Foreign9 Consumer and Corporate Affairs Minister Andre Oueilet introduced the new Canada Business Corpora- tions Act in the House of Commons. The earlier ver- sion, Bill C-213, died on the Order Paper at flie end of the First Session of the 29th Parliament before receiving second reading. The Minister drew atten- tion to the fact that each business corporation will be required f0 have a naýjority of Canadian resident direc- tors. But Mr. Quellet said. "the mile prohibiting Canad- ian emiployees of toreign con- trolled fimnis fromn being counted as Canadian direc- tors lias been dropped. "Aniiv advantage thiat could be gain- ed is outweiglîed by thie dis- advan tages of excluding ex- perienced enrnployees t'rom thec board and barring Cana- dian emnployees froin promno- tion to the stafus of director.- flic Minister xvent on tu say iliat "the contents of this Bill have in flic past îlîre vears been wîdely discussed. There is broad support for these policies arnd 1 want lu see the Bill passed in tlic House in the very near future." The new Bill will replace that portion of the present Canada Corporations Act which concerns federal busi- ness corporations, (Part 1, IV, V and VI). The Bill will îlot apply lu trust. boan and in- surance companies which will oontinue to be regulated un- der their respective Acts. Mr. Ouellet will be brîng- ing forward a *new law for non-profit corporations later in this Parliament. The proposed new law up- dates, reforrns. and generally clarifies federal corporation law bo achieve greater uni- forrnity with the most up-to- date provincial statutes. It eliminates unnecessarv for- malities and clarifies the rights and duties of mianage- ment. Lt also ensures thiat shareholders have adequate powers 10 protect theniselves. The overaîl aim of the WHITBV FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. OCTO BER 30.,1974, PAGE 3 a highly technical nature. Several, bowever, are ofspec- BIBLE SCHMw- 9:46 arn. SUS M SK!a-JPRQVIDED VOILE 0F FAITi - cb 9 pin. lusi& hd Sumd.y ee mio Control? ial interesl lu the busines, and professional commutîit. îes. The capacity provisior has been recast f0 stale as clcarly as isNossible thal z corporation bas the righîts powe n natural ijerson ported " ultra The stran t, ' -aîd privileges of î i person. Iinterested s unianirnously sîîp 1 bis abolition of' thî vires" doctrine. Bill introduces con. .s on flic transfer ol shares of public corporation: 10 prevent a corporatioî fmomn coming Linder fureigri contiul. Thiis is kîiuwi as thîc týexpress coîîstrairncd shiari provisions. The prescrit Aci Iiiiiiiîs thie application uft im tie coîîstrainecl shiare rmle: 10 regulate(l bisinesses. ii colitrast, the ie\v wBillI ii Gymnastic Whiltby 'Y' The popiarity of' gylîl- nastics lias beîî gowing eaclî year. Girls areclindiiîg gymi- nastics as a real experience for their own well being, grace and skihi iii perforrning thie many gymnnastic routines. Boys are discovering the many skills involved. The Witby Family YMCA bias beeui conductîng gymnastics progranîs since its inception ini 1966. A major effort went imb the develop- nient of Saturday gvmnastic classes in the succeeding years reaching a total of 90 Juniors and 30 Seniors in last year's program arnd already this season there are almost as many registered andi many more joining up. The Junior Gymnasîics begins at 9:30 a.îîî. at Henry Street High School's new gyni until 1 1:00 a.w. and is then foliowed by' thie imore advanced or older niemnbers t'rom 11:00 to 12: 30. An excellenit staf'f is givÎing a goud warnî-up 1-01lowed by t ,b)or routines, niai work, balance beaîîî. van lting, t raini- poline and parallel bars. The skills that thiegirls are showing on the uneven par- allels, trampolinie anid fluor rouitinres are a great suirprise lu nany of'thie older geilera- lion who reniernber thie oid- fashioned physîcal jerks thiat were considered goufi physi- cal training. A nuiniber of younger leaders are assistiig flic senior instructors and acquiriiig better kiiowledge ut' teachi iîg techniques. Auidrey Wal'zer, Tim M2frks, Roger Cornes aîîd other skilhed teacliers are heading up the Y's gymnastic these miles applicable f0 al corporations, but subject f0 the usual sharehiolder safe- guards - two-thirds vote, class ýs vote, appraisal right. - Consistent with the re- commendations of the task iforce report that preceded preparation of the Bill, part- a ictuar care bas been tuaken ;,during the revisioni of the Bill a to further streamiline tlic Iadministration. to iniirnize -administrative discretion, to e make the Director's adjud- icative powers subject to ex- press appeal to the courts, fand 10 require pre-publîca- t ion of aniy regulations pro- Sposcd 10 be made unIder the statu te. e Copies of the Bihl and of a eDctailed Background Paper Stui suinarizes the Bol icies eOf die 13ill are ava il able fromn s inlornat ion ('aanada and the [1 Deparlnienit. sAt corne to attenid onie Saturday prograin as a guest and then joini up as a regLlar menîber. The Y Gvmniiastic programi will continune until next Sprîng anId a student may joifl up at any lime. Phone the Y f'or further details as to fées, schedules or any other information at 668-6868. Unicef cards- LOOK GOOD & DI COLOUR BROCHURE AVAILABLE FROM Unicef Canada ! program and are expecting to443 MOUNT PLEASANT RD. take part in some special TORONTO, ONT. M4S 2L8 training clinics in the latest nie thods.oryu ersUNCFfic Interested would be gym-oryunaesUNEFote nasts froîn age 7 up are wel- 4" omrck se.<Nomfg Wh4wbQnuliO T.WupÀoe (416) 664-2»5o SUNDAYSERVIME WO0RSHIP SERVICL -il a.m. EVENING SERVICE - 6:52"p.. NURSERY PRO VIDED FOR ALL SERVICES Sunday, November 3, 1974 Ne 6 Guest Gospel Singers ~6-The Peckhams" 1tiesdlay, Novcmber 5. 8 p.m. Evangelestic Tearu ('mio-h-Reese l'opic - Thie ('hristian Parent" & -Todays' Education Scene" îth Notnller One ini a Series The Way to Win.. By Miko Rothonberger Copyk.ight (; Dole CaIrnegle & Associates, mC. 1967 Ail Rights Roserved Il la ppcîîcd o trlhe 2 1 st day uf De- cenmber ini1947I 7ligli on Palomiar Mluriîiaiii iii Sottici n ('alifornia. Tie event I as a gi cal ilest oie ini man's ageolnd quesitfor gi cater kiiowlcdgc ut' thec t niversc. hIv as un i liai historical day tliai thleccuîrous cyc ot mari tirst pecred tibrougli tlhe gîcat "I laie '[cie- scoPCle-t pend i aie tar deeper ilian ever bctOrc lllii t ai liomlcss deptis ut' thîe Uiîivcrsc. l'ie iclescope was su powus uttlîu i il niade the c inlappcar as îliuuglî il wcre oîîly foty mîiles away. 'F'lic colossal "Gijant uf Palo- ma11r', waýs the result out many longv ceals ot resear ch. ut ca refliiplani- iing anîd toîlsonme taboi on thie part ut a gicatilmaiiy people. Ilis ceatioîî in- vulvcd a h usi oft pi oitens anid iasks ut Cîi)Muios dimenîsioni.lit tie gîcaiesi ot il t ssas thuic clai kabte ft of teci- gîicci iiig wliicli prîîduccd itli giaiîi relectiiig illîri'. il iad to lie crysiat citii.iîd tree itfiîiv dîsiorti iuiî oil \Vu)Iitdi e tieci an .iccui aie phd ure ut tic coiiiitcess stars anid ptaiîis out nii the boîd ecpaiise ut Sp.ce. Il was thie iiosi dari iig tpticat job tiat liad eve r tîcciiaI eîpted. The miîlior swas cas! ai lie t'niing Glasswuîks iii New York, Il wvas tWu litndîcd îîclîcs inidiaineter, iicarly seveilîccîl tee, an~d i weiglîcd lwcîîty tonîs. Mienîflic îîîolieîî mass was puured truili (lie ladies it was su hoot tliat il liad iu be lctî in ire ic ud tu cool for a wliule year betore il could be rcîîîovcd wiilîout daîîger ut scrious daniage. %leîî the luge casting ut glass was lifted truîîî ils nîuhd it was caretully packed anîd loadcd iiîto a special railroad car for slîipîîîcnt to Pasadenîa, ('aliforîîia. The car was so large iliat ftic trainli lad lu take a round-aboutiioule iii urder îo avoîd low bridges anîd tunnîels. After înany days ut travel the gigan tic dise of glass arrived ai Ithe optical slîop iin Pasa- denîa wlîcrc il was placed lîiglî above fie fluor on a sturdy turintable su hie tîîîishîiîg operalioi could begin. 'llit'iîishiîîg crew cuîîsisied ut iwcnity-uiîcîeîme wlîo wcre dressed iii spoilcss whîite îîîitorîîis, simiilar to iliose wurîî by ilîterns iin a large lios- pital. Extreîîîe cheaîliîîcss was iînpera- tive lest a ti:îy particle utf saîîd or gril be alluwcdlu o mi hie delicate finiish. Mvienî alt was mîade ready thie tecbîîi- cian tlirecw lic switctî lu set îthc griîîd- iilg anîd pul istîiîg nîaclîîîery îîîtu muo- tiou, 'Flic precdsioii sloîîs and niotors bcgaiî lvlii and ithe stupeîîdous îask %vas uîidciway. lelven years passcd bcluie ethe poiiiiig wàs coîîpleted and duriiig i liItînic tcy grouîd anîd pod îslicd away mor e i l'ive tons ut powei cd glass, aboutii lwu anîd one- hl' iit es lie wcîglit ut an average sied ahuomobile. AI ceas!tlhe gîcal iîirrur wajs perfecl anid thîe dreais ut thie powertnl Iclesetipe lîad becoîîîc reality. 'l'lic polisb ruade îlîc ditterence. Aîîd su il is ini lite. Nature lias given niii thie basic tbots îicessary lu a- clîjeve a li'e ut' purposc, a lite of lîap- piiîess anîd success. Buît it is man's rcspuîisibility tru develup aiid polislî lus menital tools anîd thus keep theîîî coistaîîtly îeady to serve bis worthy purpose. Nature bas a way ot placing îîaîî in lîigb and better position in lite as soon as he lias devclopcd a greater dcgre ut efficiency. Man can Advance tu ithe extent tliat he is wil- ling to retiîî and polisli bis uwn mental equipruent, but iî is op lu each ut us lu scec ilat thie job is doue for iiîîselt. "Eacli is giveui a bag uft bols, A slîapelcss mnass, a book ut rules. Anîd cadli must make, ere lite bas flown A stunibling block, or a stepping stofle." Man is, by nature, a progressive being. H-e cannot be at his best unless lie is constanily striving for greater achievement, neyer satisfied with Iess than the very best hie can do. This is the way 10 a rich and'satisfying if.. "Tk.ç . the wavuo u f r. i Lc uekilcy uber 53 Lucky Number 749 Lucky Number 015 CERCLE TAXI 128 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY, ONT. 668-6666li 24 HRS. TRY LOOKING GOOD CASUAL SKIRTS FROM $14.95 SHERIAN £L PIKRN 1-83-508 COME CELEBRATE OUR ANNI-VERSARY j ALLEGRO 3000 The CALAIS- Model F589 W-Features solid- state AM/FM/Stereo FM tuner/amplifier with Digilite automatic dial scale selector, and flywheel tuning for radio station selection ease. Stereo Precision record changer with Micro-Toucha' 2G tone arm. 8-track cartridge tape player. Walnut $449 *95 color cabinet. Ail Allegro Systems feature: - - Allegro Speaker Systems Every Allegro speaker has an opening on the front, catled a funed port. The tuned port works in conjunicfion witb the woofer to reinforce and exfend low bass response. Two Plus Two Speaker Matrix Simply add fwo more optional Allegro speakers and you can enjoy 4-dimensional sound from your regular stereo records. AM/FM/Stereo FM Tuner with Digilite When you select the FM band, only the FM tuning scale lights up, when you select the AM band, only the AM tuning scale lights Up. Micro-Touchs 2G Tone Arm Exerts a mere 2 grams of tracking force. Won't damage your fine records if you accidentally drop or slide if. The quality goes in before the name goos onID Also Unadverîised Specials FREE TRANSISTER with EVERY PURCHASE NORMAN'S ENTERTAINMENT. 'CENTRE Sales, Service and Rentais 1218 SIMCOE NORTH,,OSHAWA 579-21411 _______________________________________________au -I TUESDAY: Clristan Servîcç Briade to 7:46 p.# ible SWdy muid Praer .ww8oep