PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 25,1974. WHITBY FREE PRESS Soccer Assoc. The following results are of the quarter finals and semi- finals of the Whitby M4inor Soccer Association play offs played last weeksý The finals will be played at Peel Park on Saturday September 28, starting at 10:00 a.m. with the Squirts and then continuing right through. Minor Bantams Armnstrong Homes 3 David Gunn Randy Woodcock Mike Parsons Brooklin Legio n 4 Randy Jeffries Peter Diversteyn Robbie Frendocumbo, Jim Stacho Local 222 i i Vincent Marullo Lasco 2 Doig ými th Peter McTeague Basebali Season Wrap-Up With the completion of playoffs last wcek, the Whit- by Minor Basebaîl Associa- tion wound up a highly successful season which be- gan back on May 25th, "Min- or Basebali Day in the Town of Whitby", but there is stili plenty of work Ieft for W.M. B.A. officiais before they can take a rest from the 1974 season. Two post season events which are highlights of the year will be held in Oct- ober and these require a lot of planning and preparation. On! Saturday October 19 the W.M.B.A. will hold its Fail Bail at the ,Heydenshore Pavilion and this gala affair gives coaches, officiaIs and parents an opportunity to celebrate the end of another season. The event has be- corne 50 popular that the Sold Out sign generally has to be put out, so) those who are planning 0o1 attending are urged to mnake their ar- rangements for tickets early and avoid disappointment. Local fire authorities are enforcing strictly, the nurnb- ers allowed in ail public places in town and its quite possible late corners might have to be turned away. Tickets may be arranged by calling 668-5863, 668-4540 and 728-5863. On Sunday October 27th the W.M.B.A. will hold its annual Awards Day when trophies and crests wiIl be presented to championship clubs and every player in the W.M.B.A. wiIl receive a crest. As in past years Neil Murkar Public Relations Director for the Association has arranged with the major league clubs to provide Yearbooks, auto- graphed basebaîl etc. for which there wilI be draws throughout the programme. This year the Awards Day will be held in two sessions since the growing numbers of boys attending has been creating a serious overcrowd- ing problem at Heydenshore. The Tee-Bail and Tyke groups will get underway at 1 P.M. while Pee-Wee,'Ban- tam and Midget players will attend the second round at 3 o'clock. Final: Armstrong Homes Vs. Brooklin Legion Mosquitoes Sinclair Sunoco 7 Peter Visser Alan Vanderley Doug Wiersma Rusty Wills Mercantile 2- Colin Thoinas Steve Cole Croxaîl 2 Greg Degannes Bob Ru tschman Sinclair Surioco 3 Peter Visser Alan Vanderley Doug Wiersma Longmuir Builders 1 ITim Verryalt Gord Nieuwendyke S.C. 1 Greg Borelhuk Whitby Lions Wayne Oderkirk Mercantile 2 Scott Williams George Rossler Final: Sinclair Sunoco Vs. Croxall Whitby Minor Soccer Association 1974 Whitby Minor Basebaîl Tyke Champions Sguirts White Insurance 3 Chris Daley Shut Out Greg Ellis Koke Car WVash 4 David Hand Frank Iggnazzitto David Westcott Allen Miller Canadian Tire 0 Front Row: L to R Richard Oudyk, Robbie Dyment, Scott Lindberg, Darren Crete, Brian Gryfls. Second Row: Doug Jackson, Mark Sheffield, Real Bergevin, Glen Williams, Mike Puchalski. Back Row: Vie Bergevmn, Coach, Russ 'ubenvile, BilI Grylis Coach, Absent - Ken Keenan. Geddes Carpentry 3 Frank Webster Gary Roberts Final: White Insurance Vs. Koke Car Wash Atoms Woolco 7 Paul Vanderkolff 1 Frank Leraci Carmelo Scaffidi Shut Out Jeff Definney Eccel Pluînbin 6 Rae R. Jones 0 Country Style Donuts O Wayne Misselbrook 1 Terry Verrydt John Seheil 2 Neil Frank1 Paul Walendzcwicz 1 Shut Out Wayne .Misselbrook Final: Woolco Vs. Eccel Plumbing Tickets for the annual fait danec Octobcr 5 at Heydcn- shore Pavillon are available from the Wl-itby Soccer Association executive at $5.OQ per couple. A banquet for ail the children who participated in this years soccer W'lI be held on October 5 during the afternoon. Whitby Minor Basebali Association 1974 Tyke Finalists front Row: L to R Bob Cormier, Tiîn Strang, Bill Mitchell, Michael Laurie, Glen Campbell, Mario Grixti, Kevin Ander- son, Ron WiId. Second Rbw: L to R Doug Wood, Kirk Gilks, Mike Bisseli, Alex Laurie, Steve Reeson. Back Row: L to R Paul McCarthy, Geoff Williams, Jim Wood, Coach absent: Reg Williams Coach. Dfrty Joke? Q. "11w much dirt is in a hole six by six feet?" A. "lThere is no dirt in a hole!" Dreamin' The guy next door really did fail in love with the girl of his dreamns -only trouble was she turned out to be a nightmare. ALUMINIJM, FIBREGLASS FISHING BOATS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS MATERIALS USED BOATS Whiltby marine Hwy. 12 at Myrtie Station 65S4117