Whitby Free Press, 11 Dec 1974, p. 3

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAV, DECEMBER 11, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS AE REL eAR JERKER' The lead story last week in one of the Ajax newspapers /leaded "Life i r/le sub urbs a nightmare for Becker store owner" was a real fear jerker. If told of a "bunch of' younig hoodlums " who "ferrorized " the staff of thle Beeker 's milk store on Garrard Road and how Joan Reid, tMe interitn imanageress of t/le store "had to cal! ini the Dur/îam Regional Police on several occasions. ' Severul incidents ;vere citeci which apparen t/' made working in the Garrard Road store "iig/îtmnarisýh' On one occasion, Mrs. Reid, wzfe of an Oshîawa brune/i mana- ger, was apparent!)' f/îreatened wit/î rape. Ugly. A group of' adolescenis walked in and "fook over' Tuie» "helped fhemse/ves 10 whatever they wan ted"' Sad. A 40-ounce boutle of pop ;vas purchased in the store and ifs contents were spi//ed over Terry Reid's car. Stick». One group of youngsîers bought several chocolate bars and wen t oufside lv "spit them over the windows " Messy. Thle first two incidents definitely ca/led for, the inter- v'entfion of the police. Thze lasi' two could have been rectifled b» a mop and pal. But, w/lut was most bothersome about the story was t/le Reîds 'feelings o ward f/le Gurrard Road area. '7Iguess l'il be g/ad f0, be out of tha t area " suid Mr. Reid. He con tinued "if s on/y human f0 walk away with a bad tus te in your mouî/l for t/le Garrurd Road area of Whitby ". The on/y cu/prits w/lb were apprehended by the police were t/ose youngsters who apparent/y. threatened rape. Now, since fhey were from Oshawa, /low cou/d Mr. Reid make such a sweeping statement about f/le Garrard Road area. kWe feel f/lai muking such an unfounded genera/ization is bound f0 leave a sour faste in the mouths of Garrard Road area residents for the Becker s store. No reflection on the nu/k ON THE '#CLOVERLEAFý'GAME There 's a game being played which we cal! the 'Cloverleaf'game. It requires two or more players und it involves -an auto and somne fax money which is alloted for fjixing roads. To play you simply go charging up a cloverleaf ait Wce the recommended speed and, ou t of con trol and skidding, vou crash into t/le cloî'erleaf speed limif signi, knock over t/le 'keep right'sign, skid over t/w divider pavement section and svoot awagy laving the damage for t/le depatnment of hîghwavs crew to fix up. Dear Sir, This request was DENIED When an ordiniari, citizen our council! makes a legal transaction WHY!! t/zey read it over r'eri' cure- The only obvious reason is fi!)'ý to avoidi any 'trouble tdie document was con trover- /atc>r. sil and if t/le;' lad /îad Whepî soPlCoflC Vîlo 15 in proper rime to snîdv iU a position to govern flhe bejô)re t/w;' wvere asked io fûiture of a great number <>1 vote on i'lcimî itnediuu'li, persons is muaking a legal rie» mai, have reached 'a cIeciËtu on be/zaîf of these di/jèren tr decision. persons Mlen t/le' 5hould also If a b;'-laiv is puit Ilrougli he given t/le opponuiniit t properlv ir s/îould hc' ont te read over /îese documents agenda. (wylîch t/is b '-a thlei are passing when (lier wasn 't and colincil s/ould be requesti i. given amplet' ime (o stuc/v ir The RENOIR e - French Provincial stylrd console wth cabriole legs. Giant*Screen 26" SolidStatr Chromacolor Hl. Advanced chromacolor Pcture Tube. 100% SolîdState Chassis. Patenited Power Sentry Voltage Regulator. SolidState Super Gold Vidro Guard Tuning System. Chromatic Onc- Button Tuning, AFO. le second and even more futile part of t/le gaime is ;vhen t/le highways crew eonîes down two or three limes a week anid dui'iful/y straightens or replaces the signs ut con- siderable cosi' of maîîpower und materials. 0f course the cost is shared by ail drivers - even t/ose w/o neyer play the game. T/le gamne ha s been going oit for -liferal» years now and nobodvy seeins to be wvinning - excepf miaybe t/le compan» t/ai supplies the road erewv with new signs. k/e wou/d like f0, suggesf that if modemn techno/ogy can before voting on- it. Thiîs b -/aw ivus not on thie agenida anid t/ici were îiot given any àd.ne te stuc/v if. /And<a request fj6r iltow be hld oî'er to aff0W proper liie for il w be studied wvas turned dowîi. T/îeon/rreason I catisec for j'orcing a by-law flirougîz counil ut 12:20 a.m. is fear t/lilj r nef ohave been pussed under t/le proper pro- cedure. T/îere is no doubit/luat t/us b v-ilw %tas an importun t One. ilt dca/t it/î lic'heoe-anîc- oni/r î VIII TBI Y TO VINE ESTA TEÙS'.Se per/îaps onle doesnî't realIfv have 1v %voîîder %i/îv thle p/anuiing bourd laci il dca/t ivir/î iMisuc/za mannîer. 1 siîîcere1;' hope t/lut as The ANDORRA Model- Medtterrarsean cabinet n Darli Oak or Pecan color. Stereo Precision record changer wîth Mcro-Touch 2G torse arm, 8-track tape player and AM/ FMlStereo FM tuner with flywheel tuning. Two Plus Two speaker matrix for "four dmensional' sound eflect, Allegro tuned port speaker system. Bring the holiday season into your home with a Zenith colour TV or Stereo. NORMAN'S Entertainment Centre OUR SERVICE ALWAYS WUTH A SMULE 1218 SIMCOE NORTH, OSHAWA 579-2411 Sales, Servi.ce& Rentais the other subdivisionis come befo9re council t/lut the)' wil realize t/lut tlîey are tîzere to represent t/le people anîd thai' by-/aunws /ich confr0! t/le future of tîlese people s/zou/d at leasi be read or'er before beiuîg voted oni. WV/ci our represenîtatives are denîed thîe 'righît'and i' is a riglît to be given enougli tune to suidi' documnuts iichlicon trol thec future of t/he people i'îoinît/le)' repre- sent M/en t/le s vsienî of governinenr ini t/leTowni of WiVzbrv neecis a c/rustic' c/lange. }oiirs Inili', De/oýres Ifol/idlai 121 Northi'ew Ave. llith. Onitario As a puh/lis/îer andc print er I t/zink voîî shi(>zid inivesIýg'aIe the vari6iu cau'ds, fortns. nlotic'es iwhîiclarc used b hn/e JV/hî'h v Librur;'. F"or exaPîîple.' 1. T/le niemhbers/îip cards arc' prin ted li U.A - 2. The date duie s/ips /ikewise 3. T/le special 7 day nlotices t/le sanie. ,No'(i I coi/d understand t/le use of t/esc if t/le» were special types of priulfiîg but' t/le Librar» Cards are just businîess card stock, t11e date due slips are on ordinary 1v/ite niemo size paper and the seveui day îletices are also simnp/e, oile colour prin îing jobs. I fail f0 sec wit/ l al t/le prîntîiîîg firnîs iîî and arouîîd W/itby w/îy our own public librar» supporu'ed b» our taxes has to go to a foreign country for their sîationery. T/esc forîns are ordered b» a catalogue number and pre- sumably no0 9ile has bot/ered 10 determine w/y they musf be ordered from t/le U SA. Fer/laps if would be wort/.. your w/i/e to -take a book oui of f/le librar» and look ut t/le items I am referring to and per/laps produce an arti- cle on keeping these printiuîg jobs in Canada, and ut t/le same fime per/ups try for these priiîting items. Yours fr111), D. G. J-Iwit, R.R. No. 1 Brookliti. GARE Canada Aet put a man on t/he moon and can cook a roasf in 15 min-. utes with ultra sonic wuves then surel» technology can flnd a beffer way to marik or design cloverleafs so f/at drivers inten t on p/aying the cloverleaf game wi/l eit/er puy for thle game or not participa fe. We don 't find t/le game ail thuf c/l/lenging or infteresting but we do find if /ust a bit on the expensive sic/e. And, as we head infQ an era of even higher prices and grea fer reces- sion we're nof sure we cun afford te, subsidize the cloverleaf gume an)' longer. free Parking Downtown Whitby Council wil rent its parking meters tc downtown merchants to pro. vide free parking for customn ers throughout the Christmaç season. In the past four years, th( lown lias lifted the parkinî rneter regulations during cerý tain periods in December bý passing a bylaw which hlad tc bc approved by the Ministr' of Transportation and Com rnun ica lions. Only five. of the 1I9î owners and merchants in thc downtown core who wer( asked whaî they thought o thec proposai responded Orne of' theni indicated sup port tor the parking me tei proposai. The îown's clcrk reporteè iliat there are about 25C jpurkîng ruie ers and ilic revenue is 90 cents pcr mcc each dav for a daily total 01 S 200.00j. Garden Club Hfolds Meet The Whitby Garden Club will hold its annual Christmas mieeting tornorrow nighî at thc King Street Public School beginning at 8. The program wii consist of special entertainment, carol singing and tips on Christmas decorating. Club members can bring along a friend. Anyone wishing to become a member can also attend. Lunch will also be served. Councillor Joy Thompson )pointed out that in 1970, -five days of free parking were -offered; in 1971, four; in S 1972-, five; and' in 1973, an election year, 14. e When Councillor John 9 Goodwin objected to the pro- -posai because lie didn't want rthe taxpayers te carry the Jextra It)ad, Councîllors Y' Tliompso> and Jim Gartshore - ridiculed Iii. Thompson, after a quick 8 calculation. informed Good- ewrn that the added cost to 'e the taxpayer wvilt be Iess than fa dinme per year. ,Gartshore recommended tlial Goodwin "stop playing r games" and that council give the free parking te the town. e Myrtie f Station whîîk' Couincil will look mbt the problem cf what te do wîthi Myrtie Station at a later date. Couincîl tabled an admini- strative commrnttee report whichi recommended removal cf the existing unused station arnd installation cf a new sh elt er. The committee's suggest- ion resulted fromi a meeting with Mr. Gillespie cf the Canadian Pacific Railway. He indicated that the C.P.R. is prepared to replace the present shelter, which he described as inadequate with a new one which would mea- sure 10 feet by 10 feet and eight feet in height. THE WHITBY FREE PRESS (Voice of the County Town) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn also serving Ajax and Pickering. Serving over 26,000 readers. Published every Wednesday by Whitby Free Press Inc. Bruno Harilaid, President Located at: the Free Press Building 121 Brock Street North Whitby, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION (8V MAIL) $10.00 YEARLV MAIL: Box 206, Whitby MAILING P HON E: 668-6111 PERMIT NO. TORONTO LINE: 282-1004 2941 LDITOR/GENERAL MANAGER - Mike Burge-ss ASSISTANT EDITOR - Jini Quail CLASSIFIED ADS - Shelley Crowvley GRAPHIC ARTS - Marje Btirgess ADVELRTISING MANAGER- Robin Lyon it 0 ri ir :i

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