PAGE 8, WEDNESOAY, OCTOBER 30, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS Words from West Lynde by Norm Mealing The High-Rise Issue (11) If you have been following the coluînn, you will know that in the iast two weeks, I have raiscd some objections to the proposed high-rise compiex planned for the corner of Dundas (Highway 2) and Jeffery Streets. Since this will be the last column on this issue, for the tirne being at least, I thought I would provide a summary to date. First, council has no intention, at present, of reopening the issue. The land is zoned for high.rise, the plans have the full range of approval, froni coun cil to Municipal Board, and development can legaily go forward at any timne. Secondly, the eight-storey bylaw on high-rise does not appîy in this case. The eight-storey limit affects on the downtown area whigch is as I understand it, the four blocks which converge and mçet at the four corners. Thirdly, despite the expressed, and very public, inteni- tion of council to avoid the Scarboroughi experiencc hiere in Whitby councîl will not reconsider what is a perfect exam- pie of how Scarborough grew. . Fourthly, despite the commion. anj lccepted knowledge that high-rise does flot hiave a positive ettect on lamily life, council will not consider openiing thie issue to discussion in ternis of Whîitby\s pride in beîng a tamily comminunitv._ SECONDARY PLANS SPECIAL STUDY AREA 3 F ~PUBLIC NMEETING The Town of Whiitby will be holding a Public ing at 7:30 P.M. The Town of Whitby wi1l be holding Mleetîing at 7:30 P.M. Mec t-1 aPublic for Special Study Area 3 Thursday, Novemnber 7. 1974. iii the Council Chamibers 405 flundas Street West, Whitby Council has directed the Planning Department to proceed with Stage Il of the Secondary Plans for Officiai Plan Special Study Area 3. The Meeting for Stage I was heid on September 10, 1974. The purpose of this Meeting will be to discuss various land use alternatives for the Downtown Area and to obtain the participation and co- operation of the citizens of the Town. Further information with regard to this. Meeting can be obtained from the Planning Department, 14 Church Street, Brooklin, Ontario, telephone 655-3346. Wm. H. Wallace, A.MI.C.T. CLERK Town 'of Whitby* 405 Dundas Street West. Fifthly, despite the experience of spring water levels and Lynde Creek, council is determined to build four 20 storey towers on the edge of the flood plains. Sixthly, despite the careful planning that went and is going into the new Lynde Creek Public School, neither council or the school board seem terribly concerned about the possible inflex of children into the community'. Thanks largely to our cornmunity association, West Lynde has developed some political clout. This issue shouîd provide another area for the exercise of that clout. It should be down in concert with other Whitby residents, especially the fifty or so people who attended a public meeting the other night to show their concern over the new development, which includes high-rise proposed for Rossland Road. This is a town issue because development of this sort can upset the balance in the town which con- tributes to the quality of life here in Whitby. A few Sundays ago, while discussing assessment and taxes with Bill Hoffman and others, mentionl was made of the talent of people in West Lynde and the need to harness that talent when dealing with council. To fighit this issue demands organization and at this time, we look to the Community Association for that organization. Therefore, in conclusion, 1 say to the Association let's get on with this fighit. Thanks to Bill, we won on assess- ment, and xve stili have to fight on taxes. But thc high.rise issue is with uis now and we should get at it now. Bye l'or now. See youi next week._____ Fewer X-mas Seals With the increase in the price of paper fewer Christ- mas seals will be put in the envelopes, and the Christmas Seal Campaign this year must bring in returns which are 20% higher than last year if the present services and pro- grams are to be continued, Mr. Austin G. Hiltz, Co- Chairman of the Durham Region Tubercuilosis and Respiratory Disease Associa- tion, Christmas Seal Commit- tee toid members of the committee which met this week. Mrs. Hilda C. Hiltz, Co- Chairman of the Christmas Seal Committee announced that the "Filling Bee" to which over 100 Durham Re- gion TB & RD members and. their friends have - been invited to help prepare the cinvelones for mailing wili be Church, 676 Simcoe Street, North. Oshawa from 9 a.m. to 5 'p.m. The Campaign ôpens November Sth. Mrs. E. A. Collins, Execu- tive Director told members that volunteers contributed over 3,000- hours to assist with last year's campaign and because of our new boundary lines the campaign wiil now reach many more municipal- ities. The Christmas Seals for 1974 are yellow and red in colour with the outiine of the traditional Christmas bell which encloses the symnbolie three wise men bringing gifts. Ail seals are identical and there is'a tear off message at the top of each sheet of se ais which says - "Fight lung dis- ease - tubercuiosis, emphyse- ma, chronic bronchitis, asth- mia." YMCA Swilmmilng wihusrpzasdenthvalty Con elba t1 O r ivesr p 0 1 N $ *Brilliant Chromacolor Pîcture Tube! *100% Solid-State Chassis! *Patented Power Sentry Voltage Regulator! *Chromatic One-button Tuning! *Solid-State Super Video Range Tuning System *Synchromatic 70-Position UHF Channel Selector! Free TV Stand The STUART F4025 W Zenith Decorator Compact styling' Grained Walnut color cabinet. 5" Oval Speaker, AFC. ONLY '659' Built as only Zenith builds Color TV!1 Transister Radio with evcry purchase Anniversay Specials NORMAN'S Entertainmeflt Centre 1218 Simcoe N.e 79 2m Oshawa 7'21 liow to swim. Feel tic satis- t'action of achievernint stcp by step undcr the guidance of toip ti<tcli YMCA swill- îning staff. Swiniming is good exercise. a good lime and' good scîisc. -AIl those W'hiitby' ch ildrcn <wer six vears and 50 inclies inter- cstcd don't dclay. "'Phone the Y anîd enroil now. Wc can answer aIl your questions rcgarding tranisporta tion, instruction froni Beginner iniformation. Sec you at the AjaxPool. the DaPIig Buiu 725-2526 44 Bond St., W. Bond Towvers >MaII, Oshawa Thanks to you it's workinq.J But it could be doing more. The United Way.' Thanks to you it's working. it's working because, thanks ta you 28 member ogencies are able ta provide year 'round services ta the youth, families, oged and handicapped of aur community. ts working because aver ninety cents of every dollar goes directly ta United Way, services and with your help this year, wel raise the $7 10,000 objective for aur area, Pleose give generausly. Mail or bring your donations to UNITED T WAY ,$ Campaign Headquarters 52 Simcoe S. United Way Oshawa Senior 'Aà ' Hockey WHITBY McDONALDS vs NAPANEE Iroquois Park Arena Thurs. Oct. - 31 - 8:30 pem. This message sponsored by:À T H E 53 z uaIE 2IiwC O MPAN Y 101 CONSUMERS DRIVE, WHITBY, F. ALAN LAWSON C.A. TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY 69 King Street East Oshawa, Ontario LIH I1B4 Télephone: (416) 723-j3800 %., Il y, &-f- - -. c , licid on Tuesday, October 29 ýl WMIE