whi.0tby Voice of the County Town) Vol. 4 No. 45 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1974 Whitby Mayor Des New- man has officially confirmed the Whitby Free Press exclu- sive sîory in our Septemiber 25, edition that he intenids to seek the Liberal Nomination in the Provincial riding of Ontario South for tlîe next provincial electioti expected somnetirme next year. A nomitnation meeting lias been called by the riding association for Wednesday, November 2Oîh, at 7:30 p.nî. in the Harwood Secondary Szhool in Ajax. The riding, consisting largely of the towns of Pickering, Ajax atîd Whitby. and lying immediately east of Metropolitan Toronto, is presently held by Environi- tmenît Minister Wiliani New- nman, who is no relationi to Mayor Newnian. The Forty-three year old Mayor, is a businessmn whose Ajax conîpanvy pro- duces specialized chîetîical and metal coatings for electmotîic conîponients. As a formner school trustee Municipal Counicillor and Mayor for nine years, he lias had a dîstinguislhed cameer as a municipal politician. Since 1971, lie lias been chairman of ilhe Ontario Municipal Liaison Comimittee an umnbrella organization wlîich brings together the urban, rural anid couinty municipal organizations ini Ontario for rnonthly rmcd- ings with the provincial goverrnîen t, cliaired by provincial treasurer John White. As a nienîber of hie Canadian Couricîl on Urbait and Regioîîal Researcli lie lias been involved ini fundanieiital discuissions on the future of Canada, its citie«s and rural areas, and the role of citizen participation in goverîimcnt. At a press cotnférence lheld Friday rnorning at the Whiitby Centennial Building, Mayor Newman said that his Acting-mayor CounciKlor Gerry Emm congratulates Miss Florence Heard at the re-dedica- tion Ceremony held Wednesday night at Dundas Street Public School. The school bas now been renamed Florence Heard Public School in honour of Miss Heard. Free Press Photo Ms. Heard Honoured Dundas. St. Public School was officially renamed Flor- ence Heard public sehool Wednesday night in honour of former principal Miss Florence Heard. About 300 people gather- ed aI the scitool 10 pay tri- bute to Miss Heard who had Iaught at the sehool for- 40 years, from 1924 to 1964. The last 22 years she was principal. Mrs. Marion O'Donnel, vice-chairman of the Durham Board of Education Trustees, acted as emcee for the even- ing introducing Alex M. Williamson, chairman of lte board. acting mayor council- lor Gerry Emm, Earl A. Fair- man, forme r supervising principal, K. D. Munroe, director of education, Joyce Bain, principal, and Rev. John M. Smith of St. Mamk's United Church. A musical interlude by some 35 students in the sehool choir, direcîed by Dan Delong, accompanied by Velma Hupfleld, and tmained by Mrs. Joyce Bain provided a pleasant break in the cere- monies. Miss Heard respoîîded at the end of the conigratula- ions and tributes paid 10 her by speakers saying "titis is the heiglit of my carder." She spoke of iter family "we came from Ashburn and went to the little old stone school out there." Miss Heard introduced her younger brother and sis- ters: Miss Jean Heard; John Heard; and Mrs. Madge Rud- dy. "I arn so proud of the students who came out of this school," she said, and added tlîat although not al hem graduates became profes- sionals"..ail work is hon- oumable if ilt is for the goodof nîankind." Miss Heard wrap- ped up ber renîamks saying "iî's the cmowning glory of my ILfe, and 1 do thank you very Imuchi.", major thernes in the election wilI bc: (a) The cost of govern- nient, which is today consuming 40%7c of the gross niational produet. (b) The cornplexity and insensitivity of govern- ment whiclî is con- foutiding the lectorate and causing consider- able citizen frustration, ini tlîeir inabi h ty to ÃŽinflLICnIc-thc process. (c) ýTlîe cuest ion of'infla- tion and the resulting erosion of public con- fidence in governiment, and the joint respon- sibility of government, business and labour 10 fid appropriate solu- fions. (d) The question of hous- itîg, which is a chaos of conflicting federal and provincial iitiatives wvlich have little regard for the role of the cities in tlie solution of the housing ciÃsts. (e) The 'question of credit bîîying, and the des- tructive effect of un- easonably high inter- est rates with respect to house ptîrchases and and hlusclîold appli- a nce s. (f) The question of region- al governnent. wlîicli is a futidanîentally liii- portant aîid necessary concept ihi local government. but whîch has beeri abused by the provincial govermnent, both witlî respect to municipalities and pro- perty taxpayers. (g) The question of public assistance and social policy particularly wiîli respect to assistance fo r tie elderly, the disabled and the wid- owed. (h) The question of the Whitby Mayor Des Newman made it officiai Friday momn- ing that he's seeking the Liberal nomination for this riding in the next provincial electiQn. tinancing of* public and prîvate educational institutions, in which Iliere is a lack of equity and justice. (i) The qUestion ofhealth care with respect 10 the present organization confusion in the mani- agement and finaîicing of health services. Wîh respect 10 issues confronting the iding, May- or Newmnan ideuitified the following: (a) The organization and cost of the new region- al govmrment in Dur, Free Press Photo by Mike Burgess ham and the lack of sensi tivity of the pro- vince in the legisiation establishing the region, and ils lack of response to the region's requests and ils desrespect and coersion of te system and the elected repre- sentatives. (b) The North Pickering development and lte pmovince's reluctance to allow meaningful local involvement and jurisdiction. cont'd on P. 6 Ontario Premier Bill Davis, left, and Bill Newman, M.P.P. for Ontaio (right) listen in- tently to Dr. Charlie Mcllveen M.P.P. for Oshawa-Whitby (centre) prior to a $25-a-plate Progressive Conservative dinner Thursday night in honour of Bill Newman. Free Press Photo TV & STEREO CENTRE 30 Taunton Rd. E. Oshawa Phone 728-1422 -Fried Chieken BLAIR PARK, PLAZA WHITBY 668-7831 1 10 CENTS