Lalonde Introduces BUi Amend Can. Pension Plan OTTAWA - lealth and Welfare Minister Marc Lalonde today introdîiced ai Bill in Parliamen t which woiild amcend thie Canada Pensîin Plan. Titis Bill has te sainie key fea- turcs as Bill C-h19 whiicfî Mn. Lalonde iniroduced iii April cf ti.s year and whichi vas being considercd by Pariamient jus( bef'ore ils dissoluitioti foi- thie recent lcîtlti Mr. Lalonde 51 aued tliai uhe nmain pturpuses f' thie new Bill, as i nd ica ted init hie Speech [rom thfe Thi ne, arce f h1 es ta bush eq ul t cati nien t foi- maIe a ndl'einiale con - tributons and beiteficiaries unden tlhe (na Pension Plan. cn n nd c rfng et o-rie - reiove tie re tii iit i ndeainst î o eie fintpensions. 3~. establîshi a iîew formufla foi detcrîtîin iiig dte Plan 's earîîiigs ceiîiiîg aidthdilrieby establishi uhe base l'or rapid growtlî of f'iuture C .P.P. heiîeflils, 4. chiange die basis ot' die Plan 's exctîipt carîiings pro- visions and ihereby provide a gireaier upportnniîy l'or peuple ai huwcr iicoine leve 1Is lu participa te iin fli Plan, 5. ahhuw nmembers of certain religiotis groîips lu excliîdc ilieriselves [rom ttc C.P.P., aîid 6. mnake a large numrber of lectuical chainges to îiprove thie Plan, and get'terally mnake it more ef'fective. Ttc amendniients that are designed tu provide equal treatrnent for niahe and fernale participants iii tte Plan wihh pave ttc way for pensions to be paid to widowers on the samne basis as they are nîow paid 10 widows. At te presentt time, widowens' pensions are oîily-paid when the liusband is disabled and bias been firîaîcialhy dependent on luis wifè. On ttc otter hand, widows' full penisions aire payable t0 (h1 ) those widuxvs over 45 years old, or (2) unden tuait age and at the sanie lir-e disabled, or (3) bave depetîdetît clhild- ren. Reduced petîiots are paid lu idows betweeîi 35 and 45 years of age %vho are nut disabhed or do nutl have dc- pendent cilidren. Under the new Bill,thie provisions tlîat now apphy lu widows wilI apply Io hoth widows and widowers alke. Ttc equahity amierdînenîs %vill also niake ît possible for ctidren's benef'its lu bcîîaid on the disability or death of feinale con tributors on thie sainîe basis as tbey are îîow îîaid wiili respect to miaIe con tributors. At thie preseili lime. suchi benef'its cati bc paid in the case of fctîiaie conînibti- tors orîîy in situaitions wvhenc die clîildren were stit-stait iahîvý depeuîdent oii their miotfier bel'ue icler disability or deaîbll. IQ9~ ,Joltt GIAZYNÂ IIOTIELS LTD. 171 BRO('h STREET NO>RTII 668-5012 WIEITB'Y, ONTÂRIO Visit our newly decorczted lounge Nightly Entertainment The Renegades Country & Westerni MON. THRU'SAT. For two we'eks Dining Lounge open 12 iloon to 8pm NOTICE Regional Municipality of Durham THE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SITE' FOR THE TOWN 0F WHITBY WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1974, DUE TO THE REMEMBRANCE DAY HOLIDAY. NORMAL OPERATIONS WILL CONTINUE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1974. R.F. Richardson, P. Eng., Commissioner of Works. ON I Anothdr important teature of tte Bill concerns the proposaIs for remnoving t1w retirement and earnings tests that now apply to C.P.P. retiremnent pensions. Under the Act, ai flic present time, contribuitors between 65 and 69 must relire ['rom regular emiploymient, before they can qualify for- a C.P.P. re tiremnent pension, and recipienits of thiese peinsions who are aged 65 10 69 face flhe prospect of hîaving thieir pension s redticed or eliîinaitedl if icir posî- retiremnen t emrnings excecd an0innîS Stip)LtIlaed by the leg- isia lion. Once ilie new BihlI becomnes law, these tests will no0 longer apply and persons 65 or older nîay draw flieir Canada Pension Plan re tiremien t benefits whe tler or nul tlîey continue lu vork and receive wages. 'l'ie nlew 13Bil a su est abh ishes a n cw f orni n fa for de fe r- nîînîlng the Carnings ceiîing of the Plaît, calied uIle Year's N'iax iii nini Pelision ab le Faiii ings ( MP .)nt he legisla - t ion 'l'lic ew \f ornI ia provîde s i lia tillîe Y .M .P.L. (thte a11mît 1nt l o wliich i aper-SOPn ni ay c titri bitle) wil I 1ei n - creased by 1211-' per cen t caci year in tif il catches nip to the average carnîniigs of' ('anadian workers as r-epriesenîted by 'hIe lIstiriaf (otu posi te of' wee kly wagcs and salaries pu- blished by Stat islies Canada. A fier tiiis t ransi tional period, thie Y.M.P.E. will he kept paralcei with te veraige earnings by equating il witîi a projection oftmd ustiaI Composi te data. Mr. Lalonde stated tha t titis change will play a vital roIe ini snbstaîî t iaiiy increasing C.P.P. benefits in tite future. As a rest of ibis change, fie expecîs that, over the nex t dJecade, maximumin C.P.P. retirenien t pensions will increase fiy aIboult 250 per cent, tuat is up 10 $350 a month, and disability and survivor pensions wilI increase by up to*180 percent. Under legisiation passed last year, the Y.M.P.E. for 1974 was set aI $6600 and for 1975 $7400. That legisla- lion aise provided for the [llI escialation of benefits in pay UNR$4yOM I Volkswogen aBeele WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDA'Y, NOVEMBER 6. 1914, PAGE 5 in line with yearly changes in the Consumer Price Index. The rîew legisiation is designed, thercfore, to provide for changes in the Year's Maximum Pensionable Earnings in 1976 and subsequent years. A furthcr change in the Bill will establish' the basic exemption (the amotint on which contributions do not have to becnmade) ai 10 percen 't of the Year's Maximum Penisionable Earnings; Linder the current legishation this is set ai h12 per cent. If' passed, flic e w legisiation wili set the Year's Basic Exemption t'or 1975 ai $700. At the same timci, the Bill wiIl delete a special provision that lias applied fo self'-employed persons, ltai is, the requirenient that they miust earn a t least one and one-tird of'te Ycar's Basic Exemption 10 q ualify as a con tributor. T1îelse cha '!ges wilI provide grecater opportunity for people ai lower income levels 10 particîpate ini tic Canada Pension Plan. ln parlicu- kar, incr-cased n umbers of' farniers, tislhernen andi other slf'-cn1loyed persons will be cîiabled Io improve thecir protection Linder the Plan. The bill ais() con tains a provision whichi would allow individual miembers of' religions sects lu excînde tem- selves from the Canada Pension Plan in the case of sects that have "establîished tenets and teachings that oppose the acceptance of benefits [rom ariy private or public insurance that provides for payments in the event of death, disability old age, or retiremnent". Mr. Lalonde mentioned that these changes have been discussed with and have tihe support of the provinces. He also noted that Bill C-19, which contained the same fea- turcs and which was debated by tte lasi Parliament, en- joyed a broad measure of support from ail political parties. Accordingly, lie was hopeful tat the niew Bihl would secure speedy passage by the new Parliament. A COMPLETE LUST 0F NEW CARS WITH FUEL, INJECTION. UNDER $1%,000. Volvo 24( 0 eries& 164 Maf Romeo Berîina, GT Veloce, Spider Veloce OVER S%5000. Porsche 911 Mercedes Benz 450 Series Renouit R.17 Gordini Audi 1001.5 ----J-- L______ - - Porsche 914 SAAB 9 j______ ____________________ As you can plai nlysee,fuel injection istobefound on some of the world*s greotest cars. And, as you con also see, if .s found on some of the world's most expensive cars. However, from now on fuel injection will be standard equipment on one of the world's greotest, least expensive cors: The 1975 Volks- wagen Beefle. And electronic fuel injection, at that. ln a nutshell, here's how our system works and here's what it does for you: An electronic brain receives signaIs from the engine, evaluates those signais, and in split seconds, determines exactly how much fuel should go into each cylinder. And then, oin in split seconds, the fuel in- .jectors actually inject only the precise amount of gos An electronic brain, no Iess. that each cylinder needs. (Also we might add, our sys- tem still only requires good old regular gas.) Now, what ail this means to you, is that you don't waste a drop of gas.Your engine runs more smoothly, more efficiently and' more trouble-free. And that's just for starters. oeutd.Mmis* As well, and at no extra cost, every VW Beetie is covered by the Volkswagen Owner'syL Security Blanket, probably the most advanced car coverage plan in the world. The 1975 Beetie with electronic fuel injec-~ IiI~ tion. More than ever, in a class by itself............ The 1975Beetie. M