WHITOY FREE PRESS,,WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18,,1974, PAGE 3 John Goodwin wiII not Seek P.C. nomination, John iGCuRlwitî does nol itîtend to seek the Progressive Cotîservat ive nomm11a t ion iin îhe provincial riditîg of Ont- ario or Durhiam norî b, as il will be called in the futire, btut will ]et bis naie stand for Whiîby Mayor wvben Des Newm'an resigns. Whiîby Coantcillor Good- Wvin laid to rest speculation that lie would go after the nominaltion at a press confier- ence earlier this week. Goodwin said that, be- cause of flsIoyally- 10 the people of Whitby, lie inîeinds to finish his terni as countcil- lor. The Oshiawa native bias plenîy of experience iii Whit- by politics. lu 1 958, lie w'as elocted to tiie Io(.wtîsb ip of* Whitby (ounicil. Tliree yea rs la 1er, lie was eleçtocd deputy reeve GoLxlwit was chosen reeve in I1967 aid I1964 be- f'ore the new Township of Whiitby Area Scbool Board ini 1965 and 1966. Goodwin was relected hto \Vhiitby Cotincil in 1i968 and was depuîy reeve frotuI 1970 to 1973. Hie was picked to serve oti regional couticil iin 1974. Onîtario Riding bias beeti represented by P.C.Dr. Matt- hiew Dynond for altuost -10 years. Dynioîd lbas an- nouinced thiat lie wilI retire tromi polities a thie expira- Bah Humbugl by Blake Purdy Staff \writer Here 1 sit, just one week before Christmias, feeling like Ebeneezer Serooge Ibiniseif. "Whiy?" you ask. 'Whlo knows", 1 couniter. God and inany of îny' oller friends kniow tha 1 hiave lots to be thankful for. Like a happy famnily . coi ortable lbousc and oreatl stereo. Like sorne really fine friends. No ieed to list îhemn they knowv \ho they are. Like an enjoyable job with a reasonable um ber of fringe bencf4ts. H ope the boss is reatding. Like ai fantzastic butich of fellow workers. Only probleni is 'd rather talk than wot k. More abouit thiat i the future. time and space permit îing. In additionî. 1'm expo'sed to heautitfult Yletîide decora- tiô'ns on the siree t. Jov,'ial Cliiisi tuas carols aire îipeXl itii to the office. wb icli iniciden tally ailso hias threc beau tifl decorations wiîfiîn. So, MIb, a) 1 feel lik-e Il',, J taim, y ianat Maybe iCts becatîse 1 doni't bhave any Christ tuas shopping done. Or tuaybe i t s hecause 1 feel oblipa ted to do thiat shopping. Pet haps sotuewh ei e i[lile back of' tan>mid a litiîle guve is saying '-v \sitoul d 1 get soiculiiiag foi- billi'? I le didin'1 vive tue avfit ls ear.- Or caald illie Iibat 1 ain angi v wîlî ii\vseltfo *(r iot îualk- inz mvl (h risi tuas cat ds înstead of btîyIig the uîV? rles mnuch ruore i ta agiitii and th fi ogt thban se nd~ ig ythlose plant tantairdjobbies yaa know. \Ve still doit t have our trece up at bomne. No\v tîtat caald be il. Oh well. Il'ta sure dtat 11'be caht p i n hliiie (Christmias spiri t iin flic vveek remnaining. Ilil the iniatiti e, Merry Ch risîmnas to yau îatd youtrs. lion aof bis presen t terni. Good win daOlso an tounIcedl tha t, at preselt , lie bas viol throwtt bis inan[ie inîto Ithe race fati-r y o r of Wb i tby because "tibeire ikno t a *va- cancy and there is not an obligatlion"lfor Des Newtuaîî 10 resign lte post. Newmni lias won tue Liberal 1nom1ination forlte provincial riding of On larîo soutfi (soon 10 be called Otirfiani West). Hîlias an- nouinced bie will resign as \Vitby's niayor Mhen the next election is called, pro- bably sotuetimie between aine and 1 2 nontlhs froîn Goodwin's annoutîcemnent cornes despite thle fact that lie says lie bas received support froili soie couincil iiienibers 10 seek Newnan's post . He said thatlfie expects ihat support will increase by the timie the elect ion is called. At which timie lie will place his naine as a candidate for niay or. Goodwin said ibat, when Newmniu does resigu officiaI- ly, lie hopes tflat-council will decide b ,chioose the niayor rather than throw the issue opent) 1 a costly municipal election. Goodwvin added that. Mhen Newmnan resigils. the town ill lose one of the best muniiicipal politicîaný in ibe province. -Tfiere are fecw mlunlicipal p)oli*icîilas iin Ont- ario ibat are his peer."lihe Abundant Christmas blessings 10 ciii the wonderful people in our oemmuitn TV TOWERS 18 Grenfel Oshawa To Our Readers ln orderto enable the staff and carriers of th#-- Whitby Free-Press to enjoy Christmas week withtheir families, there wîiI flot be a paper next weell The Whitby wîlI return on tjecember 31, 1Wednesday Free Pres! Tuesday, and everý thereaf ter. A familiCr ring's in the air =- holîday lime is near. Hope it holds happiness and love abounding. BUILDING SUPPLIES '144 13ROCK ST 5 \'vfiITBY, ONT, TEL (410,6u 6-9391 out joy and good J will. We take v this tiîne to extend to ail greetings and thanks. Ma y tbe peace and joy of the seitsoni tbrougbiout the cotîîing y ea r Que la joie et la graix des fetes vous durant toute l'année a lbe votîrs iCCoinpagnent The Mayor afid nembers of Counceil andi the staff'l of, The Towvn of Whlitby. Onta rio Cantd î just oround the corner *)Don't forç,et to pick up film to capture those special rna-Srnts at: STUDIO ONE photographic 214 .Brock Street South Whitby processing * framing * portraiture* commerciat WINTER FUN,,ON SKIDOOS DON VALLANCE, FARM EQUIPMENT BROOKLIN ~4pp4bWux Christmas treasures good times shared with loved ones. May they fi your heorts and mnemories this season. "TI-E ROEBUCK" ANTIQUES MEMC)IAI3ILIA ÇOL-LECTIBLES U FOEBUCKSf, BRIOOKLIN, ONT.