Cliristiias Broth: Makei or Iwo alioad, refrigerate, croutons and store thei temporature. CHRISTMAS B ROTH 2 caris (28 ounces eaclh) Canada Choice toinatues 2 stalks celery, vith leaves 2 carrots, scraped 1 green pepper seeded 1 large onian 3 peppercoros 2 whaole claves 1 teaspoan saIt V/2 teaspooni basil 1 teaspoon sugar 1/ cup Ontario Port wine 1 tablespoon fresli lenion ju TRADITIONAL AND NOW Follow tradition, yet surprise everyone with something different on the Christmas board this year. Cook the usual plump delicious symbolic turkey, but filI its cavity with a gourmet Wiid Rice Stuffing. Eliminate the problem a'f selecting one vegetable, on a day when anything goes. Do it aur way and offer a medley of shapes, color and flavar -.. ..a most tas ty Ghivetch. Prepare Ouchess Poîaloes aOhead of timne then pop themn into the aven when the time is ripe. Since. Christmlas calais bave tratiitiarially beenred and green, open the meal with rulW broth and close with a spinach salad. Arnd . . . ta satisfy dessert loyers, serve the pluin pudding and sauce they demand. t 4 day meat cold onitil it s conlipletely Bag the defrosted. Allow about 5 hiours at room per paund for thawing ii refrigera. tor, 1 hour per pound for thawing ini cold water, and 1V2 haurs per pound for thawing at room temperature. For mare-even thaw- ing at room temiperature, place the wrapped turkey ini a brown paper bag. YOIcan prepare the stuffîng a day ahlead, .of course, but yau must riat stufi the turkey ahead of tinte. Allow ani extra [tour ta stufi and Iruiss tIhe turkey just before il is sciipdtilIed fuor tIhe ovein. r ice Empty lornatues, juice anrd (Il, a large saucepani, breakîing solid cbunlks up withl a fork. EASY GOURMET WILD RICE STUFFING 1 /2 ctîps Wild [l ice soIffiilt for if> ta 121l). itirkey i n to tIhe Wtash rice ni co Id wa tur - 5hr rîcîr Cii t ita 5 cops 1)o1 lngWmiter, Parbo il the vegetabies ino churnks and aIdd rntsnlfeoefroin heat, theml ta the Pot, Stir in pprCaver. Set asiffi for arle[tour, corns, claves, sai t,*Irasil, and sogar. D)rainj Wash. Thonl, coak rrained Caver the saucepan tightly and rice ini boiing salted warer for 25 bring it ta a bail, then Iawer tIhe minutes. Drain. Set aside. heat and sirnmer for orle haur, stirrinig once or twice. Cool. Strain 6 tabiespoaris butter the soup thraugh a fine seive Y4 cup (2 mediuor)anions, chopped squeezing ail the juices out of tireY4 pounid srnall inushraoms, slîced vegetables. Return tire bouillon ta (4Y/2 coQs) the saucepani, add the Port and lemon juice. Bring ta a bail and serve, addirrg a tew cheese Who - says yau must spend croutons to each serving if desired. Christmas day in the kitchen? No ake u need, say food specialists at theMas5cu. Ontario Food Council. Christmnas To roast the 1974 model turkey, is ta be enjoyed by ail, and out il is best ta use a meat thermometer. menu guarantees it. if you don't have ane, ask Santa ta drap ane in your Christmas Bro th stocking. It will eliminate cruess- Roast Turkey - Gourmet Wi/d Rice Stuffing Ghivetch Duchess Potatoes Spinach - Onion - Orange Sa/ad PIum Pudding, -Brandy Sauce Sainta House The Whiitby Jaycees wil operate a Santa Claus bouse starting tomorrow in the old liquor store.. Jolly Old St. Nick will be wetcorning childre n from 6 ta 9 p.m. tornorrow and Friday aînd from noo to 6 inn on can visit hlm frorn 6 to (ip.rn. on Monday. Tiiere will be a pre-Christ- mas appetizer for the child- ren as balloons and candies wiIl be handed ouI. The police and fiue de- partnients will be distributing Y4 cul) chapped toasted almands (3 ounces) 3 tablespoons flour i can (10 ounces) beef bouillon i '/z leaspoans sait scant '/2 teaspoon pepper i cup chopped fresh parsley MeIt butter in a large skillet, saute onions, mushrooms, almonds, on high heat, for about 5 mintues. work when roasting, ail year round. Stir in flour, cook for one minute. Add bouillon, cook, stîrring until '(ou can defrost a whole turkey smooth and thickened. Add in anc of 3 ways, depending on seasonings, parsley and rice. Tass yaur lime schedule and refrigerator getIi. space. Leave the plastic wrapper Stuff 1 ready-to--cook turkey on, no malter which meîhad you use. The refrigerator is the ideal Stufi and truss the turkey. Brush place for lhawing. as it keeps the wvith butter or ou and sprinkle with sait and pepper. Roast breast side, up on a rack in a shailow pan. Cover with foil, leaving open at the sides. Ta finish browning turkey, remnove fou i1 hour before end of cooking time and* baste with drippings. ROASTING TIMETABIE* (325 degrees F. aven) turday. The youngsters pamphlets at the Santa Claus ~ AGNES v e Fashionable Vincent of Rorne DSE i Haif Sizes à j X_1UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT' SWe would like W iîntrodu(ce ile ic onew,e?/ers ol our .çuzf CO.SM/10()A ND R OSA L IL'- r' peciaist.ç in the latesi hair cut tiugz teclifiuquts (llti s1l'/s. FOR APPOINTMENTS PLEASE PHONE i Young da 668-8591 Sizes 'We also specialize in PERMS, BODY PERMS, HAIRCOLOURING ANI)DEIL18BokS ~EFFECTS. 18BokS "Our busuîîesss te' take , carL' of.vour liair!" 668-4375 BLAIR PARK PLAZA Open 9-9 everyday 10ALUPIN DRIVE Sot. til 6 Closed Mon. for Whale Tuirkeys Weight, (Pounds) 8 12 16 20 24 Timie 3%"Y 41/ 5 '4 51/ 6Y4 (Ho ors) th 4V2 ta Y tau ta 62 ta 7 *Stufted, unstuffed and self-basting type turkeys requ ire the same time ta caak. Begin testing for doneriess at the shorter time within the range. TESTING FOR DONENESS Whaole turkey: Press thîck part of drumstick; if it feels 'saft the bird is dune. The leg slrauld muve rradily wien yau twist it. If usiiig a nieat 1hermrrneter', ruast stuffed titikey uIo f65 (egrens F. in stuffing anrd unstoffed turkey ta 185 degrees Dnn't stint an seasanings and1 don't cnak it tao long - thase are1 the arrîy rulies for success with1 Ghivetch. WMien yau serve themn, Ilite veçetables should still be criso 1 cup bravvn sugar 3 eggs, beaten 6 tablespoons red currant jelly ¼cup brandy Sift together flour, soda, sait arnd spices. Mix ini raisins, currants, candied peel and bread crumbs. In another bawl mix suet,,sugar, eggs, jelly and brandy. Add ta dry ingredients; blend well. Pour, inta twa 1-quart greased pudding molds, (2/3 full). Lay waxed paper loosely over rnold ta prevent steam which collects an cover dropping into pudding. Cover with mold lid. Place on a rack in a steamer or large kettle where water will reach up ta the mid-point of pudding rnald. Bring water toaa simmer, caver and steam pudding 6 hours. When dane, remave tram kettie. Cool. Wrap in aluminumn fail and set it ta ripen in a cool ,Witlî a little urganization and a and have a lot of their original gaod wark plan you cari cut clown calor. Bag vegetables ini groups your active time in the kitchen ta ahea of lme a science! Most of the work is done CHRISTMAS PLUM PUDDING Tradiîioraliy the plum pudding is mrade early ini December - partly ta let il "rîpen", - partly ta get yau in a festive mood - rnasîly ta lighten your burden as December days get busier with a round of social everirs. There is stili time ta make the pudding - but do it naw so that you wan't run mbt a panic situation the days befare Christmas. 1 cup flour 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon saIt 1 teaspoan cinnamon Y4~ teaspoon nutmeg 3'ï teaspoon mace, 1!4 cups finely'cut raisins (4 Pound seedless) 1 Y2 cups currants piumped (washed in hot water, then drained) '1 %c c up'.fineiy eut candied and lemon peel %' Cu ps coars. sof t (f resh) bread crumbs 7, tupa round iUset on tihe 24th day! - The Christmnas Brotb arnd crautons are prepared, - The turkey defrosts and you make tIhe wild rice stuffing, - The vegetables are washed, cut arrd bagged for convenience, as are the salad greens, - The potatoes are prepared for rebeating, - The plum pudding is taken from its resting spot, - The brandy sauce is made, - The table is set. On Christmas day yau spend an hour ta prepare the bird for tbe aven - then a hait hour before dinner ta remave the turkey tram the aven, coak the vegetables, heat the soup and pudding, combine the salad and generally oversee what you have planned. orange Happy season's eatings tram the Food Specialists-aI the Ontario Food --'Counciil. -Wo Ippo ya Ml enioy THE DAY: We've planned il that way! MHIS CHRISTMAS ILhey add the gala touch to your home, to the home of your hostess. Rennie's :IoraI & Gift Shoppe p55 Baldwin Brooklin M4,, 655-3833 'j, PAGE 8, WEbN¶ESDAV. OD4EMBER 18, 1974, WHITBY FRE E PRESS Chrîstmas at ATTENTION FARMIERSI!! WH Y PA Y MORE? SAV£ ON PREMIfum QUALIT GAS eDIESEL FUEL - s MOTOR Oit 7 ~ Prompt lOeivery *1 * Oui 01 town please cail colect 66"4381 i