On Monday night at Wil- Iow Park, Brooklin Oddfel- lows took on Ajax Bick's and won 6 - 3. Scoring for Gar- ard Road team led by Dan Garrard 4 and I cach flor Chas. Mason and Tony Burns. In Ajax the saine night Cana- da Outdoor Supply defeated Ajax Warriors. 7 - 5. Eric Perroni led the scorîng for the local caini with 4 goals. Ken Lynde 2 and Paul Shau- bel I. Ajax scoring by R. Saunders 3 and McCullough 2. The second lialf of'thie play-off took place in Willow Park on Wednesday niglit wheîî tic Garrard Road teauns becanie the 1-buse Men's Hockey It is efreshing lu hear, that when aIl is child oiented that sume peuple are doin-g something for the middle age gruup that is over twenty and workîng. The Whitby Mens Hockey League is a group of guys getting together to, play 4'no-body-cuntacî' hockey. They plan to play, on Thurs- day nights and Sunday after- noons with a possibility of Tuesday nights as well. The aenas tu be used are Brook- League Champs defea tiing liotît teains again . B rookliin Oddfellows beat-Ajax Warri- ors 1 I - 2 led by Tony Burns 5, Dan Garard 4, Randy Johnston 2 and Charlie Mas. on I. Oddfcllows led ail tîhe way, 5 - I at tnd utof'first pcriod, 10 - 12 at end of"2ndc. In the final garne Canada Outdoor Supply won a close decision 5 - 4 over Ajax Bicks teani. At end of' first pcriod Uhc score was 3 - 0 with 2 goals by Erick Perroni and I by Kcii Lynde. The second pcriod cnded ini a 4 - 4 tic with a goal by Paul Shaubel for G.R. tearn, 2 for Ajax by S. Kitk, I by O'Shauighnessey and B. Beaton. Don McLel. Ian sc(red in the 3rd period to win the game for Canada Outdoor Supply. In Garrard Road HOUSe League Final game on Satuý- day night. Brooklîn Oddfcl- lows were dcfcated by Gaben Investments 2 - I to win H. L. Championship. Oddfel- lows goal by Tony Burns and Gaben scoring by Ken Lynde and Don McLeIlan. A marnoth Corn and Xener Roasî vas held by G. R.M. L. A. on Saturday night for aIl plaýiers, îlîeir parents and families of the Association. Over I ,000 cob.s of cornî and dozens of hot dogs, coffec and pop were consurned by those ini atlen- lini and Whitbys' ncw Iro- quois Park. Thie Whitby menls Hockey League is puîîing 8 teanis tugether. If* you want tu play a little hockey, phone une of' the organizers and get in on it. Contact: Ed Bain, 915 Harding, 668- 4137. Bob Mion, 20 Bonnermon Court, 668-8067 Bob Greer, 30 Cressor, 668- 4654 Gemry McDemmit, Street, 668-7087 Don Pelletier, 18 668-8129 77 Calais Calais St. dance. I uvi ted guiests initro- duiced dûring te cveinýg werc Mr. Max Case, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Davies and Mr. and Mrs. G. Nicuwcndyk froin Wliîtlby Minor Lacrosse Asscija t iont. Chief Cook Pete B3urns did bis usuial excelleunt job on the bot dogs and corni. Music duiring Illie veîîiîg was sup- plied by Joe FLisco, Dale Ker- itohaît and Pete Burnîs. President 1Bill Holding welcoîncd families and gucsts and congratulatcd Coach Bill Edwards and Manager Dick Walker and Garrard Road Bantani Boys tearn who had just retLiricd froîn Mississaug- a whcre thcy von the Al Ontario Bantam Finals. Gamnes by the Tyke House IcagLie startcd off Uic cvening followed by finals in Novice House League and the final Pec Wee gaine for House League also, ln Uic Tyke League of Duirhani Regional Lacrosse a sLldden death play-off was played and resultcd in thc winning teanîs Ajax No. 1 against Dearborn ShelI vîh Dearborn winning 6 - 2 and [ibe losers Owen Brus. against Ajax No. 2, Owven Bros. beat by a score of 5 - I. In thc Garrard Road flouse Leaguie Owen Brus. playcd a twu- gamne total goal series with Dearborn ShelI. Securlty Council The Security council of the United Nations consists of' 15 members. Only five hold perma- nent seats whiie the remdinder G arrod Rd. ains Douig Jackson, Robbie Moni Laurier conliuud lu * e e .A O swn a liot bat for Whitby ~ Singles wenit lu Mike Laurier Garrard Road Firefightcrs woni the Johns Mansville Trupliy tIia t sy mholizes tlhe Tyke House League Champ- ionship of the Whitby Minor Basebaîl Association. Willan Park was the scene of Saturday's gaine wliere Firefighiters defeatcd league lcading Whitby Legion hy a score of 10 to 6. The win tied the final play off scries it one game each. The game was liighlighted by a dramatic grand slami home run by Mike Puchalski in the ('ourtbi inning to put Firefighters in control of the gaie. Pitching for* both îcams was outstanding Russell Juhenville who pitched a four hitter tu win and Paul McCairthy who pitched a five hitter in a losing cause. Mike Puichalski also hiad a double tu go with fils home run. Other hitters for Firefighters were Robbie Dyrnent (2) and Russell Juhenville. Hiitters f'or Whit- by Legion were Alen Laurier with 2, Mike Laurier and Paul McCirthiy wiîh 1 each. The final and deciding gamne lor thc Tyke Ch'lamnpion- ship was played on Sunday before a large and enthusias- tic crowd at Peel Park. Gcoff Williamis srarted on the mnound for Whitby Legion bu t ran in tu prubleins and wvas replaccd in the third inning by Paul Mc&Srtliy. Russell Julbenville pîtcbied bis second four bit gaine in two days and was tlie winning pitcher. The final score wvas Fircf'ighiters 8, Whiiby Lcegion 5. Firefilhtcrs gu[ hits froin Mike Puchalski. Glenn Willi- the General Assembly. Shooters 'D' Champs Gamard Road Bantani Lacrusse Team îtravelled lu Miss- issauga Saturday Septeniber 14, lu compete in the AIl Ont- ario Minor Lacrosse Clampionship Finals. Thîey emerged as Ontario Bantam D Champions. Beating Orangeville 10 - 7 in a game thiat was thrilling fmom start lu finish. The first pcriud ended in a 3 al l ie. Each îcam scomed 2 goals in the second. Orangeville started early in the third to take a 6- 5 Iead. The Garmard Ruad Shooters lead by Dennis Jacobs and Randy Gallas, took over and scumed the ncxt 5 goals in rapid order. Witb I1 second lcft in the gamne Oangeville scured the final goal of the game to make the score 10 -7. Scoing for Garrard Road was as folluws: Goals Dennis Jacobs Randy Gallas Dale Sawyer James Roach David Bannon Gil Millette Dcrick Minaret Ken Demille David Fleming Rusty Kawecki Assisis Other team mernbers are B.G. Edwards, Wayne Johntston Nick Coady, Richard Walker, Robert Carson, Coach Bill Edwards, Manager. Dick Walker, Tramner Mike Edwards. Automobile Service Trips Congratulations to coaches Vic Bergevin of Garrard Road Firefiglitcrs and Jim Wobd anid Reg Wlfiams of Whitby Legion for getting the boys involved in an exciting, weil played final series. Grand Prix Preview Two former Wurld Driving Champions, Emerson Fitti- paldi and Denis Hulme, have brought the formu *la of youth and experience tu Team McLaren, placing il among the frontrunners on flie Grand Prix circuit. This duo of Fittipaîdi and Hulime, who are in third and scventh positions respectivély in the Grand Prix standings, wilI pilot the McLaren-Fords when they compete inthe Labatt's 50 Grand Prix of Canada at Mosport Park, Septenîber 20 - 21 - 22. A native of Brazil, Fittipaldi is the youngest man ever to win the World Driving Championship, capturing the title in 1972. Three points back of leader Clay Regazzoni and two behind Jody Scheckter, with îwo races emaining, Fittipaldi has a second titde within «his grasp. Teammuate. Hulme has accumulated 20 points this season. He is curmently in seventh position. Fittipaldi broke in tu the Grand Prix circuit in 1970 with the Lotus teani under Colin Chapman, and had the' number une Lotus driver Jochen Rindt lu teach hini the basics. Fittipaldi won his first Grand Prix at the United States event in 1970, just after Rindt was killed at Monza. Two yeams later at the age of 25 he edged out Jackie Stewart to become the youngest man ever tu win the Worîd Driving Championship. This season Fittipaldi has captured the Brazilian and Belgian Grands Prix, placed second at Bri- tain and lîaly. third in Spain and Holland, fourth ini Sweden and fifth ini the Grand Prix of Monaco. Huline holds down seveiith place on the virtue of his victory in Argentina, a second place finish ini the Austrian Grand Prix and sixth place finishes at Spain, Belgium, France, Britain and lîaly. Born in New Zealand the 318- year-old I-lutIne got lus fist taste of racing ini the local car club wbere lie conîpeted ini a MG TF. IHe gaduated to MÇA then lu a 2-litre Couper Climax whicb lie raced Su1ccessfully in tle I1959 - 60 season. He was awarded fin- ancial assistance by tlîe "Driver lu Europe" program: In Europe, Hulnue drove a Formula Junior Cooper iii 1961 and 1 962 and while driving a Junior-Formula Brabham won seven of 14 starîs iii 1963. During 1964 and 1965 be drove in tiîce Grand Prix events for Brabham and in 1966 he was retained as tlhe number two driver bebind Jack Brablîam. Thie next seasoii, 1967, Hulnue was cruwned the World Driving Chlampion, inoving 10 îthe McLarenu teani in 1968 where lie coniînued to rank higbly in the running for the Grand Prix title as well as capturing the-Can-Am Champion- ship in 1968 and 1970. Boili Filtipaldi and Hune carry excellent credentials and as a esuît they could very weIl stmongîy influence the outconue of' hue World Championship as they head into the hiomestretch. If former Indianapolis driver Parnelli Joncs and Vels Miletich have their way, the United States wiII finally field that coun try's first competitive "home built" Formula One race car. Jones and Miletich have combined to produce the Vels- Parnelli Formula One machine due to make it's debut in the Labatt's 50 Grand Prix of Canada, September 20, 21 and 22 at Mosport Park. Assigned to drive the car is United States Auto Club star Mario Aridretti, who this year has competed in the Formula 5000 series. One of the niost successful auto racing drivers, Andretti lias proven his ability to drive in the tough grind required on the Grand Prix circuit. He won the South Afnican Grand Prix in 1971, but neyer completed a full season in FI due to his USAC comrnittmnents. Winner of the Indian- apolis 500 in 1969, the 34-year-old Andretti also captured the USAC championship threc times. However, one of Andretti's long time desires lias been to win the world championship, and this new project may prescrit him with that opportunity. While the car is only being campraigned in Canada and the U.S. on October 6, those two races will serve as a "shiakedown" for a full sea- son by Andretti in 1975. The initial tcsting of the car was held at Riverside Inter- national Speedway where designer' and former Lotus enigi- neer Maurice Phillippe expressed satisfaction with his crea- tion. "Considering it was the first tirne we had i t on the track. I'm delighited'with the car", comimented Phillippe, "l'd have Io say we could be very competitive in the first race. " Built at the Vels-Parnielli Joncs race headquarters in Torrance, California, tlhe Formula One car will be the first "home made" Aine rican car to campaign the Grand Prix circuit since Lance Reventlow attempted it with a Scarab in the early 1 960's. The new machine is an extension of the successful Lotus 72 design. Andretti, who was'born in Trieste, Italy and moved to the United States at. the age of 15, plans more testing sessions bel'ore the car competes at the Mosport. Te.tes t heestr -~ ~4~-(4,,W4 Y-~ NOTICE> To Our Customers Our New Hours Are: Monday m Closed Tues. to FI. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. sat M-8 8nom* to 5 p.m. TONY'S HAIRSTYLING Blair Park Plaza 668m5441_ CAR3URETOR- I OF VA4PO/Q/ZEj9 &A5- OL-iNj5AN&9 Ale -M 7F1E CVL NplePS - REQU/PF?ÉePPR/0/C AJu)ir1Nr5 7DR6LL47e O'C-/~ F 7f/6FJF~L M/X7-LiR?. CLOGC9/NC- CgiJ5C-e f-GrLI-IlV,WA.57S A!3. G1401JI-P 8CM62AF7týe219, 000X MA-/Li 0MF71/F FP3 NLIVF /NI7b-,QýAALPAF7rT5. WeAR, OQXt-/IllvN Wiri-iAC-e eÇL//I$.S .?FPLACIXFAWr W177-I A N6CW CA,?lJEV02.

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