E NI R WHITBV IYIALISH TRY FREt PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1974, PAGE il ,IapsCOLOURING ovir00t It's FunmIt's Easye Color the pictures on1 this page with crayons, colored pencils, chalk or paint. Contest is open to any youingster 1 2 years or under, excepting children of sponsors or Whitby Free Press enployees. Enter as many tirnes as you wishi. Fil out ent ries and take to sponsor. NOTE: >ou M'UST TA KE vour enz.ries bt/wtheindh'vidual Stores lised 1w/oitw cach picture. Maileci ciitries to the mfer(/Iaits or T/w IV/dtb.i, Free' Press îlot accepted. ALL ENTI ES IN NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 24th, 1974 Teddy Bear is always ready to meet new friendsl 'Round and 'round we go in our pretty carouseli lt's Jack-in-the-box, popping up to Say hello! NAME INAME_____________ AME____________ IDRS ADDRESS ADDRESS_________________ lAlt y M-al-AGE _PHONE IAGE PHONE ________ I Liçhtina Centre MR0R-hIrnKt IWHITB 1- IAE IDDES IG - %ff - 3Y MALL -PHONE 728-4811.I WHITBY MALL - - - I I I I I I I I I i I I 'c I I I NAME. I * ADDRE !Aî~ 728-2762 1 - - - - - - - - - - -ý Wheel lt's fun to be a marionettel PHNE_______ WhitbyMal Florist ' "'t""" r -iSUPER SAVE ORDO MARI I Optiian iCARTER' DRUG'LIM ITEDI I WHITBV MALL 579-1325 WHITBY MALL 576«31 1615-DuI1des St . EastWi ai, Whi tbOt @Im - - - - -,w-____-,. ... ' , m _au"_ I I I I WHITBY MALL<(Located Down, Stai rs)7241 - - - -m-ir-- Every cowboyýsbould have a rocking horsel NAME ADDRESS- I AQI -oe x - - - -- - - - - - - - - 1 v- ýmoý