Whitby Free Press, 23 Oct 1974, p. 11

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your week ahead ey DR. A.W. DAMIS Forecast Perled: October 27 te November 2 ARIES Mar. 21 - Apr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20. May 20 GEMINI May 21 - lune 20 MOONCRILD Jane 21 - JUIY 22 VmtGO Aug. 23.- Sept. 32 LIBRA Sept. 23.- Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23 - Nov. 21 SAGITTARIJS Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 2Z2- Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19 - Mar. 20 Don't lie te yourself in order te justify yeur motives. Face the facts, you're enterlng a period when you'll participate in a bit of "back- biting." Please guard your words. It seems as though you'll get the chance te ex- pand your job, task or project. See te it that social or romantic problemns wen't become an obstacle. This could be a highly favorable week. There's twe drawbacks, however. You might take a serieus situation tee lightly, what's more, you're prone to defy autherity. Guard against an unusual lack of confidence. Cosmic influences will put you te test. In other werds, yeu might be over cautious lnaa situation that demands a firm, swift decision. Don't permit yourself te be drawn into a ven- ture; simply, because yeu've overstated your financial reserve. Also, yeu're highly vuiner- able te fiattery, this week. Play it cool, for the balance of this week. Ac- cordîng te your chart, it's not the time te per- suade or convince anybody; especially, the other sex. F'rom ail indications it's possible that you'1l do sonie pinch "hitting," this week. In other words, you'll take on somebedy else's responsi- billty, for a brief period. You're holding faulty and inaccurate data; then again, yeu could be cevering up informa- tien. The point? Den't rely on "ace in the hole" statistics. It's thce ld escape frem reality. What? Getting involved in semeene else's problems in order te forget your Owfl! Bluntly, take care of yeur troubles, this week. You'll face a week of fierce competitien that could include veiled threats. What is more, yeu'll be forced te take ruthless measures te corne eut ahead. Don't become a student of the theery that: A lie can functien as well as the truth . .. it won't! Yeu will, hewever, bcnd twist and stretch a few facts, slightly. Speaking of the opposite sex! You're caught up ini the past, far tee much te ever change. It's net the tirne te think of changing your romance pattern. PERSONALITY PROFILE For your Sun Sign Anlysis, tend the day, month, yeur and place of birlh, plus $1.00 for postage and handling la Dr. Andrew W. Oams, P. 0. Box 1276.6, St. Petersburg, Florida 33733. vj, fOe-oI I. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOdEFI 2U 1974, PAGE i TRADE UP TO I S àt AND4 woolstea Ir4% SENSATIONAL VALUE AT $591900 WE'LL GUARANTEE TO SELL YOUR PRESENT HOME Trhe 14 warmiy elegont home des igns in Woodsýtreom Mendows are a harmonieus blend of new lii e style ideos wth proven troditionol concepts. The emphosis throughout is on luxury. 0f prime importance is how much living spoce you get for your rnoney. Vou will oppreciate the genereus dimensions and delightful individuality ef eoch home design. Plus the added pleasure of a naturolty beautiful setting cemplete with streom. Net often . con you find such a remorkoble combination. Beoutiful Woodstream Meodows - the perfect place te cal "Home"'. DEL REALTY INC REALTOR EXCLUSIVE SALES AGENT i - TORONTO DIRECT LINE 862-0750 OSHAWA 723-5371 ATTENTION FUTURE HOME BUYERS REALTOR TORONTO UINE - 282-1004 QUESTIONS Interest rates high? Real Estate Investmnents good? Today is a Buyers market? Shouîd I consider buying now? ANSWERS Yes R EA L GOOD REALTOR TORONTO UINE - 2821004 Yes Most Definitely 121 BU =, ST. N. REALTOR TORONTO UINE - 282- 1»04 Caîl any one of our salesmen and they wiII gîadîy discuss the proper ways and means of financing your new home or future investments. Salesmen: Doug Taylor, Benny Stacewicz, Jean Hughes, Jim Wilson Broker EarI Harris President. REALTOR TORONTO UNE - 282-1,004 LAND LAND LAND We have vacant lands, farms, lots and commercial properties available. Ask for Jeannie Hughes Land Division after hours call 728-2377 REALTOR TORONTro UNE - 282.1,004 121 BROCK STREET NORTH WVHIýTBY 668-7777 LEO JuIy 23.- Aug. 22 LAN D REALTOR TORONTO UNE - 282-1,004 Imm /00006ý68-7' '777 4 SýýýM r 1

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