Whitby Free Press, 25 Sep 1974, p. 7

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ëi -BIRD 'S EYE '1 VIEW ~' -./M QIAil Guilty l How else could I plead? Iff I denied the charge and the /udge determinied 1J was guilty I thought he might get quite testy wvhen he passed sentence. I certainly /zad no wish to spend some time in Kingston breaking big rocks iiito little rocks so I though honesty wvas the best policy. The whole sordid a/l'air started early one nzorning ini Toronto when a yellow police car parked on the edge of a street e/ected a police officer and lie proceeded to attempt suicide by standing on t/w road ini front of- my car. I thought it ivas a litt/e odd t/zat leie night ivant to end Jus life ini suc/z a manner but I figured the pressures of giving out lus quota of speeding tickets hadl beeci getting to 1dm anzd he thought ending it aIl might be the best solution. Kîzowiing the ivay I drive na turaltymv tirs t though ts ivere of a possible suicide because anybody wvho regards luis life as precious s teers we// c/car of in'v car. However, after -the fog lifted and some day/igh t s/zone through I came to the conclusion that enavbe t/us police officer ivas step- ping in front of my car ciot to end his ticket giving davys but rather to continue on with that career by additng me to his list of recipiecuts. Ini those last few seconds be.fore vou flua//y stop fogr the police officer a/l sorts of thoughts flash through .vour mind. I immediately did a mental check o/ a/I ;ny driving during the /ast five minutes but cou/d think of nothing I had done ivhich tue /aw might find illegal. I could on/y come to the conclusion that I had beecu a very /aw abiding citizen. By this tine the olficer was approaching miy no iv stopped car and he asked if hie could see my driver's licence. I handed him my licence and he started back to the cruiser. Myv curiousisy got the best of me so I asked hum what was wrong. He informed me that I had made a rig/zt hand turn at the last intersection. I admitted I had and said, "sço wha t?' In Toron to w/zen a police officer tel/s yoii that you jList made a right turn or a lèft turn or drove dead straight in the midd/e of your lane you cati on/y assume he 's e//ing you that because it is somehow illegal. However I, being froin t/e boondocks offar-out Whitby have had no reason to watc/u mv rear view mirror for police cars ail the rime. IunJhiby I would no t feel gui/t v being stopped by a police car because here in towvn policemen are real people, ciot /ust uniforms. So I did t/he unpardonable by asking a Toronto police- main what was wrong wvith making a rig/zt hand turn. Ne immediately assessed that lue ias noz' dealing wvit/z a Metiro citizen and did not ho/d it against me for questioning luis iudgement. i i lie explained very careful/y to me that between the hours of 7 a. m. and 9 a. m. it was il/egal to make a right hand turn at the intersection where he had ,îust seen me turning. I was aghast. Shocked too! In the entire munici- pality of Whitby I could Jhz/j of nzo intersection where it was against the law to turn right any tirne of the day or n igh t. I hough t for some insane reason lie migh t be pulling my /eg so I compounded my sassiness by rep/ying, '"really?" Determining that on/y logic would work on me now he rep/ied that he would tiot have pie/led me over if such had not been the c<ise. Well he had a good point there so I had no choice but to assume that I had broken the law in Toronto. The offi- cer explained, as he wro.te out the ticket, that it ivas a local bylaw and that upon conviction I ivould lose no points. I flinched because points I had - enone» to pay the fine I didu 't have. Full Equipment WIIITBY F REE PRESS, WE DNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1914, PAGE 7 I p/eaded ignorance about knowing of' the il/egal right hand turn and said couldn't we ta/k it over but he said we cou/d talk all I wan ted and it wou/d make no difference since he had a/ready made out the ticket. I must confess I had a tremendous urge Lo kick him in the shins and say, "dam guy! " but [ refrai}!ed and tucked the ticket in my pocket and quiet/y drove away. My /ast thoughts of him as I drove away were of wishing he got two fiat tires on his cruiser as he drove bick to the staion. Nex t week I'l/ tel/ you ho wPerry Maso,? wen t to bat for me ini court. !bo, 20 ,. stb B.W.M.H.A. PRESEASON HOCKEY CLINIC Conducted by Jim DeMille ut IROQUOIS PARK ARENA 28th Sept. and 5th Oct., 1974 year and and old and under 11 years old 13 years old old and over 12 moon 1:10 p.rr 2:30 pý 3:50 p.n 1:10 2:20 3:40 5:00 P.m. p. - Bring Your Own A NI 111E COMNECTION el MDNTH0S 1111 VIE WING FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY .... CALL NOW- 579-2232! INCLUDES SECONDSETS AND RECONNECTIONS # The Pine Ridge Cable TV promotion Saturday at the Oshawa Centre attracted about 600 people. Marketing Director, AI Spencer, said he was "extremely happy with the turnout", and that they were able to take about 100 people, mostly children, for a free ride in the hot air bal- loon before winds made flying impossible. Free Press Photo -MikeýBurges& " SEE exclusive cable coverage of local events on cablecast 61 "TREAT your f aml ly to a real varlety of entertalnmenf i " WATCH al1 sports events: hockey, basebal1. football, golf and lacrosse! " ENJOY TV as Il Is mec6nt tobe seen: sharp clear dependable reception on every channel, on ail your sets. -a ENJOY sharp dependable FM recept ton ln sterup on your F~M recel ver I Hurry! Offer Ends October 1, 1974 CALIL 579-2232 OSHAWA & DOWMANVILLE a SAVE $14.90 wllha f ree connectlIon plus one mont h's free vlewlngl a HAVE your second set connected now absolufely f reel a HURRYI This free vlewing offer is fora short lIie onlyl Pins Rkldgs Cable TV Linited- Odèwa. Ontano $1 .50 per session New subscrIbers only IndIvIdual house holds only OF FER SIJBJECT TO AVAI LA131L IT YOF CABLE 1INYOUR AREA 6U-.9331 <WIITBY) 1', - m- - m L\\ 1 L

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