Vol. 4 No. 4! More Housing - If you thougbt that the guitarist pictured above is a menber of the rock group "the 345th Corny Kernels" your wrong! The person with the sunglasses and majestic beard is actually May Smith - on1e of the Whitby ladies wlro took part ini the Senior Citizens Dance Friday right at the Centennial Building. May woni an award for the best costume. The lady with her was flot identified. Free Press Photo Four Break-mns! The Liquor Con trol Board of Ontario Store at 1Ili Gilbiert Street East, Whitby was broken inte at about 11:45 p.m. Sunday, but officiaIs have been unable te determine what's missirîg. Durham Regional Police say that a rock was appar- ently thrown through the fron t door te gain entry. A suspect lias been ques- tioneti, but ne charges have been laid as cf yet. Two stores in the Whitby Plaza, Breck Street South, were buoken into last Tues- day. The Mac's Milk was the fiust at about 3 a.m. when the front door was smashied anti an undertermined amount of cigarettes stolen. Royal Heu Royal Higliness Prin- cess Anne anti heu husband Captain Mark Philîîps wil visit Windfrelds Farms in East Whitby (now Oshawa) Nov- ember 16, 1974. The visit is expected te fie a short one about haif an heur, with the automobile entourage arrivirig about 10:45 a.m. A short photo session for accredited press will take place in the cofi- bled yard. The couple will arrive in Canada Friday, November 15 at Toronto International Air- port at 2:30 p.m. They wilI attend the 'opening cf the Royal Winter Fair at the C. N.E. at 8:30 p.m. After the Saturday moun- Then the Mercantile De- partm-erit Store about. 10:30 p.m., ha liat lc t'renît deor smashed ini anti a leanrer cat s tele n. Harold Gtrdorî Pîîiilips, 54, cf no peunianenît address has been clarged by Dtirlaiaî Regional Police iii cotitiectieni with the Mercantile theft. A very selective thîef stole S 12,000 worth of ceins frum thîe resîdenîce of Du. Geraiti Baker, 21 5 Reedaire (Cout, Wliitby soetiine 1iday, puebably during tIre puevieus nighrt. Durliarri Regierral Police report tîrat tîere xvas ie sgn tf ftuced entry irito the apartment, and nîetîiig else was reptîrteti missing. The matter is urîder in- vestigation. Visit ing visit te Windfields Farms the royal couple Wiil go 10 Greenwood Race Tuack for the uuniîing of tIre Faiubank Stakes. Frerî tliere they will again attenid the Royal Win- ter Fair. Sunday mouning tiey wil attend a church service at St. John's Anglican Church on OId Yonge Street (overlook- ing 'Hogs Hollow'), anti back te 'the Fair' in the afteunîoon and evening. Monday mcrnirîg aniother visit te the fair wili fie fol- lowed by a civic luncheon anti an aerial view cf Niagara Falls. Prier te their 8:40 p.m. departure from Toronto they will spenti the afternoon in Hamilton. Construction of the inter- im connections and thc inter- nai servicinig of ncw subdivi- sions in South York will likely proceed concurrcntly to speed Up housing construc- tion said Mr. Irvine. "Witli speedy planning approvais by regional and area municipal governinln ts. sorne farnilies should be moved in by Decemiber of nex t year. The Miniistry of the Environnient lias ai- ready ruade Advance arrange- men ts l'o the building sup)- plies required l'or tIre puject. This kirrd of lead planniîing will help us considerably in acliievinig ou Gi AP objec- tives tor the Metro area over the riextr three years", lie said. 'Flic enetral York Servic- ing Schemc wîll provide scwerage and water facilities to Pickering and Ajax utf Durha lý egîin as well as York Region. Tihe scîrenie will aIse serve the Ontarie Governnîienit's North Picker - ing pI)ject wiiere tîhe irst new r-esidentîil developurent will fie ready f'or occupancy in the 'all of 1977. Ini total, the Central York Servicing Scheme will open up lanid for as many as I70,000 toits iri York andi Durhanm over the nex t 20 yeaus, subject te regional and area mîun icipal plIanning pel- icres. Mir. i uvinie said tire irupLct on tIhe Metro T'ournto hous- ing mîarket shiould fie coin- siderable. "With serviced land fou more titan 20,000 units able te corne on te the mnauket in a two-year pcriod iri this one arca alone, the new flouse buyer could have a wide range of clîoicc andi there is notlhing like the power of chioice to mioderate prices. In addition, many of these uinits can be built under the Onttario Hlousiing Action Proguam se that they can be affouded by the average Metro famnily", hie said. "Thie initerini Metue con- nections nucan tîrat l'eu the next several years the Greater Toronto area cari acconirno- date popuilation growth xith- tint flouse price escalation cause d by excess dcmiand". illteusîg Minister Donald R. Irvinie said the agreenment reaclied bctwcen Met ut)'Tor- onl t o) ai d thfe Prov i nci ai Minist uv of tie Environnient on)I tie Cen tual York Scrvicîng Scliceme is a major break. tlîuotigh on the On tario Ilous. ing Action Progri an rd for long,-tei-run liotsing producn- tion.)r "'Tlie interirî smer con- nections to die Met un Toron- 10 syste ni at Bavview Avenuie, Duifferiri andý Leslie Stieets. will enabie aeceleuated servîc- ing arîd construction of '0,000 houising unlit s irn South York by late 1976. Anothcu 17,000 tinits caiie seuviced in ii e short terni witlî the plarîned interini ex- paiso of sewage treatinent plants iii Ajax, Auroua, New- nmarket. Oak Ridges, Picker- ing, Rîchnîorrd Hill and Un iorîvi le," lie saiî Mu. liireadded tuat tue Mirîstuy ef I lousirîg is ruîak itig avaîlalile te the puoject S31I.5 million tliutitgh the On tarit> Heusirîg Actionr Programi. Tis niorrey' xiii fie ruade available on a plîased basis ever tdie construction period. Friday evening, and ai! day Saturday, area residents visited the 'Second Antique Show' sponsored by the Legion Ladies Auxiliary. Held at the Brooklin Community Centre, antique dealers, such as 'The Roebuck' pictured above, displayed their wares just about filling the centre. This was oniy one of the many activities in Brooklin over the weekend ranging from a bake sale at St. Thomas' Church to a Legion Hallowe'en Dance. Free Press Phcto Michael Muiligan, Ieft, of 346 Rosedale Drive, and 'Red' Thwaites, of 307 Frederick, display one of the autographed taseballs awarded at the W.M.B.A. annuai awards day Sun- day at Heydenshore Pavilion. See Story page 6. Free Press Photo Remanded Followîrig a provincial court appearance last Tues- day, William Josephi Elliott, 56, cf 137 Pine Street, WKhit- Relae-r ýVrtc .......by. was remanded iii custcdy - te October 29, 1974 fou a puelimirîary lheauir'rg 4,'or s ...Elliott is cliauged with non-capital murder and attempted murder in the slîccting death (if an Oshawa .......wcman, and woundunîg cf a mani in Oshawa cri Septeruber 23, 1974. Press Sponsors Course Mike Burgess publishier of the Witiby Fi-ce Press, lias anriurced tîîat thîis newspapeu xx'iil act as sponsor of the wt)rld-faiit)ts Dale Carnegie Course sori te begiri iii the Wlitby area. "We are îrirîgirig the Couuse to Wlhitby because we feel it is iri the iuteuest of public service," Mu. Buugess said. Duuirîg the fouming cf btie class lieue, Thîe Free Prcss will publislî a series cf featuue articles by Mike Rotiieriburger. staff repueserîtative cf Dale Carniegie and Associates, Inc. TIîe series is erîtitied "Tlîe Way te Win." The euganization cf tIre ciass viii fie under thîe direction of Dave Matlier, Dale Carr'egie Instruictor arîd Lyle Smith, Course repueseitative iithe Oslîawa Wlitby area. Tlîe Course willfbe pueserrted by K. D. Cuorie anîd Associates who offer Dale Caunegie Trainîing t'rutgloutiiost cf On tarie. "Four more tliani liaif a century, the Dale Carnegie Course lias been lîelpirîg men aind womerî live happier, riclier and more successful lives tlrouglî the disccvery and develop- ment of tIîiui hidden talents and potential abilities," Nfr. Mather said, "such as the developriierît cf greater self- confidence anti poise, a keen ruenîouy, and moue effective powers cf commîunicationî." He went on te say tîîat many people take the course prinîîarily because they warît a broader understarîdirîg cf hur'an relations. They warît to know hcow to get aîcng even moue graciously with people whether it be in a business ou social situation or a home. Mather reports that the Dale Carnegie Course, during its 612 years of ofleration has gradntated more than l½ million men anti women anti the course is now offereti in Canada anti 56 other counitries aroti the world. Anyone interested in more information about the Dale Carnegie Course is asked to Write the Whitby Free Press or phone the newspaper at 668-6111. r0 40 Ru E 3 10 CENTS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1974