Whitby Free Press, 23 Oct 1974, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY,,OCTOBER 23, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS LAC ROSSE The Annual Awards Day and Banquet of Garrard Road Minor Lacrosse Association held at Heydenshore Pavilion on Sunday was well attended by players and their parents. Head Table guess întroduced by President Bill Holding were Dick Walker, Referee-in-Chief, Stan Taylor, Regisîrar, Frank Moloney, Treasurer, Barb Kernohan, Girls Convener, Jean Gangemi, Secretary and Executive Director, Carl Phillips, Pee-Wee Convenor, Pete Burns, Novice Convenor AI Kivell, Head Convenor, Murray Halliday, Tyke Conven- or and special guest Mr. Fred Beckett of Whitby Recreation Department. Other Executive members and referees, Timekeepers and Booth Volunteers were acknowledged and thanked by the presidcnt. Presentations started off with Barb Kernohan presenting Girls League House League Championship to Local 222 and Coach Bob Sage. Local 222, mosl valua ble player Karen Moloney and most imprcwed player Debbie Holding were given trophies by Coach Sage. On Bibeau Const. team most valuable player Debbie Kernohan'and most improved player Janice Goodwin were presented with trophies by Coach Roger Dezan. Tyke Convenor Murray Halliday presented Coach Bert Porter and Assistant Bob Nesbitt House League Champion- ship Trophy 10 Dearborn SheIl team. Coach Bob May and assistant Dave Brady were îhanked for their efforts on behaif of Owen Bros. team. Crests were presented to Dearborn ShelI for winning "A" Division of Durham Re- gional House League. Ail Star Tyke Coach Norrie Ormston presented most valuable player award to Owen Brus. Mike Baîtista and Dearborn Shiell most improved player Hermian VanGinkel. Ail Star Sinclair Sunoco riiosî valuabte player Brian Prakken and most împroved player John Piphier were given trophies by their coach for their efforts ini Ail Star Division.- Novice Convenor Pere Burns resented Crests îu Garrard Road House League Champs Blue teami and Coach Murray Owen. Most valuable player in Durharn Regionat House League went tu Brooklin Oddfellows Randy Johnsîun and most improved player Paul Deveaux. Novice Ail Star miost valuable player award wvas presented jointly to Tony Burns and Danny Garrard while muost improved award xvas pre- senîed joinîly ru Charles Mason and Dort McLellan on Oshawa Garden Service. Novice Coaches Murray Johnstotî. Murray Owen, AI Garrard xvere thanked by Mr. Burns. Durham Regional Pee-Wee Team Red's Sports & Cycle coached by Tom Faîrman and Bill Holding were given crests. Most improved player Stan Dezan. miost vatuabte player jointly presenîed to Davîd lHolding and Trom Deittle. The Ail Ontario Pee-Wee "'D" Chiamipionsip îeam winners at the Pee-Wee National Tournamertt ini Windsor were introduced by Convenor Carl Philtips aîtd presented with tîteir trophies. Members of the teami are John Fusco, Peter Pipher, Randy Taylor, Larry Kernohan, David Northam, Lee Burns, Tod Cotton, Rick Cormier, Mike Hiall, David Bursey, Mike Chisholm, Chris McGregor, Bitly Eyre, Johin Kiveli, Dennis Vatalebeek, Dale Kernuhan and Paul Jacobs, coach Budd Kernohan, Manager AI Kiveit and T ramner Stan Taylor. Most improved player on this Harilaid Stars îeam were David Northam and mosî valuable player award jointly given lu Peter Pipher and Date Kernohan. Ail Ontario "D" Bantam Champs were introduced by Convenor and'Coach Bilt Edwards and presented wiîh their trophies. I'eam members are Robert Carson, Gil Mllette, Dennis Jacobs, David Fleming, Wayne Johnsron, Richard Walker, Randy Galtas, Derek Minaret, Nick Coady, Ken Demille, Dale Sawyer, Rusty Kawecki, David Bannon, James Roach, B.G. Edwards,_Manager Dick Walker and s E N I o R A Aduits $2.50 Students $1 .50 Tramner Mike Edwards were thanked and congratulated for their part in winning.. Most valuable player presented jointly to Randy Gallas and James Roach, most improved player Wayne Johnston.. Executive rnembers thanked by Bill Edwards for their co-operation during the year. The Patsy Edwards Memorial Trophy, which is an award presented annually to a participant of Fun Day and very highly treasured by ail who receive il waýs presented jointly to Juanita Noble and Joe Fusco by Bill Edwards. Referee-iri-Chief Dick Walker thanked ail Referees and Timnekeepers and presented on behaîf of the Association a small token of appreciation to four Senior referees Budd Kernohan, Pete Burns, Bill Holding and Tom Fair-man. Mr. Fred Beckett, acting Director of Whitby Recreation Department brought greetings from the Town of Whitby and congratulations to ail Trophy winners. He noted that it takes a lot of work to be successful in anything and to those who didn'î get an award "Keep on trying and wait until next year". Remarks by President Bil Holding extended sincere thanks 10 our Sponsors without whom there would be no Lacrosse. Ail Coaches, Managers and Executive were thanked on behaif of the Association along with the Town of Whitby and Whitby Recreation Department for their help and co-operation. He noled that Garrard Road teams have spread their good-will during the past year from Wind- sor on the west to Baie Comeau and Longueuil, Quebec on the east. Parents were reminded that tickets are available for our Faîl Lacrosse Dance to be held November 2 at Ajax Community Centre. Tickets are $5.00 per couple and are available frorn any Execuitive member, Jean Phîllips 655-32-71 or Barb Kernohan 728-3290. Mrs. Juanita Noble was presentcd with a floral bouquet ini appreciation of lier work in operation of the Booth and thanked on behiaif of Lacrosse, Soccer and Basebail. We were rerninded tliatahe wO.ML.A. is considerinig the devel- opinent of a Girls Division as part of their league. Look Out Ontario! We have te Conipetition. Plans are under way for the formnation of a Junior Executive within our organization during the coming year and any teenager interested is asked to give their naine to the president. Banquet Convenor Jane Carson was thanked for lier work in organizing and planning tou make tbis day a success after which ihie nothers served hamburgers, do-nuts, choco- late bars, pop and cofféec r the hunigry guests. 118 BYRON ST, N. WHITBY 668-2651 We invite the public to use our laites during our OPEN BOWLING HOURS Sunday 12 noon - 10:30 pmn. Open Bowling ail day. Monday 12 noon - 11:30 p.m. Open Bowling 4 - 7 Tuesday 12 noun - 11:30 p.m. Open Bowling 4 - 7 Wednesday 12 noun - 11: 30 p.m. Open Bowling 4- 7 & 9 -11:30 Thursday 12 noon - 11:30 p.m. Open Bowling 4- 7 &9-11:30 Friday 12 noon - 11:30 p.rn. Open Bowling ail day Saturday 8ý3O a.m. - 11:30 p.n. Open Bowling 3 p.m. - 11: 30 STILL TIME AVAILABLE TO JOIN OR STAR-r A LEAGUE Open Bowling Only 1 Free Game of Bowling Arith this ad Sunclay nignt only H o c K E uu Children$1O The Whitby Recreation Department has endeavoured to bring hockey skills into tlhe grasp of eachi enthusiastic chîld through the new Hock- ey School atIlroquois Park Arena. Every Wednesday for one hour - 3:50 pr.. 0 4:50 p.m. Mr. Mike Keenan frorn the Whiitby Sr. "A" Hockey Club instructs in the art of skating. stîckhandling. checking, passing and shoot- ing. Eacbi lesson is carefully- prepared 10 facilitale the niost efficient use of ice and time. The level and inîensity of each lesson is flexible and totally dependent upon the experience and ability of each child concerned. In this way the prograni wiIl be of beitefît to everyone and al- low t1e individual lu progress at his own rate. Age: I12 years old and under Time: 3:50 p.m. 10 4:50 p.m.. Location: lroquois Park Arena Day: Wednesdays Equipment: Minimum of helmet. skates, gloxres and stick. Fee: S 12.00 Duration: l0weeks Commencing: Oct. 16, 1974 THEGOOD WORD [rom the eib1e And Jet us not be weary ini well doing: for in due sea- son we shahi reap if we faint not. As we have there fore op- portunity, let us do good unto ail menr, especially unto them who are of the house- hold of faith. Galatians 6:9,710 Whatever The Job.. If it's electrical, cail us. Our expert electricians have the know-how to do every job right! MALOJA ELECTRIC 576-6314 NOTICE To Our Customers Our New Hours Are: Monday-m Closed Tues. to Frî. 8 a.«m. to 9 p.m.s sat 8 a.m. f0 5 p.m. WANTED - HMIR STYLIST TONY'S HAIRSTYLING Blair Park Plaza 668-5441 LOOK WHAT'S HAPPENING ut Iroquois Park Arena WHITBY McDONALD'S vs ORILLIA TERRIERS Thursday 24 8:@30 p.m. N*M--m WM BA Awards Day Sunday This Sunday the Whitby tives of the Town of Whitby Minor Basebaîl Association Council, the Whitby Recrea- wiII officially bring the 1974 tion Departmerrt, the Dur- season to a close with ils ham Regional Police Depart- annual Awards Day to be ment and the Whitby Fire held at Heydenshore Pavilion. Department wîll be on hand A change in format will 10 take part in the see the event staged for the ceremonies at both events. first lime in îwo sessions. A traditionial highlight of Tee-Ball and Tyke players the Awards Day are the will attend the first to be draws for basebalîs auto- held at 1 p.m. while Pee-Wee graphed by players of several Bantam and Midget players of the major league clubs, wihl come at 3 p.mn. The two and pictures and yearbooks sessions have been made made available by the major necessary by the increasing league teamns. To be eigible registration of boys in the for the phizes boys must be ,W.M.B.A. programme. in attendasice at Heyden- Every boy attending wifl shore. receive a 1974 W.M.B.A. A special feature of the crest, a copy of the Montreai second session will be the Expos Basebaîl Magazine and showing of the officiai film a Chicago Cub decal. Players of the 1970 World Series with the W.M.B.A Tyke, between the Baltimore Pee-Wee and Bantam-Midget Orioles and the Cincinnati championship . clubs will Reds. receive trophies and there Both sessions wiIl end will be a presen talion of club with refreshments, tradition- trophies 10 the title winners. al in basebail, *soda pop and The Mayor, representa- hot dogs. Hockey School At Iroquolis Arena - -"m -

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