PAGE 2. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS Because of the surpr/sing reader response (o our last 'Local Briefs'column wve re back w/t/i more short bits and p/ces. Word has slipped out thai W/îtby Arts, VFie Station, w/i be getting a $10.000 provinc/al grant to fix tep the newly acquired box car. According to Bil Newman MIP.P., the province doesn't know w/lai Ont(ar/o Housing plans on doing w/ti t/le lanîds theyv ~e 'and ban ked 'in the Brook//i area. Weé don't knoiv if t/i/s has anv/î/ing to do wvith West Lynder B/i Hoffrnan 's recen t/y successfull assessmenît appeal, but it appears now that "'Whitby has over-ievied to buid tep a buffer fo-r next year ".. o says Bil Newman. Apparen tly the Whitby Free Press is becom/ng TOO IVELL ESTABLISIIED in Whitby, and more Whitby peopie are reading the Free Press thati an)' other area newspaper.... what-ever t/he reasons it appears from what we 've heard, t/ia newyspaper Magnate Basset is concerned enough about the thorn (the Free Press) between two of h/s many roses (T/is Week in Oshawa and News Advertiser in Ajax) to be conteînplating putting /1/s powerfu/ empire to work at ousting theli/le local/y oivned W/itby newspape. In the past, thelieitt/e fei/ow, the undepdog, has on occassion managed to survive t/le onslaug/î of the mu/ti-iniliion dollar empires w/it/lte he/p of t/le peopie ./.n any case it 's ail reaily qu/te fia tering! You 'Il no doubt be /happy to /îear tîzat Çoune///or Joy Thompson is out' of t/le /ospita/ anid is un and about aithougli moving very ginger/y..even atîended a senior citizens 'dance but didn't dare dance. CJounilor Tom Edwards was also in the hospitai, bu t seemned to be /îis usual/y fiery self at iast week's council mneeting. loy didn t make it. Whiie we re on the subjeet of hospitais..we can't heip but wonder why so many k'hitby people won 't go to the J. O. Ruddy and insisi' on going to the Oshawa Generai. If 'Doc Hobbs /s a good example of the type of doctorfound at the Ruddy, we don't th/nkyou'lfind better 'doctoring' ANYWHERE. A qd we're speaking from personal exper- ience,- not on/y /s 1 Doc'a superb dcictor, but he is one of the finest, most sincere men you couid ever have the pleasure of meeting. And last but flot Ieast we can certainly sympathize with the Torontonians leaving the 'Big City'..they've got somne pretty weird Iaws there! Did you know that in Toronto it is against the Iaw to run for a streetear? And Toronto's By-law number 4317 makes it an offence to bump into anyone on the street J1 1WS S S e . * e e . s. . s e -' 1 , -IePI e, -A Dear Mike, We w/sh to thank you for WIEI~là I JÀITLIrIION FIII Marg Smith Pubicity Ghairman K/nette Club of Whitby TRIS VEEWKBPATTERN-S ev AUDREY LANE when YOD buy a bucket or barrel at the regular pri»ce. " FREE Freh Fries for q9ix. " FREE 16fl.oz of Oreamy Cole 9Iaw. "*FREELoaI oI Grcian Bread. FRIDAY, SATURDAY 1011SIWESUNOAY $ : NOVEMBER891 NO R 8 9 1 **e**Kentuck9 Fied CkickenK A AND &NCMPANY Colonel Sanders and his boys make it 'finger lIckIn' good" ~toU~ cllikeniQL P" bodlDem, re Youi find this a ulimming style, due portly ta ifs own cuf and portly ta the dia gonal front with its smort buttan dotait. No. 3111 cornes in sites 121/2 ta 221/2. Site 14112 <butt 37) takes 211, yards of 44-inch fabric. AttratveDeily The attractive J 2-inch daiiy pic- tured foday hos a ruffle 0f the cen- fer un which ta set smail bowi, con- die base or lamp. It is very easy ta crochet wif h pattern No. 1034. Send 50g for each dress pattern, 300 for each needlework pattern <add 159 for och dress pattern, 10« for each needlewark pattern for mnailing and handiing> fa AUDREY LANE BU. REAU, Morris Plains, New Jersey 07950 How are you going to chase girls if you're flot in shape? 1 li, Gaadan movemetoi rPetlanal filmnei 1-itness. In yotîr hcsirt ou know it's right. your co-operation, ini he/p- /ng make our recent Fashion Show a success. Yours tru/y, e e e e e e e e e e e e e