BIRD 'S EVE WIEW Sew What,??? Listen, I've been finding out a few things about ail you marrîed guys whio caim you got married hecause you were madly in love. The word is bull! 1 figure you guys got married because you got-in the saine situation I'm in these days - your clothes were falling apart. 1 don't have to get married so 1 cu.n have somnesweet gai do ail my cooking because that job is adequately handled by ail the local drive-in restaurants. Housekeeping isn't such a great problemn that I1rneed a wife for that either. About every six months 1Ijust have a front-end loader corne in and clear out the place. For companionship I've got a cat and the television Vmr addicted to but the ciothing is ger ring to be a problern. Xashing it isn't bad but seéwing is - if you'il pardon - a washout. Although 1I must admit even with the washing 1 eerrainly have had a few problemrs. A couple of years ago 1 wrote in this column about the first rimie 1 went inro a coin wash and put too much soap in the miachine. i got scared and left after the mnachine starting rattling violently' and foarning at -the rnouth. Another ime 1 spilled a gallon of wine in the kitchen and it ran through a crack in the floor and droppcd into a flli ciothes hamper in the basemient. However. ,jrobably the worst blunder 1 ever made wvas washing a rirtle-neck sweat shirt with a whole ioad of underwear. The sweat shirt ;vas dark red Mhen 1 put it in the %vashing rmachine but ir was pink when 1t ook jr out. So 'vas aIl nmy rirder- wear. Hilarious eh"' 1 was so amotsred I nearlv hlevup ithe washing machine. 1Inmean for x'ou ladies to wear pinik nderwear is jierfect- ly okay. In facr I rhink wve aIl expecit te ladies to wcar frilly. colourful undergarmrents. However, Mhen a mani w~ears pink undies lie is ininediately Iabelled as soniethime of a but îercup. Now I know vou re thîniking that othier people would't have the Opportunity ru vimy undies right? Wrong! 1 have been reaching SCUBA for a numnber of years and that mneans discarding miy clothes for a batlîing suit about twice a week in some public pool. As a SCLTBA instrucror 1 an supposed to bc physically fit and verv active in the watcr and lni supposed to know- ail the answers Mhen ît cones 1<) SCUBA. l'ni also sup- posed to set a good examnple. i don'r have to tell sou how much of an îimpression I made on my' stUcents thar firSi rime in the dressing roomn when I whîpped down rniy pants to reveal a shocking pink pair of undies. lmimediately the whole class gave mne a weîrd look and moved aIl thecir stuti over to the orher side of the dressing roorn .. -During the pool session 1 reaclîed over to help one stu- dent out of the water and lie jurnped back in te water rather than take my hand. Explanations were useiess. I figured the only way ro keep order in the class was go out and buy a whole mess of new white undies. Yes 1 can clearly state that my washing machine has not been much help in reraining my sanity. I remember iinoth- er episode when the wringer caught a sheet wrong and tore it almost exactly in haif from top to bottom. Stili another time the wringer neatly removed nearly ail the buttons on a shirt. They went off like a machine gun forcing me to seek shelter behind the furnace to prevent doing myself an injury ftrm a ricochetting button. 0f course a shirt wîtti buttons missing is a shirt that needs to have buttons sewn 1 know al about il guys. That's why when somebody cornes up and telis me I've got a button missing I clench my reerh and reply, "4Sew what!". TH EATRE Now Playing Thru Tuesday 7:05 P.M. Cops & Robbers - Cliff Gorman Joe Bologna 8:45 pm West World - Yul Brynner ADUL EntrtaimentRichard Benjamin ADUL EntrtaimentJames Brolin Admission: Aduits $2.00 Youths $1.50 (13 to 17) Seni ors $1 .00 ChilIdren .75 Phtone. 668-3618 A77 ~;a Canada Cord Awards From Left to right are: Dawn Twyman, 13, 202 Reynolds Street; Anne Robinson, 14, 412 Cochrane Street; Daryl Holley, 16, 504 Newman Crescent who were awarded the Canada Coid in a ceremony last week at St. Marks United Church. Free Press Photo The Ontario Counry winners of the Cord, Branich of the Girl Guides of received silver spoons during ('anadaý» lias beeni busy re- a ceremiony at Marks UJnited centi ill honouring 1,2 ,oclli urcl, Iast week. gîrls tor ou[staniding sei vice. Chiristine Robinson, Rosa- Raniger Darryl lIolIev anid lie Brooks, Carnie 1lougliton, Guidles Aini Robîinson and Dianie McDoniald. Sheryl Reid Dasvn Twx'mian sývere awvarded Dehbie Wilcox. Jaîtet Suttonl, dite Canada Cord. the hligeest Gaîle Nichiols and Debbie award ini scouting. McKay received the spoons. Ninie vouingsters. nast Beavers are coming t ic ie Bvers are cominiz. l'ie Beavers are corning. Yo.u*re prolîably asking ..vhat are Beavers and are rhey' going ru take over rhe town? ' WeII. Beavers are the juinior brancit of scourting for boys between tour and seven vears uld and nu rhey're not planning a coup. Thie Whitby District Boy Scouts Association is intro- drîcîng a jrogramn for the local youngsters. A provin- cial service teani will lie at ilie Consuiniers Gas building on fleceniber I1I at 7:30 pr. lu demnonst rate Beavcning. Parents with interested youingsrers are invired to attend lte demonstrarion at rte building, Ioc ated, on Consumers Drive. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1974, PAGE 7 GENE RAL CONTRACTORS Alterations to Offices, Playrooms, and T.V. Rooms at the Durham Regional Centre, Ontario Hospital, Whitby, Ontario. TENDER NO. 31C-265 FIRE ALARM CONTRACTORS Supply and installation of fire alarm system in the dining roomn and kitchen of building No. 2 at the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, Ontario TENDER NO. 31C-266 SEPARATE INDIVIDUAL SEALED TEN DERS wilI be received until 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME TUESDAV, DECEMBER 31, 1974. COMBINED ACCEPTE D. TEN DERS WILL NOT BE Tender Documents may be obtained from the- Ontario Ministry of Government Services, Lindsay Reg ional Office, 322 Kent Street, West, P.O. Box 7080, Lindsay, Ontario. N OTE: For further information regarding the Tenders please cali Mrs. E. M. Neale at the above address. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. ~ Ministry of Government Services Ontario e ** Oi sS Corridor Area Fight T1he Whitby Corridor Area Ratepayers' Association has lost another round in ils .figh.t 10 block the Whitby Towne Estates subdivision, as the plans read at present. The proposed subdivision is ta be built in an area south of the K-Mart and Whitby Mail. A recent decision by the Ontario Municipal Board in favor of the developers has the Ratepayers' Association up in arms. Sa much so, that they have calied a general meeting of ail ratepayers for TUESDAY, DECEMBER.10. Planning Board last presented the Whitby Towne Estates plan to the public, 13 units have been added to it. If the Ratepayers Associa- tion gets the green iight from the public at the meeting at Dr. Robert Thornton School beginning at 8 p.m., they have ýuntil December 22 to appeal their case to the Ont- ario Cabinet. Centennial BIdg. Unsafe At that meeting, the The Operations Committ- association's executive wiii ee bas decided to petition try to determîne whether or both federal and provincial not the public wants them to governments for financial appeal the OMB's decision to assistance in repairing the the Ontario Cabinet, front entrance to the Centen- The association does not niai Building. object to a subdivision in the The commitlee decided, area, but rather the type and on Monday, to seek $10,000 densi~ of the proposed from the two levels of housitig therein. The rate- government. If they are payers' execulive feels that granted their request, the having about 70 percent of town wiîî pay lte remaining the population in high-rîse $12,000. and row-type housing is lTe committee wii se e unreasonable, and unneces- what financial aid they wil sary. They do, however, gel be fore authorizing work support the single famniiy on the entrance. units pianned for the 140 The move cornes as a re- acre subdivision. uto mpansoth The association fears that, suit of coplits to thein unless sufficient in4justry . Tw fWib eadn i- the danger of the shifting provided ta offset thein masonry blocks over the creased population, taxes building's front entrance. will soar. The complainants feared The execilive is a) that the stoânes may, one day disurbd tatsine 1 dislodge and cause injury. *' 4 '1 4 4 4c , , '? - ' i INTRODUCING OUR *LUNE AT PREnCHRISTMAS SPECIALS ______ AUTHORIZED MDEALER Open 9-9 Everyday Saturday 9-6 NORMAN'S ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE 1218 Simcoe N. 579-2411 Ilif- *11 «-» C Il K a