Whitby Free Press, 23 Oct 1974, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS -Free Press 6861 Emporium I FOR SALE FOR SALE - 2 Uninoyal Super Winîenide Tires. G78- 15 Blackwail - 4 piy nylon. Veny good condition $15 a pair. Scout uniforni, shirt beret, sash, $7. Phone 668- 4465. Emp. _____________________________________ .1 FOR SALE - B &W T.V. console $215 Table witli 4 chairs $35. 9 inch rmat- tress and box spring $30. Bird cage with sand $10. 655- 3028, FOR SALE - new kit- cheri cupboard doors, $1t.50 each. Seli very reasonably. CatI 655-3534. ep FOR SALE - Piiips tloor model stereo withi 4 buitt-in speakers. Excellent condi- tion. $200.00 or best oflèr. Antique grainaplione. 4!A feet higli. Crank inîissing, S225. or best offer. Cati 668-9778. e nip. FOR SALE- 6 ft. X 4 ft. stiding, pierson window suitable for cottage or addi- tion. $55.00 Phione 728-4849 FOR SALE - Lloyd baby carriage excellen t condition, $25. Phone 668-3536 after 7:00 p.nl. Ernp. FOR SALE - 4, -10 gali- on aquariums, 4 heathers, 3 pumps, 2 cover lights, acces- bries about 50 tropical fish with a red fin shark incuded (3 inches long) S 130.00. Cati 668-9288 after 5 p.m. er-np-. FOR SALE - 5 piece newiy upholstered kitchen set $65. Hoover vaccuum cleaner $20. Ca1I:655-4368. FOR SALE - I'uIl lengir, black persian lamb 2coat size 16.- In good condition $275 CaU: 688-8453 FOR SALE -- Engtish saddle second hand ini excel- lent condition, $130. Caîl: 655-3715. Ep FOR SALE - Rebuit engine with Holley, 4 barret carb, $65. Cali: 668-6080. emo. FOR SALE - 1 Hair dry- er & chair (salon type) $50. i steamer good condition $50. CaU 668.-3679 or 668- 306 e m p. FOR SALE - Afghan pop 6 months brindle femnate, show quaîity $250.00, also Mattese maIe 6 months otd. Cati: 655-3791. Oct. 23 FOR SALE _ Ultra-mod- enn Sound System for DJ or rec-noom, 3 portable sec- tions, vinyl covered,tape-deck control panel, switches, bog- en amp., 2 garrard transcrip- tion tum tables, 2 audio empire tond anms, GE cart- idges, 15" JB Lansing. Sp- eaker mounted in theatre cabinet. New cost $1,100., wiît take $700. or best offer. Caîl 668-9746. dmp. FOR SALE- 6.95 X 14 tire & wheel (Chryster) in perfect condition $15. One double cast iron sink $5. Cati 668-3495 or apply 711 Burns Street West, Whitby. Emp. FOR SALE - 1 German short hair pointer maie re- .~gistered good hunter $50. Cali: 655-3687. Ernp. CLASSIFIE D ADVERTISING - -- 'a i FOR SALE - One black persian lamb thiree quarter tlength coat, gray trim, $125. One giay kid cape $50, size 14 - 16 excellent condition. 668-5326. Eînp. FOR SALE - Brand New 8 trace tape deck for car. Neyer been used $70 or best offer. Call: 668-5745. .Emp. FOR SALE- Jotty jurnp- er (completely portable) et- ectric steritizer (Hankscraft), Pine baby walker, Bonnie Bute baby carrnage $50 tor everything. CaIt: 668-9583. Ernp. I FOR SALE-- Brown knee igh boots ladies size 8 carri- boots $5. Roof top carrier S5. 688-5060. Ernp. FOR SALE - Trini Gym Exerciser with instruction book. New conidition. $50. Cati 655-42-45. e inn. FOR RENT - One bed- roomi apartinent, 6 10 Dondas) Street West, appiy apartnmen t à timber I1O sanie addreýs. Also storage space availabte 800 square feet. FOR SALE- Sterco Bar with short %vave AMI/FM radio. and turntable. Mutsec to appreciate. Asking S375.00. Phone (668-21 98. eCip FOR SALE- Baby back carrier $8. Car seat $12. Cait: 668-6093. FOR SALE _I_ Frigidaire refrigerator good condition $25. i shower cabinet $20. Caîl: 668-5471. Enip. FOR SALE i- Deluxe Kenmore Sewing Machine in good working condition $50. Cati: 668-535-3. Ernp. WORK WANTÊEW--ýen- eral office work, sales clerk, or babysitting fuît or part limne. Cati: 725-1035. Oct.23 FOR SPALr 8 track tape deck ton car neyer beeri used. $70 or best offer. Cail: 668-5745. emp. FOR SALE - Frigidaire washer - working condition. $45.00. 601 Clarence Dr. in Whlitby. ip FOR SALE- 30 inch stove in working condition, suitable for cottage. $30. CatI 668-4058. Enp. FOR SALE -I pair of Ober Alp Skis, ailoîi uii potes. sateîy biidiiîgs, size 71/ boots and bout press. Skis will fit a 5 toot 2 inch person. Like new $S75 foi- the works. tnts silver- cross pranri dark green with rnatching bag & canopy good condition $150. ('att: 725- 7124.< Enip. FOR SALE-- 3 German Shiepard dogs (cross betwecn a Labrador Retriever-and a Shepard) Have hiad aIlt their shots and licenced. 13 months old. $20 each. Cati 655-4973 BABYSITTING - avail- able in my home pre-sehooler if possible in the Coronation & Highway No. 7 area. Cali' 655-3657. Oct. 23 FOR SALE - 1 Findlay Condor coal & wood range (cook stove) vcry good con- dition, 1 set of bed springs. antique picture frames. Cail: 728-2072. Emp. FOR SALE -- Barbecue 24 inch diamneter $4. Carpet swecper, antique, price open, 3 headboards, two 36 inch and one 39 minc, vinyl, $3 eaclî, ladies brown boots size 8$5. CatI: 668-5060. FOR SALE spacelieu ten, large enouggh 10 $85. CatI: Enip. I- 1prop.ne neanty new heat 3 roonis 683-2370. Eip FOR SALE - 1966 Inter- national travel-ati 4 wtieet drive 3/4 ton good condiion coutd be certifîed. $700 655- 3028. FOR SALE yoLIng 'beef 85 ('aIt: 655-4368. FOR SALE Emp. t- 1 side ut cents per lb. Oct. 23 I hockey skates size 5 goodl conidition $St2, hockey shîni pads for age Il or 12 $2. shoulder pads $2.,,sniowinobiie boots site 8 $5, snoxvmobile helmet age il or 1t-2 excellenit con- ditioni $5. CatI 668-4706 after i o'cluck. Ermnp. FOR SALE - 2 5IX21 basernent windows $1It) each. t 37X24 basenîeîît iwindow $-5. I 45X27 bathroom in- dow $10, t 37X271/4-self- storm window $10, 6 stormi & screen aluninum wid4ows 3OXI-4 $5 each. 2 antique 19 inch wheelsand tires (off 1932 Desoto) $50 for the pain. i cernent laundry tub double compartnient with taps $20. 668-3495, 711 Burnis st. W. Emp. FUR SALE --I1pair of- shin pads $5, I pair of elbowv pads $3. CatI: 668-3244. Enlip. FOR SALE About 30 différent dblts outfits for 'Crissy' and 'Vetvet's Litte Sister>. Priced from $1t to $3 Cait: 728-2578. Emp. FOR SALE itent trailer with mnattresses and spare tire $250. Lloyd baby carnîage $25. Cati: 668-392-5. Em? FO0R SALE I pair of bauer skates, boys size 7 ini good condition $5. 9 coin- plete jigsaw ptizles, '2 hock- ey anid 7 sccnci. 2 rîever been opened. 50 cents each or att 9 for $5. ('ait: 688- 4465. Ernp. FOR SALE - 4 nice croine discs 14 iii. froni a 68 Beaumont f'or $5. SUiI V4 iii. drill 3 wire l'or $5. Att wave T.V. antetîna just thie hecad for $ t . One tniroyaî near new rain. tife on new wheet btackwall 6.35 X 14 f'rom 73 Nova $2)0. Ex- perienced woodsrnan can coit down 10 pop lar trees lor severat cord of firewood if lie has saw..pote clirnbers and nope for $20 whichi is refond- able in fti to lii when branches etc. is cleaned rip. Cati: 723-2738 cvenings. Ernp. FOR SALÉ - Englis dryen nearty new $1 50, Exercise bed $30, 8 track tape and etectrical box $60, mans' I4kt gold band $80, 668-7927. Emp. -A FOR SALE -' 1 tent traiter, sleeps four, includes foam rnattress, spare tire & teatherette cover in good shape $300. 8 dressed large maie mink peits, silver beige, tanned and some with white chin. $30 each. 668-2166. Erno. FOR SALE - Kai-vinator stove. Good working con- Idition. Ftower pots. Cati:- 668-4309 after 5 o'clock. FOR SALE- 2 Continen- tai beds, I wittî liead board. $25, the other $20. One double bcd, bookcase head board $45. Catl:655-4776 Em p. WOOD' FOR FIREPLACE Soft and Hard Cedar & Spruce Fence Posts Cati: 668-2779 for deliverv FOR SALE --30 inch gas stove, good conditîi $35. Cati: 668-6030. Ernp. I)O\ESVIC PUMP SERZVICE Cau iitlhîîh00-()1)15 WE SHARPEN Hand Saws Skilt Saw Lawnmower Blades Chain Saw Axe Hedge Clippers (Hand and Etectric) Etectric House Scissors BOB CAWKER ENTERPRISES LIMITED 400 Mary St. E., Whitby PHONE: 668-9881 SPECIAL SAVINOS Contents of Model Homes. Chesterfields, lamps, dnet- te suites, ve4vet paintings, rugs,,AJi in Showroom con- dition. EIMEW'S FUMUT1RE 253 Bloor St. E. Oshawa 728-3473 GOT SOM/:YTIIliG TO SE"LL . CAIL L: 668-61/i [RLI] PISS YI)SI>.iY Lepl Notice F. ALAN LAWSON C.A. TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY 69 King Street East Oshawa, Ontario LIH 1B4 Telephone. (416) ,723-3800 g NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you sel There wilI flot be any charge to advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advertised is sold. When the advertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below. Ail advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS'and run at least one month if flot sold RATES (if article is solci): 5%7 of advertised price up to $400.0 2% of the balance over $400. 00 EXAMPLE: Sold item ~idvertised for $50.00 - commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.00) Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Please notify thie Whitby Frec Press îmmcdiately when item is sold so that we may delete it from thc following issues. Services, help wan ted, clothing, real estate and personal message type ads can only be handlcd on a prepaid basis. If in doobi, caîl 668-6111l MAIL ALL ADS TO: IRIE PRI'SS lM'i\PORIUM P.O. Box 206, WIIITBY FOR wagon Round Round SALE - 67 Votks-1 needs wurk $300. oak din -in oak dining table, 4 chairs black tacqucered S45. I Etecînic Dryer $60. Cail: 668-4821 days and 725-7981 after 6 p.m. Oct. 23 FOR SALE --3 - 14 inch Ford rirns $5 cach, selI separ- aite or as a pair. 4 Mustang xvheel disc covers SI0. Cail: 668-2253. Emp. LOST - Poodte, miniia- tore browvn. answers to 'Baron'. Has collar with narne on, Brooklin-Hliglhway number 7 area. Missing since Saturday riighit. REWARD. Cal: 683-0978. Oct. '23 FOR SALE - Baby carni- age $80. Carbed $8, JoiIy- juniper $5, large box of clothes for baby 12 nîonths to 24 months inctuding snowsuits and boots. Every- thiiig is in immracolate condi- tion $1 5. Floor polisher $1 0. boys ska tes size 13 & 4 ex-elleti t condition $5 a pair, Atberg skis, potes & mens boots size 8. Used once $60. King site box-sprng and niattress by perfect sîceper tîeeds franie. \Vill take best offer. CatI: 655-347.Enip, FOR SALE - 1 snow tires 7.75 X 1 pair of Ford rims $5. Caîl: 668-5448. pair of 14 $10. 15 i nc h Emnp . STORES FOR REN WHITBY MICHAEL BOULEVARD 11,000 sq. feet, convenient centre among new 1,500 home sub-division. Att uses. CALL Ctoverlawxi Investments Ltd. 1 - 964-8552 SALES & SERVICE PIONEER CHAINSAIWS GRAY'S ENGINE REPAIRS 324 Thickson Road Si (near Highway 401> Phone: 728-0690 WANTED - Smal farm 2 or 3 bedroom house. Rea. sonable rent. Pickering Whit- by area. Caîl: 6532 Oct. 23 Train as a COMME RICAL HELICOPTER PILOT This Fal and Winter Oshawa Airport 725-2141 ASTON HELICOPTERS LIMITED WHITBY DENTURE CLINIC 21-4 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY 668-7797 NOW OPEN CALL FOR APPOINTMENT NO CHARGE FOR CONSULTATION New custom dentures direct to the public' Repairs and Relines 40 days unconditional guarantee on ail new dentures provided One year f ree adjustment MEMBER 0F THE DENTURIST SOCIETY 0F ONTARIO AS A MEMBER 0F THE DENTURIST SOCIETY OUR FEE SCHEDULE CONFORMS WITH THE SOCIETY. r- -JL -1

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