WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1914, PAGE 3 Starting this Month Cable TV in Brooklin btIn response to many resident's request, Pine Ridge Cable TV will begin connect- ing Brooklinl'households later this month - one year ahead of schedule" AI Spencer, the conipany's Director of Mar- keting, announced Friday. andTelvisonCommission to serve the Whitby-Brooklin area called for the cabling of Brooklin by Decemilier 31ist, 1976 - more than two years from now. The CRTC granted the Whitby-Brooklin license to the 'company with the provision that Bîooklin be cabled by the end of 1975. - Whitby was completed in April, 1973. The placement of main trunk cable on utility poles in some areas and under- ground in others is currently underway to externd the cable North on Highway I12 froîn Witby. About 600 homnes, sourie in residenitial pockets on" that highiway, Aid virtu- ally ail in Brooklin will soon have cable TV available. "Brooklîni is a unique coimrunitv and we are offer- ing Cablecast 6 - our local clunnlel - Io it's citi/ens as1 coilrnuincalîons rmedilum, Spenicer remarked. "Dari Duerden. 011r, Brookhrn* Wlitby Cablecast Director. is currently taping a green plant series withi Gord Wick. President of the Brooklin Horticultural Society, and plans are being forrnulated to produce a program on "The Collecting and Maintenance of Antiques" with Valerie Hundert of the Emporiumi Spencer added. Cablecast 6 is now taping and replaying minor hockey games at the Brooklin arena: highlighits and scores are announced Wednesday even- ing on Cablecast 6. Future community programming plans include coverage of both Whitby and Durhamn Regional Council meetings, and other programs, which Cablecast 6 hopes will be suiggested by Brooklin resi- .dents. Spencer said.the company wvould offer a free connection and a free month's viewing as an introductory offer to al hiousehiolds in Brooklin and on I-ighway 1 2 where service îs available. providîng people order before Januiary 31, 19)75. Rates wilI be the same as other communities ser- viced by the comipany. Brooklin cable subscribers wilI receive 1 5 TV channels: I2 are aired on a full-tîme basis and 3 chiannels are included part-tiune eithiei hefore the tIll-trne c hannel qocs on the air or after sign- off. The cornpany also car- ries Il P.M. stations for sub- scribers wishing to have their stereo connected. NOTICE 0F APPLICATION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD by the Corporation of the Town of Whitby for approval of a by-Iaw to regulate land use passed pursuarît to Section 35 of the Planning Act. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corpora- tion of the Town of Whitby intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section .35 of The Planning Act for approval of By-law No. 144-74 read a first, second and third timie and finally passed on the I 2th day of November, A.D., 1974. A copy of the By-la w is furnished herewith. A niote giving an explana- tion of the purpose and effeet (of the By-Iaw and stating the lands affected thereby is alsô furnished herewith. Atny jerson interested niay, within sixteen (16) days after the date of this niotice. senid by recgisterecI mail o>r deliver to the Clerk of the Townl of Whitbv notice o>f his (>bjectiotl to approval of the said By-la w together with a statenient of the grouinds of stich objectioni. Aniy person wishing to support the application for approval of the By-law m'av within sixteeni (16) days after the date of this notice, seni dby' registiered mail or deliver t(> the Ckerk of the Towvn of Whitby notice ot'his support of approval to the said By-law together with a request for notice of any Hearing that may be held giving also the ilame and address to which suçh notice should be given. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said By-Iaw but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the By-law will be considered. Notice of any hearing that may be held will be giveri only to persons, who have filed ani objection or a notice of support and who have left with or delivered to the Clerk tindersigned the address to which notice of Hearing is to be sent. The last date for filing objection s will be the 27th day of December, 1974. Dated at the Town of December, A.D., 1974. Whitby this 11I th day of Win. IH. Wallace, A.M.C.T. CLERK 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. Gord Wick, host of a weekly Cablecast 6 series cntitled Whitby studio.- Photo by A. DeLeo. "The New Leaf"' pauses during the taping of his show in the Ch annels now carried ful1l- timne arc Cablecast 6, 5, 9, 19, 2"'5 Toronto, 2, 4, 7, 17 Buffalo, 11 Ilanuiilton, 22 Global and 12 in Peterbor- ough. Part-tme stations in- clude 3 Barrie, 2-9 Buffalo and 10O Rochester. Pine Ridge lias provided Cable TV service since I1966 and currently hias close to 24,000 households on service in' Oshawa, Whitby and Bowmanville. This figure represents 63% of ail poten- tial subscribers in their licensed area. Count on us. For depondablo Harlay Davldson Snow mb4o.01-J L~MLa" Thursday Night at 8:30 p.m. WHITBY MeDONALDý'S vs NAPANEE COMETS Thursday Dec. 12 ADMISSION Aduits 2.50 Students 1.50 Children $1 ADVANCE TICKET SALES Palmerston Residents Content with Parking Thie residents of Palnmer- ston Avenue are content with the parking on their street. Most of themn, anyway. The operations committee h:is received a petition from the residents on that street which, by a vote of 32- 5, approves the present system of parking. Five residents want a change in the present state of carking on the street. A town by-law restricts parking between Brock and Centre Streets to the north side of Palmerston only. However, road markings to that effect only run from Brock Street to a point 135 feet west and somne people, through no fault of their own, are breaking the by-law by parking on the south. side. The petition was received and filed with council. 1 4 ft. 5 ft. 6 fte THg.IS CHRISTMAS - 6.5O $ 805O $ 9050 They add the gala touch to your home., to thýe home of your hostess. -R ennie's rai & Gift Shoppe 55 Baldwin Brooklin 655 ý3833 MITCHELL BROTHERS, Building Supplies Ltd. Brooklin 655m4991 Jus t In Tîme' For Christmcis SNO CAT TOBOGGANS