PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER,16. 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS EVE WIEW -JM QI/A IL <By now Thanksgiving weekend is just a fast rececding mfemnory to most of us but it was a very important holiday. It used to be traditional to give thanks for a bountifut crop'on Thanksgiving but our modemn lifestyle sçems to, have changed that tradition. Now it is traditional to take that last boat ride, that last walk in the woods and that last trip to the cottage on Thanksgiving weekend. If it wcren't for the holiday we would probabiy neyer get around to closing the cottage for the winter. Almost everyonc you ask previous to the holiday says the same thing. "Oh we'e going to the cottage for the wcckend." By theilooks of the traffic Monday night almost everybody did go to Uic cottage. At one point 1 saw traffic lined up bumnper-to-bumper from East of Oshawva to Toronto in both lanes and the whole mess was dead stopped. As 1 gazed upon this giant parking lot, fuîl of red tail. lights twinkiing off into the horizon, 1 thought, "Boy Uic indians shoutd be here now to sec this!" 1 had my doubts that anybody patientty .sitting in one of those cars was really involved with the spirit of Thanksgiving at that mo- ment. So now ait across the North country boats have been safety tuckcd away in boat houses and garages and make- shift sheds, tawn chairs and garden furniture have been Qalifying rum 65-or.ldr sh< #9 - -a Your Ontario Government believes senior-. cîtizens should now have a guaranteed annual inc(omne of $2700,al year for single -,ersonsi ariçi where bpth spouseS'5luaMy, $5400 for married coupÇes. 'So,i-f you are 65 or'older, with an incomne af tess thanh $27W, à a year . . and have lived !ln Canada for at ieast the past --Sars anglin'Ontprio for the Iast year.. ~you rnay quail ,f~ GAINS. f_ 44;4q~. .4" 4- collected and stacked up and thousands of assorted size and shaped- buildings will, sit vacant until next Spring when the sanie mass of cars wiil be seen threading. their way out of Toronto and back to the northtand. 1 can't really understand ati the cottage mnadness but I must admit that I too spent the holiday weekend up north closing down the cottage. However the oniy thanks 1 wiii give is that eventually the memory of the weekend wili be lost and by next Thanksgiving the scars will have healed and t will probably have forgotten ail the difficuities 1 went through this past weekend. As with many cottages shutters must be dug out of their sumrmer hiding spots and sorted and eventually instalted back on the windows for the winter. Isn't it funny how the shutters nover fit? You can mark themn tili you'rc blue, in the face but sometirne during the summer either the shut- ters expand or the windows shrink -and corne Thanksgiving the air is turned blue with the thanks of thousands of fathers piaying the samne shutter game 1 went through' last weekend. Coincidentally they are the same shutters that you faithfuily prorniseci to drag out during summer hoiidays and give a couple of coats of paint. Somehow t think the shutters know this and they mix themselves up duriing the summer to punish you for not pain ting thcm. One of the most distasteful jobs to me during the week- end when the cottage must be closed down isr the cleaning out of the refrigerator. 1 just can't bear to part with some of the goodies and somne of the other goodies I can't, be- cause of thc smell, get close enough to thcrn to throw out. The ieftover sandwich and haîf eaten ora ' ge I lost late iast spring always turn up in the forms of a weird biob of mouid back in the corner of the fridge and the usual resuit of cleaning the fridge out is that the cottage has to be aired out. The annual closing down of the cottage aiso means thor- oughiy cleaning out under the beds and that always means 1 find some of those odd missing socks and sometimes a 'dents uld nowbae o . ha icome.t GAINS is Ontazio's Guaranteoci Annual rIncorne System. It is designed tQ enisure an a n rcome of $2700 by making up the differerice between the GAINS guarantee. and incarne trom other sourçe. :,er 260,000 senior otzens are fnow receiving benefitýlùÙnderthis program. If you receive OId'Age Security and thé -Guaranteed Income Supplement, your --elIiefilty for Ontario GAINS is determined' automatically. You do flot have to apply. If you are flot receiving GAINS pay- meèhb Wtfe#Wyou May îu&44ty- :easè g ive us a cali. Blind and disabled people now receiving assistance tram Qntario's FarniIy 6enefits *program are alsa entitied ta GAINS. Any questions? Cati us, free of charge, tram anywhere iin Ontaria. Dial "(Y' and ask 1hë operato1r orZem!th 8-20007 In the Metro Toronto local calfing area. ..tial 965-8470. Guaranteed Annual Incarne System Ministry of Revenue Arthpr ,Meen, Mî.nister, 'i. * 'r ~ -' h. -t.'-' -~ ~.:', V rofýmDavis, Premier haif a bottie of pop that is four months otd. And of course tHe hIdies are at their best when ctosing dowri the cottage. They aiways find absoiuteiy bags fuit of dirt during the last cieanup of the season. 1. swear I didn't know that much dirt exIsted'but the proof cornes when 1 have to haut out the garbage bags full of it. So in an effort to conform with the customs of my fetlow Canadian citizens even though I knew 1 woutd be glad to get back to work on Tuesday to get. a rest, I too gave thanks at the cottage this past weekend. My tast offic- iai act of closing down the cottage last Monday afternoon was to fali down a whote flight of steps with a fuît box of groceries. So, of course I'm giving thanks - it could have been a box of booze and two fiights of steps! ANNOUNCEMENT Whiltby Mal Denture Clinic NOW OPEN For Appointment Coul: 723m7496 certificd member of the Denturist Society of Ontario THE TOWN 0F WHITBY SECONDARY PLANS M Special Study Areas (4a, 4d1) The Town of Whitby wil be holding Public Meetings - Thurs4ay October 24, 1974 7:00 p.m. Special Study Area 4d1 Tursday October 24, 1974 8:30,p.m. Speéial ýStu4y Area 4,a 405 Dundas Streét, West Whitby- PUSLIC MÛTWIG j -- THURSI~AY OCT. 4,94AT ~USAMJR*D 4a Counicil bas directed the Planning Department to proceed with Public Meetings for Stage li[ of the Secondary Plans for Speciai Study Areas 4a, 4h, 4c and 4d. A&public miet- ing for Stage -1 was heid on -Thursday,, September 12, 1974."" VS, e pi.pos&f $i ~eiis to. Iesen#1a.d-,-e alterna- ties tafic-access ai tn ç~an ~ ral poiicy guidelines and te obtain the co-operation and participation otW t1èftizens of.* eT~n. Further informtion with epcT eig~;- .tainédfowheIa.i D zI14d'n t-. Win. H. Wallace, AJ.ÇrT CLERK - Town of Whitb, 405 Dundas Street Weet wÙ 02 0z z lu t, St 'f -'""f m ' ' -- . . ýmw - ïra -iý Mm - i &L- - 1 m THW~DATOCT i4, 1974 AT 7:00pm