Pa Fi Rý El Vol. 4 No. 44 10 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1974 Reserve NowIl Reservations for the fal Dale Carnegie class are now being accepted, it has been announced by Dave Mather, Dale Carnegie Course instruc- tor. The course is being offered in this area under the sponsorship of the Whitby Free Press as a community service. 'lnquiries already re- ceived indicate a highi degree of interest iin this world. famous aduit educatîin program.'" Lyle Smith, Whiit- bv area Dale Carnegie repre'- sentative told the Free Press today. -Sirice enrolli1lent in the To Smoke, Or Not To? Ceenciller Fom Edwards tried tinsticcesstiLilly ut the last Whiîby cotincil niicetîine, te rid couricil chanil'ers et' sin oke rs. Peinting out thaitihe wis a reformied smnoker, Edwards moved to ban smoking in the W ub curucil 1 ambe rs. -e said that lie Uclt he id sufféred enough t'roîn the puff-ing or fellow ceunicillors. Ceuiicillor Gerrv Emin, also a non-smiokcr. acireed witlh Edwards and commlenit- cd on liaving te put up with, the smnoking of Ceencleor Jirn Garishiore on his riei. Counicillor Don Lovelock a smodker. camne dowIiliard su ying it was 'rtlbbîsh. trivial. anid \wndered wlicn Edwards was going te start leç,isiatiri the coeuncilloUS,, rnoral i ty The ineotîen \vas putI te a voie. and prernptly lest witli two inon-smeikers. Einm aiid Edsvards vo tille for nd teour Smoking counicillers voting' against. class is iimited," he added, "4anyone interested in know- ing more about the course should caîl the Whitby Free Press at 668-6111 as soon as possible." Whiltby, vs. Bell Witby council bas voted in faveur of supportirlg the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (ANMO) ini oppos- ing the Bell Telephene rate hikes. NVlitby's shjare cet tic cost would be $250 as it is divided allîong tie muinicipal- ities. Il is teh that SM-O lias more si reneili speakine as a singele voice t'or the inici- pal itics. and il is h eped thi i -ý Bell Canada will have to jusi ffv the increases wheil it lis cxceeded its allowable eut niîgs l'er tie last 20 vears. Conservaotion Area at Lynde Creek? 4 ~ Arson is suspected in this Thickson Road South bouse fire. The blaze at 12:23 p.m. Saturday took Whitby fire- fighters about an hour to control. but flot before Volunteer Grant Souter suffered a severed artery and cut nerve in his left wrist from faling glass that took 1 5 stitches to close. This vacant house owned by Deltan Developments is oppo- site a vacant bariî, owned by another developer, which burned two weeks ago. Both fires are uîîder investigation by Durham Regional Police. Free Press Photo by Burgess :free Press Photo - The Whitby Progresive Conservative Association met Wednésday night at the Legion Hall to hold the annual election of officers. The new executive for '75 pictured above are: Front row L to R, Ruby Welsh, Correspondiflg Secretary, 211 Reedaire Crt; Mildred llenstock, president, 121 st. John St. E.; and Sheila Camplin, recording secretary, 1005 Wardman Cres; back row L to R, Bob Morrow, Ist Vice-president, 1l Calais; Jack Frost, 2nd Vice-presideflt, 501 Dundas W; Jack Nixon, Treasurer, 104 Ontario W;, and Norm Mealing, 3rd Vice-president, 10 Evans Crt. Tuie new directors for '75 are: Lorraine Foote, Wilmot Hilliard, Bill Norse, Allen Haiseil, Bill Hoffman, Mary McEachern, Shirley Batten, Ed Robson, Barb Pisani, Marg Taylor, R. J. Matthews, and Harry Jermyn. BROOKLIN YOUTHS GO ON RAMPAGE This fire behiiîd Brown's Foodmaster Red & White store on Baldwin Street, xvas only the second of nine misehief fires set by youths iin Brookli Hallowe'en night. The first was a garbage fire set on Hwy. 7. The Brown's fire, nearly opposite the Brooklin Fire Hall, was set as a diversion while the abandoned liouse at the corner of Baldwin and Durham (the old barbershop) was set ablaze. Another garbage fire was set iin the middle of the road at Baldwin and Cassels. Three garbage ires on roads folowed - one on Vipond, and two more on Cassels. Durham Regional Police sent three cruisers out with four mnen and 16 ECHO'units, with 40 volunteers, patrolled the Brooklin, Myrtle, Ashburn area fronî 8 p.m. until 4 a.m. Friday inorning. The vigilance of the police kept things quiet, despite roaming gangs and dense fog, until midnight when another fire was set in the ir iddle of Baldwin Street. The ninth and final fire came haîf-an-hour later at 12:36 a.m. mhen the old barber shop was set on fire for the second time. This time the building was nearly gutted before the Brooklin Volunteer Firefighters could quell the blaze. Gangs of youths even tried to stop the firefighters frorn getting out of hall number 1 on Vipond Road by trying to block the road with trees while others tried to let the air out of fire truck tires. Don Mitchell, head of the Brooklin Volunteer firefighters, went about Brooklin speaking to some of the roaming youths, but A to no avail. Free Press Photo by Mike Burgess VIRGINIA Frid Cblhcken BLAIR PAR~K PLAZA, WHITBY 668-7831