Whitby Free Press, 23 Oct 1974, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS outlying areas ofMirtle, waste lheselands and put a Mirtie Station, As/ibyrne and hoiesing subdivision bere. I Brou klyne. And the larges t (For there was miuch wealth of these was Brooklyne. (o be gained in housing Qne dayv a developer subdivisions.) *e....e..ee.*S S* S@named CBS camfe tothat part Su GBS went toDez and Dear Sir: a land called Vhytbi. And ifs and hie saw the fair lanids said "Let me lay waste the T/is is a fairýv tale- ru 1er was Dez. Though Why- lying about Brooklyne, and lands about Brooklynie. Let hope. wb ias a ialrlmDe her rich crops of cornz and nie build a housing subdivi- tb snalrelm Dzwheat and apples. And lie siontiere." Anrd he gave "One upon a lime, on ivas tnig/uty i battie and hiad was mue/i pleascd. And lie bim, a sewer. (bis side of flue great sea, la.v subjugated tMe peoples uj t/uc said ini his /eart 1 will lay Anud Dez took great de- 1~ LARGE SELECTION 0F CLOCK RAIE - , 1 1 Russett Ave n Wayne Ave u Taunton Road Rossland Road ligbt ini the sewer. He clutcbed it to his bosom and bis beart wvas fùIl of' /uy. And be said to (BS, "Hlave your way with tbe lands about Brou klyne. " Then GBS brougb t in bull- dozers and devastated (fie farms and be beset (hem witb flouses and condominiumns and apartrnen (s. A nd peuple came fruini Ir-off Taran ta lu ZENITH STEREO featuring the deep, rich sound of Zeihstereo consoles with FMIAMI Stereo FM tuner, 8-track tape player and Stereo Precision record changer. Allegro high-performance speakers with tuned port produce exceptioinal bass response. The TORTOSA F915-Medi- otNa.' terranean styling in Pecan or$*9 Dark Oak color. $469e9 Allegro 1000 Stereo Systems The PRENTISS.F5' 4-Solid-state AMI FM/Stereo FM tuner with Stereo Pre- cision record changer. Full, rich bass reproduction. $LV269 -09- dules and WaInut color cab- The JULLIARD- F587-Solid-state y' Crest mt AM/FM/Stereo FM tuner with Stereo 399NL229 *9- Precisîon record changer and 8-track :)los [~ The quality goes in before the names goes on* RNITRR DO NlORMANý'S ENTERTAINMENT Slels CENTRE an 1218 SIMCOE NORTH, OSHAWA 579-2411 Service rRODUCING .1975> HOME ENTMN VALUES Nwil ideas for our New Arena!! 1 remain, Fran Rich. Collared by Inflation? A t. live in the subdivision. But there were no /obs in the vicinity for these new- corners. So they con tinud to work in Taran ta. A nd they burned much fuel in their comings and goings and polluted the air most foully. They cared not for Dez and they didn't give a shot for Brooklyne. They remained socially aloof from Whytbi and they didn 'z shop ini Why- tbi. But diey did send their ehildren to sehool in 14hytbi. And îhey were very profilic. Su Dez had to build scluools, and the taxes rose, anud the peuple were sore op- pressed. And the» eried out ini despair uinto Dez. But Dez had nu solace for theni. The dei'elopers ivere now la viiiig aste the lands about .Mirtle and Mlirtle Station and Ashbyrne. And Dez no long- er had pleasuire from h is sewer. And he dlied ini bis grief: And sume of the good citizens of IVhytbi set up a plaque in memury of* their leader. And (bey set it ini Grassers Park in Brookfvne, Ju)r that ivas the un/y ounde- veluped piece of' ground ini the wluole realin. And the plaque said, "In ,nemory of Dez - fie suld out Brook/vue f'or a sewer. Yours îrulv, BillI)urg-ess Ashburn, Ontario 'Tuere are feu, vays un w/uic/z a persun can better spend luis nuuney. Help yuur Coin uunit 'v. Support the Un'ited lav." Yours sincerel', J. E,. Broadbent, M.P. Osluawa-lWbftbi'. Dear Editor: Wcekly newspaper reader- ship across Canada represents a significant and growing percentage of the population. It is important to mie, there- fore, thiat Ministers in the federal goverrnment make in- formation available that is usi4ul to you and your read- ers. In this respect a typeset columin will be sent to you from one of my Ministers every two weeks. The first such column outlining some of the directions of the 3Oth Parliament is attached. 1 hope you will find this material useful, and if you have any comments or sug- gestions 1 would be mnost pleased to hear from you. Imm

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