PAGE 8, WEDNESDAV, DECEMBER il 1914. WHITBY FREE PRESS TUISSDAY. I&RM 1~ 71li LISTINGS WÈEINESDAY,'DECEMLER 1 I t 5:00 Durhami Report 6:00 Sports with Dave Stewart 6:10 Whiitby News & Views 6:30 Drugs: Part 111 Hlenry Street Ligh School 7:30 Witby Then & Now: Wlitby's history in pictures 8:00 WAIT A MINUTE--- DOOMSDAY: Rev. Hiisdenl and Rev. Lewis talk on the future of the world. THIURSDAY,-DECEMBERl2th Whitby Then & Now Sports with Dave Stewart Durham Profile Rescue 3R's: Ged Caîr on ('atholic education Thie New Leaf Whitby Theatre Co. PNesents the ptay "Luxury Parade in Colour - LIVE FRIDAY, DECEMBER l3thi 4:00 Rescue 4:30 The New Leaf 5:00 Italianl Show 5:30 ')R's 6:00 Sports withi Dave Stewart 6:10 Whitby News & Views 6:30 Do You Renieniber SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14th 10:00 The Whitby Santa Claus SUNDAY, DECEMBER i Sth 2:00 Ritson Rd. Alliance Chutrchi Service MONDA4Y,,DECEMBER l6th ,1:30 6:00 0-:10 6:*-30 7:00 7:30 Soccer Round-UpLJI Sp)orts vi d I Dve Stewart DuhmProimile To Be Anniouneed Viva i taliana Durham iReport 8:30 Whitby Mitnor Flockey DID YOU KNOW?. SAINT SNlCHOL.AS WAS BISHOP OP MYRA IN LYCIA ON THE COAST OP A91IA MI NOR. N-E LiVED IN 1THE 300's AA.D., AND> LATýCR WAs MAC>E PATRON4 SAINT F SEVERAL EUROPEAN COUNTRIES VVHERE A SPECIAL HOLIDAY IN MIS HONORIS RELE? EACW DECEMABER 6tý IN HOLt.ANP,lE NAME FOR -MWAS "S/N7rEgKLA5" AND? WHEN EUTCHMEN f~BROUGH-rr THE IJAME TO AMERICA 1-rW4S EVE WTUA LLY CO-AN.GEP TO SANTA CLAUS. CAR .j i1 WOODPECKERS LIVE IN AIL PARTS OrF TH4E \ORLD EXCEPT AUEz'TRALIA AND MADA4GASiC TI14EIR TOIES ARE ARRMANG£D 50 TI4EY CAM CLIMB OP OR DOWN4 TREE -rRlNKS. 1THE\( HAVE -LOt4G TC»4GUES Wil SARBED TIPS 1TO .SPEAR INSEC-rS. Local -barbers 'have re- ccîved permîssion from coun- cil to cbarige their, WIjLey so-zta dck~* ît~ <~ ~~. -Ir Long distance charges on catis hetween the Brooklini exehnge (055) and the ex- change of' Port Perry (98.5) wilt he c litiinated as of* l)ccetnher 14 ai1 2 pim acc ord ing tIo Marlinie Vea ter. Bell 'an adananger Ait presen t, Brookl in ha local cati ing wi tI Oshawa and VV it hy, There will be rio change in T he Whitby McDoiiald's Senior 'A' hiockey tearn wants a reduction of' thej rentai for ice timie at Iroquois Park Arena. The club's executive wants an arrangemnt similar toi thiat of other teamns in the league who pay a flat rate f'or1 rentai.1 The Macs pay $1l00 per1 gamne or 35 percent of the1 gate, which ever is the greater. Tomn Fitzsirnmons, vice-i president of the team, askedi the operations conirittee to consider reducing the rate. He gave several reasons for the Macs' request. plhonc rates l'or Brooklin be- Cause ot tlice epandod local caliing arcas. Oshaiwa, residents are also gettifg flic expanded service being etfered Brooktin resi- dentris.ý, (>11 hie same day, long disfaîîcc charges witl also be elimitiated on catis between- Ajax-Vickeriing (683) and (laIremoîît (049). Firstly, other teanis in the league are realizing greater revenue whiîe their expenses are constant. In addition, tiie iowest attendance of' the season has resulted in a $371 rate. Fitzsimmons suggested that the teami should pay a fiat rate of $210 per gaine plus $56 for additional personnel at the arena. The current rentai agree- ment will bc rcvîewed and the team's executive will meet wîth the town treasurer and acting recreation director to report on a suitabie re- duct ion. The new biurîs wiil bc 9 a-n o6 '.mTue.sck&Y o Un ---t. "-c ~ oney work ror y.ou n 1975 Your special savings account at Victoria and Grey flot only saves money for when you'I1 need it but it makes money, too. Generous interest, compounded regularly speeds your savings irto a sizeable sum. Start' independence today at Victoria and Grey. The ail Ouuaria Trust Comnpany begun ini 1889 Member Canada Deposit_ Lorne D. Reid 304 DUNOAS W. WHITBY peioiple heLping people Cleanl water is a worid-wide probicin. CARE lps remote villa- gcrs with punips, pipes, and plans. Your donations provide the equip- ment. The villagers do the work. Send your dollars to: CARE Canada Dcpt. 4 63 Sparks St. Ottawa, KIlP 5 A6 BUSINESS OPPO'RTUN ITY 2 BAY SERVICE STATIONS witth High Potentiat for 1u CONTACT MR. NEWALL PETROFINA CANADA TORONTO-48 1-6451 Trry tiseChrstmas safety slogan: "None for the road" by David Woods of coté! water will improve the situation. This is the festive season ail right The only thing that will do the -but it's also a time of year when trick, he says, is tinie spent in bed, the number of aicohol-reiated auto- in an armchair - or just about an>'- mobile accidents increases signif- where but in a driver's seat. icantly. For the people involvcd, And if you're hogting a part>', there's nothing niuch to celebrate. says Sellers, you have an un- The most obvious way drivers questionable responsibilit>' to your can avoid becorning a holiday à ea- giîests. If you think they're incap- son statistic îs not to drink at ail. able of driving, tell themn. The>' But it would be churlish - not to won't like it, but they'll be thankful mention Scrooge-Iike - to suggest in the morning. So be firm: take tuait as a course of action. the overboozed partygoer's car keys The alter-lative is nioderation.- -and put him into a taxi, or put And if you have more than two or him up for the night. That way, three drinks - forget about driv- he'll have a bettçr chance of being ing. That amnount of alcohol will invited back to your place ncxt impair your abilit>' to handle a car year.' - the, bre athalyzer test will con- How mnuch is enough? It's diffi- firmn that fact. And tbere's noà way zult Io say, but in general it takes you can beat the breathalyzer. or the body about one hour to proce refuse to submiît 10 it il' you're â'ne ounce of alcohol. While two actuall>' inside the car and a police- irinks -can miove you close to the man thinks you've hadi more thian legal definition of impairment - enough to drink. blood alcohot concentration of .08 B>' refusing to mnix drinlking with as mecasurcd by breathalyzer tests drivin, you protect not .'nly yc.:ur- - soriie people can be quite unit sel, your fanily and frier. 1 but to dr'vc befote that stage. the other driver as well. Thi- as a Such factors as body weight, prefty *ermg thWAt n itse* t kingoe ma m stowacih, or wmu omccder ttmo~re dm ndrinki~oe on ontthat contai pK rct *M io 8OM à erquvbe cbm* w Ck me tsmmaiJiz<r Mag *ub e. M ise S ww -pc- à d 1 1 wam poumliy ,,' v-or As Yeu *o~mwwa*t homnic idal1 - cotnbiDat M*». mix drink witb lrugs anyway. Add- Not oniây thit, but there's nothinig îng the two of them to driving is you can really do to defuse alco- just asking for serious trouble. hol's effects on your system. Dr. So, as you celebrate the holiday Edward Sellers, head of the Addic- season, learu when to sa>' "when' tion Research Foundation's inten- If you can't, then at least remember sive care unit,- points out that no - for your own and other people's amnount o f 1black c offee or splashings sakes - nopte for the road. No more Long Distance Brooklin and Port Perry 5:30 *6:00 6:10 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 Mcs want cut Barbers Hours Y - - au. tl L.F