Whitby Free Press, 4 Dec 1974, p. 5

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on***. LONDON Ontario - By - the timie you'll read this column, the Derneter miurder trial. now in its 11lth week, mnight be over. But, it could happen that the trial could go on and on and on. Whatever happens to Peter Demeter, the miedia will have a field day nonths ahiead. At this crucial stage, the trial is creauing a ncw interest because the defence bias started to discredit soi-ne of the Crown witniesses. Needless to say, somne of the revelations hiave been more thari startling. For instance, the alinighty Mafia hias been inentioned severalt imes. Thiat there is in- deed Mafia connections, it was amply demonstrated in the personal appearance of John Papalia, a well-known under- grouind figure in the Haînilton area. At one point, hie lost his temper and attacked a TV cameraman who was shoot- ing film for CTV nétwork. Since my last visit hiere, soine changes have been insti- tuted in covering the trial for newspapers, magazines, radio and televisfon stations. Practical ' y no one is allowed witbi camieras or tape recorders inside thc courtlbouLse. Guards are chiasing newsrnen ail over the place. The nmedia lias been asked tb confine îheilsclvcs 10 the îwo l'ain' en- tranes f fic uiling In thc frigid air, iewsmier are siiiverîing and drinking plen ty ot* bot cofce. AS somte people alrcady know. Peter Denieter is no long er a guest at the plusli and luxurious downtown Hloliday Inn. lnstead, lie spcnds lus iihts in a tiny cel ini the Middlesex Counîv Jail. Thý jail is conveflienltly located a ston&s tlircw frowm Uhc courthouse. I t is an .ld jail and tic facili tics are motli- ing to rave 'about. Denîceter is allowed to reccive visitors from outside. Mý,arina Ilundi. f course. is a constant visitor. There arc Uinies wvlen she stavs :ît tic Holiday Inn, but niost of Uhe Utîte slîc drives back tw Dcmeter's Mississauiva home on Dundas Crescent, usîng bis old and wcathbeb beaten Cadillac. One miisty niorniîîg I surprised )Marina Hiurdt ai lier îîcwfound place. Slîc opcnied tlhe door. but would flot invite me inside. Shie was wcarmng a wliîe uîghmdress anîd did flot look as beauitiful as in tliat tini\ Londoni res tauran t. Howcvcr, slie re,îîcnîbec d nie wcll. ln fact, she was very apologetic. "Look, l'm told by the defence courîsel not to talk to rîewsmenl", slie îiif'orncd me. "If I'say something, l'nî hable to gel ini tr ouble". Tlien, I asked lier if shie lias planîs o stay ini Canîada.' Marina silciid briefly and tliem retorted, "Look, Ian not at tlberty to say anythiig. It all depends on lîow the trial will go". Then, Marinia pickcd up fic coIpy ôf Ulic Mississaugai Timnes anîd comîplimiented tbis writer for tlie "excellenît pictures of nie" of wbich one appeared also in tlic Whitby Frce Press. Althiougb our second enicounter was brief', wc parted on friendly ternis. While Miss Hundt is happfiy staying ai the Denietcr's home, otîly a few miles furfiier away a somcewhat différent atmosphere prevails: thec Mississauga police is guarditig Czaba Szilagy day and might. Czaba, thie nost damaging Crown witness 10 date wlîo alleges that Demeter lîircd a killer for his wife Clîristine. ives with -a young lady nnîcd* Gigi, a former maid ini the Demeter househiold. Szilagy, according 10 nîy itîformiants. has been mioved Io a new place in Mississauga, hoping that this timne nobody will find out about his whiereabouts. To hide Czaba and his girlfriend is a real problein, since Czaba's picture has been published in severai î;cwsp)apers thus he can be readily identified, plus the faci thiat nîany people know him already. Once in a while Czaba goes tô) a movie or takes lus girlfriend 10 a shopping plaza. Eachi lime, a special guard is present. The latter neyer leaves t'lie couple alon > . A security nain named O'Toolt' is in charge of this cloak- and-daggar operation. Finally, I nîust add that the Demeter trial has attractcd a numiber of scrious writers 10 tlîis slcepy. Middlesex, town. To niy knowliedge il leasitbrec aUihors are gatbcring in- formiation for thieir fortlicoing books. A iso still photo- graphiers arc roarning tlie area ini searcli of' pliot& niaterial wvliclî cati be later uscd by book publisliers. Soîîicbody stands Io make a gond buck troni tlîis lengtlîy trial wvbîcl is costiiig Orîîario taxpayers tliousands anîd thousanids of dollars. Ilt is incredible that tibis sort of thing is illowed to go o1n - practically uriclecked by governuîîent agencies. Il scems tu nie. the poor taxpayer aîwa\ s ends up paying for evc ry th iiîg. Ill's neyer conSUlîcd. but always harasscd. Infants And Iron Infants rnay require additional iron since there is only a six nonth supply stored wiihin the body ai birth. Check wiîth your doctor to v sttil your ctiild necd.s an iron supplernent. Good Nutrition Good nutrition is important for good heatth IL affects the.- way you look, your "personality, and the way you work. Good nutri. lion helps you resist fevers and infections. Puoor nuitritîon, on the other hand, rnay be rctlate(i b such diseasi-s as obesity, sugar dfiabetes. heart disease and niany others. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1974. PAGE 5 G.M. Employees Reç:eive CostwofmLiving Allowance About 32,700 biourly and salaried ernployees of Gcneral Motors of Caniada Limnited received an increased cost-of- living allowance for the threc- inonth period beginning last Su nday. Quarterly adjustments are based on a combined Canad- ian-U.S. index, using a 1967 inîdex base. flic average of tliese comnbîied- consumer price indexes for August, Septeimber and October, 1974, is 15 1.4 comnpared witb the average of 146.7 for ie previous three months, a sufficient increase t0 change the cost-of-living allowance for the next quarter. Somne 26,000 lîourly enîployees will receive a total cost-of-hiving allowance of 65 cents an bour beginning Deceinber 2, 1974. Somne 6,700 eligible salaried cmn- ployees will bc paid a cost-of- living allowance of $338.00 in. tic pay ending February 28, 1975, for the quarter bcginning December 1,.11974. GM said tic new cost-of- livinig allowance will nican tliat (iue typical autoinotive assemîbler iniGeuîcral Motors SEASON'S GREETUNGS BE A iBLO DONOR of Canada will be earning a total rate of $5.9.1 perhour, cxcluding earnings for 'over- tinie and night shift work. Theâe earnings do not include benefit programs which have been expanded significantly over the years. The company said that the upward revision of the cost-of-living allow- ance assists GM employees in maintaining the purchasing power of their -wages and salaries. AGNES DISNEY'#S FASHIONABLE HALF SIZES 668-4375 %Departmnent of Planning and Development Offical Plan of the Regionol Municipalilty of Durham INFORMATION DISPLAYs Whitby Cou ncil Chambers Whtby Mail Decem ber I11h. 1974 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The purpose of the Displays are to present to the public information explaining the process of the OfficiaI Plan undertaking by the Regionial Municipality and to outline the basic facts and issues to be corsidered in the process. The public is invited to attend and is welcome to present their ideas and concerns regarding the development of the region. Such concernis might include industrial development bamlet and village growth, agriculture, housing, transportation, recreation, etc. Further information can be obtained from the Regional Planning Department, Whitby, 416-668-7731. 'i r IS AFTER THE SEAT 0F'YOUR PANTS! BRING THE SEAT OF YOUR PANTS IN AND TREAT IT TO ONE OF SAM'S HIGH QUALITY RECLINERS! 1, IoS'lmDONT MISS SOLD ELSEWHERE OUT! ITHCIYFOR up to $139. SAM'S PRICE- ONLY MI LIMIT: ONE PER CUSTOMER. SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED! 50 RACE YOUR NEIGHBOUR! GET THE SEAT 0F DAD'S PANTS ONE FOR CHRISTMAS!8 J Z7 *T.V. anmd STEREO CENTRE 30 TAUNTON ROAD EAST 7283-1422. BEGINNING DEC. 2: OPEN 12 NOON - 9 P.M. - SAT., 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. ) December lOth, 1974 10:00 a.m. 10 10:00 p.m. » ti c aym Sem

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