Whitby Free Press, 2 Oct 1974, p. 11

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Free Press Emporium - 668-6l11 I FOR SALE ' FOR SALE -- About 30 différent dblls outfits for 'Crissy' and 'Velvet's Litte Sister'. Priccd frons $1 to $3 Cail: 72-8-2578. Emp. FOR SALE - B & W T.V. console $25 Table with 4 chairs $35. 9 inch mat- tress and box spring $30. Bird cage with sand $10. 655- 3028. FOR SALE - new kit- chen cupboard doors, $1 .5.0 each. Sel very reasonably. Cii16553534.enp FOR SALE - Phiips floor model stereo with 4 buiît-in speakers. Excellent condi- tion. $200.00 or best offer. Antique gramaphone, 4ýi feet high. Crank missing, $225. or best offer. Cati 668-9778. emp. FOR SALE - 6 ft. X 4 ft. sliding pierson window suitable for cottage or addi- tion. $55.00 Phone 728-4849 FOR SALE - 2 Dodge tires with rimrs, $15.00, 2 - 15" tires, $1 0.00. Cati 655-3167. emp. FOR SALE - 4, 20 gall- on aquariums, 4 heathers, 3 pumps, 2 cover lights, acces- bries about 50 tropical flish with a red fin shark included (3 inches long) $1 30.00. Cati 668-9288 after 5 p.rn. p FOR SALE - 5 piece newly upholstered kitchen set $65. Hoover vaccuum cleaner $20. Call:655-4368. .WANTED - Girl guide uniform about size 10. 668 9132. Oct. 9 FOR SALE- Rebuilt engine with Holley, 4 barret carb, $65. Cali: 668-6080. emp. FOR SALE - i tent traiter sleeps four, includes foarn mattress, spare tire and leatherette cover in good shape $300. Cati: 668-2166. FOR SALË-iWlairy- er & chair (salon type) $50. t steamer good condition $50. Caîl 668-3679 or 668- 3061. emp. FOR SALE 1 IE nglis washing machine (wringer), in good condition but has no FOR.SALE _kU rod- LOST - Small grey tabby bob-tail cat missing from 701 Athol St. Generous reward Information please phone 668-2576. Oct. 2 FOR SALE - pool table 4 ft. by 8 ft. with eues and baîls. Bargain at $90. Cal!: 668-7642 after 6 p.nl. emnp. FOR SALE - single bed, top mattress, $10. single bcd complete $20, 3 Good Year tires, 2 *new 5.50 X 12 on Austin Wheels $25, 3 com- partment sink, stainless steel with taps and trap $20, 6½ý X 1i½ soiid door $10, fan 16 in. Mastercraft, 3 speed swival model 160, $35. Regla coffée purculator, model 7,000 84 cups $25. Zenith scales 20 lbs. $19. Counter arborite top 60X2 ft. $50. a King cash register $175. Coleman tent heater $12. Fish tank 18 X 8 pump filter and light etc. $18. 15X38 jhirror $3. Floor polisher Hoover heavy duty $15. Cail 683-1058. emp. FOR SALE - Trim Gym Exerciser with instruction book. New condition. $50. Cati 655-4245. emp. FOR SALE - White pro. vinciat single canopy bed. Perma foam box spnings and mattress, canopy and match- ing bedspread. Good condi- tion. $200. Caîl: 725-71,24. Fmp. FOR SALE - Sterco Bar with short wave AM/FM radio and tumnitable. Must sec to appreciate. Asking $375.00. Phone 668-2198. emp. FOR SALE - Baby back carrier $8. Car Seat $12. Cait: 668-6093. FOR SALE - Hoover Carpet sweeper $7, Sunbeam Carousel Rotisserie $7, a dog travel cage $1I0, sun lamp $10, dressmaking niodel $ 15 electrie shoe polisher $1 0, cordless ciectrie shoe polish er $10, sunbeam hair setter 24 rollers, $10, standard portable typewriter $50, baby carrnage $35, gendron baby stroller $ 10, tent trailer $400. Caîl: 668-9902. emp. FOR SALE - Brand new 8 track tape deck for car neyer been used. $70 or best offer. Cail: 668-5745. emp.- FOR SALE - 'Frigidaire washer - working condition. $45.00. 601 Clarence Dr. in Whitby. emp. IFOR SALE - 30 inch stove in working condition, suitabie for cottage. $30. Cal668-4058. Emp. *FOR SALE - English Horseracing Programs. i have a full set for sale. I. Pro- grami for every Flat Race Course in England, Scotland and Waes also pleînty of programs for Stceplechasing Courses as well which wil be given with theni. There are some programs no longer available as courses have been ctosed. They are Collectors Items as far back as the vear 1930. Phone: 668..1029emp. FOR SALE - 3 German Shepard dogs (cross between a Labrador Retriever and a Shepard) Have had aIl their shots and liccnced. 13 months otd. $20 cach. Caît 655-4973 c mp FOR SALE - 3 tires mounted and balanced on Ford Rims. Size 700 X 13. Full Price $25. Cali day - 725-169 1, evening - 6684593 Emp. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR SALE - Jolly jump- er (completely portable) el- ectric sterilizer (Hankscraft), Pirie baby walker, Bonnie Brae baby carniage $50 for evcrything. Cail: 688-9583. Ernp. FOR SALE - 1 Beatty wringer washcr, autornatic puînap and wringer, good working condition $60 or best offer. Cail: 668-9407. Emr,. FOR SALE - 30 inch gas stove, good condition $35. Catl: 688-6030. Einp. FOR -SALE space heater, large enough to $85. Cail: - 1 propane ncarly new heat 3 rooms 683-2370. Enip._ FOR SALE - 1966 Inter- drive 3/4 ton good condition couid be certified. $700 655- 3028. Emp. FOR S ALE FOR SALE - power lawr mower $20, large white fridge an¶l stove $210 for both, floor polisher $20. Playpen $5, box of cloth- ing girls size 12 $8, girl guide suit size 12 $8.50, Brownic Suit $3, babeque $5, johnny pote $8, Rug pad $15, Vaccuum $20, propane trailer stove, new $35. Caîl - 655-3144. emp. FOR SALE - 2 5IX21 basement windows $10 each, i 37X24 basement window $5, t 45X27 bathroom win- dow $10, t 37X27% self- storm window $10, 6 storm & sereen aluminum widctows 30X24 $5 each. 2 antique 19 inch wheelsand tires (off 1932 Desoto) $50 for the pair. 1 cernent laundry tub double compartment with taps $20. 668-3495, 711 Burns St. W. Emp. FOR SALE - Large 1971 Skiboose by Skidoo $95. Cail: 725-2967. E. VikingConsole white 23 inch condition - $40. 4584,. black aiý,d TV. Good Cail: 668- Emp. FOR SALE - t tent traider with mattresses and spare tire $250. Lloyd baby carriage $25. Caîl: 668-3925. Emp. FOR SALE - A girls win- ter coat size 12 - 14 priced at $7. A pair of ladies boots size 8 brown $5. A pair of mauve drapes width 78 in. lenigth 63 in. like new $6. Portable car rack $5. Cail: 668-5060. Emp. FOR SALE - 4 nice crome discs 14 in. froni a 68 Beaumnont for $5. Skil ¼ in. -drill 3 wire for $5. Al wave T.V. antenna just tihe head for $1 0. One uniroyal near new ramn. tire on new wheel blackwall 6.35 X 14 from 73 Nova $20. Ex- nerienced woodsman can cut down 10 pop lar trees tor several cord of firewood if he has saw..pote climbers and rope for $20 which is refund- able in full to him when branches etc. is clcaned up. Cail: 723-2738 evenings. Emp. FOR SALE - 'l1 Volvo Station Wagon 4 specd origi- nal owncr black leather inter- ion radial tires with extra wheels Zicbart, Racks, Radio hidden third seat. $3,250 or best offer. Caîl: 728-5547. Oct. 2. FOR SALE - 1 tent traiter,' slecps four, includes foam mattress, spare tire & leatherette cover in good shape $300. 8 drcssed large male rnink peits, silver beige, tanncd and soi-e with white chin. $30 each. 668-2166. Emp. FOR SALE- Kalvinator stove. Good working con- cition. .Fio-wef;.ýpots. Call: 668-4309 after 5 o'cloe'l' FOR SALE - Fullilengîti black persian tamb coat size 16. In good condition $275 Cali: 688-8453 - Emn). FOR SALE - 1 large furnished bedroom with kitchen privileges, reasonable rent. Call after 6 655-4269 Brooklin area, box 324. Oct. 2 FOR SALE - 2 Continen- taI beds, 1 with head board -$25, the other $20. One double bcd, bookcase head board $45. Call:655-4776 Emp. FOR SALE - t pair Adida skates size 7Y2 (boys) used 2 seasons $15. t pair of shin pads $5. 1 pair of elbow pads $3. Caîl: 688- 3244. Emp. WE SHARPEN Hand Saws Skill Saw Lawnmower Blades Chain Saw Axe Hedge Clippers (Hand and Electric) Electric House Scissors BOB CAWKER ENTERPRISES LIMITED 400 Mary St. E., Whitby PHONE: 668-9881 SPECIAL SAVINOS Contents of Modet Homes. Chesterflekds, lamps, dinet- te suites, velvet paintngs, rugs, Anl in Showroom con- dition. ELMER'S FURNME 253 bloor St. E. Oshawa 728-3473 FOR SALE - 2 wooden spoke car wheels coitectors item $1 0. 1 trailer suitable for snow mobiles as new $75. Twin laundry tubs and tops as new white enamel $10. 1 Singer sewing machine good condition $20. 1 two burner clcctric plate $3. I camp bcd guod $3. two antique table open price. Caîl: 728-638f. Emp. LepI ftoUCe F. ALAN LAWSON C.A. TRUSTEE IN BANKRUP'TCY 69 King Street East Oshawu, Ontario LIH 1B4 Telephone: (416) 723-3800 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1974, PAGE'11 NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you seli! There wiIl not be any charge to advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advertised is sold. When the, advcrtised item is sold, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below. Ail advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at lcast one month if flot sold RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 2% of the balance over $400.00O EXAMPLE: Sold item idvertised for $5 0.00 - commission due $ 2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.00) Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer liâted as a private advertiser.ý Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediately when item is sold s0 that we may delete it from the following issues. Services, help wanted, clothing, real estate and personal message type ads can only be haridled on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, caîl 668-6111l MAIL ALL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WHITt TOP BANDS & DISC JOCKEYS For ail occasions. Now acceptîng bookîngs at Sun Music Enterprlses Cail Mike Tomlinson 725«1379 STORES FOR REN WHITBY dogeMICHAEL BOULE VAR ONTARIO HYDRO Requires Immediately for it's nuclear power develop- ment construction depart- ment Security G uards. Reference will be given to those applicants possessing previous experience in the security field. Excellent wages, fringe beneflits and working conditions. ONTARIO BOX PICKERING, HYDRO 1000 ONTARIO WOOD FOR FIREPLACE Soft and Hard Cedar & Spruce Fence Posts Cati: 668-2779 for delivery 11,000 sq. feet, convenient centre among new 1,500 home sub-division. Ail uses. CALL Cloverlawn Investments Ltd. I-964-8552 rSALES & SERVICE PIONEER CHAINSAWS GRAY'S ENGINE REPAIRS 324 Thickson Road S. (near Highway 401) Phone: 728-0690 WANTED - Smnatl farrn 2 or 3 bedroom house. Rea- sonable rent. Pickering Whit- by area. Cali: 65'5.3028 Oct. 23 TOWN CF WH ITBY REQU IRES DIRECTOR 0F RECREATION Applications wili be accepted by the undersigned until October 3Oth, 1974. Applicants to apply in writing stating age, marital status, education qualifications and experience. Experience, personality and leadership ability will be an asset. Responsibilities include- planning, development, administration and operation of regular recreation activities and municipal parks, playgroLlndis and other centres; the supervision and use of munici- pally owned recreation facilities; and periodic assessment of the Towns anticipated requirements for future parks and public open' spaces. Salary Range - $19#000.00 - $24,000.00 Ail applications will conf idence. be accepted in the strictest of Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Clerk, T( wn of Whitby, 4C5 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. 7-77- ----'-7"7"77-=-7- '-7-ý 777r r- 9« m

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