PAGE 8, WEDNE$DAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS KALMINS ON.. Beauty r, Co ntests Fail and winter nonthis seem to genierate an avalanche of beauty contests where young ladies (miosi of' themn barely past their puberty) "reveal" thernselves by parading semi-draped in front of' the so-called judges-usually, a bunch of balding, middle-aged men and wishy-washy, rosy-cheeked wortnen who possess as mnuch knowledge about beauty as an elephiant about bis proverbial fly. l'ni also mniffed about the fact that here in Canada beauty contests take place during the coldest months of the year, which is enough to send me to the nearest hospital with goose-pimples or a inilder case of pnieumnonia. Wearing a teeny-weeny bikini (Brrrr!) and a pliony snile, ýcer tain ly, takes some courage. And, l'niflot wvorried the least. if some of the contestants DO end up as hospital patients with Jack Frost bites ail over..well, y0LI know whcrc. Howvever, l'ni a trille nervous about the wide-spread sex-ploitation of thiese beauty pageants. A case in point is[ the annual orgy of Miss Canada Pageant - an endless[ charade of bodies ini ail shapes in suzes- which attracts young girls from coast te coast. For veeks, newspapers across Canada featuire semii-clad lit tIc darlings cavorting about local dance halls and h igdi schoel auiditoriumns whiere. uisually, prelîininaries are lield l'or thre sex-hungrv puiblic. Se far, 1I have %wi tiessed thiree beau t\ contests ini a Single week. In cadi case. thîe girls have beeni asked te apipear in bathing sui ts and "show" itheir talen t cither 1w princintg around the stage, dancin1g, singing or don sonie e therl hiopeless routine. r In ail cases that I've seen., these woinen hrave beeti terri blv mnislead in a cominion belief th at t alen t cornes fi rst te tie plwsical attraction. Nonsense , 1 say. TîjoseL "judges" don't give a damn about your talent or personal- ity. But, oh golly, they can see SEX miles and miles away. Only because of sex, these beauty contests are successfül te a point. Mind yeu, I'm net against sex per se. In fact, sex is a very necessary thing at the right time and the right place. Although, 1 believe, that 'the. almighty gaine of sex slîould be dispensed in a nicer way. Beauty con tests - at least the way 1 sec it - are like striptease shows: full cf tease, but short of delivery. What's the point of look- ing at these beautiful cratures, if they're net available? Worse, many contestants are flirts. And, some are even married. Granted, beauty lias got nothing to do with the marital status, but soniehow a contestant's background infornmation is often subjeet to scrutiny. For instance, single girls get much easier the better - paid premetional jobs AFTER the contest. Wlienevcr 1 sce a beauty pageant, 1 cringe. l'mn well aware of the overaîl phioniness and sex- pîci tation -that accomipanies tliese glorified bosom-queen rites. One thing bothers nme nost - the stereotyped smiles of' the contestants and the self-induced hysteria at' the end cf each show. lnvariably, a winner MUST cry and act like a mental case. Whiy get hysterical over a new car or a free trip to Mexico? 1 guess, l'Il neyer undlerstand this îhony business cf beauty contests. To me, the only real beauty contest takes place each year at Four Seasons Nature Park, near Hamilton, where Miss Nude World is chosen l'or her stark anid naked beauty. Once a contestant is nude, then yeu know f'or sure - she's got nothhig to hide. TOWN 0OF WH ITBY GARBAGE COLLECTION NOVEMBER llth, 1974 Garbage which would normally be'picked up onl Monday, November i lth, 1974, wilI be collected on Tuesday, November l2th, 1974. R.A. Kuwahara, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. IBINGO I0 Every Tuesday Night TEOOD WORD [rom the Bible Se ye there fore mercif i,. as your Father olso is merci- f ui. Judge not, afid ye shail not be judged; condemn flot, and ye shail not be con- demned: forgive, and ye shai! be for given. -St. Luke 6:3 6,37 Thefg Era ta 2,000 A.D. NEIWS OF EARTK ENVIRCedME MT, ENERGV &OO0PP >QItJ& [4AWr§ cm~~ cLrr VOUfl FUEL- CONP51JMÇ'1ON lI 4ALF SPEýFw46 =co6nL YLJER Of: F:LJýL- CCELiAW- 6PAO7LM, FA45E IN1Z' SIT-0P6. FcN' r 4cg 1rieE.N&P4E. IN WINTe, IPilVt-:£LOWv/L FOI? -ffle FIRý-QARTÈR MIL-E OR sO IN5TlýAP OF: IPLING 'iFl -NGINE 7-0 vVARM IT-r P P'O P0T -L»:AVE \'ouj ENGrlNE RINNING WN6fP. -TRAN TUIREE MîNUT-r WHlLE VWATN&. Coming Soon the Da«*le Carnegie Course Some of the many ways the Date Carnegie Course helps men and women " Develop Greater Poise and e Be a Betier Conversation- Self Confidence. alist. " Communicote More Effect- 9 Remember Names. ively.* Control Tension and " Be At Ease in Any Anxiety. Situoion.* Aquire a Botter Under. * Discover and Develop standing of Humain Relat- Their Potential Abilities. ions. e Be At Ybur Best with Any Group. For Further Information Write or Phone WH!TBY FREE PRESS 66"-111 SPONSORED BY Whiltby Free Press before 9 a.m. or after 5 p.m. caîl 579-0889 by K.D. Cran. & Associates The LYNNWOOD- Model FR923W-Features Sterao Precision record changer with Micro-Touch& 2G tone arm, 8-track tape player/ recorder and solid-state AM/FM/Stereo FM tuner/amplifier with flywheel tuning. Contemporary Walnut cabinet. SV $ Medîter-roneon The TORTOSA Model F915 DE, P Vour choice of Dark Oak color or Pecan color cabinet. Inicludes Stereo Preciîon record chanqer with Micro-Touch'ý 2G tone arm, 8-track cartridge tape player, solid-state AM/FM/Stereo FM tuner/amplifier. Two Plus Two speaker matrix. Allegro speaker system. ALL MODELS FEATURE 8sTRACK TAPE PLAYER/RECORDER and Two Plus T7vo Speaker Matrix- for 4-,Dimensional Sound 419 Brock Street Nortlh Whitby, Ontario Telephone (416) 66-2301 SUNDAI'SERVICES WOASHIP SERVICt. - 1il'a.rn. EVENING SERVICE - 6:52 p. NURSERY PRO VIDED FOR AIL SERVICES TUESAY: pioneer Girls and 6:15 p. COhrisian Service Brigade ta 7:45 p.n Bibe Stiady and Prayer Meeing 8:W) pj MINISTER 0F OLrrRIACH REV. R ALPFI- DUNN The MOROCCO- Model FR925 DE, P-Features Stereo Precision record changer with Micro-Touch& 2G tone arm, 8-track tape player! recorder and solid-state AM/FM/Stereo FM tuner/amplifier with flywheel tuning. Mediterranean style cabinet in Dark Oak color, or SAVE Pecan celer. *l*à The quaiÎty goe's in betore the nme ono NORMAN'S Entertainment Centre Sales and Servic e 1218 SIMCOE NORTH, OSHAWA 579-2411 BIBLE SCHOOL - 9:45 amn.1 BUS SERVICE PROVIDED VOICEOfF FAITE - M 9 p.m. lit a3vd cnadi r mn ---------- --A